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Profound Quotes

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Profound Quotes: "Conceptual writing is looking for that "Aha!" moment, when something so simple, right under our noses, is revealed as being awe- inspiring, profound, and transcendent."

Conceptual writing is looking for that "Aha!" moment, when something so simple, right under our noses, is revealed as being awe- inspiring, profound, and transcendent.

Profound Quotes: "The question is whether or not our insecurities are substantial enough to hurt, limit, or even distract us from profound effectiveness or fulfillment of purpose."

The question is whether or not our insecurities are substantial enough to hurt, limit, or even distract us from profound effectiveness or fulfillment of purpose.

Profound Quotes: "Packs a Huge Emotional Punch! Graceful Writing, Great Acting, Exquisite Direction, Suspense, Profound Subject Matter and It Rocks!"

Packs a Huge Emotional Punch! Graceful Writing, Great Acting, Exquisite Direction, Suspense, Profound Subject Matter and It Rocks!

Profound Quotes: "It occurred to me that there was no difference between men, in intelligence or race, so profound as the difference between the sick and the well."

It occurred to me that there was no difference between men, in intelligence or race, so profound as the difference between the sick and the well.

Profound Quotes: "He has a profound respect for old age. Especially when it's bottled."

He has a profound respect for old age. Especially when it's bottled.

Profound Quotes: "Today we bury his remains in the earth as a seed of immortality. Our hearts are full of sadness, yet at the same time of joyful hope and profound gratitude."

Today we bury his remains in the earth as a seed of immortality. Our hearts are full of sadness, yet at the same time of joyful hope and profound gratitude.

Profound Quotes: "What if i fail?" ...the more profound question is, "what if i never fail?" "Stop making excuses and start managing your fear."

What if i fail?" ...the more profound question is, "what if i never fail?" "Stop making excuses and start managing your fear.

Profound Quotes: "My hope is that this movie will affect people on a very profound level and reach them with a message of faith, hope, love and forgiveness."

My hope is that this movie will affect people on a very profound level and reach them with a message of faith, hope, love and forgiveness.

Profound Quotes: "It's all kinds of these profound things crashing on you when your child arrives into the world. It's like you've met your reason to live."

It's all kinds of these profound things crashing on you when your child arrives into the world. It's like you've met your reason to live.

Profound Quotes: "In any work you do, you can be profound one minute, and then you be superficial the next, and you can be smart and insightful and then insipid. There can be room for all that."

In any work you do, you can be profound one minute, and then you be superficial the next, and you can be smart and insightful and then insipid. There can be room for all that.

Profound Quotes: "Godzilla. The big, green G-man has had a profound influence on my creative endeavors and imagination since I was blueberry-avoiding kid."

Godzilla. The big, green G-man has had a profound influence on my creative endeavors and imagination since I was blueberry-avoiding kid.

Profound Quotes: "Okay everybody, line up in alphabetical order according to your height."

Okay everybody, line up in alphabetical order according to your height.

Profound Quotes: "An egotist is a person of low taste - more interested in himself than in me."

An egotist is a person of low taste - more interested in himself than in me.

Profound Quotes: "The profound immoralities of our time are cruelty, indifference, injustice and the use of others as means rather than ends in themselves."

The profound immoralities of our time are cruelty, indifference, injustice and the use of others as means rather than ends in themselves.

Profound Quotes: "Probably the most profound thing in the Bible is 'Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.' This is what, to me, is the essence of Christianity."

Probably the most profound thing in the Bible is 'Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.' This is what, to me, is the essence of Christianity.

Profound Quotes: "Authentic happiness is not linked to an activity; it is a state of being, a profound emotional balance struck by a subtle understanding of how the mind functions."

Authentic happiness is not linked to an activity; it is a state of being, a profound emotional balance struck by a subtle understanding of how the mind functions.

Profound Quotes: "The most generous choices, especially the persevering, are the fruit of profound and prolonged union with God in prayerful silence."

The most generous choices, especially the persevering, are the fruit of profound and prolonged union with God in prayerful silence.

Profound Quotes: "What is truly profound is thought to be stupid and trivial, or worse, boring, while what is actually stupid and trivial is thought to be profound. That is what it means to fly upside down."

What is truly profound is thought to be stupid and trivial, or worse, boring, while what is actually stupid and trivial is thought to be profound. That is what it means to fly upside down.

Profound Quotes: "Adaptation is a profound process. Means you figure out how to thrive in the world."

Adaptation is a profound process. Means you figure out how to thrive in the world.

Profound Quotes: "Love cannot exist in peace, it will always come accompanied by agonies, ecstasies, intense joys and profound sadnesses."

Love cannot exist in peace, it will always come accompanied by agonies, ecstasies, intense joys and profound sadnesses.

Profound Quotes: "The most striking development of the great depression of 1929 is a profound skepticism of the future of contemporary society among large sections of the American people."

The most striking development of the great depression of 1929 is a profound skepticism of the future of contemporary society among large sections of the American people.

Profound Quotes: "So when Jesus says "Love your enemies," he is setting forth a profound and ultimately inescapable admonition."

So when Jesus says "Love your enemies," he is setting forth a profound and ultimately inescapable admonition.

Profound Quotes: "Joe DiMaggio was the greatest all-around player I ever saw. His career can not be summed up in numbers and awards. It might sound corny, but he had a profound and lasting impact on the country."

Joe DiMaggio was the greatest all-around player I ever saw. His career can not be summed up in numbers and awards. It might sound corny, but he had a profound and lasting impact on the country.

Profound Quotes: "All I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power."

All I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power.

Profound Quotes: "I wake up to profound perspective that allows me to celebrate the choices of my moments, of my life."

I wake up to profound perspective that allows me to celebrate the choices of my moments, of my life.

Profound Quotes: "She looks uptown, but she ain't really. She's into football, she likes my chili."

She looks uptown, but she ain't really. She's into football, she likes my chili.

Profound Quotes: "There were times, I'm sure you knew, when I bit off more than I could chew. But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out."

There were times, I'm sure you knew, when I bit off more than I could chew. But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out.

Profound Quotes: "The simpler the insight, the more profound the conclusion."

The simpler the insight, the more profound the conclusion.

Profound Quotes: "I like the word "indolence." It makes my laziness seem classy."

I like the word "indolence." It makes my laziness seem classy.

Profound Quotes: "Analytical software enables you to shift human resources from rote data collection to value-added customer service and support where the human touch makes a profound difference."

Analytical software enables you to shift human resources from rote data collection to value-added customer service and support where the human touch makes a profound difference.

Profound Quotes: "The level of communication you can achieve with an infant is really profound."

The level of communication you can achieve with an infant is really profound.

Profound Quotes: "All the things of the universe are perfect miracles, each as profound as any."

All the things of the universe are perfect miracles, each as profound as any.

Profound Quotes: "What could be more simple and more complex, more obvious and more profound than a portrait."

What could be more simple and more complex, more obvious and more profound than a portrait.

Profound Quotes: "Something cannot emerge from nothing."

Something cannot emerge from nothing.

Profound Quotes: "The profound difference that divides the human race is a question of bait - whether to fish with worms or not."

The profound difference that divides the human race is a question of bait - whether to fish with worms or not.

Profound Quotes: "Now my ability to notice things and respond to things and be here is far more profound. With that comes happiness, with it comes sadness, but it's a beautiful life."

Now my ability to notice things and respond to things and be here is far more profound. With that comes happiness, with it comes sadness, but it's a beautiful life.

Profound Quotes: "Clearness ornaments profound thoughts."

Clearness ornaments profound thoughts.

Profound Quotes: "people are capable of profound metamorphosis, though unfortunately they rarely avail themselves of this genius, force of habit being an even greater enemy of change than cowardice."

people are capable of profound metamorphosis, though unfortunately they rarely avail themselves of this genius, force of habit being an even greater enemy of change than cowardice.

Profound Quotes: "A few feet under the ground reigns so profound a silence, and yet so much tumult on the surface!"

A few feet under the ground reigns so profound a silence, and yet so much tumult on the surface!

Profound Quotes: "It is not that the French are not profound, but they all express themselves so well that we are led to take their geese for swans."

It is not that the French are not profound, but they all express themselves so well that we are led to take their geese for swans.

Profound Quotes: "One should never be where one does not belong."

One should never be where one does not belong.

Profound Quotes: "War has always been the grand sagacity of every spirit which has grown too inward and too profound; its curative power lies even in the wounds one receives."

War has always been the grand sagacity of every spirit which has grown too inward and too profound; its curative power lies even in the wounds one receives.

Profound Quotes: "One of the great mind destroyers of college education is the belief that if it's very complex, it's very profound."

One of the great mind destroyers of college education is the belief that if it's very complex, it's very profound.

Profound Quotes: "We know what to do and we know how to do it, these investments save lives, empower women and girls, strengthen health systems and have a profound and lasting impact on development."

We know what to do and we know how to do it, these investments save lives, empower women and girls, strengthen health systems and have a profound and lasting impact on development.

Profound Quotes: "My attraction had been immediate and profound. And it had nothing to do with the way he looked. My attraction was to what resided between his lines."

My attraction had been immediate and profound. And it had nothing to do with the way he looked. My attraction was to what resided between his lines.

Profound Quotes: "It is only about things which concern us most profoundly that we lie clearly and with profound conviction."

It is only about things which concern us most profoundly that we lie clearly and with profound conviction.

Profound Quotes: "My mom is one of 14 children. She's a great lady. She's a Taurus. Has been a profound influence in my life, still is to this day. Born in meager surroundings in rural South Carolina."

My mom is one of 14 children. She's a great lady. She's a Taurus. Has been a profound influence in my life, still is to this day. Born in meager surroundings in rural South Carolina.

Profound Quotes: "Collaboration is vital to sustain what we call profound or really deep change, because without it, organizations are just overwhelmed by the forces of the status quo."

Collaboration is vital to sustain what we call profound or really deep change, because without it, organizations are just overwhelmed by the forces of the status quo.

Profound Quotes: "Freaks are called freaks and are treated as they are treated – in the main, abominably – because they are human beings who cause to echo, deep within us, our most profound terrors and desires."

Freaks are called freaks and are treated as they are treated – in the main, abominably – because they are human beings who cause to echo, deep within us, our most profound terrors and desires.