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Sickness Quotes

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Sickness Quotes: "The most dangerous sicknesses are those that make us believe we are well"

The most dangerous sicknesses are those that make us believe we are well

Sickness Quotes: "Medicine is the restoration of discordant elements; sickness is the discord of the elements infused into the living body."

Medicine is the restoration of discordant elements; sickness is the discord of the elements infused into the living body.

Sickness Quotes: "We are all ill; but even a universal sickness implies an idea of health."

We are all ill; but even a universal sickness implies an idea of health.

Sickness Quotes: "Sickness begets chaos, which, through hard work and a touch of grace, leads to growth and resurrection."

Sickness begets chaos, which, through hard work and a touch of grace, leads to growth and resurrection.

Sickness Quotes: "Sickness, sin, and death, being inharmonious, do not originate in God nor belong to His government."

Sickness, sin, and death, being inharmonious, do not originate in God nor belong to His government.

Sickness Quotes: "Some maladies are rich and precious and only to be acquired by the right of inheritance or purchased with gold."

Some maladies are rich and precious and only to be acquired by the right of inheritance or purchased with gold.

Sickness Quotes: "Education is suffering from narration sickness."

Education is suffering from narration sickness.

Sickness Quotes: "The pursuit of health is a symptom of unhealth. When this pursuit is no longer a personal yearning but part of state ideology, healthism for short, it becomes a symptom of political sickness."

The pursuit of health is a symptom of unhealth. When this pursuit is no longer a personal yearning but part of state ideology, healthism for short, it becomes a symptom of political sickness.

Sickness Quotes: "I'm beginning to have morning sickness. I'm not having a baby, I'm just sick of morning."

I'm beginning to have morning sickness. I'm not having a baby, I'm just sick of morning.

Sickness Quotes: "First thing about being a patient-you have to learn patience."

First thing about being a patient-you have to learn patience.

Sickness Quotes: "Within each of us lies the power of our consent to health and sickness, to riches and poverty, to freedom and to slavery. It is we who control these, and not another."

Within each of us lies the power of our consent to health and sickness, to riches and poverty, to freedom and to slavery. It is we who control these, and not another.

Sickness Quotes: "Sickness sometimes is a great blessing. People become angels through sickness."

Sickness sometimes is a great blessing. People become angels through sickness.

Sickness Quotes: "Families where there is not much laughter I think are signs of some sort of dysfunctionality or sickness."

Families where there is not much laughter I think are signs of some sort of dysfunctionality or sickness.

Sickness Quotes: "Sickness, doctors, that scares me, not violence -- helplessness. That's why I turn to violent stories."

Sickness, doctors, that scares me, not violence -- helplessness. That's why I turn to violent stories.

Sickness Quotes: "Junk takes everything and gives nothing but insurance against junk sickness."

Junk takes everything and gives nothing but insurance against junk sickness.

Sickness Quotes: "My long sickness Of health and living now begins to mend, And nothing brings me all things."

My long sickness Of health and living now begins to mend, And nothing brings me all things.

Sickness Quotes: "Some people are attracted to sickness, to the kind of madness where sparks fly off the head, to the incoherence of despair, masked by nervous energy, which winds up looking like bewildered joy."

Some people are attracted to sickness, to the kind of madness where sparks fly off the head, to the incoherence of despair, masked by nervous energy, which winds up looking like bewildered joy.

Sickness Quotes: "When you run an entrepreneurial business, you have hurry sickness - you don't look back, you advance and consolidate. But it is such fun"

When you run an entrepreneurial business, you have hurry sickness - you don't look back, you advance and consolidate. But it is such fun

Sickness Quotes: "There is no greater mercy that I know of on earth than good health except it is sickness, and that has often been a greater mercy to me than health."

There is no greater mercy that I know of on earth than good health except it is sickness, and that has often been a greater mercy to me than health.

Sickness Quotes: "Scary is time passing and sickness and dying and regret and isolation and loneliness and relationship problems - as opposed to a guy in a hockey mask, which didn't seem that scary."

Scary is time passing and sickness and dying and regret and isolation and loneliness and relationship problems - as opposed to a guy in a hockey mask, which didn't seem that scary.

Sickness Quotes: "There is no way to escape death, it is just like trying to escape by four great mountains touching sky. There is no escape from these four mountains of birth, old age, sickness and death."

There is no way to escape death, it is just like trying to escape by four great mountains touching sky. There is no escape from these four mountains of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Sickness Quotes: "As long as one believes in philosophy, one is healthy; sickness begins when one starts to think."

As long as one believes in philosophy, one is healthy; sickness begins when one starts to think.

Sickness Quotes: "A woman whose heart is not touched by the sickness of sorrow and whose hands do not go out in relief where it is in her power to help, lacks one of the elements which make the glory of womanhood."

A woman whose heart is not touched by the sickness of sorrow and whose hands do not go out in relief where it is in her power to help, lacks one of the elements which make the glory of womanhood.

Sickness Quotes: "You are what you dream you are and become. And, I wish Americans would get out of the sickness and just become greater."

You are what you dream you are and become. And, I wish Americans would get out of the sickness and just become greater.

Sickness Quotes: "Be gone, sorrow, sickness, wheelchairs, and cancer! Enough of you, screams of fear and nights of horror! Death, you die! Life, you reign!"

Be gone, sorrow, sickness, wheelchairs, and cancer! Enough of you, screams of fear and nights of horror! Death, you die! Life, you reign!

Sickness Quotes: "I do believe that America's deepest political sickness is that it is a self-righteous nation."

I do believe that America's deepest political sickness is that it is a self-righteous nation.

Sickness Quotes: "Both total accommodation to the culture and total resistance to it are usually signs of intellectual sickness."

Both total accommodation to the culture and total resistance to it are usually signs of intellectual sickness.

Sickness Quotes: "No sickness worse than imagining thyself to be perfect can afflict thy soul."

No sickness worse than imagining thyself to be perfect can afflict thy soul.

Sickness Quotes: "It warms the very sickness in my heart, That I shall live and tell him to his teeth, "Thus diddest thou;""

It warms the very sickness in my heart, That I shall live and tell him to his teeth, "Thus diddest thou;"

Sickness Quotes: "How sickness enlarges the dimensions of a man's self to himself! Supreme selfishness is inculcated upon him as his only duty."

How sickness enlarges the dimensions of a man's self to himself! Supreme selfishness is inculcated upon him as his only duty.

Sickness Quotes: "Wordiness is a sickness of American writing. Too many words dilute and blur ideas."

Wordiness is a sickness of American writing. Too many words dilute and blur ideas.

Sickness Quotes: "The feeling of health can only be gained by sickness."

The feeling of health can only be gained by sickness.

Sickness Quotes: "Millions do not now have protection or security against the economic effects of sickness."

Millions do not now have protection or security against the economic effects of sickness.

Sickness Quotes: "Make war not on terrorism but on ignorance, on sickness and on environmental degradation."

Make war not on terrorism but on ignorance, on sickness and on environmental degradation.

Sickness Quotes: "I know for a fact that sickness is easier, but health is more interesting."

I know for a fact that sickness is easier, but health is more interesting.

Sickness Quotes: "In time of sickness the soul collects itself anew."

In time of sickness the soul collects itself anew.

Sickness Quotes: "There is no happiness until the mind is still. The cause of all sickness and sadness is the fluctuation of the mind."

There is no happiness until the mind is still. The cause of all sickness and sadness is the fluctuation of the mind.

Sickness Quotes: "Make sickness itself a prayer."

Make sickness itself a prayer.

Sickness Quotes: "To make people laugh was almost a sickness with me."

To make people laugh was almost a sickness with me.

Sickness Quotes: "I inhabit the wax image of myself, a doll's body. Sickness begins here; I am a dartboard for witches."

I inhabit the wax image of myself, a doll's body. Sickness begins here; I am a dartboard for witches.

Sickness Quotes: "There seems to be a human instinct for prayer. Swiss theologian Karl Barth calls it our 'incurable God-sickness.'"

There seems to be a human instinct for prayer. Swiss theologian Karl Barth calls it our 'incurable God-sickness.'

Sickness Quotes: "In youth alone, unhappy mortals live; But, ah! the mighty bliss is fugitive: Discolour'd sickness, anxious labour, come, And age, and death's inexorable doom."

In youth alone, unhappy mortals live; But, ah! the mighty bliss is fugitive: Discolour'd sickness, anxious labour, come, And age, and death's inexorable doom.

Sickness Quotes: "How could sufferings be relieved through purification? To know the Path is to get lost at the ford. Indeed, sickness comes from worldly love And poverty begins with the pursuit of greed."

How could sufferings be relieved through purification? To know the Path is to get lost at the ford. Indeed, sickness comes from worldly love And poverty begins with the pursuit of greed.

Sickness Quotes: "I awoke from The Sickness at the age of forty-five, calm and sane, and in reasonably good health except for a weakened liver and the look of borrowed flesh common to all who survive The Sickness."

I awoke from The Sickness at the age of forty-five, calm and sane, and in reasonably good health except for a weakened liver and the look of borrowed flesh common to all who survive The Sickness.

Sickness Quotes: "Grief is illness. You cannot breathe; you cannot walk or eat or sleep. The sickness is entire, the body and the spirit."

Grief is illness. You cannot breathe; you cannot walk or eat or sleep. The sickness is entire, the body and the spirit.

Sickness Quotes: "It is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the truth."

It is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the truth.

Sickness Quotes: "There's a phenomenology of being sick, one that depends on temperament, personal history, and the culture which we live in."

There's a phenomenology of being sick, one that depends on temperament, personal history, and the culture which we live in.

Sickness Quotes: "And then there's the sickness I feel from looking at legs I can't touch, or at lips that don't smile at me. Or hips that don't reach for me. And hearts that don't beat for me."

And then there's the sickness I feel from looking at legs I can't touch, or at lips that don't smile at me. Or hips that don't reach for me. And hearts that don't beat for me.

Sickness Quotes: "The hospital room was as cold as dead skin, the hallway crowded with lost souls and reeking of illness."

The hospital room was as cold as dead skin, the hallway crowded with lost souls and reeking of illness.