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Skins Quotes

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Skins Quotes: "I once loved a girl, her skin it was bronze With the innocence of a lamb, she was gentle like a fawn I courted her proudly but now she is gone Gone as the season she's taken"

I once loved a girl, her skin it was bronze With the innocence of a lamb, she was gentle like a fawn I courted her proudly but now she is gone Gone as the season she's taken

Skins Quotes: "Anyone who tries to keep track of what is happening in China is going to end up by wearing all the skin of his left ear from twirling around on it."

Anyone who tries to keep track of what is happening in China is going to end up by wearing all the skin of his left ear from twirling around on it.

Skins Quotes: "Forensics had taught her that scars left tissue much tougher than skin."

Forensics had taught her that scars left tissue much tougher than skin.

Skins Quotes: "Fashion is not about buying a second skin. Fashion is about having a fantasy."

Fashion is not about buying a second skin. Fashion is about having a fantasy.

Skins Quotes: "The night is a skin pulled over the head of day that the day may be in torment."

The night is a skin pulled over the head of day that the day may be in torment.

Skins Quotes: "Tattoos...are the stories in your heart, written on your skin."

Tattoos...are the stories in your heart, written on your skin.

Skins Quotes: "Most times we only see things for the way we are. But we're good at lying to ourselves. Sometimes we need somebody who's not living in our skin to point out how things really are."

Most times we only see things for the way we are. But we're good at lying to ourselves. Sometimes we need somebody who's not living in our skin to point out how things really are.

Skins Quotes: "Recently, I kind of found that if I just step into my own skin and relax and just walk like I'm just walking down the street, it always looks better than if you try too many cool moves."

Recently, I kind of found that if I just step into my own skin and relax and just walk like I'm just walking down the street, it always looks better than if you try too many cool moves.

Skins Quotes: "We are but skin about a wind, with muscles clenched against mortality."

We are but skin about a wind, with muscles clenched against mortality.

Skins Quotes: "I try to have thick skin, but every once in a while I read something that someone says about me, and it's so slanderous and moralistic and it has nothing to do with my music."

I try to have thick skin, but every once in a while I read something that someone says about me, and it's so slanderous and moralistic and it has nothing to do with my music.

Skins Quotes: "I have tough skin. I don't really read any of the comments unless they are positive. I don't accept that much negativity in my life. It's not an option."

I have tough skin. I don't really read any of the comments unless they are positive. I don't accept that much negativity in my life. It's not an option.

Skins Quotes: "Carving is easy, you just go down to the skin and stop."

Carving is easy, you just go down to the skin and stop.

Skins Quotes: "What I am is a heretic who's recanted, and thereby in everyone's eyes saved his soul. Everyone's eyes but one, who knows deep down inside that all he has saved is his skin."

What I am is a heretic who's recanted, and thereby in everyone's eyes saved his soul. Everyone's eyes but one, who knows deep down inside that all he has saved is his skin.

Skins Quotes: "The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die."

The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die.

Skins Quotes: "And what is it, thought I, after all! It’s only his outside; a man can be honest in any sort of skin."

And what is it, thought I, after all! It’s only his outside; a man can be honest in any sort of skin.

Skins Quotes: "Finding joy is probably tantamount to finding yourself and being comfortable in your own skin."

Finding joy is probably tantamount to finding yourself and being comfortable in your own skin.

Skins Quotes: "In things a moderation keep; Kings ought to shear, not skin, their sheep."

In things a moderation keep; Kings ought to shear, not skin, their sheep.

Skins Quotes: "we are drawn to each other like drops of water, like the planets we repulse each other like magnets, like the color of our skin."

we are drawn to each other like drops of water, like the planets we repulse each other like magnets, like the color of our skin.

Skins Quotes: "My ancestors make up the skin of the world. That's who that is. That's what that is. That's us."

My ancestors make up the skin of the world. That's who that is. That's what that is. That's us.

Skins Quotes: "He's so small, he's a waste of skin."

He's so small, he's a waste of skin.

Skins Quotes: "Why would I try to change who I look like, what my race is? No. No no no. You are beautiful because that’s the skin you were born with. Love it. And be proud of it."

Why would I try to change who I look like, what my race is? No. No no no. You are beautiful because that’s the skin you were born with. Love it. And be proud of it.

Skins Quotes: "When I was young, to have a big nose, big lips or dark skin was the worst. You were the wretched."

When I was young, to have a big nose, big lips or dark skin was the worst. You were the wretched.

Skins Quotes: "Anybody who has a problem with 'Skins' obviously doesn't understand teenage life."

Anybody who has a problem with 'Skins' obviously doesn't understand teenage life.

Skins Quotes: "Since I have fair skin, I have to stay out of the sun. I can't stand the sun. I dyed my hair red for a while during the 1990s but I'm actually a natural blonde."

Since I have fair skin, I have to stay out of the sun. I can't stand the sun. I dyed my hair red for a while during the 1990s but I'm actually a natural blonde.

Skins Quotes: "The life of a dancer is not for everyone. You really have to have some thick skin. You really have to know what you're going into and how competitive the field is."

The life of a dancer is not for everyone. You really have to have some thick skin. You really have to know what you're going into and how competitive the field is.

Skins Quotes: "Her legs went on forever, like staring at infinity through a wisp of cotton panty along a skin of satin sea."

Her legs went on forever, like staring at infinity through a wisp of cotton panty along a skin of satin sea.

Skins Quotes: "There once was a man called Rousseau who wrote a book containing nothing but ideas. The second edition was bound in the skins of those who laughed at the first."

There once was a man called Rousseau who wrote a book containing nothing but ideas. The second edition was bound in the skins of those who laughed at the first.

Skins Quotes: "The Earth is like one of those balls made of twelve pieces of skin."

The Earth is like one of those balls made of twelve pieces of skin.

Skins Quotes: "Develop a skin as thick as a rhinoceros hide!"

Develop a skin as thick as a rhinoceros hide!

Skins Quotes: "I think the older you get, the more you know about life, and the more you learn about yourself and you become comfortable in your own skin. So the older I'm getting, the more fun I'm having."

I think the older you get, the more you know about life, and the more you learn about yourself and you become comfortable in your own skin. So the older I'm getting, the more fun I'm having.

Skins Quotes: "Could people be trained to be less gullible? Or are you as stuck with gullibility as you are with skin colour?"

Could people be trained to be less gullible? Or are you as stuck with gullibility as you are with skin colour?

Skins Quotes: "When I’m not working I try to go natural and not wear a lot of makeup. I think your skin needs to breathe."

When I’m not working I try to go natural and not wear a lot of makeup. I think your skin needs to breathe.

Skins Quotes: "I break up through the skin of awareness a thousand times a day, as dolphins burst through seas, and dive again, and rise, and dive."

I break up through the skin of awareness a thousand times a day, as dolphins burst through seas, and dive again, and rise, and dive.

Skins Quotes: "When you are skinning your customers, you should leave some skin on to heal, so that you can skin them again."

When you are skinning your customers, you should leave some skin on to heal, so that you can skin them again.

Skins Quotes: "If truth were a crayon and it was up to me to put a wrapper on it and name it's color, I know just what I would call it-dinosaur skin."

If truth were a crayon and it was up to me to put a wrapper on it and name it's color, I know just what I would call it-dinosaur skin.

Skins Quotes: "Wear your heart on your skin in this life."

Wear your heart on your skin in this life.

Skins Quotes: "Screw poetry, it’s you I want, your taste, rain on you, mouth on your skin."

Screw poetry, it’s you I want, your taste, rain on you, mouth on your skin.

Skins Quotes: "If you took away the color of Barack Obama's skin, nobody right now would be paying him any attention."

If you took away the color of Barack Obama's skin, nobody right now would be paying him any attention.

Skins Quotes: "Make it look like your skin is not so angry at you for your bad life choices."

Make it look like your skin is not so angry at you for your bad life choices.

Skins Quotes: "Many people who voted for Mr. Obama in the last election did so based on skin color."

Many people who voted for Mr. Obama in the last election did so based on skin color.

Skins Quotes: "Learn to know every man under you, get under his skin, know his faults. Then cater to him - with kindness or roughness as his case may demand."

Learn to know every man under you, get under his skin, know his faults. Then cater to him - with kindness or roughness as his case may demand.

Skins Quotes: "If you look at me close enough, there's a small resemblance to a chicken nugget. I don't know if it's my skin texture or my hair, but the resemblance is definitely there."

If you look at me close enough, there's a small resemblance to a chicken nugget. I don't know if it's my skin texture or my hair, but the resemblance is definitely there.

Skins Quotes: "There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin color or religion."

There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin color or religion.

Skins Quotes: "The authority of any governing institution must stop at its citizen's skin."

The authority of any governing institution must stop at its citizen's skin.

Skins Quotes: "He's helped me a lot over the years." "I'm sure he has. You scratch his back. He scratches yours." "I have skin allergies. I'm itchy."

He's helped me a lot over the years." "I'm sure he has. You scratch his back. He scratches yours." "I have skin allergies. I'm itchy.

Skins Quotes: "it ain't no sin, to take off your skin and dance around in your bones"

it ain't no sin, to take off your skin and dance around in your bones

Skins Quotes: "The gospel teaches us that true beauty is more than skin-deep. A young woman whose countenance is aglow with both happiness and virtue radiates inner beauty."

The gospel teaches us that true beauty is more than skin-deep. A young woman whose countenance is aglow with both happiness and virtue radiates inner beauty.

Skins Quotes: "My type, which I didnt realize until somebody pointed out to me, apparently is brunettes with darker skin tones, but that is about it as far as aesthetically."

My type, which I didnt realize until somebody pointed out to me, apparently is brunettes with darker skin tones, but that is about it as far as aesthetically.

Skins Quotes: "Shed your mortal skin and let me take you beneath the waves."

Shed your mortal skin and let me take you beneath the waves.