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Readership Quotes

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Readership Quotes: "I wouldn't encourage new writers to start off publishing through electronic media... it still isn't wide enough for the readership they would need to get a good start"

I wouldn't encourage new writers to start off publishing through electronic media... it still isn't wide enough for the readership they would need to get a good start

Readership Quotes: "In '93 to '94, every browser had its own flavor of HTML. So it was very difficult to know what you could put in a Web page and reliably have most of your readership see it."

In '93 to '94, every browser had its own flavor of HTML. So it was very difficult to know what you could put in a Web page and reliably have most of your readership see it.

Readership Quotes: "A readership crisis is really a leadership crisis."

A readership crisis is really a leadership crisis.

Readership Quotes: "I have no idea what readership is of written editorials, but it doesn't come anywhere close to the readership of editorial cartoons."

I have no idea what readership is of written editorials, but it doesn't come anywhere close to the readership of editorial cartoons.

Readership Quotes: "It's a cinch that if you read it in an occult periodical or paperback, everyone's doing it. That should be your cue to avoid such stuff, lest you be relegated to the same readership level."

It's a cinch that if you read it in an occult periodical or paperback, everyone's doing it. That should be your cue to avoid such stuff, lest you be relegated to the same readership level.

Readership Quotes: "Books themselves need no defense. Their spokesmen come and go, their readers live and die, they remain constant."

Books themselves need no defense. Their spokesmen come and go, their readers live and die, they remain constant.

Readership Quotes: "If it were not for the fact that editors have become so timorous in these politically correct times, I would probably have a greater readership than I have."

If it were not for the fact that editors have become so timorous in these politically correct times, I would probably have a greater readership than I have.

Readership Quotes: "Newspaper readership is declining like crazy. In fact, there's a good chance that nobody is reading my column."

Newspaper readership is declining like crazy. In fact, there's a good chance that nobody is reading my column.

Readership Quotes: "The truth is, it's not a great career move to create a readership and then, in effect, abandon them."

The truth is, it's not a great career move to create a readership and then, in effect, abandon them.

Readership Quotes: "Meet some people who care about poetry the way you do. You'll have that readership. Keep going until you know you're doing work that's worthy. And then see what happens. That's my advice."

Meet some people who care about poetry the way you do. You'll have that readership. Keep going until you know you're doing work that's worthy. And then see what happens. That's my advice.

Readership Quotes: "I try to be careful about wording. One of the things I've tried to combat in my blog is the notion that journalists are arrogant and unconcerned with the readership."

I try to be careful about wording. One of the things I've tried to combat in my blog is the notion that journalists are arrogant and unconcerned with the readership.

Readership Quotes: "I got married, other people went off. We had sort of another public-we were our entire readership for many years, and we were very excited by each other."

I got married, other people went off. We had sort of another public-we were our entire readership for many years, and we were very excited by each other.

Readership Quotes: "I think it's a very bad idea for someone to start writing for a readership."

I think it's a very bad idea for someone to start writing for a readership.

Readership Quotes: "A newspaper that reduces its coverage of the news important to its community is certain to reduce its readership as well"

A newspaper that reduces its coverage of the news important to its community is certain to reduce its readership as well

Readership Quotes: "The breadth of the potential readership is also a factor."

The breadth of the potential readership is also a factor.

Readership Quotes: "Newspaper readership is still growing in India."

Newspaper readership is still growing in India.

Readership Quotes: "A blog is a message in a bottle, both in purpose and likely readership."

A blog is a message in a bottle, both in purpose and likely readership.

Readership Quotes: "I am glad to have found a readership, but one can’t write only what is likely to sell. A writer is not a shopkeeper. A writer creates an imaginary world that he transmits to others."

I am glad to have found a readership, but one can’t write only what is likely to sell. A writer is not a shopkeeper. A writer creates an imaginary world that he transmits to others.

Readership Quotes: "City of Fallen Angels ended on a cliffhanger. That was equally loved and hated by my readership."

City of Fallen Angels ended on a cliffhanger. That was equally loved and hated by my readership.

Readership Quotes: "I'm interested in the Gothic novel because it's very much a woman's form. Why is there such a wide readership for books that essentially say, 'Your husband is trying to kill you'?"

I'm interested in the Gothic novel because it's very much a woman's form. Why is there such a wide readership for books that essentially say, 'Your husband is trying to kill you'?

Readership Quotes: "I have to trust that if a story is strong, it can find its readership, and good editors can steer me well."

I have to trust that if a story is strong, it can find its readership, and good editors can steer me well.

Readership Quotes: "I don't have a readership, I have a thinkership. I guess this is why what I do is called "conceptual writing." The idea is much more important than the product."

I don't have a readership, I have a thinkership. I guess this is why what I do is called "conceptual writing." The idea is much more important than the product.

Readership Quotes: "The fact people think that when you sell a lot of books you are not a serious writer is a great insult to the readership. I get a little angry when people try to say such a thing."

The fact people think that when you sell a lot of books you are not a serious writer is a great insult to the readership. I get a little angry when people try to say such a thing.

Readership Quotes: "My suspicion is that once you have literacy in place, the readership has not changed very much."

My suspicion is that once you have literacy in place, the readership has not changed very much.

Readership Quotes: "There's very little solid research on readership, yet people make pronouncements about it all the time."

There's very little solid research on readership, yet people make pronouncements about it all the time.

Readership Quotes: "Bringing Mid-World to a new readership felt like a big responsibility, but I'm so glad that readers have enjoyed the story. That is a reward in itself."

Bringing Mid-World to a new readership felt like a big responsibility, but I'm so glad that readers have enjoyed the story. That is a reward in itself.

Readership Quotes: "I wanted to think about ways to get an American readership concerned with what is happening in Mexico, but also to reframe it as a problem Americans share."

I wanted to think about ways to get an American readership concerned with what is happening in Mexico, but also to reframe it as a problem Americans share.

Readership Quotes: "The concept of the Web is of universal readership."

The concept of the Web is of universal readership.

Readership Quotes: "If you write a screenplay that gets circulated, you have a bigger readership than any literary novelist. And it's an educated audience as well."

If you write a screenplay that gets circulated, you have a bigger readership than any literary novelist. And it's an educated audience as well.

Readership Quotes: "The diversity revolution [in the news media] was supposed to increase readership and enhance credibility. Just the opposite has resulted. How long will it take the business to figure this out?"

The diversity revolution [in the news media] was supposed to increase readership and enhance credibility. Just the opposite has resulted. How long will it take the business to figure this out?

Readership Quotes: "You write to suit some sense in yourself and trust that that will resonate with a certain wider readership."

You write to suit some sense in yourself and trust that that will resonate with a certain wider readership.

Readership Quotes: "Keep in mind that in 1985, I had a potential readership of over 50 million Americans. At that time, a good portion of those were under 30."

Keep in mind that in 1985, I had a potential readership of over 50 million Americans. At that time, a good portion of those were under 30.

Readership Quotes: "My readership seems to be the sensitive people, for the most part. Then there are the occasional fans who are like, "Ah, video games!""

My readership seems to be the sensitive people, for the most part. Then there are the occasional fans who are like, "Ah, video games!"

Readership Quotes: "I'm sometimes sort of in touch with the readership, and they seem to have perceptive questions, for the most part."

I'm sometimes sort of in touch with the readership, and they seem to have perceptive questions, for the most part.

Readership Quotes: "I have no precise idea of who makes up my readership. I'm surprised when I discover people have read my poems at all."

I have no precise idea of who makes up my readership. I'm surprised when I discover people have read my poems at all.

Readership Quotes: "I wanted to write a book that maybe had the potential to go beyond the Deadspin and KSK [Kissing Suzy Kolber] readership."

I wanted to write a book that maybe had the potential to go beyond the Deadspin and KSK [Kissing Suzy Kolber] readership.

Readership Quotes: "I think it's important to recognise that 'The Da Vinci Code' opened up a vast new audience for a general readership interested in historical detective stories and research into history."

I think it's important to recognise that 'The Da Vinci Code' opened up a vast new audience for a general readership interested in historical detective stories and research into history.

Readership Quotes: "If there is some blood on the pages then you have some readership."

If there is some blood on the pages then you have some readership.

Readership Quotes: "For so long I didn't have any kind of readership at all - I'd get published, but not read - the idea of writing for an audience is so anathema to me, it's never bothered me."

For so long I didn't have any kind of readership at all - I'd get published, but not read - the idea of writing for an audience is so anathema to me, it's never bothered me.

Readership Quotes: "I don't like to think of my readership as "fans," a word which has always suggested a kind of power relationship I'm uncomfortable with."

I don't like to think of my readership as "fans," a word which has always suggested a kind of power relationship I'm uncomfortable with.

Readership Quotes: "Obviously Feministing is kind of a women's space in a certain way, even though we have a lot of male readership and people who don't identify as women."

Obviously Feministing is kind of a women's space in a certain way, even though we have a lot of male readership and people who don't identify as women.

Readership Quotes: "The fuzzy boundary lines between different readership ages have always puzzled me, so these days I just write what comes, and assume I can fix the mess later with an editor's help."

The fuzzy boundary lines between different readership ages have always puzzled me, so these days I just write what comes, and assume I can fix the mess later with an editor's help.

Readership Quotes: "Short story collections are the literary equivalent of canapés, tapas and mezze in the world of gastronomy: Delightful assortments of tasty morsels to whet the reader's appetite."

Short story collections are the literary equivalent of canapés, tapas and mezze in the world of gastronomy: Delightful assortments of tasty morsels to whet the reader's appetite.

Readership Quotes: "The act of reading will enrich your life.Become a lifelong learner and a reader."

The act of reading will enrich your life.Become a lifelong learner and a reader.

Readership Quotes: "The man who does not read miss a great literature of knowledge. You must dare to read and reread."

The man who does not read miss a great literature of knowledge. You must dare to read and reread.

Readership Quotes: "It seemed any young woman at odds with her place in life--be she a genteel lady or a serving girl--might find a happier home within the pages of a book."

It seemed any young woman at odds with her place in life--be she a genteel lady or a serving girl--might find a happier home within the pages of a book.

Readership Quotes: "If words come alive on the page, the writer succeeds in connecting to the reader."

If words come alive on the page, the writer succeeds in connecting to the reader.

Readership Quotes: "A task is only difficulty, when we not find the best strategy to get it done."

A task is only difficulty, when we not find the best strategy to get it done.

Readership Quotes: "The death of a billionaire is worth more to the media than the lives of a billion poor people."

The death of a billionaire is worth more to the media than the lives of a billion poor people.