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Skins Quotes

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Skins Quotes: "Eating chicken without skin is like riding a bike without wheels"

Eating chicken without skin is like riding a bike without wheels

Skins Quotes: "President George W. Bush won reelection in 2004 largely because he was seen as comfortable in his own skin, while rival John Kerry was viewed as a flip-flopping opportunist."

President George W. Bush won reelection in 2004 largely because he was seen as comfortable in his own skin, while rival John Kerry was viewed as a flip-flopping opportunist.

Skins Quotes: "Pain is as common as skin, we all experience it. It unites us all. Fortunately, that's not the whole story."

Pain is as common as skin, we all experience it. It unites us all. Fortunately, that's not the whole story.

Skins Quotes: "A people's speech is the skin of its culture."

A people's speech is the skin of its culture.

Skins Quotes: "Smooth white skin invites something that will leave a trace, a kiss or a slap."

Smooth white skin invites something that will leave a trace, a kiss or a slap.

Skins Quotes: "Many people say that recovery from an aneurysm is like having a layer of skin ripped off - your experience of life is more intense."

Many people say that recovery from an aneurysm is like having a layer of skin ripped off - your experience of life is more intense.

Skins Quotes: "I'm English. And I don't have tan skin or blond hair or green eyes."

I'm English. And I don't have tan skin or blond hair or green eyes.

Skins Quotes: "Which of us has not been stunned by the beauty of an animal's skin or its flexibility in motion?"

Which of us has not been stunned by the beauty of an animal's skin or its flexibility in motion?

Skins Quotes: "Raw garlic and a skin of the lemon - not only do they give you a beautiful face and skin but they also protect you from disease."

Raw garlic and a skin of the lemon - not only do they give you a beautiful face and skin but they also protect you from disease.

Skins Quotes: "Under the skin, intense fires burn."

Under the skin, intense fires burn.

Skins Quotes: "When I look back, I was so mean to myself, and I was so uncomfortable in my own skin. I still feel that very loudly sometimes, but to try and really nurture that sense that you are your own friend."

When I look back, I was so mean to myself, and I was so uncomfortable in my own skin. I still feel that very loudly sometimes, but to try and really nurture that sense that you are your own friend.

Skins Quotes: "Beauty is more than skin deep."

Beauty is more than skin deep.

Skins Quotes: "Tommy [ Lee Jones] doesn't suffer fools easily. I think everybody knows that, but I have great respect for someone that's very direct and very honest. I don't have thin skin so I'm okay with that."

Tommy [ Lee Jones] doesn't suffer fools easily. I think everybody knows that, but I have great respect for someone that's very direct and very honest. I don't have thin skin so I'm okay with that.

Skins Quotes: "A film based on a jolly good John Grisham book is fine, but I like to get a bit under the skin"

A film based on a jolly good John Grisham book is fine, but I like to get a bit under the skin

Skins Quotes: "I want her to melt into me, like butter on toast. I want to absorb her and walk around for the rest of my days with her encased in my skin. I want."

I want her to melt into me, like butter on toast. I want to absorb her and walk around for the rest of my days with her encased in my skin. I want.

Skins Quotes: "Once somebody's aware of a plot, it's like a bone sticking out. If it breaks through the skin, it's very ugly."

Once somebody's aware of a plot, it's like a bone sticking out. If it breaks through the skin, it's very ugly.

Skins Quotes: "What I do doesn't sit well in the world of hipsterville. I don't have a cool card, but I also don't have thin skin."

What I do doesn't sit well in the world of hipsterville. I don't have a cool card, but I also don't have thin skin.

Skins Quotes: "Take good care of your skin and hydrate. If you have good skin, everything else will fall into place."

Take good care of your skin and hydrate. If you have good skin, everything else will fall into place.

Skins Quotes: "The tattoo can only exist as part of the skin, as a drawing always is an incision in the material and therefore cannot be parted from it."

The tattoo can only exist as part of the skin, as a drawing always is an incision in the material and therefore cannot be parted from it.

Skins Quotes: "Wash your face before bed every night. Your skin will thank you - and your pillow too!"

Wash your face before bed every night. Your skin will thank you - and your pillow too!

Skins Quotes: "There comes a voluptuous moment when the senses and the whole skin tingle with a sharpened awareness of the body and the world around."

There comes a voluptuous moment when the senses and the whole skin tingle with a sharpened awareness of the body and the world around.

Skins Quotes: "I felt the breath of God go cold on my skin."

I felt the breath of God go cold on my skin.

Skins Quotes: "It is not only by the pores of the skin that this aqueous emaciation takes place. A considerable quantity of humidity is also exhaled by the lungs at each expiration."

It is not only by the pores of the skin that this aqueous emaciation takes place. A considerable quantity of humidity is also exhaled by the lungs at each expiration.

Skins Quotes: "She's not wearing makeup so her face just looks like skin."

She's not wearing makeup so her face just looks like skin.

Skins Quotes: "You can kill a lifetime without feeling anything but skin."

You can kill a lifetime without feeling anything but skin.

Skins Quotes: "Being happy in your skin that's what it's all about."

Being happy in your skin that's what it's all about.

Skins Quotes: "I owe the quality of my skin to my cosmetic surgeon."

I owe the quality of my skin to my cosmetic surgeon.

Skins Quotes: "What is a house but a bigger skin, and a neighborhood map but the world's skin ever expanding?"

What is a house but a bigger skin, and a neighborhood map but the world's skin ever expanding?

Skins Quotes: "It is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin that I tear with my own hands."

It is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin that I tear with my own hands.

Skins Quotes: "I bite the skin on the side of my fingernails."

I bite the skin on the side of my fingernails.

Skins Quotes: "Nothing is mine, I have only nothing but it is enough, it is beautiful and it is all mine. Do I even walk about in my own skin or is it something I have borrowed to spare my modesty?"

Nothing is mine, I have only nothing but it is enough, it is beautiful and it is all mine. Do I even walk about in my own skin or is it something I have borrowed to spare my modesty?

Skins Quotes: "Knowledge can be like the skin on the surface of the water in a pond, or it can go all the way down to the mud. It can be the tiny tip of the iceberg or the whole hundred percent."

Knowledge can be like the skin on the surface of the water in a pond, or it can go all the way down to the mud. It can be the tiny tip of the iceberg or the whole hundred percent.

Skins Quotes: "I realized that my skin was always the best when I had only been cleaning it, I hadn't been moisturizing that much and I hadn't been going to a facialist."

I realized that my skin was always the best when I had only been cleaning it, I hadn't been moisturizing that much and I hadn't been going to a facialist.

Skins Quotes: "It doesn't ever occur to you, as you fashion your mask so carefully, that it will grow into your skin and graft itself, come to seem irremovable."

It doesn't ever occur to you, as you fashion your mask so carefully, that it will grow into your skin and graft itself, come to seem irremovable.

Skins Quotes: "I have studied humans for a small eternity. Intent infuses their every movement. Road maps to their inner navigation, plastered all over their skin. Born to be slaves."

I have studied humans for a small eternity. Intent infuses their every movement. Road maps to their inner navigation, plastered all over their skin. Born to be slaves.

Skins Quotes: "I think the best beauty trick is to take good care of your skin. Wash your face at night, wear sunscreen, and hydrate."

I think the best beauty trick is to take good care of your skin. Wash your face at night, wear sunscreen, and hydrate.

Skins Quotes: "I'm a lot more grounded now, a lot more settled in my skin."

I'm a lot more grounded now, a lot more settled in my skin.

Skins Quotes: "It is easy to assume a habit; but when you try to cast it off, it will take skin and all."

It is easy to assume a habit; but when you try to cast it off, it will take skin and all.

Skins Quotes: "Above, the stars shone hard and bright, sparks struck off the dark skin of the universe."

Above, the stars shone hard and bright, sparks struck off the dark skin of the universe.

Skins Quotes: "We can't think of changing our skin color. Change the world - that's how we gotta think."

We can't think of changing our skin color. Change the world - that's how we gotta think.

Skins Quotes: "We have all seen these circus elephants complete with tusks, ivory in their head and thick skins, who move around the circus ring and grab the tail of the elephant ahead of them."

We have all seen these circus elephants complete with tusks, ivory in their head and thick skins, who move around the circus ring and grab the tail of the elephant ahead of them.

Skins Quotes: "The photograph as an object has a relationship to that which it represents something like the relationship the snake skin has to the snake that sheds it."

The photograph as an object has a relationship to that which it represents something like the relationship the snake skin has to the snake that sheds it.

Skins Quotes: "Tell me that you don’t take that blade and drag it across your skin and pray for the courage to press down."

Tell me that you don’t take that blade and drag it across your skin and pray for the courage to press down.

Skins Quotes: "Doctors don’t seem to realize that most of us are perfectly content not having to visualize ourselves as animated bags of skin filled with obscene glop."

Doctors don’t seem to realize that most of us are perfectly content not having to visualize ourselves as animated bags of skin filled with obscene glop.

Skins Quotes: "We can see, so we are always blind to things deeper than skin."

We can see, so we are always blind to things deeper than skin.

Skins Quotes: "But when it came right down to it, the skin of my wrist looked so white and defenseless that I couldn't do it."

But when it came right down to it, the skin of my wrist looked so white and defenseless that I couldn't do it.

Skins Quotes: "In the holy solipsism of the young Now I can't walk thru a city street w/out eying each single pedestrian. I feel thier vibe thru my skin, the hair on my neck --- it rises."

In the holy solipsism of the young Now I can't walk thru a city street w/out eying each single pedestrian. I feel thier vibe thru my skin, the hair on my neck --- it rises.

Skins Quotes: "Webster was much possessed by death And saw the skull beneath the skin."

Webster was much possessed by death And saw the skull beneath the skin.

Skins Quotes: "Prana is more powerful than just about anything - food, exercise, skin creams, and Spanx."

Prana is more powerful than just about anything - food, exercise, skin creams, and Spanx.