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Profound Quotes

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Profound Quotes: "War has always been the grand sagacity of every spirit which has grown too inward and too profound; its curative power lies even in the wounds one receives."

War has always been the grand sagacity of every spirit which has grown too inward and too profound; its curative power lies even in the wounds one receives.

Profound Quotes: "One should never be where one does not belong."

One should never be where one does not belong.

Profound Quotes: "It is not that the French are not profound, but they all express themselves so well that we are led to take their geese for swans."

It is not that the French are not profound, but they all express themselves so well that we are led to take their geese for swans.

Profound Quotes: "A few feet under the ground reigns so profound a silence, and yet so much tumult on the surface!"

A few feet under the ground reigns so profound a silence, and yet so much tumult on the surface!

Profound Quotes: "Now my ability to notice things and respond to things and be here is far more profound. With that comes happiness, with it comes sadness, but it's a beautiful life."

Now my ability to notice things and respond to things and be here is far more profound. With that comes happiness, with it comes sadness, but it's a beautiful life.

Profound Quotes: "The profound difference that divides the human race is a question of bait - whether to fish with worms or not."

The profound difference that divides the human race is a question of bait - whether to fish with worms or not.

Profound Quotes: "Something cannot emerge from nothing."

Something cannot emerge from nothing.

Profound Quotes: "What could be more simple and more complex, more obvious and more profound than a portrait."

What could be more simple and more complex, more obvious and more profound than a portrait.

Profound Quotes: "All the things of the universe are perfect miracles, each as profound as any."

All the things of the universe are perfect miracles, each as profound as any.

Profound Quotes: "A story so cherished it has to be dressed in casualness to disguise its significance in case the listener turned out to be unsympathetic."

A story so cherished it has to be dressed in casualness to disguise its significance in case the listener turned out to be unsympathetic.

Profound Quotes: "I imagine that the intelligent people are the ones so intelligent that they don't even need or want to look 'intelligent' anymore."

I imagine that the intelligent people are the ones so intelligent that they don't even need or want to look 'intelligent' anymore.

Profound Quotes: "Catcher in the Rye had a profound impact on me-the idea that we all have lots of dreams that are slowly being chipped away as we grow up."

Catcher in the Rye had a profound impact on me-the idea that we all have lots of dreams that are slowly being chipped away as we grow up.

Profound Quotes: "There are moments of existence when time and space are more profound, and the awareness of existence is immensely heightened."

There are moments of existence when time and space are more profound, and the awareness of existence is immensely heightened.

Profound Quotes: "Intelligence and war are games, perhaps the only meaningful games left. If any player becomes too proficient, the game is threatened with termination."

Intelligence and war are games, perhaps the only meaningful games left. If any player becomes too proficient, the game is threatened with termination.

Profound Quotes: "By focusing on love and cultivating an internal security, we can start to take the steps in our lives to create profound change."

By focusing on love and cultivating an internal security, we can start to take the steps in our lives to create profound change.

Profound Quotes: "Did you ever admire an empty-headed writer for his or her mastery of the language? No. So your own winning style must begin with ideas in your head."

Did you ever admire an empty-headed writer for his or her mastery of the language? No. So your own winning style must begin with ideas in your head.

Profound Quotes: "I think it would be totally inappropriate for me to even contemplate what I am thinking about."

I think it would be totally inappropriate for me to even contemplate what I am thinking about.

Profound Quotes: "Bereavement is the deepest initiation into the mysteries of human life, an initiation more searching and profound than even happy love."

Bereavement is the deepest initiation into the mysteries of human life, an initiation more searching and profound than even happy love.

Profound Quotes: "If one desires to receive one must first give. This is called profound understanding."

If one desires to receive one must first give. This is called profound understanding.

Profound Quotes: "He who follows his lessons tastes a profound peace, and looks upon everybody as a bunch of manure."

He who follows his lessons tastes a profound peace, and looks upon everybody as a bunch of manure.

Profound Quotes: "An intuitive grasp of your character is formed by exploring scenes of profound emotional import-moments of overwhelming shame, joy, fear, pride, regret, forgiveness."

An intuitive grasp of your character is formed by exploring scenes of profound emotional import-moments of overwhelming shame, joy, fear, pride, regret, forgiveness.

Profound Quotes: "In [chess], where the pieces have different and "bizarre" motions, with various and variable values, what is only complex, is mistaken (a not unusual error) for what is profound"

In [chess], where the pieces have different and "bizarre" motions, with various and variable values, what is only complex, is mistaken (a not unusual error) for what is profound

Profound Quotes: "The sorrows we imagine are more profound and inconsolable than real life leaves us time for."

The sorrows we imagine are more profound and inconsolable than real life leaves us time for.

Profound Quotes: "The sorrows of children are profound and unsuspected."

The sorrows of children are profound and unsuspected.

Profound Quotes: "So, are we equals? Until he answer is yes, we must never stop asking."

So, are we equals? Until he answer is yes, we must never stop asking.

Profound Quotes: "Self-esteem is not a luxury; it is a profound spiritual need."

Self-esteem is not a luxury; it is a profound spiritual need.

Profound Quotes: "Profound music leads us beyond language...to the dark roots of our scream and the celestial heights of our silence."

Profound music leads us beyond language...to the dark roots of our scream and the celestial heights of our silence.

Profound Quotes: "The most profound indication of social malignancy ... no sense of humor. None of the monoliths could take a joke."

The most profound indication of social malignancy ... no sense of humor. None of the monoliths could take a joke.

Profound Quotes: "Mourning is one of the most profound human experiences that it is possible to have."

Mourning is one of the most profound human experiences that it is possible to have.

Profound Quotes: "When sometimes, behind his back, they called him a tyrant, he merely smiled and uttered this profound observation: If some day I turn liberal, they will say I have let them down."

When sometimes, behind his back, they called him a tyrant, he merely smiled and uttered this profound observation: If some day I turn liberal, they will say I have let them down.

Profound Quotes: "Women seem not to understand, or underestimate, the profound power they have over their husbands."

Women seem not to understand, or underestimate, the profound power they have over their husbands.

Profound Quotes: "I can't pick out one single book that had such a profound personal impact."

I can't pick out one single book that had such a profound personal impact.

Profound Quotes: "Culture is on the horns of this dilemma: if profound and noble it must remain rare, if common it must become mean."

Culture is on the horns of this dilemma: if profound and noble it must remain rare, if common it must become mean.

Profound Quotes: "Art is based on a strong sentiment of religion,--on a profound and mighty earnestness; hence it is so prone to co-operate with religion."

Art is based on a strong sentiment of religion,--on a profound and mighty earnestness; hence it is so prone to co-operate with religion.

Profound Quotes: "Music is the answer to the mystery of life. The most profound of all the arts, It expresses the deepest thoughts of life."

Music is the answer to the mystery of life. The most profound of all the arts, It expresses the deepest thoughts of life.

Profound Quotes: "Advertisers and marketers should be looking to bring new experiences to different parts of the brain. It's a more profound idea than just dropping a billboard into a video game."

Advertisers and marketers should be looking to bring new experiences to different parts of the brain. It's a more profound idea than just dropping a billboard into a video game.

Profound Quotes: "I read world literature and I read French romances in the originals. I had quite a profound knowledge - no, that sounds conceited, but I did have a profound interest in everything spiritual."

I read world literature and I read French romances in the originals. I had quite a profound knowledge - no, that sounds conceited, but I did have a profound interest in everything spiritual.

Profound Quotes: "Profound skepticism is favorable to conventions, because it doubts that the criticism of conventions is any truer than they are."

Profound skepticism is favorable to conventions, because it doubts that the criticism of conventions is any truer than they are.

Profound Quotes: "How you end something as profound and important as a marriage is a reflection of how you live your life--financially, emotionally, and spiritually."

How you end something as profound and important as a marriage is a reflection of how you live your life--financially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Profound Quotes: "I got involved with classical music when I was in high school and it's followed me throughout my entire life and probably had a profound effect on my life."

I got involved with classical music when I was in high school and it's followed me throughout my entire life and probably had a profound effect on my life.

Profound Quotes: "The more intense has been the religion of any period and the more profound has been the dogmatic belief, the greater has been the cruelty and the worse has been the state of affairs."

The more intense has been the religion of any period and the more profound has been the dogmatic belief, the greater has been the cruelty and the worse has been the state of affairs.

Profound Quotes: "There in the center of that silence was not eternity but the death of time and a loneliness so profound the word itself had no meaning."

There in the center of that silence was not eternity but the death of time and a loneliness so profound the word itself had no meaning.

Profound Quotes: "His (God) love is not a passing fancy or superficial emotion; it is a profound and unshakable commitment that seeks what is best for us."

His (God) love is not a passing fancy or superficial emotion; it is a profound and unshakable commitment that seeks what is best for us.

Profound Quotes: "Magicians have taken something intrinsically profound and made it look trivial."

Magicians have taken something intrinsically profound and made it look trivial.

Profound Quotes: "The energy of gratitude catapults us into the most profound experiences imaginable."

The energy of gratitude catapults us into the most profound experiences imaginable.

Profound Quotes: "A transfer of money should never be involved in this profound situation. Although illness is profound, too, but medicine's a business today. It's a business."

A transfer of money should never be involved in this profound situation. Although illness is profound, too, but medicine's a business today. It's a business.

Profound Quotes: "A bird sings, a child prattles, but it is the same hymn; hymn indistinct, inarticulate, but full of profound meaning."

A bird sings, a child prattles, but it is the same hymn; hymn indistinct, inarticulate, but full of profound meaning.

Profound Quotes: "It's kind of hard to articulate, but, like, this notion of mercy, forgiveness, was very appealing for me. It was very profound. And it had a deep impact, and I think it still does."

It's kind of hard to articulate, but, like, this notion of mercy, forgiveness, was very appealing for me. It was very profound. And it had a deep impact, and I think it still does.

Profound Quotes: "All profound truths startle you in the first announcement."

All profound truths startle you in the first announcement.