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Plato Quotes

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Plato Quotes: "When we are exalted by ideas, we do not owe this to Plato, but to the idea, to which also Plato was debtor."

When we are exalted by ideas, we do not owe this to Plato, but to the idea, to which also Plato was debtor.

Plato Quotes: "Since the time of Plato and Aristotle philosophers have had an interest in taking note of common fallacies in reasoning."

Since the time of Plato and Aristotle philosophers have had an interest in taking note of common fallacies in reasoning.

Plato Quotes: "Plato conceived of philosophy as necessarily gregarious rather than solitary. The exposure of presumptions is best done in company, the more argumentative the better."

Plato conceived of philosophy as necessarily gregarious rather than solitary. The exposure of presumptions is best done in company, the more argumentative the better.

Plato Quotes: "And what is it, according to Plato, that philosophy is supposed to do? Nothing less than to render violence to our sense of ourselves and our world, our sense of ourselves in the world."

And what is it, according to Plato, that philosophy is supposed to do? Nothing less than to render violence to our sense of ourselves and our world, our sense of ourselves in the world.

Plato Quotes: "Paraphrasing Plato's Republic: "Only people who have allowed themselves to be reformed by reality have it in themselves to reform their polis for the better.""

Paraphrasing Plato's Republic: "Only people who have allowed themselves to be reformed by reality have it in themselves to reform their polis for the better."

Plato Quotes: "Plato's concern is not just an intellectual issue, but it is knitted with emotional life as well."

Plato's concern is not just an intellectual issue, but it is knitted with emotional life as well.

Plato Quotes: "The ancient Greeks, as Plato reports, believed that we discover truth through "reminiscence," that is by "remembering," by intuitively searching into our own experience."

The ancient Greeks, as Plato reports, believed that we discover truth through "reminiscence," that is by "remembering," by intuitively searching into our own experience.

Plato Quotes: "Plato once wanted to punish one of his slaves and asked his nephew to do the actual whipping for he himself did not own his anger."

Plato once wanted to punish one of his slaves and asked his nephew to do the actual whipping for he himself did not own his anger.

Plato Quotes: "You two go and have fun. I have plenty of stuff here to entertain me with. Plato rocks! (Tory)"

You two go and have fun. I have plenty of stuff here to entertain me with. Plato rocks! (Tory)

Plato Quotes: "Many modern scholars have found the asceticism expressed in Plato unacceptable; it does not sound like the advice of a reasonable man in the Cartesian tradition."

Many modern scholars have found the asceticism expressed in Plato unacceptable; it does not sound like the advice of a reasonable man in the Cartesian tradition.

Plato Quotes: "To Plato the desire for excessive and special foods ... is a hindrance to the soul's attainment of intelligence."

To Plato the desire for excessive and special foods ... is a hindrance to the soul's attainment of intelligence.

Plato Quotes: "Plato rarely if ever states anything about himself clearly."

Plato rarely if ever states anything about himself clearly.

Plato Quotes: "Plato did claim that the unexamined life was not worth living. Oedipus Rex was not so sure."

Plato did claim that the unexamined life was not worth living. Oedipus Rex was not so sure.

Plato Quotes: "A poet, you see, is a light thing, and winged and holy, and cannot compose before he gets inspiration and loses control of his senses and his reason has deserted him."

A poet, you see, is a light thing, and winged and holy, and cannot compose before he gets inspiration and loses control of his senses and his reason has deserted him.

Plato Quotes: "The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life"

The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life

Plato Quotes: "The Muse herself makes some men inspired, from whom a chain of other men is strung out who catch their own inspiration from theirs."

The Muse herself makes some men inspired, from whom a chain of other men is strung out who catch their own inspiration from theirs.

Plato Quotes: "Wealth does not bring about excellence, but excellence makes wealth and everything else good for men, both individually and collectively."

Wealth does not bring about excellence, but excellence makes wealth and everything else good for men, both individually and collectively.

Plato Quotes: "Keenness is dangerous but also rebirth of thought and mind. Complacency is the death of ideals. Always stay keen."

Keenness is dangerous but also rebirth of thought and mind. Complacency is the death of ideals. Always stay keen.

Plato Quotes: "There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot."

There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot.

Plato Quotes: "For once touched by love, everyone becomes a poet"

For once touched by love, everyone becomes a poet

Plato Quotes: "the matter is as it is in all other cases: if it is naturally in you to be a good orator, a notable orator you will be when you have acquired knowledge and practice ..."

the matter is as it is in all other cases: if it is naturally in you to be a good orator, a notable orator you will be when you have acquired knowledge and practice ...

Plato Quotes: "And, believe me, if I were again beginning my studies, I should follow the advice of Plato and start with mathematics."

And, believe me, if I were again beginning my studies, I should follow the advice of Plato and start with mathematics.

Plato Quotes: "An over examination of life can deter you from life itself"

An over examination of life can deter you from life itself

Plato Quotes: "[O]ther thinkers have philosophised since the time of Plato, but that does not destroy the interest and beauty of his philosophy"

[O]ther thinkers have philosophised since the time of Plato, but that does not destroy the interest and beauty of his philosophy

Plato Quotes: "ingenuity was apparently given man in order that he may supply himself in crises with shapes and sounds with which to guard himself from truth."

ingenuity was apparently given man in order that he may supply himself in crises with shapes and sounds with which to guard himself from truth.

Plato Quotes: "Plato and Aristotle are my teachers. Even Kant is my teacher, but my greatest teacher is my failures."

Plato and Aristotle are my teachers. Even Kant is my teacher, but my greatest teacher is my failures.

Plato Quotes: "Plato said that we are trapped inside a cave and know the world only through the shadows it casts on the wall. The skull is our cave, and mental representations are the shadows."

Plato said that we are trapped inside a cave and know the world only through the shadows it casts on the wall. The skull is our cave, and mental representations are the shadows.

Plato Quotes: "I stare out at the real world projected on the windows"

I stare out at the real world projected on the windows

Plato Quotes: "Most beauty lies in the LIES of the beholder!"

Most beauty lies in the LIES of the beholder!

Plato Quotes: "Many have rehashed the great works of Plato, and coming forward to the 20th century even Napoleon Hill gave us rehashed woo-woo when he replicated Wallace D. Wattles."

Many have rehashed the great works of Plato, and coming forward to the 20th century even Napoleon Hill gave us rehashed woo-woo when he replicated Wallace D. Wattles.

Plato Quotes: "To call the Form [of the Good] eternal is misleading: that something lasts forever does not render it any the better, any more than long-enduring whiteness is whiter than ephemeral whiteness."

To call the Form [of the Good] eternal is misleading: that something lasts forever does not render it any the better, any more than long-enduring whiteness is whiter than ephemeral whiteness.

Plato Quotes: "Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back."-Plato"

Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back."-Plato

Plato Quotes: "My metaphysical thinking is more in alignment with Plato rather than Aristotle's." ~R. Alan Woods [2013]"

My metaphysical thinking is more in alignment with Plato rather than Aristotle's." ~R. Alan Woods [2013]