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Population Quotes

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Population Quotes: "Immigrants are more fertile, and they love families, and they have more intact families, and they bring a younger population. Immigrants create an engine of economic prosperity."

Immigrants are more fertile, and they love families, and they have more intact families, and they bring a younger population. Immigrants create an engine of economic prosperity.

Population Quotes: "If I am correct, the use of a product based on modelessness and monoty would soon become so habitual as to be nearly addictive, leading to a user population devoted to and loyal to the product."

If I am correct, the use of a product based on modelessness and monoty would soon become so habitual as to be nearly addictive, leading to a user population devoted to and loyal to the product.

Population Quotes: "One always returns to the fact that there are just too many of us, the population continues to rise and it's unsustainable."

One always returns to the fact that there are just too many of us, the population continues to rise and it's unsustainable.

Population Quotes: "Members of al Qaeda and other affiliated organizations spent a great deal of time blending into the populations of several nations around the world and exploring all aspects of life there."

Members of al Qaeda and other affiliated organizations spent a great deal of time blending into the populations of several nations around the world and exploring all aspects of life there.

Population Quotes: "With a growing population, there is a growing need for more water delivery and storage."

With a growing population, there is a growing need for more water delivery and storage.

Population Quotes: "I would hate to see the state of Wisconsin make another mistake and locate another casino in a high-density population area"

I would hate to see the state of Wisconsin make another mistake and locate another casino in a high-density population area

Population Quotes: "The increase in the world's population represents our victory over death."

The increase in the world's population represents our victory over death.

Population Quotes: "The strongest initiative that government can take to ensure Australia is prepared for population ageing, is to maintain a strong economy, and a secure nation."

The strongest initiative that government can take to ensure Australia is prepared for population ageing, is to maintain a strong economy, and a secure nation.

Population Quotes: "Sometimes your personal life is much more significant. Sometimes your work life is more significant. Friends and family, or sometimes the general population, take precedence."

Sometimes your personal life is much more significant. Sometimes your work life is more significant. Friends and family, or sometimes the general population, take precedence.

Population Quotes: "Women's voices aren't heard often enough. Congress should reflect the population, but with only 20 percent women in the Senate and 18 percent in the House, it just doesn't."

Women's voices aren't heard often enough. Congress should reflect the population, but with only 20 percent women in the Senate and 18 percent in the House, it just doesn't.

Population Quotes: "The Population Reference Bureau predicts that the world's total population will double to 7,000,000,000 before the year 2000. I suppose they will all want dignity, I said."

The Population Reference Bureau predicts that the world's total population will double to 7,000,000,000 before the year 2000. I suppose they will all want dignity, I said.

Population Quotes: "We can't expect to effectively move forward with half the population carrying sandbags."

We can't expect to effectively move forward with half the population carrying sandbags.

Population Quotes: "This American government has become very adept at attaching labels to people who defend themselves, so that the general population in America will condone their behavior."

This American government has become very adept at attaching labels to people who defend themselves, so that the general population in America will condone their behavior.

Population Quotes: "Britons seem to have given up on assimilating their Muslim population, with many British elites patting themselves on the back for their tolerance and multiculturalism."

Britons seem to have given up on assimilating their Muslim population, with many British elites patting themselves on the back for their tolerance and multiculturalism.

Population Quotes: "We need to recognise that slowing population growth is one of the most cost-effective and reliable ways of easing pressure on our environment and securing a sustainable future for us all"

We need to recognise that slowing population growth is one of the most cost-effective and reliable ways of easing pressure on our environment and securing a sustainable future for us all

Population Quotes: "Every time we share something rather than own it ourselves, we reduce the stress on the planet. That could make the critical difference as the global population continues to grow."

Every time we share something rather than own it ourselves, we reduce the stress on the planet. That could make the critical difference as the global population continues to grow.

Population Quotes: "The impact of NCDs is not only affecting the urban populations but also rural poor. This is compounding the basic problem of poverty."

The impact of NCDs is not only affecting the urban populations but also rural poor. This is compounding the basic problem of poverty.

Population Quotes: "If you look at the population of the world you have roughly 15% that will always be resisting advertising. Fifteen percent of something which has not yet been reached."

If you look at the population of the world you have roughly 15% that will always be resisting advertising. Fifteen percent of something which has not yet been reached.

Population Quotes: "The combination of population growth and the growth in consumption is a danger that we are not prepared for and something we will need global co-operation on."

The combination of population growth and the growth in consumption is a danger that we are not prepared for and something we will need global co-operation on.

Population Quotes: "If everybody switched to organic farming, we couldn't support the earth's current population - maybe half."

If everybody switched to organic farming, we couldn't support the earth's current population - maybe half.

Population Quotes: "The complexity of economics can be calculated mathematically. Write out the algebraic equation that is the human heart and multiply each unknown by the population of the world."

The complexity of economics can be calculated mathematically. Write out the algebraic equation that is the human heart and multiply each unknown by the population of the world.

Population Quotes: "There has always been quite a strong black and white art tradition in Australia, with quite a large contingent of cartoonists, given the size of the population."

There has always been quite a strong black and white art tradition in Australia, with quite a large contingent of cartoonists, given the size of the population.

Population Quotes: "There is no sustainable future for fisheries as long as human populations continue to increase."

There is no sustainable future for fisheries as long as human populations continue to increase.

Population Quotes: "People are annoyed with the Chinese for not respecting more human rights. But with a population that size it's very difficult to have the same attitude to human rights."

People are annoyed with the Chinese for not respecting more human rights. But with a population that size it's very difficult to have the same attitude to human rights.

Population Quotes: "I realize what you can do when you scare the population and how media contributes to that."

I realize what you can do when you scare the population and how media contributes to that.

Population Quotes: "We need diversity in our population to make it work."

We need diversity in our population to make it work.

Population Quotes: "The military has been tremendously important in the past during catastrophes and in protecting the population. But it shouldn't become an auxiliary police force."

The military has been tremendously important in the past during catastrophes and in protecting the population. But it shouldn't become an auxiliary police force.

Population Quotes: "If government knew how, I should like to see it check, not multiply, the population. When it reaches its true law of action, every man that is born will be hailed as essential."

If government knew how, I should like to see it check, not multiply, the population. When it reaches its true law of action, every man that is born will be hailed as essential.

Population Quotes: "The indigenous population is not responsible [for rising HIV infection rates]. It is the foreigners that we have to focus on."

The indigenous population is not responsible [for rising HIV infection rates]. It is the foreigners that we have to focus on.

Population Quotes: "The United States is dangerously close to being a plutocracy. A third of the private wealth is owned by less than 5 percent of the population."

The United States is dangerously close to being a plutocracy. A third of the private wealth is owned by less than 5 percent of the population.

Population Quotes: "You want at least 5% of the population being serious. That five, 6% of the population carries the rest of the people. You've heard that old axiom: 5% of the people pull the wagon; 95% are in it."

You want at least 5% of the population being serious. That five, 6% of the population carries the rest of the people. You've heard that old axiom: 5% of the people pull the wagon; 95% are in it.

Population Quotes: "Indians are the second largest population in the world, but we're invisible on TV - everything is either black or white."

Indians are the second largest population in the world, but we're invisible on TV - everything is either black or white.

Population Quotes: "As population susceptibilities are better understood, we will be in a better position than we are in today to make informed decisions about risk management."

As population susceptibilities are better understood, we will be in a better position than we are in today to make informed decisions about risk management.

Population Quotes: "Yes. The all-volunteer force is comprised of a very small percentage of the population. Therefore, fewer citizens have a personal interest in military matters and are not personally impacted."

Yes. The all-volunteer force is comprised of a very small percentage of the population. Therefore, fewer citizens have a personal interest in military matters and are not personally impacted.

Population Quotes: "A living countryside is not a luxury but a necessity for the human population; if you let conservation go hang until your pockets are jingling there will be a lot less to conserve"

A living countryside is not a luxury but a necessity for the human population; if you let conservation go hang until your pockets are jingling there will be a lot less to conserve

Population Quotes: "Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill."

Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill.

Population Quotes: "It is obvious that the best qualities in man must atrophy in a standing-room-only environment."

It is obvious that the best qualities in man must atrophy in a standing-room-only environment.

Population Quotes: "For the planet's sake, I hope we have bird flu or some other thing that will reduce the population, because otherwise we're doomed."

For the planet's sake, I hope we have bird flu or some other thing that will reduce the population, because otherwise we're doomed.

Population Quotes: "It's never a good idea to organize society in a way that depletes the energy of half the population."

It's never a good idea to organize society in a way that depletes the energy of half the population.

Population Quotes: "Currently, Boston has only nine percent of the state's population - but we provide more than 16 percent of the jobs and 19 percent of the state's revenues."

Currently, Boston has only nine percent of the state's population - but we provide more than 16 percent of the jobs and 19 percent of the state's revenues.

Population Quotes: "Given continued high rates of population increase, all environmental victories are temporary."

Given continued high rates of population increase, all environmental victories are temporary.

Population Quotes: "None of us know all the potentialities that slumber in the spirit of the population, or all the ways in which that population can surprise us when there is the right interplay of events."

None of us know all the potentialities that slumber in the spirit of the population, or all the ways in which that population can surprise us when there is the right interplay of events.

Population Quotes: "Just imagine living on 21,000 a year. I mean you have 20 percent of the population doing that. So you don't have to worry about guys like me."

Just imagine living on 21,000 a year. I mean you have 20 percent of the population doing that. So you don't have to worry about guys like me.

Population Quotes: "The system that had grown up in most states is that wealthy districts with an affluent population can afford to spend a lot more on their public school systems than the poorer districts."

The system that had grown up in most states is that wealthy districts with an affluent population can afford to spend a lot more on their public school systems than the poorer districts.

Population Quotes: "Population control is not an issue involving contraceptives for third world women. It is an issue of ecological justice."

Population control is not an issue involving contraceptives for third world women. It is an issue of ecological justice.

Population Quotes: "Population is a strong driver of the economy as well as the quality of the labor force."

Population is a strong driver of the economy as well as the quality of the labor force.

Population Quotes: "A majority, perhaps as many as 75 percent, of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations."

A majority, perhaps as many as 75 percent, of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations.

Population Quotes: "Less cars on the road means productivity and jobs growth, as it allows for the more efficient movement of goods and services and encourages greater urban population density."

Less cars on the road means productivity and jobs growth, as it allows for the more efficient movement of goods and services and encourages greater urban population density.

Population Quotes: "It must be fundamentally wrong to reduce production of food and fiber while one-third of our population is still ill fed and ill clothed."

It must be fundamentally wrong to reduce production of food and fiber while one-third of our population is still ill fed and ill clothed.