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Now And Then Quotes

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Now And Then Quotes: "I have a nightmare about Tony [Blair] and Gordon [Brown] killing each other. Not every month, but now and then. I also have a recurring dream about losing."

I have a nightmare about Tony [Blair] and Gordon [Brown] killing each other. Not every month, but now and then. I also have a recurring dream about losing.

Now And Then Quotes: "They make other nations seem pale and flighty, But they do think England is God almighty, And you must remind them now and then That other countries breed other men."

They make other nations seem pale and flighty, But they do think England is God almighty, And you must remind them now and then That other countries breed other men.

Now And Then Quotes: "You know, it's okay to admit a little weakness now and then, Cammie. It won't kill you. In fact, I hear it makes you stronger."

You know, it's okay to admit a little weakness now and then, Cammie. It won't kill you. In fact, I hear it makes you stronger.

Now And Then Quotes: "Every now and then I will play; I try to focus on charitable work. I might do it because it's an offer I can't refuse, so I rally and try to stay in shape and keep myself active."

Every now and then I will play; I try to focus on charitable work. I might do it because it's an offer I can't refuse, so I rally and try to stay in shape and keep myself active.

Now And Then Quotes: "His eyes made a slow scan of my closet doors, which were cracked. “I thought I heard something.” “Yeah, well, guess what? I’m a living, breathing person, and every now and then I make noise!"

His eyes made a slow scan of my closet doors, which were cracked. “I thought I heard something.” “Yeah, well, guess what? I’m a living, breathing person, and every now and then I make noise!

Now And Then Quotes: "A wolf eats sheep but now and then, ten Thousands are devour'd by Men."

A wolf eats sheep but now and then, ten Thousands are devour'd by Men.

Now And Then Quotes: "I always came away thinking "I'd like to see her more," you know? And then when [Parental Guidance] was ready to be cast, we thought - Bette [Midler]. So we called her."

I always came away thinking "I'd like to see her more," you know? And then when [Parental Guidance] was ready to be cast, we thought - Bette [Midler]. So we called her.

Now And Then Quotes: "I admire ventriloquists, because I can't do that. I mean, I might get mistaken for a ventriloquist dummy every now and then, but I can't do what they do."

I admire ventriloquists, because I can't do that. I mean, I might get mistaken for a ventriloquist dummy every now and then, but I can't do what they do.

Now And Then Quotes: "Every now and then we're going to fail."

Every now and then we're going to fail.

Now And Then Quotes: "Wanderlust is not unheard of in our kind; it comes upon us now and then. When you can live forever, staying in one place can come to seem a dull prison after many, many years."

Wanderlust is not unheard of in our kind; it comes upon us now and then. When you can live forever, staying in one place can come to seem a dull prison after many, many years.

Now And Then Quotes: "Now and then there comes a crash of thunder in a storm, and we look up with amazement when he sets the heavens on a blaze with his lightning."

Now and then there comes a crash of thunder in a storm, and we look up with amazement when he sets the heavens on a blaze with his lightning.

Now And Then Quotes: "Since my adaptation of Ian McEwan's 'Atonement,' I get sent a lot of novels that people think will work as movies. So every now and then I make a point of sitting down and reading a couple of them."

Since my adaptation of Ian McEwan's 'Atonement,' I get sent a lot of novels that people think will work as movies. So every now and then I make a point of sitting down and reading a couple of them.

Now And Then Quotes: "Every now and then say, 'What the fu©k.' 'What the fu©k' gives you freedom. Freedom brings opportunity. Opportunity makes your future."

Every now and then say, 'What the fu©k.' 'What the fu©k' gives you freedom. Freedom brings opportunity. Opportunity makes your future.

Now And Then Quotes: "Sometimes we can make everything a little too perfect. I always was a fan of giving direction, but every now and then going, "I don't know. What do you think? Let's see what happens.""

Sometimes we can make everything a little too perfect. I always was a fan of giving direction, but every now and then going, "I don't know. What do you think? Let's see what happens."

Now And Then Quotes: "So easy to take it for granted, but this is something no normal human was made to see. The world of magic has blessed me with wonders and it's only right to stop every now and then to appreciate it."

So easy to take it for granted, but this is something no normal human was made to see. The world of magic has blessed me with wonders and it's only right to stop every now and then to appreciate it.

Now And Then Quotes: "Sometimes desire is air, sometimes desire is liquid. And every now and then, when everything else is air and liquid, desire solidifies, and the body is the magnet that draws its weight."

Sometimes desire is air, sometimes desire is liquid. And every now and then, when everything else is air and liquid, desire solidifies, and the body is the magnet that draws its weight.

Now And Then Quotes: "I enjoy reality as much as the next man. It's just that in my case, fortunately, reality includes a good stiff belt every now and then."

I enjoy reality as much as the next man. It's just that in my case, fortunately, reality includes a good stiff belt every now and then.

Now And Then Quotes: "To look like you are a real sports fan, when there is a game on TV just yell, Oh, come on! every now and then at the TV."

To look like you are a real sports fan, when there is a game on TV just yell, Oh, come on! every now and then at the TV.

Now And Then Quotes: "The educated horse is a thinking horse, and it seems that he understands every now and then something happens that he must chalk up as a mistake and be done with it."

The educated horse is a thinking horse, and it seems that he understands every now and then something happens that he must chalk up as a mistake and be done with it.

Now And Then Quotes: "I miss basketball every now and then."

I miss basketball every now and then.

Now And Then Quotes: "Don't go taking that gospel stuff seriously. It's nice to clean you out now and then, but it ain't for real. It's like bad whiskey. Run through you fast and leave you with pain."

Don't go taking that gospel stuff seriously. It's nice to clean you out now and then, but it ain't for real. It's like bad whiskey. Run through you fast and leave you with pain.

Now And Then Quotes: "Every now and then, a person must do something simply because he wants to, because it seems to him worth doing. And that does not make it worthless or a waste of time."

Every now and then, a person must do something simply because he wants to, because it seems to him worth doing. And that does not make it worthless or a waste of time.

Now And Then Quotes: "We must be willing to be guided of God, not merely now and then, but as a life proposition."

We must be willing to be guided of God, not merely now and then, but as a life proposition.

Now And Then Quotes: "You may lose by it now and then, but it will be a loss well gained if you do."

You may lose by it now and then, but it will be a loss well gained if you do.

Now And Then Quotes: "Sorrow in the tongue will talk itself cured, if you give it a chance; but sorrow in the eyes has a wicked, wicked way now and then of leaking into the brain."

Sorrow in the tongue will talk itself cured, if you give it a chance; but sorrow in the eyes has a wicked, wicked way now and then of leaking into the brain.

Now And Then Quotes: "A little nonsense now and then is not a bad thing - where would we politicians be if we were not allowed to talk it sometimes."

A little nonsense now and then is not a bad thing - where would we politicians be if we were not allowed to talk it sometimes.

Now And Then Quotes: "Every now and then we discover in the seething mass of humanity round us a person who does not seem to need anybody else, and the contrast with ourselves is stinging."

Every now and then we discover in the seething mass of humanity round us a person who does not seem to need anybody else, and the contrast with ourselves is stinging.

Now And Then Quotes: "I have a friend that has five kids and she went through a trial separation with her husband, and she didn't have time to be upset. Every now and then, she'd call me on the cell phone and just cry."

I have a friend that has five kids and she went through a trial separation with her husband, and she didn't have time to be upset. Every now and then, she'd call me on the cell phone and just cry.

Now And Then Quotes: "I am generally way out of touch with trends, except now and then I am surprised to find myself leading one, like sympathetic vampires."

I am generally way out of touch with trends, except now and then I am surprised to find myself leading one, like sympathetic vampires.

Now And Then Quotes: "Now and then I'll get a student who asks a question that puts me up against the wall and maybe by the end of the semester I can begin to deal with the question."

Now and then I'll get a student who asks a question that puts me up against the wall and maybe by the end of the semester I can begin to deal with the question.

Now And Then Quotes: "One reads many scripts, and some of them are good and some of them are not, but every now and then, one really grabs you. You simply can't put it down."

One reads many scripts, and some of them are good and some of them are not, but every now and then, one really grabs you. You simply can't put it down.

Now And Then Quotes: "Youth has a right to go astray now and then Feeling themselves oppressed by the benevolence."

Youth has a right to go astray now and then Feeling themselves oppressed by the benevolence.

Now And Then Quotes: "In a banana republic, one might slip on a banana peel but things do work - now and then for the people, albeit inefficiently and unreliably."

In a banana republic, one might slip on a banana peel but things do work - now and then for the people, albeit inefficiently and unreliably.

Now And Then Quotes: "Somebody once said that Hollywood is based on a lot of producers deliberately making bad movies, and every now and then somebody gets lucky."

Somebody once said that Hollywood is based on a lot of producers deliberately making bad movies, and every now and then somebody gets lucky.

Now And Then Quotes: "It is pleasant to have a kind word now and then when one is not near enough to have a kind glance or a hearty shake by the hand."

It is pleasant to have a kind word now and then when one is not near enough to have a kind glance or a hearty shake by the hand.

Now And Then Quotes: "... one's own faults are always a heavy chain to drag through life and one can't help groaning under the weight now and then."

... one's own faults are always a heavy chain to drag through life and one can't help groaning under the weight now and then.

Now And Then Quotes: "Now and then, when I look round on my books, they seem to waver as if a wind rippled their solid mass, and another world were about to break through."

Now and then, when I look round on my books, they seem to waver as if a wind rippled their solid mass, and another world were about to break through.

Now And Then Quotes: "No form of liberty is worth a darn [sic] which doesn't give us the right to do wrong now and then."

No form of liberty is worth a darn [sic] which doesn't give us the right to do wrong now and then.

Now And Then Quotes: "Now and then, there's a fool such as I."

Now and then, there's a fool such as I.

Now And Then Quotes: "Many people do not allow their principles to take root, but pull them up every now and then, as children do the flowers they have planted, to see if they are growing."

Many people do not allow their principles to take root, but pull them up every now and then, as children do the flowers they have planted, to see if they are growing.

Now And Then Quotes: "Mingle a little folly with your wisdom; a little nonsense, now and then, is pleasant."

Mingle a little folly with your wisdom; a little nonsense, now and then, is pleasant.

Now And Then Quotes: "Every now and then if you try, you can discover something new."

Every now and then if you try, you can discover something new.

Now And Then Quotes: "Well, there's no other person like me. Ain't nobody else like me. It's flattering. I don't like to do it too much because I get tired of me. But people ask, so I get to do it every now and then."

Well, there's no other person like me. Ain't nobody else like me. It's flattering. I don't like to do it too much because I get tired of me. But people ask, so I get to do it every now and then.

Now And Then Quotes: "What's the point of being a grown-up if you can't indulge the kid inside you every now and then?"

What's the point of being a grown-up if you can't indulge the kid inside you every now and then?

Now And Then Quotes: "But better far it is to speak One simple word, which now and then Shall waken their free nature in the weak And friendless sons of men."

But better far it is to speak One simple word, which now and then Shall waken their free nature in the weak And friendless sons of men.

Now And Then Quotes: "Well, every now and then I would hear the preposterous notion that that Jane Pauley sounds like Barbara Walters. Like I could if I tried?"

Well, every now and then I would hear the preposterous notion that that Jane Pauley sounds like Barbara Walters. Like I could if I tried?

Now And Then Quotes: "A good hanging now and then -- that entertains folk in the provinces and robs death of its glamour."

A good hanging now and then -- that entertains folk in the provinces and robs death of its glamour.

Now And Then Quotes: "As for his name, well, what attorney wouldn't want to be able put a Judge in a crate every now and then?"

As for his name, well, what attorney wouldn't want to be able put a Judge in a crate every now and then?

Now And Then Quotes: "It's common platitude that knowledge is neutral but every now and then it would be useful if it were on your side and not theirs."

It's common platitude that knowledge is neutral but every now and then it would be useful if it were on your side and not theirs.