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Satisfying Quotes

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Satisfying Quotes: "Encountering rhyme out of the blue is like finding a long-lost twin (fraternal), or a suitcase that closes with a particularly satisfying click."

Encountering rhyme out of the blue is like finding a long-lost twin (fraternal), or a suitcase that closes with a particularly satisfying click.

Satisfying Quotes: "It's an ugly thing to see ambition and to see people satisfying themselves."

It's an ugly thing to see ambition and to see people satisfying themselves.

Satisfying Quotes: "To really 'live,' that is to find life reasonably satisfying, you must have an adequate and realistic self-image that you can life with. You must find yourself acceptable to 'you.'"

To really 'live,' that is to find life reasonably satisfying, you must have an adequate and realistic self-image that you can life with. You must find yourself acceptable to 'you.'

Satisfying Quotes: "As a lifelong romance reader, its always satisfying to get to talk to other romance readers!"

As a lifelong romance reader, its always satisfying to get to talk to other romance readers!

Satisfying Quotes: "[Comics] were viewed as the literary equivalent of bubblegum cards, meant to be poked into the spokes of a young mind where they would produce a satisfying but entirely bogus rumble of pleasure."

[Comics] were viewed as the literary equivalent of bubblegum cards, meant to be poked into the spokes of a young mind where they would produce a satisfying but entirely bogus rumble of pleasure.

Satisfying Quotes: "Human intelligence was more trouble than it was worth. It was more destructive than creative, more confusing than revealing, more discouraging than satisfying, more spiteful than charitable."

Human intelligence was more trouble than it was worth. It was more destructive than creative, more confusing than revealing, more discouraging than satisfying, more spiteful than charitable.

Satisfying Quotes: "I find directing more satisfying."

I find directing more satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "A man should think less of what he eats and more with whom he eats because no food is so satisfying as good company."

A man should think less of what he eats and more with whom he eats because no food is so satisfying as good company.

Satisfying Quotes: "We pay for content that we like, and we like the content we pay for. It's a lot more satisfying to pay $7.50 for Steven Spielberg's next epic than it is to watch my home movies for free. Even for me."

We pay for content that we like, and we like the content we pay for. It's a lot more satisfying to pay $7.50 for Steven Spielberg's next epic than it is to watch my home movies for free. Even for me.

Satisfying Quotes: "Making art for me is not fun in the sense of la, la, la, la, but it's something that I find very absorbing and very satisfying."

Making art for me is not fun in the sense of la, la, la, la, but it's something that I find very absorbing and very satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "We are not really spying, we're just satisfying our curiosity."

We are not really spying, we're just satisfying our curiosity.

Satisfying Quotes: "I'm glad I took the leap away from acting into going behind the camera because it's much more satisfying - I love acting and I still do, but it's much more satisfying to be able to make the stuff."

I'm glad I took the leap away from acting into going behind the camera because it's much more satisfying - I love acting and I still do, but it's much more satisfying to be able to make the stuff.

Satisfying Quotes: "I'm not a painter who's saying, "I want people to see my work when I die; it will be this and that." That's not satisfying to me."

I'm not a painter who's saying, "I want people to see my work when I die; it will be this and that." That's not satisfying to me.

Satisfying Quotes: "One of the problems with technology is that no photograph, as superb and outstanding as it may be, will ever be as satisfying as the most middle-rate painting."

One of the problems with technology is that no photograph, as superb and outstanding as it may be, will ever be as satisfying as the most middle-rate painting.

Satisfying Quotes: "Realize that the banality around us that passes as "hipness" or "mass culture" is as satisfying as "mass food"-only it comes in much more unappetizing portions."

Realize that the banality around us that passes as "hipness" or "mass culture" is as satisfying as "mass food"-only it comes in much more unappetizing portions.

Satisfying Quotes: "My other work, teaching, also is satisfying because I can be with people but in controlled circumstances, which aren't as likely to yield the pain of dealing with family."

My other work, teaching, also is satisfying because I can be with people but in controlled circumstances, which aren't as likely to yield the pain of dealing with family.

Satisfying Quotes: "I love my career right now, and I won't be with anybody until they make my life as satisfying and as happy as my work makes me."

I love my career right now, and I won't be with anybody until they make my life as satisfying and as happy as my work makes me.

Satisfying Quotes: "Wow, wow, wow! I never imagined meatless meals could be so satisfying."

Wow, wow, wow! I never imagined meatless meals could be so satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "To live in the past or in the future may be less satisfying than to live in the present, but it can never be as disillusioning."

To live in the past or in the future may be less satisfying than to live in the present, but it can never be as disillusioning.

Satisfying Quotes: "Working with a green screen is easy. It's just like being a kid. But it's not nearly as satisfying."

Working with a green screen is easy. It's just like being a kid. But it's not nearly as satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "Because of the failure of religion to offer satisfying answers to an increasing number of people, it's time for philosophy to address forcefully these questions that everybody is wondering about."

Because of the failure of religion to offer satisfying answers to an increasing number of people, it's time for philosophy to address forcefully these questions that everybody is wondering about.

Satisfying Quotes: "You're using such different muscles and you rely on physicality in live action, but in animation, you totally throw that out the window. But somehow, they're both as satisfying."

You're using such different muscles and you rely on physicality in live action, but in animation, you totally throw that out the window. But somehow, they're both as satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "It is an endless and frivolous Pursuit to act by any other Rule than the Care of satisfying our own Minds in what we do"

It is an endless and frivolous Pursuit to act by any other Rule than the Care of satisfying our own Minds in what we do

Satisfying Quotes: "I think that people who don't mind reading find the immersion and their ability to get into a deeper place with the story to be satisfying. That's the kind of reader I want."

I think that people who don't mind reading find the immersion and their ability to get into a deeper place with the story to be satisfying. That's the kind of reader I want.

Satisfying Quotes: "Your only hope of satisfying others is in satisfying yourself. I speak of a great satisfaction, not a commercial satisfaction."

Your only hope of satisfying others is in satisfying yourself. I speak of a great satisfaction, not a commercial satisfaction.

Satisfying Quotes: "Completing a piece of art and using all of the elements of making a film, was satisfying, for sure."

Completing a piece of art and using all of the elements of making a film, was satisfying, for sure.

Satisfying Quotes: "It's such an intimate experience, being a director, artistically. It's deep and it's satisfying and it's wonderful, on so many levels, but it's also really scary."

It's such an intimate experience, being a director, artistically. It's deep and it's satisfying and it's wonderful, on so many levels, but it's also really scary.

Satisfying Quotes: "Grace is God satisfying our souls with His Son so that we're ruined for anything else!"

Grace is God satisfying our souls with His Son so that we're ruined for anything else!

Satisfying Quotes: "I want a movie to be satisfying for an audience. That sense of having to get it done, no matter what cost, is what I like."

I want a movie to be satisfying for an audience. That sense of having to get it done, no matter what cost, is what I like.

Satisfying Quotes: "It's hard to argue with the government. Remember, they are they run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, so they must know a thing or two about satisfying women."

It's hard to argue with the government. Remember, they are they run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, so they must know a thing or two about satisfying women.

Satisfying Quotes: "I'm always nervous taking on a period role because it's difficult to research - you can't observe it, go out and see it. But it's satisfying because eventually you think, 'I got there."

I'm always nervous taking on a period role because it's difficult to research - you can't observe it, go out and see it. But it's satisfying because eventually you think, 'I got there.

Satisfying Quotes: "All the goods of this world...are finite and limited and radically incapable of satisfying the desire that perpetually burns within us for an infinite and perfect good."

All the goods of this world...are finite and limited and radically incapable of satisfying the desire that perpetually burns within us for an infinite and perfect good.

Satisfying Quotes: "Real science can be far stranger than science fiction and much more satisfying."

Real science can be far stranger than science fiction and much more satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "Reading a good long novel is in many ways like having a long and satisfying affair"

Reading a good long novel is in many ways like having a long and satisfying affair

Satisfying Quotes: "I want to make big movies that appeal to a lot of people. That's satisfying to me."

I want to make big movies that appeal to a lot of people. That's satisfying to me.

Satisfying Quotes: "Evolution is an indispensable component of any satisfying explanation of our psychology."

Evolution is an indispensable component of any satisfying explanation of our psychology.

Satisfying Quotes: "I love doing the show more than anything. It's truly the most satisfying thing creatively that I've ever had in my life."

I love doing the show more than anything. It's truly the most satisfying thing creatively that I've ever had in my life.

Satisfying Quotes: "Satisfying ever-growing energy demand in a sustainable way has become the world's biggest challenge."

Satisfying ever-growing energy demand in a sustainable way has become the world's biggest challenge.

Satisfying Quotes: "I just like comedy in general. My film work, which has been at times more dramatic, has been satisfying. But I never feel quite as good and as light and blissful as when I'm doing comedy."

I just like comedy in general. My film work, which has been at times more dramatic, has been satisfying. But I never feel quite as good and as light and blissful as when I'm doing comedy.

Satisfying Quotes: "It's a very satisfying feeling for everyone involved into giving bands a new life - for me, the artists, and the audience."

It's a very satisfying feeling for everyone involved into giving bands a new life - for me, the artists, and the audience.

Satisfying Quotes: "In all honesty, I've written movies that have been made, and the process has not been as satisfying as writing for television."

In all honesty, I've written movies that have been made, and the process has not been as satisfying as writing for television.

Satisfying Quotes: "In a game, just losing is almost as satisfying as just winning... In life the loser's score is always zero."

In a game, just losing is almost as satisfying as just winning... In life the loser's score is always zero.

Satisfying Quotes: "To try to please people is an endless chasing of one's own tail. That's not very satisfying, so we do what we like and that satisfies us. When it does work out, its a bonus, really."

To try to please people is an endless chasing of one's own tail. That's not very satisfying, so we do what we like and that satisfies us. When it does work out, its a bonus, really.

Satisfying Quotes: "It's the most satisfying occupation man has discovered yet, because you never can quite do it as well as you want to, so there's always something to wake up tomorrow morning to do."

It's the most satisfying occupation man has discovered yet, because you never can quite do it as well as you want to, so there's always something to wake up tomorrow morning to do.

Satisfying Quotes: "Full color experience is peculiarly satisfying even though it is exhausting and leaves you feeling two-thirds color blind when you're not making the effort."

Full color experience is peculiarly satisfying even though it is exhausting and leaves you feeling two-thirds color blind when you're not making the effort.

Satisfying Quotes: "In art, something comes of nothing. Out of the thin air and the ether, you create a story. And that is intensely satisfying."

In art, something comes of nothing. Out of the thin air and the ether, you create a story. And that is intensely satisfying.

Satisfying Quotes: "There is no need for comparison. Be happy with yourself and find satisfaction in your work."

There is no need for comparison. Be happy with yourself and find satisfaction in your work.

Satisfying Quotes: "Don't try to preserve your energy. Rather, think of a worthwhile purpose in life and burn yourself up.... for that's what is satisfying and fulfilling."

Don't try to preserve your energy. Rather, think of a worthwhile purpose in life and burn yourself up.... for that's what is satisfying and fulfilling.

Satisfying Quotes: "There will never be complete satisfaction in the life, satisfaction is an illusion, there is only heroism."

There will never be complete satisfaction in the life, satisfaction is an illusion, there is only heroism.