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Singing Quotes

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Singing Quotes: "I tried to connect my singing voice to my guitar an' my guitar to my singing voice. Like the two was talking to one another."

I tried to connect my singing voice to my guitar an' my guitar to my singing voice. Like the two was talking to one another.

Singing Quotes: "Singing live is my favorite. When people sing along to your songs, the circle is complete."

Singing live is my favorite. When people sing along to your songs, the circle is complete.

Singing Quotes: "As I love nature, as I love singing birds...I love thee, my friend."

As I love nature, as I love singing birds...I love thee, my friend.

Singing Quotes: "In singing, what my voice lacked in quality it made up in volume."

In singing, what my voice lacked in quality it made up in volume.

Singing Quotes: "On singing in the swimming pool: "If I can move the water, I can move the people."

On singing in the swimming pool: "If I can move the water, I can move the people.

Singing Quotes: "A musical film is my idea of heaven. You can pre-record, you don't have to sing live. Singing live was the bit I hated the most. I never felt like a confident singer."

A musical film is my idea of heaven. You can pre-record, you don't have to sing live. Singing live was the bit I hated the most. I never felt like a confident singer.

Singing Quotes: "Ten minutes before you go onstage and you begin singing that torchy blues song, you may just be drinking a glass of water and brushing your teeth and doing some deep breathing."

Ten minutes before you go onstage and you begin singing that torchy blues song, you may just be drinking a glass of water and brushing your teeth and doing some deep breathing.

Singing Quotes: "God is not regulated to 30 minutes of accessible group singing."

God is not regulated to 30 minutes of accessible group singing.

Singing Quotes: "He threw his head back and sang, "'I am a centaur, yes, a centaur is what I am.' It's not like you to wax, Artemis" "Foaly is singing," said Holly. "Surely that's illegal?"

He threw his head back and sang, "'I am a centaur, yes, a centaur is what I am.' It's not like you to wax, Artemis" "Foaly is singing," said Holly. "Surely that's illegal?

Singing Quotes: "The birds that were singing in the dew-drenched garden seemed to be telling the flowers about her."

The birds that were singing in the dew-drenched garden seemed to be telling the flowers about her.

Singing Quotes: "It must have been the summer of 1967, the Beatles were singing love is all you need. I held her hand as we walked through the arcades."

It must have been the summer of 1967, the Beatles were singing love is all you need. I held her hand as we walked through the arcades.

Singing Quotes: "Someone once said that there are probably seven naturally good singing days in a year-and those are days you won't be booked. What we must learn is how to sing through all the other days."

Someone once said that there are probably seven naturally good singing days in a year-and those are days you won't be booked. What we must learn is how to sing through all the other days.

Singing Quotes: "I always loved music. You know, my parents said I started singing when I was 4, in the car."

I always loved music. You know, my parents said I started singing when I was 4, in the car.

Singing Quotes: "I stopped singing and they gave me an award."

I stopped singing and they gave me an award.

Singing Quotes: "What is the point of singing wonderful lyrics if the audience can't understand what is being said or heard?"

What is the point of singing wonderful lyrics if the audience can't understand what is being said or heard?

Singing Quotes: "Basically, I started singing when I started talking. Music has just been my saving grace my whole life."

Basically, I started singing when I started talking. Music has just been my saving grace my whole life.

Singing Quotes: "Truth does not demand belief. Scientists do not join hands every Sunday, singing, 'Yes, gravity is real! I will have faith!'"

Truth does not demand belief. Scientists do not join hands every Sunday, singing, 'Yes, gravity is real! I will have faith!'

Singing Quotes: "Love, I find, is like singing. Everybody can do enough to satisfy themselves, though it may not impress the neighbors as being very much."

Love, I find, is like singing. Everybody can do enough to satisfy themselves, though it may not impress the neighbors as being very much.

Singing Quotes: "Anyone singing about trucks, in any form, in any song, anywhere, literally just stop - nobody cares!"

Anyone singing about trucks, in any form, in any song, anywhere, literally just stop - nobody cares!

Singing Quotes: "Sing lustily and with a good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength."

Sing lustily and with a good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength.

Singing Quotes: "I like singing live. I'm actually very confident and I want to give the best to my fans."

I like singing live. I'm actually very confident and I want to give the best to my fans.

Singing Quotes: "I was influenced a lot by those around me - there was a lot of singing that went on in the cotton fields."

I was influenced a lot by those around me - there was a lot of singing that went on in the cotton fields.

Singing Quotes: "As a child, I loved being onstage. I loved singing, I loved the lights, I loved the adrenaline. I even loved learning lines. I was completely obsessive."

As a child, I loved being onstage. I loved singing, I loved the lights, I loved the adrenaline. I even loved learning lines. I was completely obsessive.

Singing Quotes: "Come live, and be merry, and join with me, To sing the sweet chorus of 'Ha ha he!"

Come live, and be merry, and join with me, To sing the sweet chorus of 'Ha ha he!

Singing Quotes: "The first six years of my career, I got more comments on my weight than on my singing. So I think I became so self-conscious that I started working on it harder."

The first six years of my career, I got more comments on my weight than on my singing. So I think I became so self-conscious that I started working on it harder.

Singing Quotes: "We went on stage with the Jefferson Airplane, Jim started singing with Grace Slick and hugging her. Then he danced off the stage, went back into the dressing room and passed out cold."

We went on stage with the Jefferson Airplane, Jim started singing with Grace Slick and hugging her. Then he danced off the stage, went back into the dressing room and passed out cold.

Singing Quotes: "it is a curious fact that camels walk more quickly and straighter to the sound of singing."

it is a curious fact that camels walk more quickly and straighter to the sound of singing.

Singing Quotes: "I have been singing for the last 50 years, you know, so I deserve a break. Besides, there are talented singers around who can do justice to their work."

I have been singing for the last 50 years, you know, so I deserve a break. Besides, there are talented singers around who can do justice to their work.

Singing Quotes: "My singing technique is really strong and I have to thank my teachers for really instilling a sense of discipline about how to sing properly and how to maintain your voice in a run."

My singing technique is really strong and I have to thank my teachers for really instilling a sense of discipline about how to sing properly and how to maintain your voice in a run.

Singing Quotes: "I feel like it's me singing back to myself as a younger person and saying have confidence in being a bit different."

I feel like it's me singing back to myself as a younger person and saying have confidence in being a bit different.

Singing Quotes: "I'm not the guy whose gonna shoot 10,000 free-throws until I'm Michael Jordan - and it did happen kind of accidentally that I said, "Okay, yeah, I'll try singing.""

I'm not the guy whose gonna shoot 10,000 free-throws until I'm Michael Jordan - and it did happen kind of accidentally that I said, "Okay, yeah, I'll try singing."

Singing Quotes: "I like to sing when I have works to do - it does so help."

I like to sing when I have works to do - it does so help.

Singing Quotes: "The singing of hymns and the rendition of selections from the great sacred oratorios by ward choirs all enhance the spirit of worship."

The singing of hymns and the rendition of selections from the great sacred oratorios by ward choirs all enhance the spirit of worship.

Singing Quotes: "I'm singing, you know, because I'm happy and I'm free."

I'm singing, you know, because I'm happy and I'm free.

Singing Quotes: "There is no such thing as a wrong note ... just as long as you're singing along."

There is no such thing as a wrong note ... just as long as you're singing along.

Singing Quotes: "A cantor, when he starts singing, it's like rain - once it starts, it's hard to stop."

A cantor, when he starts singing, it's like rain - once it starts, it's hard to stop.

Singing Quotes: "Each time you toss out a 'singing' greeting card, you are disposing of more computing power than existed in the entire world before 1950."

Each time you toss out a 'singing' greeting card, you are disposing of more computing power than existed in the entire world before 1950.

Singing Quotes: "I bet Maurice Gibb's heart monitor was singing the tune of Stayin' Alive."

I bet Maurice Gibb's heart monitor was singing the tune of Stayin' Alive.

Singing Quotes: "I just always wanted to be a singer. My mom said I was even singing in my cot!"

I just always wanted to be a singer. My mom said I was even singing in my cot!

Singing Quotes: "If you can keep learning, you can still do your thing, and keep singing or whatever, and still do innovative things."

If you can keep learning, you can still do your thing, and keep singing or whatever, and still do innovative things.

Singing Quotes: "I always said, 'A blind dog with three legs could get a standing ovation for singing 'I'm Still Here!''"

I always said, 'A blind dog with three legs could get a standing ovation for singing 'I'm Still Here!''

Singing Quotes: "I grew up performing and singing. And acting, the idea of it just sort of fell into my lap. And I was a little hesitant at first, but I was like, okay, I’ll try it."

I grew up performing and singing. And acting, the idea of it just sort of fell into my lap. And I was a little hesitant at first, but I was like, okay, I’ll try it.

Singing Quotes: "It's fun singing with other people who are really good singers. There's something kind of poignant about braiding a couple vocals."

It's fun singing with other people who are really good singers. There's something kind of poignant about braiding a couple vocals.

Singing Quotes: "That music in itself, whose sounds are song, The poetry of speech."

That music in itself, whose sounds are song, The poetry of speech.

Singing Quotes: "Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere Underneath my being is a road that disappeared Late at night I hear the trees, they're singing with the dead Overhead."

Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere Underneath my being is a road that disappeared Late at night I hear the trees, they're singing with the dead Overhead.

Singing Quotes: "Faith is a bird that can see the light when it is dawn and starts singing in the dark."

Faith is a bird that can see the light when it is dawn and starts singing in the dark.

Singing Quotes: "I don't like singing before noon."

I don't like singing before noon.

Singing Quotes: "I inherited the knowledge that sometimes (talents) not only skip a generation, but sometimes run screaming from it. Ironically, it was the singing non-ability that helped feed my love of laughter."

I inherited the knowledge that sometimes (talents) not only skip a generation, but sometimes run screaming from it. Ironically, it was the singing non-ability that helped feed my love of laughter.

Singing Quotes: "Basically I'm always singing about the same stuff whether it's in a loud or quiet outfit."

Basically I'm always singing about the same stuff whether it's in a loud or quiet outfit.