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Problem Quotes

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Problem Quotes: "Mental health is such a complex thing and so difficult to diagnose. What is a mental problem? Who does have mental problems? What's the difference between mental problems and depression and sadness?"

Mental health is such a complex thing and so difficult to diagnose. What is a mental problem? Who does have mental problems? What's the difference between mental problems and depression and sadness?

Problem Quotes: "When you have a problem, rules don't solve your problem. It's caring and education."

When you have a problem, rules don't solve your problem. It's caring and education.

Problem Quotes: "I make solutions that nobody wants to problems that don't exist."

I make solutions that nobody wants to problems that don't exist.

Problem Quotes: "The more profound problem, however, is the degree to which many academic intellectuals, especially in the humanities, have lost their ability to distinguish the 'state' from 'society'."

The more profound problem, however, is the degree to which many academic intellectuals, especially in the humanities, have lost their ability to distinguish the 'state' from 'society'.

Problem Quotes: "Problems are not the problem; coping is the problem."

Problems are not the problem; coping is the problem.

Problem Quotes: "Art is an experience, not the formulation of a problem."

Art is an experience, not the formulation of a problem.

Problem Quotes: "The problem with University degrees, particularly the more spectacular ones, is that people who possess them can fall into the trap of thinking people who don't have them don't know anything."

The problem with University degrees, particularly the more spectacular ones, is that people who possess them can fall into the trap of thinking people who don't have them don't know anything.

Problem Quotes: "It's all about one thing: creative problem-solving to get the story out."

It's all about one thing: creative problem-solving to get the story out.

Problem Quotes: "Illegality will never solve the problem of political lawlessness."

Illegality will never solve the problem of political lawlessness.

Problem Quotes: "Only when something becomes a problem for "me" as one of my goal orientated actions, do I pause in full stride, as it were, in order to learn the competencies that I lack."

Only when something becomes a problem for "me" as one of my goal orientated actions, do I pause in full stride, as it were, in order to learn the competencies that I lack.

Problem Quotes: "Sometimes creativity just means the daily work of helping others to see a problem in a different way."

Sometimes creativity just means the daily work of helping others to see a problem in a different way.

Problem Quotes: "Everybody is sitting around saying, 'Well, jeez, we need somebody to solve this problem of bias.' That somebody is us. We all have to try to figure out a better way to get along."

Everybody is sitting around saying, 'Well, jeez, we need somebody to solve this problem of bias.' That somebody is us. We all have to try to figure out a better way to get along.

Problem Quotes: "The only problem with seeing people you know is that they know you."

The only problem with seeing people you know is that they know you.

Problem Quotes: "I'd hate to see you get cancer, but that's your problem, not mine."

I'd hate to see you get cancer, but that's your problem, not mine.

Problem Quotes: "I like movies that are about real people in real time with real problems."

I like movies that are about real people in real time with real problems.

Problem Quotes: "The problem is, women have stopped setting the bar high."

The problem is, women have stopped setting the bar high.

Problem Quotes: "They say I get into too many bunkers. But is no problem. I am the best bunker player."

They say I get into too many bunkers. But is no problem. I am the best bunker player.

Problem Quotes: "But the problem with looking back when you should be walking ahead is that you usually end up walking into something that hurts."

But the problem with looking back when you should be walking ahead is that you usually end up walking into something that hurts.

Problem Quotes: "It's so much easier to suggest solutions when you don't know too much about the problem."

It's so much easier to suggest solutions when you don't know too much about the problem.

Problem Quotes: "There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide."

There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide.

Problem Quotes: "If you want to work on the core problem, it's early school literacy."

If you want to work on the core problem, it's early school literacy.

Problem Quotes: "Instead of telling God how big your problems are, tell your problem how BIG your God is."

Instead of telling God how big your problems are, tell your problem how BIG your God is.

Problem Quotes: "Kosovo is now the biggest problem confronting Yugoslavia."

Kosovo is now the biggest problem confronting Yugoslavia.

Problem Quotes: "The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you're finished."

The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you're finished.

Problem Quotes: "You'll never find the solution if you don't see the problem."

You'll never find the solution if you don't see the problem.

Problem Quotes: "If I could give advice to anyone, it would be that sometimes the best way you can fight a problem - and this is going to be a little bit controversial - is to not address it."

If I could give advice to anyone, it would be that sometimes the best way you can fight a problem - and this is going to be a little bit controversial - is to not address it.

Problem Quotes: "Grief is not a problem to be fixed but a process to be lived out."

Grief is not a problem to be fixed but a process to be lived out.

Problem Quotes: "Every problem has two handles. You can grab it by the handle of fear or the handle of hope."

Every problem has two handles. You can grab it by the handle of fear or the handle of hope.

Problem Quotes: "There is nothing more productive of problems than a really good solution."

There is nothing more productive of problems than a really good solution.

Problem Quotes: "Any solution to a problem changes the problem."

Any solution to a problem changes the problem.

Problem Quotes: "Soul, a particle of God, is blessed with the gift of creative imagination, which finds a solution for every problem."

Soul, a particle of God, is blessed with the gift of creative imagination, which finds a solution for every problem.

Problem Quotes: "The history of missions is the history of answered prayer. It is the key to the whole mission problem. All human means are secondary."

The history of missions is the history of answered prayer. It is the key to the whole mission problem. All human means are secondary.

Problem Quotes: "Money is merely a reward for solving problems."

Money is merely a reward for solving problems.

Problem Quotes: "If people don't think they have the power to solve their problems, they won't even think about how to solve them."

If people don't think they have the power to solve their problems, they won't even think about how to solve them.

Problem Quotes: "Sometimes the problem is not the people in the band, but the people around the band."

Sometimes the problem is not the people in the band, but the people around the band.

Problem Quotes: "To solve a problem or to reach a goal, you don't need to know all the answers in advance. But you must have a clear idea of the problem or the goal you want to reach."

To solve a problem or to reach a goal, you don't need to know all the answers in advance. But you must have a clear idea of the problem or the goal you want to reach.

Problem Quotes: "This country has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem, and a tyranny problem disguised as a security problem."

This country has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem, and a tyranny problem disguised as a security problem.

Problem Quotes: "I prefer software where kids build something and run into problems they have to solve."

I prefer software where kids build something and run into problems they have to solve.

Problem Quotes: "If you've got a problem, take it out on a drum."

If you've got a problem, take it out on a drum.

Problem Quotes: "When you struggle with a problem, that's when you understand it."

When you struggle with a problem, that's when you understand it.

Problem Quotes: "I was a sober as the next guy. The only problem is the next guy was Dean Martin"

I was a sober as the next guy. The only problem is the next guy was Dean Martin

Problem Quotes: "Raptors are smart. Very smart. Believe me, all the problems we have so far are nothing compared with what we'd have if the raptors ever got out of their holding pen."

Raptors are smart. Very smart. Believe me, all the problems we have so far are nothing compared with what we'd have if the raptors ever got out of their holding pen.

Problem Quotes: "I heart abortion. Where's the shirt for that, urban outfitters?! And it won't be a normal heart. It'll be a dead infant heart. Y'know what the back will say? Problem Solved."

I heart abortion. Where's the shirt for that, urban outfitters?! And it won't be a normal heart. It'll be a dead infant heart. Y'know what the back will say? Problem Solved.

Problem Quotes: "I developed a problem with authority. Any time that authority was what I interpreted as being unjust, I stood up to it, and that became my personality."

I developed a problem with authority. Any time that authority was what I interpreted as being unjust, I stood up to it, and that became my personality.

Problem Quotes: "I don't think kids have a problem with death. It's us older ones who are nearer to it, that start being frightened."

I don't think kids have a problem with death. It's us older ones who are nearer to it, that start being frightened.

Problem Quotes: "Wrong and inappropriate use has caused LSD to become my problem child."

Wrong and inappropriate use has caused LSD to become my problem child.

Problem Quotes: "I tend to avoid writing music about initial reactions to situations, like frustration or anger. I’d rather wait till I go through the problem, and write about the learning that took place."

I tend to avoid writing music about initial reactions to situations, like frustration or anger. I’d rather wait till I go through the problem, and write about the learning that took place.

Problem Quotes: "There is no problem outside of you that is superior to the power within you."

There is no problem outside of you that is superior to the power within you.

Problem Quotes: "Sometimes we get caught up in our troubles and our problems and we let life slip away, but life is precious, all of life, and one must try to take in as much of it as possible."

Sometimes we get caught up in our troubles and our problems and we let life slip away, but life is precious, all of life, and one must try to take in as much of it as possible.