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Satisfying Quotes

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Satisfying Quotes: "The most important business of one generation is the raising of the next generation. Nothing else you do in life will be as deeply satisfying."

The most important business of one generation is the raising of the next generation. Nothing else you do in life will be as deeply satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "Marriage is a linchpin in many womens lives, but many other things can create a satisfying life. I adore my career. It stretches every physical, emotional, and intellectual muscle I have."

Marriage is a linchpin in many womens lives, but many other things can create a satisfying life. I adore my career. It stretches every physical, emotional, and intellectual muscle I have.

Satisfying Quotes: "I've been very, very successful. It's very satisfying to me."

I've been very, very successful. It's very satisfying to me.

Satisfying Quotes: "Where there is no desire or pursuits, there is no wholeness. But there are satisfying lesser states, fragments."

Where there is no desire or pursuits, there is no wholeness. But there are satisfying lesser states, fragments.

Satisfying Quotes: "Each step in life has been another step in an area that was a challenge, that is highly satisfying and that gives you a great sense of pride afterwards."

Each step in life has been another step in an area that was a challenge, that is highly satisfying and that gives you a great sense of pride afterwards.

Satisfying Quotes: "Satisfying myself is the point in filmmaking, in my mind."

Satisfying myself is the point in filmmaking, in my mind.

Satisfying Quotes: "Having a messy coat closet should not be a big deal in a full life, and yet there's something about getting control of that coat closet that's surprisingly satisfying."

Having a messy coat closet should not be a big deal in a full life, and yet there's something about getting control of that coat closet that's surprisingly satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "To see a comedy in an environment where you're surrounded by other people that are laughing is great. That's probably more satisfying than just watching it by yourself."

To see a comedy in an environment where you're surrounded by other people that are laughing is great. That's probably more satisfying than just watching it by yourself.

Satisfying Quotes: "The most satisfying and ecstatic faith is almost purely agnostic. It trusts absolutely without professing to know at all."

The most satisfying and ecstatic faith is almost purely agnostic. It trusts absolutely without professing to know at all.

Satisfying Quotes: "Life may not always fall into neat chapters, and you may not always get the satisfying ending you're looking for, but sometimes a good explanation is all the rewrite you need."

Life may not always fall into neat chapters, and you may not always get the satisfying ending you're looking for, but sometimes a good explanation is all the rewrite you need.

Satisfying Quotes: "One of the most satisfying aspects of writing is that it can open in us deep wells of hidden treasures that are beautiful for us as well as for others to see."

One of the most satisfying aspects of writing is that it can open in us deep wells of hidden treasures that are beautiful for us as well as for others to see.

Satisfying Quotes: "There is something so indescribably sweet and satisfying in the knowledge that a husband or wife has forgiven the other freely, and from the heart."

There is something so indescribably sweet and satisfying in the knowledge that a husband or wife has forgiven the other freely, and from the heart.

Satisfying Quotes: "I suppose it's really satisfying to play someone with secrets. It's really satisfying to decide how and when those things are going to start being revealed, and how subtle to be."

I suppose it's really satisfying to play someone with secrets. It's really satisfying to decide how and when those things are going to start being revealed, and how subtle to be.

Satisfying Quotes: "Persons who insist to themselves that under one set of conditions only can they lead interesting and satisfying lives lay themselves open to bitter disappointments and frustrations."

Persons who insist to themselves that under one set of conditions only can they lead interesting and satisfying lives lay themselves open to bitter disappointments and frustrations.

Satisfying Quotes: "If your going to have delusions, you might as well go for the really satisfying ones."

If your going to have delusions, you might as well go for the really satisfying ones.

Satisfying Quotes: "Solitude. One knows instinctively it has benefits that must be more deeply satisfying than those of other conditions, but still it is difficult."

Solitude. One knows instinctively it has benefits that must be more deeply satisfying than those of other conditions, but still it is difficult.

Satisfying Quotes: "I spend half my time in Montana, the other half in New York City. In unique ways, both places help me unwind, and both are the most satisfying places to live I can imagine."

I spend half my time in Montana, the other half in New York City. In unique ways, both places help me unwind, and both are the most satisfying places to live I can imagine.

Satisfying Quotes: "Writing, producing and directing, I must say, is incredibly satisfying and gratifying."

Writing, producing and directing, I must say, is incredibly satisfying and gratifying.

Satisfying Quotes: "A lot of times what's satisfying to me in comedy is when a woman successfully does self-care."

A lot of times what's satisfying to me in comedy is when a woman successfully does self-care.

Satisfying Quotes: "TV can be fairly rigid. I've done enough Network TV to know that it's fun but if I have to go somewhere every day maybe it's not the most satisfying [job]."

TV can be fairly rigid. I've done enough Network TV to know that it's fun but if I have to go somewhere every day maybe it's not the most satisfying [job].

Satisfying Quotes: "Right now music is more my outlet than acting, but I'm waiting for that one satisfying role."

Right now music is more my outlet than acting, but I'm waiting for that one satisfying role.

Satisfying Quotes: "The hardest thing in comedy is to have the biggest laugh at the end, and it’s the most satisfying thing."

The hardest thing in comedy is to have the biggest laugh at the end, and it’s the most satisfying thing.

Satisfying Quotes: "Seskin has the gift of song...his voice has a natural lilt that can’t be learned. The combination of musicianship and repertoire make for a rich and satisfying musical experience."

Seskin has the gift of song...his voice has a natural lilt that can’t be learned. The combination of musicianship and repertoire make for a rich and satisfying musical experience.

Satisfying Quotes: "I think, ultimately, looking back now, acting wasn't satisfying me 100%."

I think, ultimately, looking back now, acting wasn't satisfying me 100%.

Satisfying Quotes: "I always saw myself as a singer-songwriter, a solo-artist, that's why working with other artists was never satisfying for me."

I always saw myself as a singer-songwriter, a solo-artist, that's why working with other artists was never satisfying for me.

Satisfying Quotes: "To be involved in a senior tournament back in the States is very satisfying."

To be involved in a senior tournament back in the States is very satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "Pastors and missionaries (need) to know God and to find in him a Treasure more satisfying than any other person or thing or relationship or experience or accomplishment in the world."

Pastors and missionaries (need) to know God and to find in him a Treasure more satisfying than any other person or thing or relationship or experience or accomplishment in the world.

Satisfying Quotes: "When I was 22, I finally reached that huge goal. Now I'm going for another one. It's so satisfying. It's something that I worked for for so long, and just to know that I got it feels so great."

When I was 22, I finally reached that huge goal. Now I'm going for another one. It's so satisfying. It's something that I worked for for so long, and just to know that I got it feels so great.

Satisfying Quotes: "It's just satisfying for me to be able to write kind of like a finished, nice product."

It's just satisfying for me to be able to write kind of like a finished, nice product.

Satisfying Quotes: "I really like the complexity of jazz, the emotional depth; I feel like there's no other music that's really as satisfying as jazz."

I really like the complexity of jazz, the emotional depth; I feel like there's no other music that's really as satisfying as jazz.

Satisfying Quotes: "Trusting Him to work out your circumstances instead of using your own might and power will bring deep satisfying joy into your life."

Trusting Him to work out your circumstances instead of using your own might and power will bring deep satisfying joy into your life.

Satisfying Quotes: "It's one thing in this business to actually work. 5 percent of the Screen Actors' Guild works. It's another thing to do work that's satisfying and that people are loving."

It's one thing in this business to actually work. 5 percent of the Screen Actors' Guild works. It's another thing to do work that's satisfying and that people are loving.

Satisfying Quotes: "You don't have to spend eight years of your life trying to get something done. You can get your answers very quickly, and there's something satisfying about that."

You don't have to spend eight years of your life trying to get something done. You can get your answers very quickly, and there's something satisfying about that.

Satisfying Quotes: "I can’t say, "I eat whatever I want when I want," but I have come up with some great treats for myself that are healthy and satisfying."

I can’t say, "I eat whatever I want when I want," but I have come up with some great treats for myself that are healthy and satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "She saw herself moving through another life, an exotic, difficult, satisfying life."

She saw herself moving through another life, an exotic, difficult, satisfying life.

Satisfying Quotes: "I love actors, regardless of where they are in their skill level. There's something terribly satisfying about working with someone who's really learning."

I love actors, regardless of where they are in their skill level. There's something terribly satisfying about working with someone who's really learning.

Satisfying Quotes: "I still wanted to know why. As though somebody was going to answer that for me, as though any answer would be satisfying."

I still wanted to know why. As though somebody was going to answer that for me, as though any answer would be satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "Despite rumors to the contrary, a mime is actually a very satisfying thing to waste."

Despite rumors to the contrary, a mime is actually a very satisfying thing to waste.

Satisfying Quotes: "For me, work is so satisfying and it's giving me so much, it's nurturing me so much, that I think it sort of makes up for the sleep depravation."

For me, work is so satisfying and it's giving me so much, it's nurturing me so much, that I think it sort of makes up for the sleep depravation.

Satisfying Quotes: "Revenge is so much more satisfying than regret."

Revenge is so much more satisfying than regret.

Satisfying Quotes: "I don't think that anyone can prepare for raising a child. I think it's one of those jobs that is far more overwhelming than you could ever expect and far more satisfying than you can ever expect."

I don't think that anyone can prepare for raising a child. I think it's one of those jobs that is far more overwhelming than you could ever expect and far more satisfying than you can ever expect.

Satisfying Quotes: "I can contribute, be valuable and grow in many ways, since my interests are so varied. That is very satisfying."

I can contribute, be valuable and grow in many ways, since my interests are so varied. That is very satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "As he demonstrated with 'Juno' and 'Up in the Air,' Reitman has an uncanny knack among contemporary directors for tapping into the zeitgeist in dramatically satisfying ways."

As he demonstrated with 'Juno' and 'Up in the Air,' Reitman has an uncanny knack among contemporary directors for tapping into the zeitgeist in dramatically satisfying ways.

Satisfying Quotes: "You know not every book has to have a happy ending, but it has to have a satisfying ending."

You know not every book has to have a happy ending, but it has to have a satisfying ending.

Satisfying Quotes: "I feel like this is the way I was meant to interact with acting. Which is as a director, and helping, working with actors to find their way. Facilitating their performances is so satisfying for me."

I feel like this is the way I was meant to interact with acting. Which is as a director, and helping, working with actors to find their way. Facilitating their performances is so satisfying for me.

Satisfying Quotes: "In a culture defined by shades of gray, I think the absolute black and white choices in dark young adult novels are incredibly satisfying for readers."

In a culture defined by shades of gray, I think the absolute black and white choices in dark young adult novels are incredibly satisfying for readers.

Satisfying Quotes: "The point is that the reader's journey through our site is a narrative experience. Our job is to make the narrative satisfying."

The point is that the reader's journey through our site is a narrative experience. Our job is to make the narrative satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "Words cause pain, they evoke anger, they make us hate, they lead us to war. But they also make us laugh, bring us joy, and satisfying our emotional hungers."

Words cause pain, they evoke anger, they make us hate, they lead us to war. But they also make us laugh, bring us joy, and satisfying our emotional hungers.

Satisfying Quotes: "It seems to me, that's the only thing that ends up being really fulfilling or satisfying - your career."

It seems to me, that's the only thing that ends up being really fulfilling or satisfying - your career.