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Road Quotes

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Road Quotes: "Writing a song is a long road. Or it can be."

Writing a song is a long road. Or it can be.

Road Quotes: "When you're educated, you must offer others a road to success."

When you're educated, you must offer others a road to success.

Road Quotes: "People should get married at the end of the road, not the beginning."

People should get married at the end of the road, not the beginning.

Road Quotes: "Always follow your path, or the road less travelled."

Always follow your path, or the road less travelled.

Road Quotes: "People move into a house a block down the road. You know who's going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Everybody's their own cop in a way. You got to do it."

People move into a house a block down the road. You know who's going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Everybody's their own cop in a way. You got to do it.

Road Quotes: "Please. If you were mostly dead in the middle of the road I'd obviously stop. And then I'd watch you die." Kate to Will"

Please. If you were mostly dead in the middle of the road I'd obviously stop. And then I'd watch you die." Kate to Will

Road Quotes: "Honest people know that the road to success and virtue always involves shared sacrifice, hard work, and gratification postponed. Telling people otherwise isn't leadership, it is pandering."

Honest people know that the road to success and virtue always involves shared sacrifice, hard work, and gratification postponed. Telling people otherwise isn't leadership, it is pandering.

Road Quotes: "Large Professor, none greater none fresher, Won't fold under pressure...grew up down the road from Fran Drescher."

Large Professor, none greater none fresher, Won't fold under pressure...grew up down the road from Fran Drescher.

Road Quotes: "Maybe down the road, I can see myself being part of the creative process, but acting is definitely my first and true love."

Maybe down the road, I can see myself being part of the creative process, but acting is definitely my first and true love.

Road Quotes: "There are no words, there's only the possibility of a moment even more incredible a little bit further down the road."

There are no words, there's only the possibility of a moment even more incredible a little bit further down the road.

Road Quotes: "I think collaborating with a DJ could be interesting musically and it's something that I'd like to get into down the road, but I think on the live show tip I'm sticking to my guns for right now."

I think collaborating with a DJ could be interesting musically and it's something that I'd like to get into down the road, but I think on the live show tip I'm sticking to my guns for right now.

Road Quotes: "How many a poor immortal soul I have met well-nigh crushed and smothered under its load, creeping down the road of life, pushing before it [an oversized home]."

How many a poor immortal soul I have met well-nigh crushed and smothered under its load, creeping down the road of life, pushing before it [an oversized home].

Road Quotes: "'Love Aaj Kal' is not really a road movie, but it does involve some travel."

'Love Aaj Kal' is not really a road movie, but it does involve some travel.

Road Quotes: "Down the road a bit, I would like to write a couple of stand-alone adult novels, especially in the horror genre. I've got lots of things up my sleeve."

Down the road a bit, I would like to write a couple of stand-alone adult novels, especially in the horror genre. I've got lots of things up my sleeve.

Road Quotes: "Write for the love of your art. Someplace down the road, the money, the fame, they'll come, but by that time you won't be thinking in terms of money or fame."

Write for the love of your art. Someplace down the road, the money, the fame, they'll come, but by that time you won't be thinking in terms of money or fame.

Road Quotes: "I have never taken a road trip. Unless you count Los Angeles to Vegas."

I have never taken a road trip. Unless you count Los Angeles to Vegas.

Road Quotes: "The government should be actively enforcing the high road."

The government should be actively enforcing the high road.

Road Quotes: "I went to Louisiana Tech, which is just down the road from where we lived. It was an easy college to get into."

I went to Louisiana Tech, which is just down the road from where we lived. It was an easy college to get into.

Road Quotes: "But, I like the challenge of, "How can we stretch this out? Where can we go with it?" It's an open road, especially at Netflix. You can take it anywhere you want."

But, I like the challenge of, "How can we stretch this out? Where can we go with it?" It's an open road, especially at Netflix. You can take it anywhere you want.

Road Quotes: "The way that I am now, I don't want to accept mediocrity. I don't want to accept the easy road."

The way that I am now, I don't want to accept mediocrity. I don't want to accept the easy road.

Road Quotes: "The road to success just might be your driveway."

The road to success just might be your driveway.

Road Quotes: "Whoever makes it a rule to test action by thought, thought by action, cannot falter, and if he does, will soon find his way back to the right road."

Whoever makes it a rule to test action by thought, thought by action, cannot falter, and if he does, will soon find his way back to the right road.

Road Quotes: "What did John Ashcroft say about moderates, he said, quote, there are two things you find in the middle of the road, a moderate and a dead skunk and I don't want to be either."

What did John Ashcroft say about moderates, he said, quote, there are two things you find in the middle of the road, a moderate and a dead skunk and I don't want to be either.

Road Quotes: "You got to hidey-hide, you got to jump and run again. You got to hide-hidey-hide, the old man is down the road."

You got to hidey-hide, you got to jump and run again. You got to hide-hidey-hide, the old man is down the road.

Road Quotes: "Want me to spend the night? Hey lover boy, you know I will, and my best girlfriend lives down the road, together we will thrill you."

Want me to spend the night? Hey lover boy, you know I will, and my best girlfriend lives down the road, together we will thrill you.

Road Quotes: "My road trips have been to Vegas, but you know, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

My road trips have been to Vegas, but you know, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Road Quotes: "I never really had a classical saxophone set-up. I just had a middle of the road set up."

I never really had a classical saxophone set-up. I just had a middle of the road set up.

Road Quotes: "My daily surroundings feed my work, whether it's something I'm working on right now or it's something down the road."

My daily surroundings feed my work, whether it's something I'm working on right now or it's something down the road.

Road Quotes: "I would love to produce a film. I have written a script and am in the process of writing another, so maybe it will happen down the road. I would love to do a film in Africa."

I would love to produce a film. I have written a script and am in the process of writing another, so maybe it will happen down the road. I would love to do a film in Africa.

Road Quotes: "I got a long road ahead of me to make people believe i'm not actually a huge douche..."

I got a long road ahead of me to make people believe i'm not actually a huge douche...

Road Quotes: "There's a conventional reaction when you see a star: You anticipate he'll be a part of a particular denouement down the road, so you don't worry for that character."

There's a conventional reaction when you see a star: You anticipate he'll be a part of a particular denouement down the road, so you don't worry for that character.

Road Quotes: "From a common-sense standpoint, you're probably on the right road. The problem is, you're opening a can of worms you might not be able to shut. That might cause more problems than it solves."

From a common-sense standpoint, you're probably on the right road. The problem is, you're opening a can of worms you might not be able to shut. That might cause more problems than it solves.

Road Quotes: "I admire anyone that follows the road less travelled."

I admire anyone that follows the road less travelled.

Road Quotes: "The car was full of unhappy people heading west. It was the Great American Family Road Trip, all right. Whaaa-hoo!"

The car was full of unhappy people heading west. It was the Great American Family Road Trip, all right. Whaaa-hoo!

Road Quotes: "The long, long road over the moors and up into the forest - who trod it into being first of all? Man, a human being, the first that came here. There was no path before he came."

The long, long road over the moors and up into the forest - who trod it into being first of all? Man, a human being, the first that came here. There was no path before he came.

Road Quotes: "It is my job in life to travel all roads, so that some may take the road less travelled, and others the road more travelled, and all have a pleasant day."

It is my job in life to travel all roads, so that some may take the road less travelled, and others the road more travelled, and all have a pleasant day.

Road Quotes: "I get road rage. I can't drive because I cuss people out."

I get road rage. I can't drive because I cuss people out.

Road Quotes: "Either I'll never get rich from the show but remain intensely proud of the work and stand behind every second of it, or it catches on and I'll make my money down the road."

Either I'll never get rich from the show but remain intensely proud of the work and stand behind every second of it, or it catches on and I'll make my money down the road.

Road Quotes: "There is another bend in the road after this. No one knows what will happen."

There is another bend in the road after this. No one knows what will happen.

Road Quotes: "When I came into office, I could have kicked the can down the road for a little while, or I could do the right thing."

When I came into office, I could have kicked the can down the road for a little while, or I could do the right thing.

Road Quotes: "I don't like to think 10 years down the road."

I don't like to think 10 years down the road.

Road Quotes: "I'm really enjoying the process of learning to fly. How it will fit into my life down the road - I'm looking forward to discovering that."

I'm really enjoying the process of learning to fly. How it will fit into my life down the road - I'm looking forward to discovering that.

Road Quotes: "I'm very much a jobbing actor who's still trying to find a place to rent down the road."

I'm very much a jobbing actor who's still trying to find a place to rent down the road.

Road Quotes: "Gratitude develops faith. The surest path out of a slump is marked by the road sign "thank you, God.""

Gratitude develops faith. The surest path out of a slump is marked by the road sign "thank you, God."

Road Quotes: "The road less traveled will not be smooth"

The road less traveled will not be smooth

Road Quotes: "The world may not care about you! Cope with this fact! Stand strong like a rock! Keep walking; the road to happiness will mysteriously appear before you!"

The world may not care about you! Cope with this fact! Stand strong like a rock! Keep walking; the road to happiness will mysteriously appear before you!

Road Quotes: "What lies at the end of the life path? The answer is simple: Nothing lies over there! That's why mankind must change the end of the road!"

What lies at the end of the life path? The answer is simple: Nothing lies over there! That's why mankind must change the end of the road!

Road Quotes: "Cowards cannot pass beyond the walls or beyond the wire fences! For them, frontiers are always the end of the road!"

Cowards cannot pass beyond the walls or beyond the wire fences! For them, frontiers are always the end of the road!

Road Quotes: "So why would I want someone to be my everything when one day they might not be around?" Jellicoe Road"

So why would I want someone to be my everything when one day they might not be around?" Jellicoe Road