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On My Knees Quotes

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On My Knees Quotes: "Since my daughter is only half-Jewish, could she go in the water up to her knees?"

Since my daughter is only half-Jewish, could she go in the water up to her knees?

On My Knees Quotes: "Children, who have yet to learn our ways, are notoriously promiscuous in their affection. They’ll sit on anyone’s knee."

Children, who have yet to learn our ways, are notoriously promiscuous in their affection. They’ll sit on anyone’s knee.

On My Knees Quotes: "I've just got crap hair. Although I inherited a lot of stuff from my dad, including giant knees, I didn't get his good, thick hair. I got my mother's thin, wispy, non-event hair instead."

I've just got crap hair. Although I inherited a lot of stuff from my dad, including giant knees, I didn't get his good, thick hair. I got my mother's thin, wispy, non-event hair instead.

On My Knees Quotes: "Because I was flat out wrong I'm on my knees Begging that you Will forgive me, please"

Because I was flat out wrong I'm on my knees Begging that you Will forgive me, please

On My Knees Quotes: "Jesus Christ! I would crawl over the mountains of Beverly Hills on my hands and knees if I could do a movie with Doris Day!"

Jesus Christ! I would crawl over the mountains of Beverly Hills on my hands and knees if I could do a movie with Doris Day!

On My Knees Quotes: "The truly humble feel the ground beneath their feet every day and do not only become aware of it when held aloft or pushed down to their knees."

The truly humble feel the ground beneath their feet every day and do not only become aware of it when held aloft or pushed down to their knees.

On My Knees Quotes: "Some automatic device clicked in her big brain, and her knees felt weak, and there was a chilly feeling in her stomach. She was in love with this man. They don't make memories like that anymore"

Some automatic device clicked in her big brain, and her knees felt weak, and there was a chilly feeling in her stomach. She was in love with this man. They don't make memories like that anymore

On My Knees Quotes: "My soul has made its greatest growth as I have been driven to my knees by adversity and affliction."

My soul has made its greatest growth as I have been driven to my knees by adversity and affliction.

On My Knees Quotes: "It is at our mother's knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest ideals."

It is at our mother's knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest ideals.

On My Knees Quotes: "I guess we're all one phone call from our knees"

I guess we're all one phone call from our knees

On My Knees Quotes: "I walk into a room Just as cool as you please, And to a man, The fellows stand or Fall down on their knees."

I walk into a room Just as cool as you please, And to a man, The fellows stand or Fall down on their knees.

On My Knees Quotes: "[Ronald Reagan] called the image of [George] Washington praying on his knees in Valley Forge "the most sublime image in American history.""

[Ronald Reagan] called the image of [George] Washington praying on his knees in Valley Forge "the most sublime image in American history."

On My Knees Quotes: "The true test of courage is to be afraid and to go ahead and do it anyway - to be scared, is to have your knees knocking, but to walk on in there anyway."

The true test of courage is to be afraid and to go ahead and do it anyway - to be scared, is to have your knees knocking, but to walk on in there anyway.

On My Knees Quotes: "I asked myself if I was genuinely happy and realized I had to change if I wanted to be able to do things with my kids, get rid of the pains in my hips and knees, and stop being judged."

I asked myself if I was genuinely happy and realized I had to change if I wanted to be able to do things with my kids, get rid of the pains in my hips and knees, and stop being judged.

On My Knees Quotes: "Adam was a gardener, and God, who made him, sees that half of all good gardening is done upon the knees."

Adam was a gardener, and God, who made him, sees that half of all good gardening is done upon the knees.

On My Knees Quotes: "I'll try and get through as much as my voice and nerves and knees will let me."

I'll try and get through as much as my voice and nerves and knees will let me.

On My Knees Quotes: "I did this night promise my wife never to go to bed without calling upon God, upon my knees, in prayer."

I did this night promise my wife never to go to bed without calling upon God, upon my knees, in prayer.

On My Knees Quotes: "It's easier to believe in this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness, that brings me to my knees."

It's easier to believe in this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness, that brings me to my knees.

On My Knees Quotes: "Throw high risers at the chin; throw peas at the knees; throw it here when they're lookin' there; throw it there when they're lookin' here."

Throw high risers at the chin; throw peas at the knees; throw it here when they're lookin' there; throw it there when they're lookin' here.

On My Knees Quotes: "The only people without problems are in cemeteries. If you don't have problems, get on your knees and pray."

The only people without problems are in cemeteries. If you don't have problems, get on your knees and pray.

On My Knees Quotes: "Sometimes I think life's only mission is to bring us to our knees...the perfect position to seek God."

Sometimes I think life's only mission is to bring us to our knees...the perfect position to seek God.

On My Knees Quotes: "The greatest lessons I have every learned were at my mother's knees... All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."

The greatest lessons I have every learned were at my mother's knees... All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.

On My Knees Quotes: "When a man falls on his knees and stretches his hands heavenward, he is doing the most natural thing in the world."

When a man falls on his knees and stretches his hands heavenward, he is doing the most natural thing in the world.

On My Knees Quotes: "He who searches for spring with his knees in the mud finds it, in abundance."

He who searches for spring with his knees in the mud finds it, in abundance.

On My Knees Quotes: "Then I show up steady ready and proud and I find I've forgotten how to talk out loud. Isn't it just like you to bring me to my knees?"

Then I show up steady ready and proud and I find I've forgotten how to talk out loud. Isn't it just like you to bring me to my knees?

On My Knees Quotes: "In terms of the secrets that imbue and underlie Fall on Your Knees, they were as much of a mystery to me as I was creating the story as they are to the readers."

In terms of the secrets that imbue and underlie Fall on Your Knees, they were as much of a mystery to me as I was creating the story as they are to the readers.

On My Knees Quotes: "You should always have a pencil skirt. I think knees are the ugliest part of anybody's anatomy, so I'd look for ones that hit at the knee or right below."

You should always have a pencil skirt. I think knees are the ugliest part of anybody's anatomy, so I'd look for ones that hit at the knee or right below.

On My Knees Quotes: "The world has been forced to its knees. Unhappily, we seldom find our way there without being beaten to it by suffering."

The world has been forced to its knees. Unhappily, we seldom find our way there without being beaten to it by suffering.

On My Knees Quotes: "I, in my brand new body, which was not a woman's yet, told the stars my questions and thought God could really see the heat and the painted light, elbows, knees, dreams, goodnight."

I, in my brand new body, which was not a woman's yet, told the stars my questions and thought God could really see the heat and the painted light, elbows, knees, dreams, goodnight.

On My Knees Quotes: "I felt very close to God.... My friends say that's because I was always on my knees."

I felt very close to God.... My friends say that's because I was always on my knees.

On My Knees Quotes: "All right, your knees may be knocking but that shouldn't prevent you from going ahead and doing what you need to do."

All right, your knees may be knocking but that shouldn't prevent you from going ahead and doing what you need to do.

On My Knees Quotes: "What whip lashed them to their knees in shame and submission? The worship of the word "We."

What whip lashed them to their knees in shame and submission? The worship of the word "We.

On My Knees Quotes: "Proud to steal her anything she sees, but you will wind up peeking through her key hole down upon your knees."

Proud to steal her anything she sees, but you will wind up peeking through her key hole down upon your knees.

On My Knees Quotes: "Up off your knees now and shatter the average."

Up off your knees now and shatter the average.

On My Knees Quotes: "you can have one of mine," he says. "i'll yank one out right now." no, that won't count. It has to be the lash that naturally falls out. " He gets on his knees and starts looking for my lash."

you can have one of mine," he says. "i'll yank one out right now." no, that won't count. It has to be the lash that naturally falls out. " He gets on his knees and starts looking for my lash.

On My Knees Quotes: "Will spread his arms wide. On his knees, grinning like a demon, blood dripping from his mouth, he barely looked human himself. “Come and get me."

Will spread his arms wide. On his knees, grinning like a demon, blood dripping from his mouth, he barely looked human himself. “Come and get me.

On My Knees Quotes: "I prefer to die standing than to live on my knees."

I prefer to die standing than to live on my knees.

On My Knees Quotes: "Fear to fear. Be afraid to be afraid. Your worst enemy is within your own bosom. Get to your knees and cry for help, and then rise up saying, 'I will trust, and not be afraid.'"

Fear to fear. Be afraid to be afraid. Your worst enemy is within your own bosom. Get to your knees and cry for help, and then rise up saying, 'I will trust, and not be afraid.'

On My Knees Quotes: "The auld wife sat at her ivied door, (Butter and eggs and a pound of cheese) A thing she had frequently done before; And her spectacles lay on her apron'd knees."

The auld wife sat at her ivied door, (Butter and eggs and a pound of cheese) A thing she had frequently done before; And her spectacles lay on her apron'd knees.

On My Knees Quotes: "I’d prefer to see both knees on the ground. I mean, if you’re going to grovel, be the best groveler you can, right?"

I’d prefer to see both knees on the ground. I mean, if you’re going to grovel, be the best groveler you can, right?

On My Knees Quotes: "We're constantly told that running will ruin our knees and outrage our hearts, but for nearly all of human existence, it was associated with freedom, vitality, and eternal youth."

We're constantly told that running will ruin our knees and outrage our hearts, but for nearly all of human existence, it was associated with freedom, vitality, and eternal youth.

On My Knees Quotes: "Motherhood is not for the faint-hearted. Frogs, skinned knees, and the insults of teenage girls are not meant for the wimpy."

Motherhood is not for the faint-hearted. Frogs, skinned knees, and the insults of teenage girls are not meant for the wimpy.

On My Knees Quotes: "Some reviewed 'The Master' on their knees, and while I respected its distinctive discordancy - can a movie be at once feverish and glacial? - I was unmoved."

Some reviewed 'The Master' on their knees, and while I respected its distinctive discordancy - can a movie be at once feverish and glacial? - I was unmoved.

On My Knees Quotes: "Other than my memory being a bit woolly and my knees being a bit creaky, I don't really think there's anything I can't do."

Other than my memory being a bit woolly and my knees being a bit creaky, I don't really think there's anything I can't do.

On My Knees Quotes: "I got on my knees and sort of communicated with the spirits. When I came out, I was in charge. I couldn't have acted that, I couldn't have written that."

I got on my knees and sort of communicated with the spirits. When I came out, I was in charge. I couldn't have acted that, I couldn't have written that.

On My Knees Quotes: "Personally, I think knees should be kept for the eighth or ninth date, or the wedding day. As a nice surprise you know? 'oh, my darling, you have knees! I never would have thought"

Personally, I think knees should be kept for the eighth or ninth date, or the wedding day. As a nice surprise you know? 'oh, my darling, you have knees! I never would have thought

On My Knees Quotes: "A conversation does not have to be scintillating in order to be memorable. I once met a president of the United States, and his second sentence to me was about knees."

A conversation does not have to be scintillating in order to be memorable. I once met a president of the United States, and his second sentence to me was about knees.

On My Knees Quotes: "I'll be wearing my high heels, even if I'm up to my knees in mud"

I'll be wearing my high heels, even if I'm up to my knees in mud

On My Knees Quotes: "I almost did the knee-jerk thing of saying Judge Judy is funny to me, but I just don't have the patience for the format of that show."

I almost did the knee-jerk thing of saying Judge Judy is funny to me, but I just don't have the patience for the format of that show.