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Rapids Quotes

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Rapids Quotes: "We will see the increasingly rapid rate of growth weve already been seeing in Colorado continue."

We will see the increasingly rapid rate of growth weve already been seeing in Colorado continue.

Rapids Quotes: "The human brain is still undergoing rapid adaptive evolution,."

The human brain is still undergoing rapid adaptive evolution,.

Rapids Quotes: "TV's like whitewater rafting: Without rocks, there wouldn't be rapids, and it wouldn't be as much fun."

TV's like whitewater rafting: Without rocks, there wouldn't be rapids, and it wouldn't be as much fun.

Rapids Quotes: "Dawn comes slowly but dusk is rapid."

Dawn comes slowly but dusk is rapid.

Rapids Quotes: "Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance the tide."

Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance the tide.

Rapids Quotes: "...rapid motion through space elates one."

...rapid motion through space elates one.

Rapids Quotes: "My films generally center around thousands of pictures being flashed in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion."

My films generally center around thousands of pictures being flashed in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion.

Rapids Quotes: "Music is a means of rapid transportation."

Music is a means of rapid transportation.

Rapids Quotes: "I am seriously troubled by the proposed rapid consolidation in the telecommunications marketplace."

I am seriously troubled by the proposed rapid consolidation in the telecommunications marketplace.

Rapids Quotes: "I’m extremely optimistic about rapid transformation and change of things in Africa in general."

I’m extremely optimistic about rapid transformation and change of things in Africa in general.

Rapids Quotes: "The craving for information is so huge now, and it can be marketed at such a rapid rate."

The craving for information is so huge now, and it can be marketed at such a rapid rate.

Rapids Quotes: "No propagation or multiplication is more rapid that that of evil, unless it be checked; no growth more certain."

No propagation or multiplication is more rapid that that of evil, unless it be checked; no growth more certain.

Rapids Quotes: "In fact man's career has been less like a mountain torrent hurtling from rock to rock, than a great sluggish river, broken very seldom by rapids."

In fact man's career has been less like a mountain torrent hurtling from rock to rock, than a great sluggish river, broken very seldom by rapids.

Rapids Quotes: "Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output."

Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.

Rapids Quotes: "Rapid increases in the quantity of money produce inflation. Sharp decreases produce depression."

Rapid increases in the quantity of money produce inflation. Sharp decreases produce depression.

Rapids Quotes: "The rapids beat below the boat Deep in the heart of the land Feel the pulse of the river in the pulse at your throat Deep in the heart of the land."

The rapids beat below the boat Deep in the heart of the land Feel the pulse of the river in the pulse at your throat Deep in the heart of the land.

Rapids Quotes: "The FDA has formed a rapid response team."

The FDA has formed a rapid response team.

Rapids Quotes: "Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid."

Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid.

Rapids Quotes: "In most industries, technological change is happening at a rapid rate."

In most industries, technological change is happening at a rapid rate.

Rapids Quotes: "Rapid-collage prevents any elevating movement toward a fixed goal. To 'be nowhere' is to let oneself be."

Rapid-collage prevents any elevating movement toward a fixed goal. To 'be nowhere' is to let oneself be.

Rapids Quotes: "The thing that's changed the most has just been the rapid technology."

The thing that's changed the most has just been the rapid technology.

Rapids Quotes: "if we can control the environment in which rapid cognition takes place, then we can control rapid cognition"

if we can control the environment in which rapid cognition takes place, then we can control rapid cognition

Rapids Quotes: "My life has always been rapid and crazy. It has just gotten a little faster."

My life has always been rapid and crazy. It has just gotten a little faster.

Rapids Quotes: "I never was so rapid in my virtue but my vice kept up with me."

I never was so rapid in my virtue but my vice kept up with me.

Rapids Quotes: "Craig Bellamy's got pace, but he's also rapid as well"

Craig Bellamy's got pace, but he's also rapid as well

Rapids Quotes: "We must improve our time; time goes with rapid foot."

We must improve our time; time goes with rapid foot.

Rapids Quotes: "It's unbelievable the primitive feelings that are aroused by rapid change."

It's unbelievable the primitive feelings that are aroused by rapid change.

Rapids Quotes: "It is not death that I'm apparently now succumbing to, but the rapid diminishment of lifeforce from this body of mine."

It is not death that I'm apparently now succumbing to, but the rapid diminishment of lifeforce from this body of mine.