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Social Media Quotes

Find the best Social Media quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Social Media quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Social Media quote of the day.

Social Media Quotes: "Social media allows people to connect. So instead of reading about the Arab Spring, I can have students following along, in real-time, with what is happening."

Social media allows people to connect. So instead of reading about the Arab Spring, I can have students following along, in real-time, with what is happening.

Social Media Quotes: "When brands talk about themselves in real time, it’s just boring faster."

When brands talk about themselves in real time, it’s just boring faster.

Social Media Quotes: "Social media is not a fad because it's human."

Social media is not a fad because it's human.

Social Media Quotes: "Social media has lots of benefits, but compared to Christianity, it tends to group people by interests. Religion puts you with people who have nothing in common except that you're human."

Social media has lots of benefits, but compared to Christianity, it tends to group people by interests. Religion puts you with people who have nothing in common except that you're human.

Social Media Quotes: "I'm very much against the anonymity of bloggers and social media. I just hate it and I think it's really cowardly."

I'm very much against the anonymity of bloggers and social media. I just hate it and I think it's really cowardly.

Social Media Quotes: "Some critics have challenged what the return on investment is for engagement in social media. Others have complained that the metrics don't exist to demonstrate value."

Some critics have challenged what the return on investment is for engagement in social media. Others have complained that the metrics don't exist to demonstrate value.

Social Media Quotes: "Everything ultimately comes down to trust."

Everything ultimately comes down to trust.

Social Media Quotes: "Social media sometimes feels like a vehicle for one-dimensional sniping, more than true criticism."

Social media sometimes feels like a vehicle for one-dimensional sniping, more than true criticism.

Social Media Quotes: "Social media has allowed people to ramp up their personal attacks on people in the public eye - because there is a sense they can do it anonymously."

Social media has allowed people to ramp up their personal attacks on people in the public eye - because there is a sense they can do it anonymously.

Social Media Quotes: "This is the beauty of social media: it helps you find people and then you can contact them fast and inexpensively."

This is the beauty of social media: it helps you find people and then you can contact them fast and inexpensively.

Social Media Quotes: "If you use social media right, you will piss people off. It's actually recommended!"

If you use social media right, you will piss people off. It's actually recommended!

Social Media Quotes: "Social media is your platform to build a unique fan base while you express yourself exactly how you see yourself. Build wisely."

Social media is your platform to build a unique fan base while you express yourself exactly how you see yourself. Build wisely.

Social Media Quotes: "Our world's future is far more malleable and controllable than most people realize."

Our world's future is far more malleable and controllable than most people realize.

Social Media Quotes: "The new contract between writers and readers is one I'm prepared to sign up to. I've met some fascinating people at events and online. Down with the isolation of writers I say! And long live Twitter."

The new contract between writers and readers is one I'm prepared to sign up to. I've met some fascinating people at events and online. Down with the isolation of writers I say! And long live Twitter.

Social Media Quotes: "The net has provided a level playing field for criticism and comment - anyone and everyone is entitled to their opinion - and that is one of its greatest strengths."

The net has provided a level playing field for criticism and comment - anyone and everyone is entitled to their opinion - and that is one of its greatest strengths.

Social Media Quotes: "Social media is your opportunity to reach a massive number of people with transparency, honesty, and integrity."

Social media is your opportunity to reach a massive number of people with transparency, honesty, and integrity.

Social Media Quotes: "I didn't expect to love being online as much as I do. I've met some wonderful people and discovered that however arcane some of my interests that there are people out there who are interested too."

I didn't expect to love being online as much as I do. I've met some wonderful people and discovered that however arcane some of my interests that there are people out there who are interested too.

Social Media Quotes: "Twitter is a vessel that we can use to share #positivity to others through our timeline one tweet at a time."

Twitter is a vessel that we can use to share #positivity to others through our timeline one tweet at a time.

Social Media Quotes: "All the things I've ever wanted to say suddenly I've been bold enough to say them on Social Media."

All the things I've ever wanted to say suddenly I've been bold enough to say them on Social Media.

Social Media Quotes: "Would you rather work forty hours a week at a job you hate or eighty hours a week doing work you love?"

Would you rather work forty hours a week at a job you hate or eighty hours a week doing work you love?

Social Media Quotes: "We are continuously challenged to discover new works of culture—and, in the process, we don’t allow any one of them to assume a weight in our minds."

We are continuously challenged to discover new works of culture—and, in the process, we don’t allow any one of them to assume a weight in our minds.

Social Media Quotes: "Twitter is not just for Journalists. You don’t have to be a writer to Tweet.[Social Media]"

Twitter is not just for Journalists. You don’t have to be a writer to Tweet.[Social Media]

Social Media Quotes: "In an age of constant live connections, the central question of self-examination is drifting from ‘Who are you?’ towards ‘What are you doing?"

In an age of constant live connections, the central question of self-examination is drifting from ‘Who are you?’ towards ‘What are you doing?

Social Media Quotes: "At the end of the day, we all live in this world together and to practice bringing peace onto social media is a huge step into bringing peace into our world."

At the end of the day, we all live in this world together and to practice bringing peace onto social media is a huge step into bringing peace into our world.

Social Media Quotes: "There are riches to be found simply by capturing the value released through others' disruptive breakthroughs."

There are riches to be found simply by capturing the value released through others' disruptive breakthroughs.

Social Media Quotes: "Your Twitter Profile is your business card."

Your Twitter Profile is your business card.

Social Media Quotes: "You have a choice: pursue your dreams, or be hired by someone else to help them fulfill their dreams."

You have a choice: pursue your dreams, or be hired by someone else to help them fulfill their dreams.

Social Media Quotes: "More voices means less trust in any given voice."

More voices means less trust in any given voice.

Social Media Quotes: "There are two types of people in this world: those whose look for opportunity and those who make it happen."

There are two types of people in this world: those whose look for opportunity and those who make it happen.

Social Media Quotes: "It is not incumbent on the world to conform to your vision of change. It is up to you to explain the future in terms that those living in the past and present can follow."

It is not incumbent on the world to conform to your vision of change. It is up to you to explain the future in terms that those living in the past and present can follow.

Social Media Quotes: "A dream with a deadline is a goal."

A dream with a deadline is a goal.

Social Media Quotes: "Corporate planning cycles are a classic example of generals fighting the last war over again instead of preparing for what might lie ahead."

Corporate planning cycles are a classic example of generals fighting the last war over again instead of preparing for what might lie ahead.

Social Media Quotes: "Accepting that the odds are against you is the same as accepting defeat before you begin."

Accepting that the odds are against you is the same as accepting defeat before you begin.

Social Media Quotes: "Say something worthwhile and people will listen."

Say something worthwhile and people will listen.

Social Media Quotes: "Pivoting is not the end of the disruption process, but the beginning of the next leg of your journey."

Pivoting is not the end of the disruption process, but the beginning of the next leg of your journey.

Social Media Quotes: "Plan for ways to get more enjoyment into your life and you will get more joy out of it."

Plan for ways to get more enjoyment into your life and you will get more joy out of it.

Social Media Quotes: "The generation that had information, but no context. Butter, but no bread. Craving, but no longing."

The generation that had information, but no context. Butter, but no bread. Craving, but no longing.

Social Media Quotes: "Success doesn't teach as many lessons as failure"

Success doesn't teach as many lessons as failure

Social Media Quotes: "Building a career or a company is about living a few years of your life like most people won't so that you can spend the rest of your life living at a level most people can't."

Building a career or a company is about living a few years of your life like most people won't so that you can spend the rest of your life living at a level most people can't.

Social Media Quotes: "You will have more regrets for the things you didn't try than the ones you tried and didn't succeed at."

You will have more regrets for the things you didn't try than the ones you tried and didn't succeed at.

Social Media Quotes: "The most important tool you have on a resume is language."

The most important tool you have on a resume is language.

Social Media Quotes: "Most startup failures result from entrepreneurs who are better at making excuses than products."

Most startup failures result from entrepreneurs who are better at making excuses than products.

Social Media Quotes: "The power of crowd sourcing always remains with the crowd, not the technological implementation."

The power of crowd sourcing always remains with the crowd, not the technological implementation.

Social Media Quotes: "If you don't know where you want to be in five years, how do you ever expect to get there?"

If you don't know where you want to be in five years, how do you ever expect to get there?

Social Media Quotes: "Social Media brands faster than any other existing Marketing plan and for much cheaper!"

Social Media brands faster than any other existing Marketing plan and for much cheaper!