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Proven Quotes

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Proven Quotes: "You put a movie star or a bunch of movie stars in a movie, it doesn't mean people are gonna go see it. It's been proven time and time again."

You put a movie star or a bunch of movie stars in a movie, it doesn't mean people are gonna go see it. It's been proven time and time again.

Proven Quotes: "With everything it has to offer, Las Vegas is an obvious destination for tourists, as proven by the over 40 million visitors the city welcomes per year."

With everything it has to offer, Las Vegas is an obvious destination for tourists, as proven by the over 40 million visitors the city welcomes per year.

Proven Quotes: "You know, in Saudi Arabia, you're innocent until proven Jewish. Female. Guilty! They're guilty!"

You know, in Saudi Arabia, you're innocent until proven Jewish. Female. Guilty! They're guilty!

Proven Quotes: "We need to repeal and replace Obamacare. It is the largest tax in U.S. history, has proven to be a job-killer, and has driven up the cost of healthcare."

We need to repeal and replace Obamacare. It is the largest tax in U.S. history, has proven to be a job-killer, and has driven up the cost of healthcare.

Proven Quotes: "I have not seen proven proof that [climate change] is entirely man-made."

I have not seen proven proof that [climate change] is entirely man-made.

Proven Quotes: "All I have is the truth, and I've proven that."

All I have is the truth, and I've proven that.

Proven Quotes: "Did we risk our lives to defend a just society, where guilt must be proven and not assumed? Or are we no better than the oppressive kings from whom our fathers fled?"

Did we risk our lives to defend a just society, where guilt must be proven and not assumed? Or are we no better than the oppressive kings from whom our fathers fled?

Proven Quotes: "Precision medicine is one way to attack cancer and it's proven to be very effective but, remember that like HIV/AIDS, you're going to need combination therapies."

Precision medicine is one way to attack cancer and it's proven to be very effective but, remember that like HIV/AIDS, you're going to need combination therapies.

Proven Quotes: "Therefore, you are not training young people for the world of today and the world of tomorrow unless you are doing proven technology training. That is one of the reasons I'm so concerned."

Therefore, you are not training young people for the world of today and the world of tomorrow unless you are doing proven technology training. That is one of the reasons I'm so concerned.

Proven Quotes: "Only people of proven character should be placed in positions of spiritual leadership."

Only people of proven character should be placed in positions of spiritual leadership.

Proven Quotes: "Spiritual leadership ought to be given to those who have proven themselves under stress."

Spiritual leadership ought to be given to those who have proven themselves under stress.

Proven Quotes: "I don't think the audience always listens to the critics. That's been proven time and time again."

I don't think the audience always listens to the critics. That's been proven time and time again.

Proven Quotes: "I have a very strong, very proven record that I am not a compromiser. [...] I have a spine made out of titanium."

I have a very strong, very proven record that I am not a compromiser. [...] I have a spine made out of titanium.

Proven Quotes: "We have to have a candidate who is going to stand for our issues and our values and be a true, proven constitutional conservative."

We have to have a candidate who is going to stand for our issues and our values and be a true, proven constitutional conservative.

Proven Quotes: "It seems like we're spending billions of dollars on whiz-bang technology and not enough money on human resources, which really is proven to be the most effective way of stopping terrorism."

It seems like we're spending billions of dollars on whiz-bang technology and not enough money on human resources, which really is proven to be the most effective way of stopping terrorism.

Proven Quotes: "Kenneth Copeland is a friend, innocent until proven guilty."

Kenneth Copeland is a friend, innocent until proven guilty.

Proven Quotes: "Taxpayers don't need any more big government mandates that have proven to be disastrous."

Taxpayers don't need any more big government mandates that have proven to be disastrous.

Proven Quotes: "The Yankees would be a much better team if they signed a proven closer instead of Tanaka."

The Yankees would be a much better team if they signed a proven closer instead of Tanaka.

Proven Quotes: "The Israeli strategy has been proven to be a complete failure."

The Israeli strategy has been proven to be a complete failure.

Proven Quotes: "It's impossible that we're alone in the universe. Every time we think we're more special than others, we're proven wrong."

It's impossible that we're alone in the universe. Every time we think we're more special than others, we're proven wrong.

Proven Quotes: "Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers."

Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers.

Proven Quotes: "Video is moving online in a big way. It's proven to be a challenging market for some companies that start out as a pure Internet company such as Joost."

Video is moving online in a big way. It's proven to be a challenging market for some companies that start out as a pure Internet company such as Joost.

Proven Quotes: "I had a Vincent van Gogh, a small Provençal landscape. We sold it. If you're going to have a van Gogh it should be a really good van Gogh."

I had a Vincent van Gogh, a small Provençal landscape. We sold it. If you're going to have a van Gogh it should be a really good van Gogh.

Proven Quotes: "It's been proven that fitting more activity into your day can greatly improve your health."

It's been proven that fitting more activity into your day can greatly improve your health.

Proven Quotes: "Call home at least once a week. It's a proven fact that we call home less the older we get. And that's wrong. It should be the other way around. As we get older, our parents get older."

Call home at least once a week. It's a proven fact that we call home less the older we get. And that's wrong. It should be the other way around. As we get older, our parents get older.

Proven Quotes: "Good science is all about following the data as it shows up and letting yourself be proven wrong, and letting everything change while you're working on it - and I think writing is the same way."

Good science is all about following the data as it shows up and letting yourself be proven wrong, and letting everything change while you're working on it - and I think writing is the same way.

Proven Quotes: "A proven theorem of game theory states that every game with complete information possesses a saddle point and therefore a solution."

A proven theorem of game theory states that every game with complete information possesses a saddle point and therefore a solution.

Proven Quotes: "It's always a mistake for writers to key their submissions to world events, because they move so quickly and unpredictably, as has certainly proven the case in Afghanistan."

It's always a mistake for writers to key their submissions to world events, because they move so quickly and unpredictably, as has certainly proven the case in Afghanistan.

Proven Quotes: "I agree that by the standards of any other area of science that remote viewing is proven."

I agree that by the standards of any other area of science that remote viewing is proven.

Proven Quotes: "So remember what others think of you depends a lot on what you believe about yourself, what you think you are, what you think about, what you say and what you have proven you can do."

So remember what others think of you depends a lot on what you believe about yourself, what you think you are, what you think about, what you say and what you have proven you can do.

Proven Quotes: "When you need advice- do you seek someone who has proven success or do you get advice from people who have never achieved what you desire?"

When you need advice- do you seek someone who has proven success or do you get advice from people who have never achieved what you desire?

Proven Quotes: "There's just a misconception that comes with being a dual-threat quarterback. You run first, throw second. I've proven I throw first and then run if I have to."

There's just a misconception that comes with being a dual-threat quarterback. You run first, throw second. I've proven I throw first and then run if I have to.

Proven Quotes: "I think I've proven that I'm throw-first, and then run if I need to."

I think I've proven that I'm throw-first, and then run if I need to.

Proven Quotes: "Teams are going to try to hit me because they think I can't take a hit. I think I've proven over my career that I can."

Teams are going to try to hit me because they think I can't take a hit. I think I've proven over my career that I can.

Proven Quotes: "Mistakes and dead-ends often mean more to these artists than any proven problem"

Mistakes and dead-ends often mean more to these artists than any proven problem

Proven Quotes: "I've said it before and I'll say it again. The U.S. Geological Survey has told me that the proven potential for oil in Alaska alone is greater than the proven reserves in Saudi Arabia."

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The U.S. Geological Survey has told me that the proven potential for oil in Alaska alone is greater than the proven reserves in Saudi Arabia.

Proven Quotes: "YouTube has proven it can flourish in a model where there is more autonomy, and in that way I think it is an example and a potential model for other areas of the business."

YouTube has proven it can flourish in a model where there is more autonomy, and in that way I think it is an example and a potential model for other areas of the business.

Proven Quotes: "[Court] is an institution that depends on making tough decisions in close cases for reasons that it explains well and that, in the past at least, have proven satisfactory to the public."

[Court] is an institution that depends on making tough decisions in close cases for reasons that it explains well and that, in the past at least, have proven satisfactory to the public.

Proven Quotes: "I have a proven record as an effective legislator, which I believe is my greatest asset."

I have a proven record as an effective legislator, which I believe is my greatest asset.

Proven Quotes: "Love doesn't need to be doubted, tested or proven... it's meant to be shown, shared, and nurtured. Find your strength in love."

Love doesn't need to be doubted, tested or proven... it's meant to be shown, shared, and nurtured. Find your strength in love.

Proven Quotes: "I'm like toilet paper, toothpaste and certain amenities - I'm proven to be good. I've still got 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years left."

I'm like toilet paper, toothpaste and certain amenities - I'm proven to be good. I've still got 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years left.

Proven Quotes: "The second is that the role of China trade in Japanese economy, important as it is, has often been exaggerated, as proven by our experience of the past 6 years."

The second is that the role of China trade in Japanese economy, important as it is, has often been exaggerated, as proven by our experience of the past 6 years.

Proven Quotes: "It is not proven, it's not science. It's more of a religion than a science."

It is not proven, it's not science. It's more of a religion than a science.

Proven Quotes: "Photographs furnish evidence. Something we hear about, but doubt, seems proven when we're shown a photograph of it."

Photographs furnish evidence. Something we hear about, but doubt, seems proven when we're shown a photograph of it.

Proven Quotes: "The very genetic determinism I posited in World's End as a way of shaking off my inherited demons is being proven in fact as we map out the human genome."

The very genetic determinism I posited in World's End as a way of shaking off my inherited demons is being proven in fact as we map out the human genome.

Proven Quotes: "The higher the rate, the more interest there is in avoiding the tax. Either you move or you shift your profits overseas, as American corporations have proven very good at doing."

The higher the rate, the more interest there is in avoiding the tax. Either you move or you shift your profits overseas, as American corporations have proven very good at doing.

Proven Quotes: "Giving up control and just trying to be happy at the moment has proven to be the best thing for me."

Giving up control and just trying to be happy at the moment has proven to be the best thing for me.

Proven Quotes: "If you want a candidate who is led the fight against Obamacare, who will lift the burdens on small businesses and bring back jobs, I'm the only candidate in the race with that proven record."

If you want a candidate who is led the fight against Obamacare, who will lift the burdens on small businesses and bring back jobs, I'm the only candidate in the race with that proven record.

Proven Quotes: "I think that is why we're seeing conservatives uniting behind our campaign, because I have a proven record as a consistent conservative of standing up to Washington and fighting for the constitution."

I think that is why we're seeing conservatives uniting behind our campaign, because I have a proven record as a consistent conservative of standing up to Washington and fighting for the constitution.