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Saved Quotes

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Saved Quotes: "Those old stories of visions and dreams guiding men have their truth; we are saved by making the future present to ourselves."

Those old stories of visions and dreams guiding men have their truth; we are saved by making the future present to ourselves.

Saved Quotes: "A virtuous heretic shall be saved before a wicked Christian."

A virtuous heretic shall be saved before a wicked Christian.

Saved Quotes: "He was one of these men who think that the world can be saved by writing a pamphlet."

He was one of these men who think that the world can be saved by writing a pamphlet.

Saved Quotes: "... I learned the hard way that just as I no longer have to save anyone, neither do I have to be saved."

... I learned the hard way that just as I no longer have to save anyone, neither do I have to be saved.

Saved Quotes: "I got saved by poetry. And I got saved by the beauty of the world."

I got saved by poetry. And I got saved by the beauty of the world.

Saved Quotes: "I mourn for the stake which was lost at Richmond more deeply than I rejoice over that which was saved at Waterloo."

I mourn for the stake which was lost at Richmond more deeply than I rejoice over that which was saved at Waterloo.

Saved Quotes: "We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. Founder of the Republican Party."

We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. Founder of the Republican Party.

Saved Quotes: "There is no beauty unaided, no excellence that does not sink to the barbarous, unless saved by art."

There is no beauty unaided, no excellence that does not sink to the barbarous, unless saved by art.

Saved Quotes: "Rap music came along and saved my life. I started to tell the stories of the streets and that was my way out."

Rap music came along and saved my life. I started to tell the stories of the streets and that was my way out.

Saved Quotes: "Tens of thousands, perhaps millions, have come into some kind of religious experience by accepting Christ, and they have not been saved."

Tens of thousands, perhaps millions, have come into some kind of religious experience by accepting Christ, and they have not been saved.

Saved Quotes: "Men are expendable; women and children are not. A tribe or a nation can lose a high percentage of its men and still pick up the pieces and go on ... as long as the women and children are saved."

Men are expendable; women and children are not. A tribe or a nation can lose a high percentage of its men and still pick up the pieces and go on ... as long as the women and children are saved.

Saved Quotes: "I wanted to show that crime doesn't pay. If you are saved and accept the Lord, you cannot use that as an excuse to avoid punishment."

I wanted to show that crime doesn't pay. If you are saved and accept the Lord, you cannot use that as an excuse to avoid punishment.

Saved Quotes: "Unless souls are saved, nothing is saved; there can be no world peace without soul peace."

Unless souls are saved, nothing is saved; there can be no world peace without soul peace.

Saved Quotes: "Every penny I've ever saved has been spent on airline tickets to different corners of the world."

Every penny I've ever saved has been spent on airline tickets to different corners of the world.

Saved Quotes: "It all would have been much better if individuals saved for their own old age."

It all would have been much better if individuals saved for their own old age.

Saved Quotes: "In this case, the particle formed has correspondingly less energy, whereas the product nucleus passes into the ground state with emission of the quantity of energy saved as gamma radiation."

In this case, the particle formed has correspondingly less energy, whereas the product nucleus passes into the ground state with emission of the quantity of energy saved as gamma radiation.

Saved Quotes: "Everyone's saved, we're in the grave. See you there for afternoon tea."

Everyone's saved, we're in the grave. See you there for afternoon tea.

Saved Quotes: "If one could only say just once: 'this is clear', all would be saved"

If one could only say just once: 'this is clear', all would be saved

Saved Quotes: "I have everything in boxes. Thousands of those tapes. I've saved everything."

I have everything in boxes. Thousands of those tapes. I've saved everything.

Saved Quotes: "You do not have to be in a church to be saved, but to continue in the things of God, you must be in some type of fellowship with other Christian people."

You do not have to be in a church to be saved, but to continue in the things of God, you must be in some type of fellowship with other Christian people.

Saved Quotes: "The president's budget request today demonstrates his unwillingness to come clean on the true costs of his agenda. A penny saved is not a penny earned if at the end of the day you still owe a quarter"

The president's budget request today demonstrates his unwillingness to come clean on the true costs of his agenda. A penny saved is not a penny earned if at the end of the day you still owe a quarter

Saved Quotes: "We are saved by a man who died loving his enemies."

We are saved by a man who died loving his enemies.

Saved Quotes: "A billion saved is a billion earned."

A billion saved is a billion earned.

Saved Quotes: "Houston is undoubtedly my showcase city. I saved all my best buildings for Houston."

Houston is undoubtedly my showcase city. I saved all my best buildings for Houston.

Saved Quotes: "Christianity ruined emperors, but saved peoples."

Christianity ruined emperors, but saved peoples.

Saved Quotes: "Even the lamest page can be saved by collaboration."

Even the lamest page can be saved by collaboration.

Saved Quotes: "From the evening I was saved, I began to live a new life, for the life of the eternal God had entered into me."

From the evening I was saved, I began to live a new life, for the life of the eternal God had entered into me.

Saved Quotes: "You might be a redneck if you saved lots of money on your honeymoon by going deer hunting."

You might be a redneck if you saved lots of money on your honeymoon by going deer hunting.

Saved Quotes: "He saved others, himself he cannot save!"

He saved others, himself he cannot save!

Saved Quotes: "Writing saved me from the sin and inconvenience of violence - as it saves most writers who live in 'interesting' oppressive times and are not afflicted by personal immunity."

Writing saved me from the sin and inconvenience of violence - as it saves most writers who live in 'interesting' oppressive times and are not afflicted by personal immunity.

Saved Quotes: "Of course I loved you, you saved my life. I wish you hadn’t I wish you hadn’t I wish you’d left me alone."

Of course I loved you, you saved my life. I wish you hadn’t I wish you hadn’t I wish you’d left me alone.

Saved Quotes: "A Christian is one who stops working to be saved, not one who stops working!"

A Christian is one who stops working to be saved, not one who stops working!

Saved Quotes: "I naturally wanted to be saved, so when I came home I told my mom I wanted to be confirmed. That's the way I related to it, being raised an Episcopalian. I went to Dallas and got confirmed."

I naturally wanted to be saved, so when I came home I told my mom I wanted to be confirmed. That's the way I related to it, being raised an Episcopalian. I went to Dallas and got confirmed.

Saved Quotes: "Without the piano my life would be a disaster - nobody would hold me in any regard. It's the thing that saved me."

Without the piano my life would be a disaster - nobody would hold me in any regard. It's the thing that saved me.

Saved Quotes: "Those things that are precious are saved only by sacrifice."

Those things that are precious are saved only by sacrifice.

Saved Quotes: "Cato kneels beside Clove, spear in hand, begging her to stay with him. In a moment, he will realize it's futile, she can't be saved."

Cato kneels beside Clove, spear in hand, begging her to stay with him. In a moment, he will realize it's futile, she can't be saved.

Saved Quotes: "my life has been saved over and over again by picking up a book in which someone captured the whole experience of being despised and not dying."

my life has been saved over and over again by picking up a book in which someone captured the whole experience of being despised and not dying.

Saved Quotes: "The best book in the world to put into the hands of one who desires to know about Jesus and to be saved is the gospel of John."

The best book in the world to put into the hands of one who desires to know about Jesus and to be saved is the gospel of John.

Saved Quotes: "We are not saved by nations or by churches or by families, but as individuals, through a personal interest in a personal Saviour."

We are not saved by nations or by churches or by families, but as individuals, through a personal interest in a personal Saviour.

Saved Quotes: "Just look at the great Nelson Mandela. He came out of prison and saved his entire country. Some of the best people in the world have spent time in prison."

Just look at the great Nelson Mandela. He came out of prison and saved his entire country. Some of the best people in the world have spent time in prison.

Saved Quotes: "The real business of your life as a saved soul is intercessory prayer."

The real business of your life as a saved soul is intercessory prayer.

Saved Quotes: "Harold, like the rest of us, had many impressions which saved him the trouble of distinct ideas."

Harold, like the rest of us, had many impressions which saved him the trouble of distinct ideas.

Saved Quotes: "After high school, I had $2,000 saved, and I packed everything I could into my '95 Nissan Sentra with no air-conditioning, and I drove out to L.A."

After high school, I had $2,000 saved, and I packed everything I could into my '95 Nissan Sentra with no air-conditioning, and I drove out to L.A.

Saved Quotes: "Self-conscious rejection of the absolute is the best way to resist God; thus illusion, the substance of life, is saved."

Self-conscious rejection of the absolute is the best way to resist God; thus illusion, the substance of life, is saved.

Saved Quotes: "Is it possible for an unbaptized believer to be saved? Yes, definitely. Should every believer be baptized? Yes, definitely."

Is it possible for an unbaptized believer to be saved? Yes, definitely. Should every believer be baptized? Yes, definitely.

Saved Quotes: "I also have a pair of ruby red slippers from the 'Wizard of Oz' and Dorothy's gingham dress...and on and on. I saved as much as I could and still do, because people are still interested in it."

I also have a pair of ruby red slippers from the 'Wizard of Oz' and Dorothy's gingham dress...and on and on. I saved as much as I could and still do, because people are still interested in it.

Saved Quotes: "Hitler: Thank you, whoever you are. I think you just saved my life. The Doctor: Believe me... It was an accident."

Hitler: Thank you, whoever you are. I think you just saved my life. The Doctor: Believe me... It was an accident.

Saved Quotes: "The only time I had a normal boyfriend was during the time of AIDS, so maybe that saved me. It's certainly not karma."

The only time I had a normal boyfriend was during the time of AIDS, so maybe that saved me. It's certainly not karma.

Saved Quotes: "In fairy tales, the children are saved by caring adults. We need more caring adults in the lives of our children."

In fairy tales, the children are saved by caring adults. We need more caring adults in the lives of our children.