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Socialist Quotes

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Socialist Quotes: "Sophie Chattel-Monkheim was a Socialist by conviction and a Chattel-Monkheim by marriage."

Sophie Chattel-Monkheim was a Socialist by conviction and a Chattel-Monkheim by marriage.

Socialist Quotes: "A "communist/socialist/progressive" is an oxymoron, like an "atheist/evangelical Christian/Muslim.""

A "communist/socialist/progressive" is an oxymoron, like an "atheist/evangelical Christian/Muslim."

Socialist Quotes: "I shall die as I have lived, rationalist, socialist, pacifist, and humanitarian."

I shall die as I have lived, rationalist, socialist, pacifist, and humanitarian.

Socialist Quotes: "Before I was nine years old, I had been a socialist. When young, everyone is a socialist; later he becomes cleverer."

Before I was nine years old, I had been a socialist. When young, everyone is a socialist; later he becomes cleverer.

Socialist Quotes: ""Socialist" is the nastiest thing you can say about an American politician in some quarters."

"Socialist" is the nastiest thing you can say about an American politician in some quarters.

Socialist Quotes: "I guess what I learned about myself is I'm a bit of a socialist; I want everyone on the set to get equal treatment and credit."

I guess what I learned about myself is I'm a bit of a socialist; I want everyone on the set to get equal treatment and credit.

Socialist Quotes: "There's always been this strand of filmmaking in Britain which is like socialist neo-realism. That's always been there. I've never been part of that, really; I've been much closer to fantasy."

There's always been this strand of filmmaking in Britain which is like socialist neo-realism. That's always been there. I've never been part of that, really; I've been much closer to fantasy.

Socialist Quotes: "The world's becoming a museum of socialist failures."

The world's becoming a museum of socialist failures.

Socialist Quotes: "If I had to be anything," he told her, "I'd probably be a socialist, but I don't want to be anything."

If I had to be anything," he told her, "I'd probably be a socialist, but I don't want to be anything.

Socialist Quotes: "My dad thinks Obama is a socialist and all these extreme views."

My dad thinks Obama is a socialist and all these extreme views.

Socialist Quotes: "With a Socialist government, there will not be a national surplus whilst there continues to be inequality."

With a Socialist government, there will not be a national surplus whilst there continues to be inequality.

Socialist Quotes: "The main priority of the Socialist Party is education"."

The main priority of the Socialist Party is education".

Socialist Quotes: "I might not be a good socialist, any more than I'm a good Christian, but I am one."

I might not be a good socialist, any more than I'm a good Christian, but I am one.

Socialist Quotes: "Do I resent rich people? No. The best or worst I can do is notice them. I agree with the great Socialist writer George Orwell, who felt that rich people were poor people with money."

Do I resent rich people? No. The best or worst I can do is notice them. I agree with the great Socialist writer George Orwell, who felt that rich people were poor people with money.

Socialist Quotes: "The main task of Socialism - the organization of Socialist production - remains still in the future."

The main task of Socialism - the organization of Socialist production - remains still in the future.

Socialist Quotes: "My opposition to the socialist and the other consists in attacking violence as a means of effecting any lasting reform."

My opposition to the socialist and the other consists in attacking violence as a means of effecting any lasting reform.

Socialist Quotes: "I come from a very left wing Socialist family, anti-war and anti-empire."

I come from a very left wing Socialist family, anti-war and anti-empire.

Socialist Quotes: "Scratch a socialist and you find a snob."

Scratch a socialist and you find a snob.

Socialist Quotes: "Socialist ideology is making France go to pot, and the French language with it."

Socialist ideology is making France go to pot, and the French language with it.

Socialist Quotes: "We have a centrist nationalist group of people in this country, lots of them, and we have a socialist group of people in this country, lots of them. And that's not, to me, the American idea."

We have a centrist nationalist group of people in this country, lots of them, and we have a socialist group of people in this country, lots of them. And that's not, to me, the American idea.

Socialist Quotes: "Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich represent the big government frugal socialist wing of the party. And I represent the true constitutional conservative wing of our party."

Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich represent the big government frugal socialist wing of the party. And I represent the true constitutional conservative wing of our party.

Socialist Quotes: "During the battles last night and at dawn, they [ Ba'th Socialist Party fighters] had destroyed three American helicopters"

During the battles last night and at dawn, they [ Ba'th Socialist Party fighters] had destroyed three American helicopters

Socialist Quotes: "Don't let the cat out or the concierge in: this is the first principle of socialist ladies."

Don't let the cat out or the concierge in: this is the first principle of socialist ladies.

Socialist Quotes: "We don't have to go around as the Protestant reformation did, or as the socialist revolution did, and execute each other as soon as we are successful - assuming we'll ever be successful."

We don't have to go around as the Protestant reformation did, or as the socialist revolution did, and execute each other as soon as we are successful - assuming we'll ever be successful.

Socialist Quotes: "We have to frankly break the back of the secular-socialist machine, elect people committed to representing the American people, and then methodically rip the system apart."

We have to frankly break the back of the secular-socialist machine, elect people committed to representing the American people, and then methodically rip the system apart.

Socialist Quotes: "Karl Marx was in favor of socialist and communist-socialist revolutions, but he had a pretty nuanced view about it."

Karl Marx was in favor of socialist and communist-socialist revolutions, but he had a pretty nuanced view about it.

Socialist Quotes: "America has to stand up and decide if we want to be a socialist nation or if we're going to be a free nation."

America has to stand up and decide if we want to be a socialist nation or if we're going to be a free nation.

Socialist Quotes: "If a socialist economy is opened up to increasing degrees of market forces, a point will be reached at which democratic governance becomes a possibility."

If a socialist economy is opened up to increasing degrees of market forces, a point will be reached at which democratic governance becomes a possibility.

Socialist Quotes: "Private enterprise is not as spectacular nor as easy to see as the socialist way of temporarily diffusing poverty by eating up the seed corn - the tools - which will increase poverty in the long run."

Private enterprise is not as spectacular nor as easy to see as the socialist way of temporarily diffusing poverty by eating up the seed corn - the tools - which will increase poverty in the long run.

Socialist Quotes: "The rationale for the vast network of government welfare programs as well as regulation and control over private enterprise is based on the socialist analysis of the market economy."

The rationale for the vast network of government welfare programs as well as regulation and control over private enterprise is based on the socialist analysis of the market economy.

Socialist Quotes: "I am a socialist, so I am not worried about socialism. I am worried about dictators who are putting everyone into a socialist state for their own benefit."

I am a socialist, so I am not worried about socialism. I am worried about dictators who are putting everyone into a socialist state for their own benefit.

Socialist Quotes: "There is no real answer [to the U.S. economic crisis] but to remove brick by brick the capitalist system itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles."

There is no real answer [to the U.S. economic crisis] but to remove brick by brick the capitalist system itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles.

Socialist Quotes: "I was not raised a Zionist, but a socialist, as were most Jews before the Holocaust."

I was not raised a Zionist, but a socialist, as were most Jews before the Holocaust.

Socialist Quotes: "Everyone knows Bob Beckel views, radical left wing, socialist. He says he's a Democrat. But what may surprise you is that he actually has a conservative brother."

Everyone knows Bob Beckel views, radical left wing, socialist. He says he's a Democrat. But what may surprise you is that he actually has a conservative brother.

Socialist Quotes: "When one goes to see Modern Times, for instance, one understands much more about socialism than listening to the man who was then head of the Socialist movement in Italy."

When one goes to see Modern Times, for instance, one understands much more about socialism than listening to the man who was then head of the Socialist movement in Italy.

Socialist Quotes: "I am a socialist not because I think it is a perfect system, but half a loaf is better than no bread. The other system has been tried and found wanting"

I am a socialist not because I think it is a perfect system, but half a loaf is better than no bread. The other system has been tried and found wanting

Socialist Quotes: "I'm just a socialist at heart."

I'm just a socialist at heart.

Socialist Quotes: "People who could not even spell the word 'vote' or say it in English put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House."

People who could not even spell the word 'vote' or say it in English put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House.

Socialist Quotes: "We Americans really seem to be the only truly non-socialist economy on earth."

We Americans really seem to be the only truly non-socialist economy on earth.

Socialist Quotes: "Art was the first casualty of the Socialist and Communist revolutions of the 20th Century. Socialists killed the independent thinkers first."

Art was the first casualty of the Socialist and Communist revolutions of the 20th Century. Socialists killed the independent thinkers first.

Socialist Quotes: "LEFTISTS EAT THEIR CHILDREN: The poets, artists, and radicals are murdered first once the "revolution" actually comes about."

LEFTISTS EAT THEIR CHILDREN: The poets, artists, and radicals are murdered first once the "revolution" actually comes about.

Socialist Quotes: "Democracy is not a form of government. It is a tool of government. Case in point, Stalinist USSR was a "democracy"."

Democracy is not a form of government. It is a tool of government. Case in point, Stalinist USSR was a "democracy".

Socialist Quotes: "Socialism is "group-think." How uninformed in history do you have to be to advocate for "group-think"??"

Socialism is "group-think." How uninformed in history do you have to be to advocate for "group-think"??

Socialist Quotes: "Democratic Socialism is simply Totalitarianism that allows you the illusion of a voice in the matter."

Democratic Socialism is simply Totalitarianism that allows you the illusion of a voice in the matter.

Socialist Quotes: "There's something immoral about abandoning your common sense in matters of social importance."

There's something immoral about abandoning your common sense in matters of social importance.

Socialist Quotes: "Every totalitarian Communist considered themselves as a Socialist first and foremost."

Every totalitarian Communist considered themselves as a Socialist first and foremost.

Socialist Quotes: "Socialism is not a meritocracy. By definition it places increasingly confining restraints on those that succeed the most."

Socialism is not a meritocracy. By definition it places increasingly confining restraints on those that succeed the most.

Socialist Quotes: "Capitalists desire purchasing power. Socialists lust for the power to plan society. Which is worse?"

Capitalists desire purchasing power. Socialists lust for the power to plan society. Which is worse?

Socialist Quotes: "The road to evil is paved with socialist intentions."

The road to evil is paved with socialist intentions.