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Solutions Quotes

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Solutions Quotes: "Why is it so easy to acquire the solutions of past problems and so difficult to solve current ones"

Why is it so easy to acquire the solutions of past problems and so difficult to solve current ones

Solutions Quotes: "The American people want solutions to the problems our country faces. They may disagree on exactly how to address the issues, but they want them addressed all the same."

The American people want solutions to the problems our country faces. They may disagree on exactly how to address the issues, but they want them addressed all the same.

Solutions Quotes: "My mentoring program is pretty specific, it's about self-empowerment, about being able to find solutions through teamwork. That's one of my first goals."

My mentoring program is pretty specific, it's about self-empowerment, about being able to find solutions through teamwork. That's one of my first goals.

Solutions Quotes: "A true leader doesn't just bring troubles; but bring solutions."

A true leader doesn't just bring troubles; but bring solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "We are at once the problem and the only possible solution to the problem."

We are at once the problem and the only possible solution to the problem.

Solutions Quotes: "It's fashionable in some circles to be pessimistic about America, about conservative solutions, about the Republican Party. I utterly reject that pessimism."

It's fashionable in some circles to be pessimistic about America, about conservative solutions, about the Republican Party. I utterly reject that pessimism.

Solutions Quotes: "Understanding strengths and weaknesses is very essential in setting forth a clean administration and for sustainable and lasting solutions."

Understanding strengths and weaknesses is very essential in setting forth a clean administration and for sustainable and lasting solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "I've been an entrepreneur all my life, and my recent focus is on finding entrepreneurial solutions to address global challenges in healthcare and education."

I've been an entrepreneur all my life, and my recent focus is on finding entrepreneurial solutions to address global challenges in healthcare and education.

Solutions Quotes: "It seems that we're better at finding someone to blame for our problems than we are at finding creative solutions to fix them."

It seems that we're better at finding someone to blame for our problems than we are at finding creative solutions to fix them.

Solutions Quotes: "When you're advancing a frontier it stimulates creativity to find solutions."

When you're advancing a frontier it stimulates creativity to find solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "We are looking for bipartisan solutions not partisan rhetoric."

We are looking for bipartisan solutions not partisan rhetoric.

Solutions Quotes: "I see problems that can be fixed because I see solutions that are actually occurring."

I see problems that can be fixed because I see solutions that are actually occurring.

Solutions Quotes: "To stay back from an intervention is not always a good solution."

To stay back from an intervention is not always a good solution.

Solutions Quotes: "Mrs Thicknesse and I agreed that a business of his own was probably the only solution for him because he was obviously unemployable."

Mrs Thicknesse and I agreed that a business of his own was probably the only solution for him because he was obviously unemployable.

Solutions Quotes: "Short term "dash for cash" economic solutions hinder progress towards a better, more sustainable, world"

Short term "dash for cash" economic solutions hinder progress towards a better, more sustainable, world

Solutions Quotes: "Low carbon, resource efficient solutions and halting then reversing population growth are two sides of the same coin"

Low carbon, resource efficient solutions and halting then reversing population growth are two sides of the same coin

Solutions Quotes: "Art is always of fixed, determined solutions - not things that might as well be different."

Art is always of fixed, determined solutions - not things that might as well be different.

Solutions Quotes: "Every man's condition is a solution in hieroglyph to those inquiries he would put. He acts it as life before he apprehends it as truth."

Every man's condition is a solution in hieroglyph to those inquiries he would put. He acts it as life before he apprehends it as truth.

Solutions Quotes: "Ugly problems often require ugly solutions. Solving an ugly problem in a pure manner is bloody hard."

Ugly problems often require ugly solutions. Solving an ugly problem in a pure manner is bloody hard.

Solutions Quotes: "For democracy is a method of finding proximate solutions for insoluble problems."

For democracy is a method of finding proximate solutions for insoluble problems.

Solutions Quotes: "If career politicians had the solutions, we wouldn't be in the mess that we are."

If career politicians had the solutions, we wouldn't be in the mess that we are.

Solutions Quotes: "One's dream is defeated not by unsolvable problems, but by all the more-or-less satisfactory solutions that kill it forever."

One's dream is defeated not by unsolvable problems, but by all the more-or-less satisfactory solutions that kill it forever.

Solutions Quotes: "The most important thing I learned as a foreign correspondent in about 80 countries is that it takes a very shallow knowledge of history to think that there are solutions to most problems."

The most important thing I learned as a foreign correspondent in about 80 countries is that it takes a very shallow knowledge of history to think that there are solutions to most problems.

Solutions Quotes: "Poetry, when it takes sides, when it proposes solutions, isn't any smarter than anybody else."

Poetry, when it takes sides, when it proposes solutions, isn't any smarter than anybody else.

Solutions Quotes: "It's much more effective to allow solutions to problems to emerge from the people close to the problem rather than to impose them from higher up."

It's much more effective to allow solutions to problems to emerge from the people close to the problem rather than to impose them from higher up.

Solutions Quotes: "In times of tumult, voters are likely to forgive a president, if not reward him, for compromises made in service of solutions."

In times of tumult, voters are likely to forgive a president, if not reward him, for compromises made in service of solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "State problems should involve state solutions."

State problems should involve state solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "Diets are a temporary solution to a permanent problem."

Diets are a temporary solution to a permanent problem.

Solutions Quotes: "The best creative solutions don't come from finding good answers to the questions that are presented... They come from inventing new questions!"

The best creative solutions don't come from finding good answers to the questions that are presented... They come from inventing new questions!

Solutions Quotes: "...the greatest shortage in our society is an instinct to produce. To create solutions and hustle them out the door. To touch the humanity inside and connect to the humans in the marketplace."

...the greatest shortage in our society is an instinct to produce. To create solutions and hustle them out the door. To touch the humanity inside and connect to the humans in the marketplace.

Solutions Quotes: "I should have thought of this years ago. But that was the problem with being sane. Sane people played by the rules. They looked for rational explanations and solutions in an insane universe."

I should have thought of this years ago. But that was the problem with being sane. Sane people played by the rules. They looked for rational explanations and solutions in an insane universe.

Solutions Quotes: "Unless there is meaning, there is no solution."

Unless there is meaning, there is no solution.

Solutions Quotes: "But the myth of violent solutions as the ultimate solutions maintains itself in much of popular media."

But the myth of violent solutions as the ultimate solutions maintains itself in much of popular media.

Solutions Quotes: "Those pointless equations, to which no solution exists, are called absurdities."

Those pointless equations, to which no solution exists, are called absurdities.

Solutions Quotes: "Odd arrangements and funny solutions are the proof of evolution - paths that a sensible God would never tread but that a natural process, constrained by history, follows perforce."

Odd arrangements and funny solutions are the proof of evolution - paths that a sensible God would never tread but that a natural process, constrained by history, follows perforce.

Solutions Quotes: "I'm also a fan with sticking with the most standard software that millions of other users also use, because you get the benefit of all those other users' problems and solutions."

I'm also a fan with sticking with the most standard software that millions of other users also use, because you get the benefit of all those other users' problems and solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "Computers might not find the solutions to our problems, but they would be able to do the bulk of the legwork required, assist our human minds in intuitively finding ways through the maze."

Computers might not find the solutions to our problems, but they would be able to do the bulk of the legwork required, assist our human minds in intuitively finding ways through the maze.

Solutions Quotes: "If God is your problem, only God is your solution."

If God is your problem, only God is your solution.

Solutions Quotes: "Never was a cornflake girl; Thought it was a good solution: hanging with the raisin girls."

Never was a cornflake girl; Thought it was a good solution: hanging with the raisin girls.

Solutions Quotes: "I used to be called the "Green Jack Kemp" because of my promotion of entrepreneurial and work-based solutions for poor people."

I used to be called the "Green Jack Kemp" because of my promotion of entrepreneurial and work-based solutions for poor people.

Solutions Quotes: "Government-mandated and -subsidized ethanol from corn will go down in history as the "Iraq War" of environmental solutions: ill-considered, costly, and disastrous."

Government-mandated and -subsidized ethanol from corn will go down in history as the "Iraq War" of environmental solutions: ill-considered, costly, and disastrous.

Solutions Quotes: "I believe that global common interests are a good foundation for finding solutions together."

I believe that global common interests are a good foundation for finding solutions together.

Solutions Quotes: "I want to avoid locking people into solutions that work only with Postfix. People should have a choice in what software they want to use with Postfix, be it anti-virus or otherwise."

I want to avoid locking people into solutions that work only with Postfix. People should have a choice in what software they want to use with Postfix, be it anti-virus or otherwise.

Solutions Quotes: "Every man should ask himself each day whether he is not too readily accepting negative solutions."

Every man should ask himself each day whether he is not too readily accepting negative solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "We have the right to ensure our security, especially when it is possible to reach agreement on a political solution."

We have the right to ensure our security, especially when it is possible to reach agreement on a political solution.

Solutions Quotes: "Everything is give and take. The solutions are in the middle not in the extremity of the situation."

Everything is give and take. The solutions are in the middle not in the extremity of the situation.

Solutions Quotes: "Most people who were educated have become the "problems" instead of problem solvers."

Most people who were educated have become the "problems" instead of problem solvers.

Solutions Quotes: "A self-leader looks around for problems, and then thinks deep to device solutions to them."

A self-leader looks around for problems, and then thinks deep to device solutions to them.

Solutions Quotes: "The time some people spend worrying and crying about their problems is sometimes more than enough to find some effective solutions to them."

The time some people spend worrying and crying about their problems is sometimes more than enough to find some effective solutions to them.