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Prestige Quotes

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Prestige Quotes: "What could you do to a man who owns nothing? You can't starve a fasting man, you can't steal from someone who has no money, you can't ruin someone who hates prestige."

What could you do to a man who owns nothing? You can't starve a fasting man, you can't steal from someone who has no money, you can't ruin someone who hates prestige.

Prestige Quotes: "Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position, or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service, and character."

Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position, or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service, and character.

Prestige Quotes: "Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position."

Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position.

Prestige Quotes: "Even diseases have lost their prestige, there aren't so many of them left. Think it over... no more syphilis, no more clap, no more typhoid... antibiotics have taken half the tragedy out of medicine."

Even diseases have lost their prestige, there aren't so many of them left. Think it over... no more syphilis, no more clap, no more typhoid... antibiotics have taken half the tragedy out of medicine.

Prestige Quotes: "Psychopaths are social predators, and like all predators, they are looking for feeding grounds. Wherever you get power, prestige and money, you will find them."

Psychopaths are social predators, and like all predators, they are looking for feeding grounds. Wherever you get power, prestige and money, you will find them.

Prestige Quotes: "It's okay to be a fat man. It's prestige and power and all of that. But fat women are seen as just lazy and stupid and having no self-control."

It's okay to be a fat man. It's prestige and power and all of that. But fat women are seen as just lazy and stupid and having no self-control.

Prestige Quotes: "Administrators make work for each other so that they can multiply the number of their subordinates and enhance their prestige."

Administrators make work for each other so that they can multiply the number of their subordinates and enhance their prestige.

Prestige Quotes: "The damage done to U.S. prestige by the feckless, buffoonish George W. Bush will take years to repair."

The damage done to U.S. prestige by the feckless, buffoonish George W. Bush will take years to repair.

Prestige Quotes: "I can’t think of any negative [aspects of working in the wrestling industry]. The positive are the money, the comradery, the prestige, the notoriety. A lot of pluses."

I can’t think of any negative [aspects of working in the wrestling industry]. The positive are the money, the comradery, the prestige, the notoriety. A lot of pluses.

Prestige Quotes: "Prestige is the shadow of money and power."

Prestige is the shadow of money and power.

Prestige Quotes: "We cannot allow the American flag to be shot at anywhere on earth if we are to retain our respect and prestige"

We cannot allow the American flag to be shot at anywhere on earth if we are to retain our respect and prestige

Prestige Quotes: "Associating with the wise and the knowledgeable people adds to the prestige of a person."

Associating with the wise and the knowledgeable people adds to the prestige of a person.

Prestige Quotes: "What gives the artist real prestige is his imitators."

What gives the artist real prestige is his imitators.

Prestige Quotes: "There can be no prestige without mystery, for familiarity breeds contempt."

There can be no prestige without mystery, for familiarity breeds contempt.

Prestige Quotes: "Authority doesn't work without prestige, or prestige without distance."

Authority doesn't work without prestige, or prestige without distance.

Prestige Quotes: "In a dying civilization, political prestige is the reward not of the shrewdest diagnostician, but of the man with the best bedside manner."

In a dying civilization, political prestige is the reward not of the shrewdest diagnostician, but of the man with the best bedside manner.

Prestige Quotes: "Literature deserves its prestige for one reason above all others - because it's a tool to help us live and die with a little bit more wisdom, goodness, and sanity."

Literature deserves its prestige for one reason above all others - because it's a tool to help us live and die with a little bit more wisdom, goodness, and sanity.

Prestige Quotes: "The ball gave me prestige, gave me fame, gave me riches. Thank you, my old friend."

The ball gave me prestige, gave me fame, gave me riches. Thank you, my old friend.

Prestige Quotes: "What did I want with prestige? The British Open paid the winner $600 in American money. A man would have to be two hundred years old at that rate to retire from golf."

What did I want with prestige? The British Open paid the winner $600 in American money. A man would have to be two hundred years old at that rate to retire from golf.

Prestige Quotes: "People talk about the prestige of beating records but prestige never bought me dinner in a restaurant. It's winning games that does that."

People talk about the prestige of beating records but prestige never bought me dinner in a restaurant. It's winning games that does that.

Prestige Quotes: "Guard against the prestige of great names; see that your judgments are your own; and do not shrink from disagreement; no trusting without testing"

Guard against the prestige of great names; see that your judgments are your own; and do not shrink from disagreement; no trusting without testing

Prestige Quotes: "Success is not rightly measured by wealth, prestige and power. Success is measured by the yardstick of happiness."

Success is not rightly measured by wealth, prestige and power. Success is measured by the yardstick of happiness.

Prestige Quotes: "Popularity is the slutty little cousin of prestige, my friend."

Popularity is the slutty little cousin of prestige, my friend.

Prestige Quotes: "Photographs trade simultaneously on the prestige of art and the magic of the real."

Photographs trade simultaneously on the prestige of art and the magic of the real.

Prestige Quotes: "Sometimes it is easy... to enhance your prestige by not exercising your responsibility, but that's not been the tradition of the court."

Sometimes it is easy... to enhance your prestige by not exercising your responsibility, but that's not been the tradition of the court.

Prestige Quotes: "The existence of such a war chest might go far to strengthen our prestige and frighten off any would be assailant."

The existence of such a war chest might go far to strengthen our prestige and frighten off any would be assailant.

Prestige Quotes: "Real leadership is not about prestige, power, or status. It is about responsibility."

Real leadership is not about prestige, power, or status. It is about responsibility.

Prestige Quotes: "For all its prestige, its fabulous views, its indoor pool, and its lovely garden, 24 Sussex is more like an old hotel than a modern home."

For all its prestige, its fabulous views, its indoor pool, and its lovely garden, 24 Sussex is more like an old hotel than a modern home.

Prestige Quotes: "People said if [I] was at a party, it gave it prestige. I would let people know I'd arrived by letting off my flash... You could feel the temperature rise right away."

People said if [I] was at a party, it gave it prestige. I would let people know I'd arrived by letting off my flash... You could feel the temperature rise right away.

Prestige Quotes: "The Oscar prestige was fine, but I worked more before I was nominated."

The Oscar prestige was fine, but I worked more before I was nominated.

Prestige Quotes: "Prestige and premium will also play an important role in the future. But some people define these values differently today."

Prestige and premium will also play an important role in the future. But some people define these values differently today.

Prestige Quotes: "It's no wonder there is a mad scramble for victim status on many campuses today. It confers authority and prestige."

It's no wonder there is a mad scramble for victim status on many campuses today. It confers authority and prestige.

Prestige Quotes: "A painter with prestige among painters is bound to be discovered sooner or later."

A painter with prestige among painters is bound to be discovered sooner or later.

Prestige Quotes: "It's what each of us sows, and how, that gives us character and prestige."

It's what each of us sows, and how, that gives us character and prestige.

Prestige Quotes: "A government builds its prestige upon the apparently voluntary association of the governed."

A government builds its prestige upon the apparently voluntary association of the governed.

Prestige Quotes: "If it was so honorable and glorious to be black, why was it the yellow-skinned people among us had so much prestige?"

If it was so honorable and glorious to be black, why was it the yellow-skinned people among us had so much prestige?

Prestige Quotes: "The prestige you acquire by being able to tell your friends that you know famous men proves only that you are yourself of small account."

The prestige you acquire by being able to tell your friends that you know famous men proves only that you are yourself of small account.

Prestige Quotes: "The entire history of mankind is, in any case, nothing but a prolonged fight to the death for the conquest of universal prestige and absolute power."

The entire history of mankind is, in any case, nothing but a prolonged fight to the death for the conquest of universal prestige and absolute power.

Prestige Quotes: "I've opened my mouth on a lot of subjects. And I thought the more prestige you get, I'd have the power to do what I like. It's not true."

I've opened my mouth on a lot of subjects. And I thought the more prestige you get, I'd have the power to do what I like. It's not true.

Prestige Quotes: "Far too many executives have become more concerned with the four P's -- pay, perks, power and prestige -- rather than making profits for shareholders."

Far too many executives have become more concerned with the four P's -- pay, perks, power and prestige -- rather than making profits for shareholders.

Prestige Quotes: "Spontaneous actions of individuals, aiming at nothing else than at the improvement of their own state of satisfaction, undermined the prestige of the coercive status system step by step."

Spontaneous actions of individuals, aiming at nothing else than at the improvement of their own state of satisfaction, undermined the prestige of the coercive status system step by step.

Prestige Quotes: "It's also much clearer how much damage the occupation of Iraq is doing to America's reputation and prestige around the world; and that's just starting now to hit home in the United States."

It's also much clearer how much damage the occupation of Iraq is doing to America's reputation and prestige around the world; and that's just starting now to hit home in the United States.

Prestige Quotes: "Politics is the art of achieving prestige and power without merit."

Politics is the art of achieving prestige and power without merit.

Prestige Quotes: "I have a cosmetics line in Walgreens. It's exclusively at Walgreens. It's called Circa and it's basically prestige cosmetics that are at drug-store prices."

I have a cosmetics line in Walgreens. It's exclusively at Walgreens. It's called Circa and it's basically prestige cosmetics that are at drug-store prices.

Prestige Quotes: "War is the supreme form of prestige."

War is the supreme form of prestige.

Prestige Quotes: "The only thing championship about Wimbledon is its prestige."

The only thing championship about Wimbledon is its prestige.

Prestige Quotes: "The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others."

The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others.

Prestige Quotes: "Science is in low regard."

Science is in low regard.

Prestige Quotes: "Quite apart from the prestige of technology, people do, after all, prefer a simple idea to a complex one."

Quite apart from the prestige of technology, people do, after all, prefer a simple idea to a complex one.