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Solutions Quotes

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Solutions Quotes: "Be part of the solution, not part of the problem."

Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Solutions Quotes: "Engineering isn't about perfect solutions; it's about doing the best you can with limited resources."

Engineering isn't about perfect solutions; it's about doing the best you can with limited resources.

Solutions Quotes: "I support local solutions to illegal immigration as protected by the 10th amendment. I support making English the official language of all documents and contracts."

I support local solutions to illegal immigration as protected by the 10th amendment. I support making English the official language of all documents and contracts.

Solutions Quotes: "This country has far more problems than it deserves and far more solutions than it applies."

This country has far more problems than it deserves and far more solutions than it applies.

Solutions Quotes: "Whatever the marketplace, if talented people are given resources, they're going to keep driving us to having better, simpler, cheaper solutions to problems."

Whatever the marketplace, if talented people are given resources, they're going to keep driving us to having better, simpler, cheaper solutions to problems.

Solutions Quotes: "A good problem statement often includes what is known, what is unknown, and what is sought."

A good problem statement often includes what is known, what is unknown, and what is sought.

Solutions Quotes: "The best solution seldom requires that someone be right and someone else be wrong."

The best solution seldom requires that someone be right and someone else be wrong.

Solutions Quotes: "Good politics starts with empathy, proceeds to analysis, then sets out values and establishes the vision, before getting to the nitty-gritty of policy solutions."

Good politics starts with empathy, proceeds to analysis, then sets out values and establishes the vision, before getting to the nitty-gritty of policy solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "A cat is like a puzzle with no solution."

A cat is like a puzzle with no solution.

Solutions Quotes: "There is no solution, for there is no problem."

There is no solution, for there is no problem.

Solutions Quotes: "Anyway, maybe there weren't any solutions. Human society, corpses and rubble. It never learned, it made the same cretinous mistakes over and over, trading short-term gain for long-term pain."

Anyway, maybe there weren't any solutions. Human society, corpses and rubble. It never learned, it made the same cretinous mistakes over and over, trading short-term gain for long-term pain.

Solutions Quotes: "Time is compressed like the fist I close on my knee... I hold inside it the clues and solutions and the power for what I must do now."

Time is compressed like the fist I close on my knee... I hold inside it the clues and solutions and the power for what I must do now.

Solutions Quotes: "Entrepreneurs are the seekers of solutions, and that they will go into these places where both market and traditional aid has failed or traditional charity has failed."

Entrepreneurs are the seekers of solutions, and that they will go into these places where both market and traditional aid has failed or traditional charity has failed.

Solutions Quotes: "Transformation occurs when existing solutions, assumed truths and past decisions are exposed as unrealistic and self-defeating."

Transformation occurs when existing solutions, assumed truths and past decisions are exposed as unrealistic and self-defeating.

Solutions Quotes: "Hope is born of participation in hopeful solutions."

Hope is born of participation in hopeful solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "Education is the only solution for peace."

Education is the only solution for peace.

Solutions Quotes: "We saw what happens with Bolsheviks. It was another catastrophe. I don't have the solution. The moviemaker can ask questions but not give solutions."

We saw what happens with Bolsheviks. It was another catastrophe. I don't have the solution. The moviemaker can ask questions but not give solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "Prosperity in a society is the accumulation of solutions to human problems."

Prosperity in a society is the accumulation of solutions to human problems.

Solutions Quotes: "If you [want to] change something, come talk to me. It's the easiest solution."

If you [want to] change something, come talk to me. It's the easiest solution.

Solutions Quotes: "The case against vivisection is the same as that against war and all other forms of cruelty - that violence does not produce long-term solutions."

The case against vivisection is the same as that against war and all other forms of cruelty - that violence does not produce long-term solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "No organization works if the toilets don't work, but I don't believe that finding solutions to business problems is my job."

No organization works if the toilets don't work, but I don't believe that finding solutions to business problems is my job.

Solutions Quotes: "We have no problems, only situations. Not all problems have solutions, but all situations have outcomes."

We have no problems, only situations. Not all problems have solutions, but all situations have outcomes.

Solutions Quotes: "Perfect solutions of our difficulties are not to be looked for in an imperfect world."

Perfect solutions of our difficulties are not to be looked for in an imperfect world.

Solutions Quotes: "That is the artistic task: To choose the best from these solutions."

That is the artistic task: To choose the best from these solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "He led the state through a budget crisis, natural disasters, and political turmoil, working across party lines for a better environment, election reforms, and bipartisan solutions."

He led the state through a budget crisis, natural disasters, and political turmoil, working across party lines for a better environment, election reforms, and bipartisan solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "For innovators who find safe and workable solutions to global warming, the rewards will be staggering."

For innovators who find safe and workable solutions to global warming, the rewards will be staggering.

Solutions Quotes: "The thing people forget when they are looking for solutions is there is nothing final in history."

The thing people forget when they are looking for solutions is there is nothing final in history.

Solutions Quotes: "Most "original" ideas aren't completely original, but instead are the result of two basic methods for generating ideas: problems in search of solutions and solutions in search of problems."

Most "original" ideas aren't completely original, but instead are the result of two basic methods for generating ideas: problems in search of solutions and solutions in search of problems.

Solutions Quotes: "Every problem was once a solution to a previous problem."

Every problem was once a solution to a previous problem.

Solutions Quotes: "When we better understand the realities of these women's lives, we are able to design and deliver solutions that are more useful to them."

When we better understand the realities of these women's lives, we are able to design and deliver solutions that are more useful to them.

Solutions Quotes: "Ninety nine failed solutions equals a gain of 99 pieces of information."

Ninety nine failed solutions equals a gain of 99 pieces of information.

Solutions Quotes: "We live in an instant-coffee world. Sometimes real-world solutions take a little longer."

We live in an instant-coffee world. Sometimes real-world solutions take a little longer.

Solutions Quotes: "I believe President Bush is one of the most dangerous leaders in the world. He is not in search of peaceful and diplomatic solutions."

I believe President Bush is one of the most dangerous leaders in the world. He is not in search of peaceful and diplomatic solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "God's solution is a prayer away!"

God's solution is a prayer away!

Solutions Quotes: "I do not think that safety should be bought at the cost of complicating the expression of good solutions to real-life problems."

I do not think that safety should be bought at the cost of complicating the expression of good solutions to real-life problems.

Solutions Quotes: "Our tendency to create heroes rarely jibes with the reality that most nontrivial problems require collective solutions."

Our tendency to create heroes rarely jibes with the reality that most nontrivial problems require collective solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "Our solutions must be beyond anything we have ever considered. We should not be afraid to try bold new approaches."

Our solutions must be beyond anything we have ever considered. We should not be afraid to try bold new approaches.

Solutions Quotes: "I think some of these solutions are prepared in an office without a full understanding of the local situation."

I think some of these solutions are prepared in an office without a full understanding of the local situation.

Solutions Quotes: "Football strategy does not originate in a scrimmage: it is useless to expect solutions in a political campaign."

Football strategy does not originate in a scrimmage: it is useless to expect solutions in a political campaign.

Solutions Quotes: "Find a problem that you can provide a solution to."

Find a problem that you can provide a solution to.

Solutions Quotes: "People are tired of the status quo. You see that in various movements in and out of our the Republicans party, but most candidates are offering hollow rhetoric, not specific solutions."

People are tired of the status quo. You see that in various movements in and out of our the Republicans party, but most candidates are offering hollow rhetoric, not specific solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "It is evidently necessary to generate and test candidates for solutions in some systematic manner."

It is evidently necessary to generate and test candidates for solutions in some systematic manner.

Solutions Quotes: "The problem of human suffering is never too much rational thinking, or too high a demand for evidence. But the solutions are. ... Reason is nothing less than the guardian of love."

The problem of human suffering is never too much rational thinking, or too high a demand for evidence. But the solutions are. ... Reason is nothing less than the guardian of love.

Solutions Quotes: "The people ask much, often more than any government can give. We must resist the temptation to promise solutions to all problems."

The people ask much, often more than any government can give. We must resist the temptation to promise solutions to all problems.

Solutions Quotes: "The possible solutions to a given problem emerge as the leaves of a tree, each node representing a point of deliberation and decision."

The possible solutions to a given problem emerge as the leaves of a tree, each node representing a point of deliberation and decision.

Solutions Quotes: "Be very slow to go into looking for solutions."

Be very slow to go into looking for solutions.

Solutions Quotes: "As I visited the various neighborhoods in the campaign, I learned fast that it's a mistake to think that all of the wisdom and possible solutions to our problems are available only in this building."

As I visited the various neighborhoods in the campaign, I learned fast that it's a mistake to think that all of the wisdom and possible solutions to our problems are available only in this building.

Solutions Quotes: "For all of us today, the battle is in our hands. The road ahead is not altogether a smooth one. There are no broad highways to lead us easily and inevitably to quick solutions. We must keep going."

For all of us today, the battle is in our hands. The road ahead is not altogether a smooth one. There are no broad highways to lead us easily and inevitably to quick solutions. We must keep going.

Solutions Quotes: "Some problems are just too complicated for rational, logical solutions. They admit of insights, not answers."

Some problems are just too complicated for rational, logical solutions. They admit of insights, not answers.