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Satisfying Quotes

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Satisfying Quotes: "I get so happy when I write a joke. It's a very satisfying, liberating feeling."

I get so happy when I write a joke. It's a very satisfying, liberating feeling.

Satisfying Quotes: "It's not necessarily that satisfying getting monetary success, but sometimes it keeps the door open to make what you want to make."

It's not necessarily that satisfying getting monetary success, but sometimes it keeps the door open to make what you want to make.

Satisfying Quotes: "The explosions, like the urban legends, are a great way of bringing people in to watch, because it's really fun, and you know we're always going to give you a satisfying ending."

The explosions, like the urban legends, are a great way of bringing people in to watch, because it's really fun, and you know we're always going to give you a satisfying ending.

Satisfying Quotes: "A satisfying prayer life elevates and purifies every act of body and mind and integrates the entire personality into a single spiritual unit. In the long pull we pray only as well as we live."

A satisfying prayer life elevates and purifies every act of body and mind and integrates the entire personality into a single spiritual unit. In the long pull we pray only as well as we live.

Satisfying Quotes: "I've had such a satisfying life professionally and personally. I hope my tombstone says, 'Never boring.'"

I've had such a satisfying life professionally and personally. I hope my tombstone says, 'Never boring.'

Satisfying Quotes: "There's nothing as satisfying, thrilling and gratifying as parenthood."

There's nothing as satisfying, thrilling and gratifying as parenthood.

Satisfying Quotes: "Nature, even in the act of satisfying anticipation, often provides a surprise."

Nature, even in the act of satisfying anticipation, often provides a surprise.

Satisfying Quotes: "Whoever would write books? It's suffering as well as greatly satisfying. And certainly there's suffering in the sense that you don't know for a long time how to do it."

Whoever would write books? It's suffering as well as greatly satisfying. And certainly there's suffering in the sense that you don't know for a long time how to do it.

Satisfying Quotes: "I think the best things happen when you just let go and see what comes in. I find that that's always the most satisfying."

I think the best things happen when you just let go and see what comes in. I find that that's always the most satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "I'd love to adapt more contemporary novels. But there isn't really enough story and character to make a really satisfying serial, so they tend to be single dramas."

I'd love to adapt more contemporary novels. But there isn't really enough story and character to make a really satisfying serial, so they tend to be single dramas.

Satisfying Quotes: "Plan for each episode to be a satisfying experience, but still leave the audience thinking, 'Oh, my God! Now what?"

Plan for each episode to be a satisfying experience, but still leave the audience thinking, 'Oh, my God! Now what?

Satisfying Quotes: "It's safe to say that the value of the property had shot up considerably and in the end I made a pretty satisfying profit."

It's safe to say that the value of the property had shot up considerably and in the end I made a pretty satisfying profit.

Satisfying Quotes: "I think each movie-making process is a very exhausting and satisfying and fulfilling experience for me."

I think each movie-making process is a very exhausting and satisfying and fulfilling experience for me.

Satisfying Quotes: "My obsessions tend to cluster, so I often have families of poems in which only a couple of them make it to the book. It can be satisfying to banish poems to my "crappy poems" file."

My obsessions tend to cluster, so I often have families of poems in which only a couple of them make it to the book. It can be satisfying to banish poems to my "crappy poems" file.

Satisfying Quotes: "Big stuff and little: learning how to order breakfast in a country where I don't speak the language and haven't been before - that's really satisfying to me. I like that."

Big stuff and little: learning how to order breakfast in a country where I don't speak the language and haven't been before - that's really satisfying to me. I like that.

Satisfying Quotes: "I don't go for people who lead full and satisfying lives."

I don't go for people who lead full and satisfying lives.

Satisfying Quotes: "I always found it satisfying that gravity was described by Einstein's geometric theory of general relativity."

I always found it satisfying that gravity was described by Einstein's geometric theory of general relativity.

Satisfying Quotes: "Some people can find all the peace of mind they need in a good, satisfying conflict."

Some people can find all the peace of mind they need in a good, satisfying conflict.

Satisfying Quotes: "I really think the biopic thing so rarely works, because peoples lives dont have a dramatic shape that can be satisfying."

I really think the biopic thing so rarely works, because peoples lives dont have a dramatic shape that can be satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "When you've been going on about something for a while, it is always satisfying to discover that other people agree with you."

When you've been going on about something for a while, it is always satisfying to discover that other people agree with you.

Satisfying Quotes: "If you don't provide a product that is satisfying people, no matter what your ideology, they tell you to take a hike."

If you don't provide a product that is satisfying people, no matter what your ideology, they tell you to take a hike.

Satisfying Quotes: "I've done more than I thought I was ever going to do. I've had a very long and very satisfying career."

I've done more than I thought I was ever going to do. I've had a very long and very satisfying career.

Satisfying Quotes: "In writing and speaking, three is more satisfying than any other number."

In writing and speaking, three is more satisfying than any other number.

Satisfying Quotes: "Books don't prattle. Books don't make demands. Yet they give you everything they possess. It's a very satisfying partnership."

Books don't prattle. Books don't make demands. Yet they give you everything they possess. It's a very satisfying partnership.

Satisfying Quotes: "You will not leave the theater with nothing to talk about. For me, comedy and tragedy when you get them both in one evening, that's the most satisfying."

You will not leave the theater with nothing to talk about. For me, comedy and tragedy when you get them both in one evening, that's the most satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "Use Me is a wonderfully satisfying book."

Use Me is a wonderfully satisfying book.

Satisfying Quotes: "The counter-argument would be, so what if my sexual relationships are superficial, one can still have satisfying and rewarding relationships with friends, or parents, or siblings, or whatever."

The counter-argument would be, so what if my sexual relationships are superficial, one can still have satisfying and rewarding relationships with friends, or parents, or siblings, or whatever.

Satisfying Quotes: "I'm not in the business of satisfying everybody. I'm in the business of trying to satisfy the people who elected me governor."

I'm not in the business of satisfying everybody. I'm in the business of trying to satisfy the people who elected me governor.

Satisfying Quotes: "In this day and age, there's just so much that can hyperstimulate us, and curiously, it is not satisfying us."

In this day and age, there's just so much that can hyperstimulate us, and curiously, it is not satisfying us.

Satisfying Quotes: "Censorship, I believe, is the most dangerous enemy to all human communication, and piety of intention is probably the most dangerous, the most virulent and the most self-satisfying."

Censorship, I believe, is the most dangerous enemy to all human communication, and piety of intention is probably the most dangerous, the most virulent and the most self-satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "When you are shooting action, there is a satisfying thing because your objectives are very clear."

When you are shooting action, there is a satisfying thing because your objectives are very clear.

Satisfying Quotes: "This has been my most satisfying, my most gratifying, my most content year, and to culminate this way is perfection. (on the Los Angeles Galaxy's 2005 season)"

This has been my most satisfying, my most gratifying, my most content year, and to culminate this way is perfection. (on the Los Angeles Galaxy's 2005 season)

Satisfying Quotes: "Accursed, blasted, heartless things [books]! Full of empty promises, full of false lures, always making you hungry, never satisfying you, never!"

Accursed, blasted, heartless things [books]! Full of empty promises, full of false lures, always making you hungry, never satisfying you, never!

Satisfying Quotes: "Even the bad books I write are satisfying. I'm my least critical reader."

Even the bad books I write are satisfying. I'm my least critical reader.

Satisfying Quotes: "I think 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy has a very satisfying ending, and there's not really that deep of a mythological construct."

I think 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy has a very satisfying ending, and there's not really that deep of a mythological construct.

Satisfying Quotes: "I started drawing at a very young age. Writing a story wasn't satisfying, but to actually draw our own world - it's like controlling your own dreams."

I started drawing at a very young age. Writing a story wasn't satisfying, but to actually draw our own world - it's like controlling your own dreams.

Satisfying Quotes: "Personally, being somewhat envious of Richard's (Thompson) songwriting and guitar playing, it's somewhat satisfying he's not yet achieved household-name status. It serves him right for being so good."

Personally, being somewhat envious of Richard's (Thompson) songwriting and guitar playing, it's somewhat satisfying he's not yet achieved household-name status. It serves him right for being so good.

Satisfying Quotes: "There were a number of referendums in '98 that most of the things I voted for passed. That's very satisfying when you feel that most of the country is in step with your views."

There were a number of referendums in '98 that most of the things I voted for passed. That's very satisfying when you feel that most of the country is in step with your views.

Satisfying Quotes: "I felt really conflicted about making money off stuff that's creatively satisfying."

I felt really conflicted about making money off stuff that's creatively satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "I started out in stand-up, so it's very satisfying to make people laugh, but it usually means at your own expense."

I started out in stand-up, so it's very satisfying to make people laugh, but it usually means at your own expense.

Satisfying Quotes: "Skeet shooting is probably more satisfying if you really hate skeets."

Skeet shooting is probably more satisfying if you really hate skeets.

Satisfying Quotes: "When you can come across a piece of material that's totally original and fun and completely satisfying, you jump on it."

When you can come across a piece of material that's totally original and fun and completely satisfying, you jump on it.

Satisfying Quotes: "MCJOB: A low-pay, low-prestige, low-dignity, no-future job in the service sector. Frequently considered a satisfying career choice for people who have never held one."

MCJOB: A low-pay, low-prestige, low-dignity, no-future job in the service sector. Frequently considered a satisfying career choice for people who have never held one.

Satisfying Quotes: "Ever since I've been here [in Russia], my life has been consumed with work that's actually fulfilling and satisfying."

Ever since I've been here [in Russia], my life has been consumed with work that's actually fulfilling and satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "The more I think about it, the more I believe there has to be a subtle yet satisfying method of revenge."

The more I think about it, the more I believe there has to be a subtle yet satisfying method of revenge.

Satisfying Quotes: "I don't believe in organized religion. I believe that people should try to connect with their own life force and let it lead them to do with their lives what they will find satisfying."

I don't believe in organized religion. I believe that people should try to connect with their own life force and let it lead them to do with their lives what they will find satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "People are terrified. A lot of them are in relationships that aren't satisfying, and if you tell them they can change their life, they get really scared."

People are terrified. A lot of them are in relationships that aren't satisfying, and if you tell them they can change their life, they get really scared.

Satisfying Quotes: "There are few things in this world more satisfying than having your son teach you how to play tennis, unless it is having a semi-truck run over your foot."

There are few things in this world more satisfying than having your son teach you how to play tennis, unless it is having a semi-truck run over your foot.

Satisfying Quotes: "The philharmonic became such a journey and adventure in my life, and a deeply satisfying thing."

The philharmonic became such a journey and adventure in my life, and a deeply satisfying thing.