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Problem Quotes

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Problem Quotes: "Problems are good, as long as you solve them quickly."

Problems are good, as long as you solve them quickly.

Problem Quotes: "The problem is we don't know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books - mine included - because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn't happened."

The problem is we don't know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books - mine included - because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn't happened.

Problem Quotes: "Nonviolent resistance makes it possible for the Negro to remain in the South and struggle for his rights. The Negro's problem will not be solved by running away."

Nonviolent resistance makes it possible for the Negro to remain in the South and struggle for his rights. The Negro's problem will not be solved by running away.

Problem Quotes: "The physicians are the natural attorneys of the poor, and the social problems should largely be solved by them."

The physicians are the natural attorneys of the poor, and the social problems should largely be solved by them.

Problem Quotes: "The problem of disbelieving in God is not that a man ends up believing nothing. Alas, it is much worse. He ends up believing anything."

The problem of disbelieving in God is not that a man ends up believing nothing. Alas, it is much worse. He ends up believing anything.

Problem Quotes: "Counting blessings is better than recounting problems"

Counting blessings is better than recounting problems

Problem Quotes: "The cause of all our personal problems and nearly all the problems of the world can be summed up in a single sentence: Human life is very deep, and our modern dominant lifestyle is not."

The cause of all our personal problems and nearly all the problems of the world can be summed up in a single sentence: Human life is very deep, and our modern dominant lifestyle is not.

Problem Quotes: "Your problems aren't too big -- perhaps your worship is too small."

Your problems aren't too big -- perhaps your worship is too small.

Problem Quotes: "You can't solve a problem as complex as inequality in one legal clause."

You can't solve a problem as complex as inequality in one legal clause.

Problem Quotes: "I've really enjoyed my work in television, but the problem for me is the turnover of directors every week."

I've really enjoyed my work in television, but the problem for me is the turnover of directors every week.

Problem Quotes: "No one should have extra influence on an organisation. We should always regard ourselves as equals in the organisation, and we should be concerned about each other's problems."

No one should have extra influence on an organisation. We should always regard ourselves as equals in the organisation, and we should be concerned about each other's problems.

Problem Quotes: "Do you have any problems, other than that you're unemployed, a moron, and a dork?"

Do you have any problems, other than that you're unemployed, a moron, and a dork?

Problem Quotes: "Stress happens when your mind resists what is...The only problem in your life is your mind's resistance to life as it unfolds."

Stress happens when your mind resists what is...The only problem in your life is your mind's resistance to life as it unfolds.

Problem Quotes: "We're surrounded. That simplifies the problem!"

We're surrounded. That simplifies the problem!

Problem Quotes: "All we have to do to create the future is to change the nature of our conversations, to go from blame to ownership, and from bargaining to commitment, and from problem solving to possibility."

All we have to do to create the future is to change the nature of our conversations, to go from blame to ownership, and from bargaining to commitment, and from problem solving to possibility.

Problem Quotes: "I do have a very, very big problem with someone who saw me coming and exploited me as a mascot."

I do have a very, very big problem with someone who saw me coming and exploited me as a mascot.

Problem Quotes: "How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself. So always think positively."

How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself. So always think positively.

Problem Quotes: "Flogging. The only solution to every problem. I warrant even the culprit himself doesn't know! It was just... his... turn!"

Flogging. The only solution to every problem. I warrant even the culprit himself doesn't know! It was just... his... turn!

Problem Quotes: "Unauthorized use of these MP3 files is really creating a problem for artists in the music community."

Unauthorized use of these MP3 files is really creating a problem for artists in the music community.

Problem Quotes: "Africa is wealthy in natural resources; the problem is they are not optimally utilized."

Africa is wealthy in natural resources; the problem is they are not optimally utilized.

Problem Quotes: "The best way to solve any problem is to remove its cause."

The best way to solve any problem is to remove its cause.

Problem Quotes: "The greatest problem in the world today is intolerance. Everyone is so intolerant of each other."

The greatest problem in the world today is intolerance. Everyone is so intolerant of each other.

Problem Quotes: "The problem with putting two and two together is that sometimes you get four, and sometimes you get twenty-two."

The problem with putting two and two together is that sometimes you get four, and sometimes you get twenty-two.

Problem Quotes: "Here's the problem. Most people are thinking about what they don't want, and they're wondering why it shows up over and over again."

Here's the problem. Most people are thinking about what they don't want, and they're wondering why it shows up over and over again.

Problem Quotes: "I am very seldom interested in applications. I am more interested in the elegance of a problem. Is it a good problem, an interesting problem?"

I am very seldom interested in applications. I am more interested in the elegance of a problem. Is it a good problem, an interesting problem?

Problem Quotes: "We don't really learn anything properly until there is a problem, until we are in pain, until something fails to go as we had hoped ... We suffer, therefore we think."

We don't really learn anything properly until there is a problem, until we are in pain, until something fails to go as we had hoped ... We suffer, therefore we think.

Problem Quotes: "The problem is, of course, that these interest groups are all asking for changes, but their enthusiasm for change rapidly disappears when it affects the core of their own interests."

The problem is, of course, that these interest groups are all asking for changes, but their enthusiasm for change rapidly disappears when it affects the core of their own interests.

Problem Quotes: "The world is not a problem; the problem is your unawareness."

The world is not a problem; the problem is your unawareness.

Problem Quotes: "A mystery is a problem that encroaches upon itself because the questioner becomes the object of the question. Getting to Mars is a problem. Falling in love is a mystery."

A mystery is a problem that encroaches upon itself because the questioner becomes the object of the question. Getting to Mars is a problem. Falling in love is a mystery.

Problem Quotes: "Don't fight the problem, decide it."

Don't fight the problem, decide it.

Problem Quotes: "From the cradle to the grave is a school, so if what we call problems are lessons, we see life differently."

From the cradle to the grave is a school, so if what we call problems are lessons, we see life differently.

Problem Quotes: "There are no small problems. Problems that appear small are large problems that are not understood"

There are no small problems. Problems that appear small are large problems that are not understood

Problem Quotes: "Always try the problem that matters most to you."

Always try the problem that matters most to you.

Problem Quotes: "I came to join the revolution, not to kill the Cambodian people. Look at me now. Am I a violent person? No. So, as far as my conscience and my mission were concerned, there was no problem."

I came to join the revolution, not to kill the Cambodian people. Look at me now. Am I a violent person? No. So, as far as my conscience and my mission were concerned, there was no problem.

Problem Quotes: "So-called 'undesirables' are not the problem. It is the measures taken to combat them that is the problem."

So-called 'undesirables' are not the problem. It is the measures taken to combat them that is the problem.

Problem Quotes: "The main political problem is how to prevent the police power from becoming tyrannical. This is the meaning of all the struggles for liberty."

The main political problem is how to prevent the police power from becoming tyrannical. This is the meaning of all the struggles for liberty.

Problem Quotes: "Privilege is when you think that something's not a problem because it's not a problem for you personally."

Privilege is when you think that something's not a problem because it's not a problem for you personally.

Problem Quotes: "A problem well stated is a problem half-solved."

A problem well stated is a problem half-solved.

Problem Quotes: "If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem."

If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.

Problem Quotes: "On the contrary, the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective."

On the contrary, the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.

Problem Quotes: "They are scared that the BBC or CNN may call them radicals, so they remain soft instead. The problem lies there, with the Muslim leaders, not the Muslim masses."

They are scared that the BBC or CNN may call them radicals, so they remain soft instead. The problem lies there, with the Muslim leaders, not the Muslim masses.

Problem Quotes: "Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to just stop caring."

Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to just stop caring.

Problem Quotes: "The fundamental problem is that there's no credibility in the judicial system, which is a system that's been completely politicized. This is retaliation and selective repression."

The fundamental problem is that there's no credibility in the judicial system, which is a system that's been completely politicized. This is retaliation and selective repression.

Problem Quotes: "I'm very interested in portraying homosexual man and woman in my films because I'm interested in their lives and their problems."

I'm very interested in portraying homosexual man and woman in my films because I'm interested in their lives and their problems.

Problem Quotes: "... it can often be profitable to try a technique on a problem even if you know in advance that it cannot possibly solve the problem completely."

... it can often be profitable to try a technique on a problem even if you know in advance that it cannot possibly solve the problem completely.

Problem Quotes: "Problems breed problems, and the lack of a disciplined method of openly attacking them breeds more problems."

Problems breed problems, and the lack of a disciplined method of openly attacking them breeds more problems.

Problem Quotes: "The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year."

The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.

Problem Quotes: "About the only problem with success is that it does not teach you how to deal with failure."

About the only problem with success is that it does not teach you how to deal with failure.

Problem Quotes: "My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income."

My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income.