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Paradox Quotes

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Paradox Quotes: "There is no paradox. There is only irony."

There is no paradox. There is only irony.

Paradox Quotes: "Yet a man may love a paradox, without losing either his wit or his honesty."

Yet a man may love a paradox, without losing either his wit or his honesty.

Paradox Quotes: "Knowing that a paradox is required for life as we know it to exist allows me to give up trying constantly to understand it and instead just feel it and enjoy it."

Knowing that a paradox is required for life as we know it to exist allows me to give up trying constantly to understand it and instead just feel it and enjoy it.

Paradox Quotes: "I believe that God locates himself at the spot where you recognize your own fallibility....And the paradox of it all has been that whenever I give up I seem to do better."

I believe that God locates himself at the spot where you recognize your own fallibility....And the paradox of it all has been that whenever I give up I seem to do better.

Paradox Quotes: "The paradox is that by the time you get to be senior, the decisions that matter the most are the ones that would be best made made by people who are junior."

The paradox is that by the time you get to be senior, the decisions that matter the most are the ones that would be best made made by people who are junior.

Paradox Quotes: "You know," King said, "I'm not much good at telling stories. That sounds like a paradox, but it's not; it's the reason I write them down."

You know," King said, "I'm not much good at telling stories. That sounds like a paradox, but it's not; it's the reason I write them down.

Paradox Quotes: "The psychedelic viewpoint is becoming more and more legitimate, but psychedelic drugs are not. That's the odd paradox of it."

The psychedelic viewpoint is becoming more and more legitimate, but psychedelic drugs are not. That's the odd paradox of it.

Paradox Quotes: "An ability to embrace new ideas, routinely challenge old ones, and live with paradox will be the effective leader's premier trait."

An ability to embrace new ideas, routinely challenge old ones, and live with paradox will be the effective leader's premier trait.

Paradox Quotes: "If complexity doesn't beat you, paradox will."

If complexity doesn't beat you, paradox will.

Paradox Quotes: "The old knowledge had been difficult but not distressing. It had been all paradox and myth, and it had made sense. The new knowledge was all fact and reason, and it made no sense."

The old knowledge had been difficult but not distressing. It had been all paradox and myth, and it had made sense. The new knowledge was all fact and reason, and it made no sense.

Paradox Quotes: "If this were the time or the place to uphold a paradox, I am half inclined to state that Norfolk is one of the most beautiful of counties."

If this were the time or the place to uphold a paradox, I am half inclined to state that Norfolk is one of the most beautiful of counties.

Paradox Quotes: "The best paradoxes raise questions about what kinds of contradictions can occur-what species of impossibilities are possible."

The best paradoxes raise questions about what kinds of contradictions can occur-what species of impossibilities are possible.

Paradox Quotes: "The assumption that anything true is knowable is the grandfather of paradoxes."

The assumption that anything true is knowable is the grandfather of paradoxes.

Paradox Quotes: "At a bare minimum, understanding entails being able to detect an internal contradiction: a paradox."

At a bare minimum, understanding entails being able to detect an internal contradiction: a paradox.

Paradox Quotes: "Paradox is thus a much deeper and universal concept than the ancients would have dreamed. Rather than an oddity, it is a mainstay of the philosophy of science."

Paradox is thus a much deeper and universal concept than the ancients would have dreamed. Rather than an oddity, it is a mainstay of the philosophy of science.

Paradox Quotes: "You undergo too strict a paradox, Striving to make an ugly deed look fair."

You undergo too strict a paradox, Striving to make an ugly deed look fair.

Paradox Quotes: "There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it."

There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it.

Paradox Quotes: "Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes."

Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.

Paradox Quotes: "The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist, " says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."

The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist, " says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.

Paradox Quotes: "He who fears he shall suffer, already suffers what he fears."

He who fears he shall suffer, already suffers what he fears.

Paradox Quotes: "Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it."

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.

Paradox Quotes: "Il n'est pas certain que tout soit incertain.(Translation: It is not certain that everything is uncertain.)"

Il n'est pas certain que tout soit incertain.(Translation: It is not certain that everything is uncertain.)

Paradox Quotes: "Technology has given the dumb a tongue"

Technology has given the dumb a tongue

Paradox Quotes: "A philosopher operates with deductions. A sophist operates with paradoxes. A "public intellectual" operates with buzzwords."

A philosopher operates with deductions. A sophist operates with paradoxes. A "public intellectual" operates with buzzwords.

Paradox Quotes: "No one knows for sure that that tomorrow won't come, but most people assume that tomorrow will still exist as usual. This is Toba's Paradox, which means, hope overcomes doubt."

No one knows for sure that that tomorrow won't come, but most people assume that tomorrow will still exist as usual. This is Toba's Paradox, which means, hope overcomes doubt.

Paradox Quotes: "Ah, it is impossible.""No, it is only very difficult - so very difficult that I shall be sure to accomplish it!"

Ah, it is impossible.""No, it is only very difficult - so very difficult that I shall be sure to accomplish it!

Paradox Quotes: "Men have two greatest fears: the first fear is the fear of being needed, and the second fear is the fear of not being needed."

Men have two greatest fears: the first fear is the fear of being needed, and the second fear is the fear of not being needed.

Paradox Quotes: "Your fear of becoming a cliche is what turns you into one. If you remove the fear, we are all really walking contradictions, hypocrites and paradoxical cliches"

Your fear of becoming a cliche is what turns you into one. If you remove the fear, we are all really walking contradictions, hypocrites and paradoxical cliches

Paradox Quotes: "Famine sometimes increases the number of people who are overweight."

Famine sometimes increases the number of people who are overweight.

Paradox Quotes: "I have to go, " I say, helpless.What makes you say the opposite of what every cell in your body wants you to say?"

I have to go, " I say, helpless.What makes you say the opposite of what every cell in your body wants you to say?

Paradox Quotes: "The subtleties of the mind cannot be transmitted in words, but can be seen in words."

The subtleties of the mind cannot be transmitted in words, but can be seen in words.

Paradox Quotes: "The NSA may, or may not have rejected the invisible secret operative application form I never even bothered to have sent over to them. I'll never know..."

The NSA may, or may not have rejected the invisible secret operative application form I never even bothered to have sent over to them. I'll never know...

Paradox Quotes: "The paradox of education is that any man only educated by others is an uneducated man without self-education you cannot be educated one in strict sense of this term."

The paradox of education is that any man only educated by others is an uneducated man without self-education you cannot be educated one in strict sense of this term.

Paradox Quotes: "A town with many men who are less educated and as such ignorant of the real solution to the woes of their society has the same problem as a town with many intellectuals and yet with many problems"

A town with many men who are less educated and as such ignorant of the real solution to the woes of their society has the same problem as a town with many intellectuals and yet with many problems

Paradox Quotes: "Wise is the fool who becomes a master at laughter."

Wise is the fool who becomes a master at laughter.

Paradox Quotes: "Pops added, "you know, they say if you don't vote, you get the government you deserve.""And if you do, you never get the results you expected, " (Katherine) replied."

Pops added, "you know, they say if you don't vote, you get the government you deserve.""And if you do, you never get the results you expected, " (Katherine) replied.

Paradox Quotes: "If you wait for the mango fruits to fall, you'd be wasting your time while others are learning how to climb the tree"

If you wait for the mango fruits to fall, you'd be wasting your time while others are learning how to climb the tree

Paradox Quotes: "We exist only to exist."

We exist only to exist.

Paradox Quotes: "Embrace contradictions for they make upall of life:You will eternally be looking for yourself andseeking ways to lose yourself."

Embrace contradictions for they make upall of life:You will eternally be looking for yourself andseeking ways to lose yourself.

Paradox Quotes: "A woman lives a life of contradictions wrapped inside paradoxes wrapped inside a big candy wrapper."

A woman lives a life of contradictions wrapped inside paradoxes wrapped inside a big candy wrapper.

Paradox Quotes: "One of the great constants in life is change."

One of the great constants in life is change.

Paradox Quotes: "Thus the little mermaid learned her world’s greatest paradox: that their currency was beauty, and their coin was body parts."

Thus the little mermaid learned her world’s greatest paradox: that their currency was beauty, and their coin was body parts.

Paradox Quotes: "Some of the simplest of truths are also some of the most difficult of truths, but such is Christianity: 'If it's not about Christ, it's not about life."

Some of the simplest of truths are also some of the most difficult of truths, but such is Christianity: 'If it's not about Christ, it's not about life.

Paradox Quotes: "Paradoxes are what draws Wisdom like bees to honey! Hence, where there is no paradox (Complexity), there is no need for Wisdom...."

Paradoxes are what draws Wisdom like bees to honey! Hence, where there is no paradox (Complexity), there is no need for Wisdom....

Paradox Quotes: "A great paradox which should God make us understand, we will weep, laugh, wonder and ponder is the paradox of human ignorance"

A great paradox which should God make us understand, we will weep, laugh, wonder and ponder is the paradox of human ignorance

Paradox Quotes: "The contradiction is resolved when you realize that for Jesus peace seems to have meant not the absence of struggle, but the presence of love. -p83"

The contradiction is resolved when you realize that for Jesus peace seems to have meant not the absence of struggle, but the presence of love. -p83

Paradox Quotes: "Our cure for pain is the very root of it: Revenge."

Our cure for pain is the very root of it: Revenge.

Paradox Quotes: "To be happy to be sad and sad to be happy is to sing an echo in that beautiful language called Sorrow."

To be happy to be sad and sad to be happy is to sing an echo in that beautiful language called Sorrow.