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Paradox Quotes

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Paradox Quotes: "In a critical sense, doing nothing can mean doing something. Inaction can be action and embracing this paradox can save your life."

In a critical sense, doing nothing can mean doing something. Inaction can be action and embracing this paradox can save your life.

Paradox Quotes: "The paradox of simplicity is that making things simpler is hard work."

The paradox of simplicity is that making things simpler is hard work.

Paradox Quotes: "It is not so difficult a task to plant new truths, as to root out old errors; for there is this paradox in men, they run after that which is new, but are prejudiced in favor of that which is old."

It is not so difficult a task to plant new truths, as to root out old errors; for there is this paradox in men, they run after that which is new, but are prejudiced in favor of that which is old.

Paradox Quotes: "A city like London was always going to be a paradox, the best of it so very riddled with the opposite, so Swiss-cheesed with moral holes."

A city like London was always going to be a paradox, the best of it so very riddled with the opposite, so Swiss-cheesed with moral holes.

Paradox Quotes: "It is a paradox. Life is that way. God designed it that way. I believe I met him once. He was full of mischief."

It is a paradox. Life is that way. God designed it that way. I believe I met him once. He was full of mischief.

Paradox Quotes: "The paradox of race in America is that our common destiny is more pronounced and imperiled precisely when our divisions are deeper."

The paradox of race in America is that our common destiny is more pronounced and imperiled precisely when our divisions are deeper.

Paradox Quotes: "It's the good old paradox of democracy. We are individually pretty small drops in the bucket, but collectively we are all powerful."

It's the good old paradox of democracy. We are individually pretty small drops in the bucket, but collectively we are all powerful.

Paradox Quotes: "Usually there is a paradox in what a character wants. A conflict is built deeply within them. And then you put them in motion, throw everything at them until they reveal themselves further."

Usually there is a paradox in what a character wants. A conflict is built deeply within them. And then you put them in motion, throw everything at them until they reveal themselves further.

Paradox Quotes: "It is a paradox of Life that all species breed past mere replacement. Any paradise of plenty soon fills to become paradise no more."

It is a paradox of Life that all species breed past mere replacement. Any paradise of plenty soon fills to become paradise no more.

Paradox Quotes: "One paradox of professional writing is that books written solely for money and/or acclaim will almost never be good enough to garner either."

One paradox of professional writing is that books written solely for money and/or acclaim will almost never be good enough to garner either.

Paradox Quotes: "There's a weird kind of paradox that the more expensive the vacation is, the more potentially anxiety-producing it is."

There's a weird kind of paradox that the more expensive the vacation is, the more potentially anxiety-producing it is.

Paradox Quotes: "We were an extraordinary paradox. We are finite creatures made for the infinite."

We were an extraordinary paradox. We are finite creatures made for the infinite.

Paradox Quotes: "There’s obviously a lot of tragedy in comedy; I really enjoy the paradox of what a really good comedy is."

There’s obviously a lot of tragedy in comedy; I really enjoy the paradox of what a really good comedy is.

Paradox Quotes: "Tragic paradox of freedom: the mediocre men who alone make its exercise possible cannot guarantee its duration."

Tragic paradox of freedom: the mediocre men who alone make its exercise possible cannot guarantee its duration.

Paradox Quotes: "The paradox of publicity is that even as we do it, we know it's killing off the chance of another reader happening across our book in the ideal state of innocence."

The paradox of publicity is that even as we do it, we know it's killing off the chance of another reader happening across our book in the ideal state of innocence.

Paradox Quotes: "It is a paradox that in our time of drastic rapid change, when the future is in our midst devouring the present before our eyes, we have never been less certain about what is ahead of us."

It is a paradox that in our time of drastic rapid change, when the future is in our midst devouring the present before our eyes, we have never been less certain about what is ahead of us.

Paradox Quotes: "As with the onset of sudden celebrity, for the newly rich, the world often becomes a darker, narrower, less generous place; a paradox that elicits scant sympathy, but is nonetheless true."

As with the onset of sudden celebrity, for the newly rich, the world often becomes a darker, narrower, less generous place; a paradox that elicits scant sympathy, but is nonetheless true.

Paradox Quotes: "Thanks to the discoveries of astronomers in the twentieth century, we now know that the heat death is a myth. The heat death can never happen, and there is no paradox."

Thanks to the discoveries of astronomers in the twentieth century, we now know that the heat death is a myth. The heat death can never happen, and there is no paradox.

Paradox Quotes: "Resilience is based on the ability to embrace the extremes -- while no becoming an extremist. ... **Most companies don't do paradox very well.** (emphasis by author) [2002] p.25f"

Resilience is based on the ability to embrace the extremes -- while no becoming an extremist. ... **Most companies don't do paradox very well.** (emphasis by author) [2002] p.25f

Paradox Quotes: "We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life, not life to years."

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life, not life to years.

Paradox Quotes: "[Paradox is] truth standing on its head to gain attention."

[Paradox is] truth standing on its head to gain attention.

Paradox Quotes: "The hands that had made the sun and stars were too small to reach the huge heads of the cattle. Upon this paradox, we might almost say upon this jest, all the literature of our faith is founded."

The hands that had made the sun and stars were too small to reach the huge heads of the cattle. Upon this paradox, we might almost say upon this jest, all the literature of our faith is founded.

Paradox Quotes: "To speak of the impotence of power is no longer a witty paradox."

To speak of the impotence of power is no longer a witty paradox.

Paradox Quotes: "I like the idea of paradox, between the authentic fabrics and sophisticated shapes and between masculine and feminine. I'm not so much for sportswear. I think it's over."

I like the idea of paradox, between the authentic fabrics and sophisticated shapes and between masculine and feminine. I'm not so much for sportswear. I think it's over.

Paradox Quotes: "One of the ideals [Margaret Thatcher] grew up with was self-denial and postponement of gratification, and yet she went about to create a greedy, short-term society. It is a paradox."

One of the ideals [Margaret Thatcher] grew up with was self-denial and postponement of gratification, and yet she went about to create a greedy, short-term society. It is a paradox.

Paradox Quotes: "The paradox of knowledge is not confined to the small, atomic scale; on the contrary, it is as cogent on the scale of man, and even of the stars."

The paradox of knowledge is not confined to the small, atomic scale; on the contrary, it is as cogent on the scale of man, and even of the stars.

Paradox Quotes: "The problem is that groups are only smart when the people in them are as independent as possible. This is the paradox of the wisdom of crowds."

The problem is that groups are only smart when the people in them are as independent as possible. This is the paradox of the wisdom of crowds.

Paradox Quotes: "It is a strange paradox: Humans drown in the water, fish drown in the land."

It is a strange paradox: Humans drown in the water, fish drown in the land.

Paradox Quotes: "I consider myself pretty lazy, but I look back and check out the stuff I've done, and I say, 'God, that's a lot of stuff for a lazy guy.' It's a paradox, I suppose, being both things."

I consider myself pretty lazy, but I look back and check out the stuff I've done, and I say, 'God, that's a lot of stuff for a lazy guy.' It's a paradox, I suppose, being both things.

Paradox Quotes: "Many things are linked to being able to live with uncertainty, ...with paradoxes. But this can be a strength of an organisation and a situation."

Many things are linked to being able to live with uncertainty, ...with paradoxes. But this can be a strength of an organisation and a situation.

Paradox Quotes: "Most marriages recognize this paradox: Passion destroys passion; we want what puts an end to wanting what we want."

Most marriages recognize this paradox: Passion destroys passion; we want what puts an end to wanting what we want.

Paradox Quotes: "That one individual should awaken in another memories that belong to still a third is an obvious paradox."

That one individual should awaken in another memories that belong to still a third is an obvious paradox.

Paradox Quotes: "The grand paradox of our society is this: we magnify man’s right but we minimize his capacities."

The grand paradox of our society is this: we magnify man’s right but we minimize his capacities.

Paradox Quotes: "Paradox: how do we know what we have failed to see because we have no language to express it, thus we cannot know that we have failed to see it."

Paradox: how do we know what we have failed to see because we have no language to express it, thus we cannot know that we have failed to see it.

Paradox Quotes: "There is not a greater paradox in nature,--than that so good a religion [as Christianity] should be no better recommended by its professors."

There is not a greater paradox in nature,--than that so good a religion [as Christianity] should be no better recommended by its professors.

Paradox Quotes: "The paradox of acceptance: When our mind becomes less attached and dependent on things being a certain way our happiness in life dramatically improves."

The paradox of acceptance: When our mind becomes less attached and dependent on things being a certain way our happiness in life dramatically improves.

Paradox Quotes: "The paradox is the seed of truth. This germ just needs a fertile ground to flourish and bear fruit."

The paradox is the seed of truth. This germ just needs a fertile ground to flourish and bear fruit.

Paradox Quotes: "It's the "Success Paradox." When a set of behaviors has gotten you somewhere, you keep doing them even though the circumstances have changed."

It's the "Success Paradox." When a set of behaviors has gotten you somewhere, you keep doing them even though the circumstances have changed.

Paradox Quotes: "I don't believe in objectivity. I observe the observer's paradox every moment I'm filming. Your presence is changing everything; there's no mistaking it. And you have a responsibility."

I don't believe in objectivity. I observe the observer's paradox every moment I'm filming. Your presence is changing everything; there's no mistaking it. And you have a responsibility.

Paradox Quotes: "the translator, a lonely sort of acrobat, becomes confused in a labyrinth of paradox, or climbs a pyramid of dependent clauses and has to invent a way down from it in his own language."

the translator, a lonely sort of acrobat, becomes confused in a labyrinth of paradox, or climbs a pyramid of dependent clauses and has to invent a way down from it in his own language.

Paradox Quotes: "The only way I can access all my strength is to relax. ... The paradox is that you must learn to be relaxed while using all your power."

The only way I can access all my strength is to relax. ... The paradox is that you must learn to be relaxed while using all your power.

Paradox Quotes: "Holland is a land of intense paradox. It is quite impossible, but it is there."

Holland is a land of intense paradox. It is quite impossible, but it is there.

Paradox Quotes: "The deeper and richer a personality is, the more full it is of paradox and contradiction. It is only a shallow character who offers us no problems of contrast."

The deeper and richer a personality is, the more full it is of paradox and contradiction. It is only a shallow character who offers us no problems of contrast.

Paradox Quotes: "By our very nature, we are a human paradox. We are a human being. The being is infinite and the human is very finite. We walk around like lightening in a bottle."

By our very nature, we are a human paradox. We are a human being. The being is infinite and the human is very finite. We walk around like lightening in a bottle.

Paradox Quotes: "The paradox of American democracy has been that its slogan of equal opportunity has meant, often, equal opportunity to get power over your fellows."

The paradox of American democracy has been that its slogan of equal opportunity has meant, often, equal opportunity to get power over your fellows.

Paradox Quotes: "Paradox implies that stating a contradiction disposes of it."

Paradox implies that stating a contradiction disposes of it.

Paradox Quotes: "That's the paradox. Since we can spend as long as we want, we worked so much faster than we used to. I think that when you don't have the pressure anymore, the ideas come faster."

That's the paradox. Since we can spend as long as we want, we worked so much faster than we used to. I think that when you don't have the pressure anymore, the ideas come faster.

Paradox Quotes: "This is the Democratic paradox: You want so much to run America and yet you seem not so fond of Americans."

This is the Democratic paradox: You want so much to run America and yet you seem not so fond of Americans.

Paradox Quotes: "Rather than waste precious time arguing, I went up and started serving my "sentence" without delay. It was usually about an hour for epigrams; somewhat longer for a paradox."

Rather than waste precious time arguing, I went up and started serving my "sentence" without delay. It was usually about an hour for epigrams; somewhat longer for a paradox.