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Sooner Quotes

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Sooner Quotes: "This accession of territory affirms forever the power of the United States, and I have given England a maritime rival who sooner or later will humble her pride."

This accession of territory affirms forever the power of the United States, and I have given England a maritime rival who sooner or later will humble her pride.

Sooner Quotes: "The people excited by ambitious demagogues, sooner or later return into the hands of the Aristocracy."

The people excited by ambitious demagogues, sooner or later return into the hands of the Aristocracy.

Sooner Quotes: "Sooner or later, jihadist-style terror and WMD are going to come together and the consequences could be horrendous."

Sooner or later, jihadist-style terror and WMD are going to come together and the consequences could be horrendous.

Sooner Quotes: "Coalition will come sooner or later, I'm certain of that."

Coalition will come sooner or later, I'm certain of that.

Sooner Quotes: "Sooner or later, the market will do what it has to do to prove the majority wrong."

Sooner or later, the market will do what it has to do to prove the majority wrong.

Sooner Quotes: "Beauty is fading, nor is fortune stable; sooner or later death comes to all."

Beauty is fading, nor is fortune stable; sooner or later death comes to all.

Sooner Quotes: "Since we must all die sooner or later, let us enjoy life while we can!"

Since we must all die sooner or later, let us enjoy life while we can!

Sooner Quotes: "Sooner or later, everyone has to meet his match."

Sooner or later, everyone has to meet his match.

Sooner Quotes: "Nobody welcomes a war - not if they're smart. But war finds everyone sooner or later. It's inevitable."

Nobody welcomes a war - not if they're smart. But war finds everyone sooner or later. It's inevitable.

Sooner Quotes: "The death rate is the same for us as for anybody ... one person, one death, sooner or later."

The death rate is the same for us as for anybody ... one person, one death, sooner or later.

Sooner Quotes: "The truth is the river flows into the canyon Of Ceasing-to-Question-What-Doesn't-Concern-Us, As sooner or later we have to cease somewhere."

The truth is the river flows into the canyon Of Ceasing-to-Question-What-Doesn't-Concern-Us, As sooner or later we have to cease somewhere.

Sooner Quotes: "If a man knows he will sooner or later be robbed upon a journey, he will have a bottle of the best in every inn, and look upon all his extravagances as so much gained upon the thieves."

If a man knows he will sooner or later be robbed upon a journey, he will have a bottle of the best in every inn, and look upon all his extravagances as so much gained upon the thieves.

Sooner Quotes: "Education should not be fun. You are being brought up into society and society has a way of doing things. It may not be pleasant but sooner or later you are going to have to do it anyway."

Education should not be fun. You are being brought up into society and society has a way of doing things. It may not be pleasant but sooner or later you are going to have to do it anyway.

Sooner Quotes: "There is no authentic inner freedom that does not, sooner or later, also affect and change human history."

There is no authentic inner freedom that does not, sooner or later, also affect and change human history.

Sooner Quotes: "If it's possible to do something, sooner or later someone's going to do it."

If it's possible to do something, sooner or later someone's going to do it.

Sooner Quotes: "In a race, sooner or later there's a moment that separates the winner from those who don't win. That instant is your chance, the moment you've been waiting for."

In a race, sooner or later there's a moment that separates the winner from those who don't win. That instant is your chance, the moment you've been waiting for.

Sooner Quotes: "Sooner or later, many idealists transform themselves into disheartened realists who mistakenly believe that giving up is the same thing as being realistic."

Sooner or later, many idealists transform themselves into disheartened realists who mistakenly believe that giving up is the same thing as being realistic.

Sooner Quotes: "You really are here. (Thanatos) Hair of the dog, baby. Sooner or later, we all dance with the devil. Tonight, it’s your turn. (Zarek)"

You really are here. (Thanatos) Hair of the dog, baby. Sooner or later, we all dance with the devil. Tonight, it’s your turn. (Zarek)

Sooner Quotes: "But sooner or later, no matter who you are, life uses everyone as its whipping boy."

But sooner or later, no matter who you are, life uses everyone as its whipping boy.

Sooner Quotes: "When a cow lives with the butcher, sooner or later he gets eaten unless he helps the other cows off to their slaughter. (Nick)"

When a cow lives with the butcher, sooner or later he gets eaten unless he helps the other cows off to their slaughter. (Nick)

Sooner Quotes: "Find happiness in tribulation, too. Find it in joy alone and you could lose it, sooner or later, and be left with nothing."

Find happiness in tribulation, too. Find it in joy alone and you could lose it, sooner or later, and be left with nothing.

Sooner Quotes: "A woman who is very secure in herself, what she's about, what she wants to do, who probably figures that she's a prize catch-sooner or later he's going to come around."

A woman who is very secure in herself, what she's about, what she wants to do, who probably figures that she's a prize catch-sooner or later he's going to come around.

Sooner Quotes: "The world's oldest wisdom: each evil thought infuses the mind, sooner or later, with an unholy fear."

The world's oldest wisdom: each evil thought infuses the mind, sooner or later, with an unholy fear.

Sooner Quotes: ""Sooner or later disasters such as an asteroid collision or a nuclear war could wipe us all out, But once we spread out into space and establish independent colonies, our future should be safe.""

"Sooner or later disasters such as an asteroid collision or a nuclear war could wipe us all out, But once we spread out into space and establish independent colonies, our future should be safe."

Sooner Quotes: "An idea is like a cold germ: sooner or later someone always catches it."

An idea is like a cold germ: sooner or later someone always catches it.

Sooner Quotes: "I started to submit when I was twelve, and obviously at that time they weren't good enough, and I suppose in my heart of hearts I knew it. But you have to start sooner or later, you have to dig in."

I started to submit when I was twelve, and obviously at that time they weren't good enough, and I suppose in my heart of hearts I knew it. But you have to start sooner or later, you have to dig in.

Sooner Quotes: "When you're a working writer, sooner or later friends and acquaintances will get you alone and confide that they, too, have a book in them."

When you're a working writer, sooner or later friends and acquaintances will get you alone and confide that they, too, have a book in them.

Sooner Quotes: "Loss takes up inside of everything sooner or later and eats right through it."

Loss takes up inside of everything sooner or later and eats right through it.

Sooner Quotes: "She glared at him. "Why are you forever asking hard questions?" He smiled. "Sooner or later you'll have to be able to answer one." Daja shoved him, grinning."

She glared at him. "Why are you forever asking hard questions?" He smiled. "Sooner or later you'll have to be able to answer one." Daja shoved him, grinning.



Sooner Quotes: "I always say that in investing you want to buy stock in a company that has a business that's so good that an idiot can run it, because sooner or later one will. We have a country like that."

I always say that in investing you want to buy stock in a company that has a business that's so good that an idiot can run it, because sooner or later one will. We have a country like that.

Sooner Quotes: "I know that Nature designs that this whole continent, not merely these thirty-six states, shall be, sooner or later, within the magic circle of the American union."

I know that Nature designs that this whole continent, not merely these thirty-six states, shall be, sooner or later, within the magic circle of the American union.

Sooner Quotes: "Everything and everybody is sooner or later identified, defined, and put in perspective. The truth as always is simultaneously better and worse than what the popular myth-making has it."

Everything and everybody is sooner or later identified, defined, and put in perspective. The truth as always is simultaneously better and worse than what the popular myth-making has it.

Sooner Quotes: "Well, I'm not saying that America is a bad place or anything. I just think 9/11 needed to happen sooner or later."

Well, I'm not saying that America is a bad place or anything. I just think 9/11 needed to happen sooner or later.

Sooner Quotes: "Sooner or later sin makes its claim on a person."

Sooner or later sin makes its claim on a person.

Sooner Quotes: "Because lies outpace the truth, sooner or later you will trip up on your own tongue."

Because lies outpace the truth, sooner or later you will trip up on your own tongue.

Sooner Quotes: "If you are constantly seeking then sooner or later, you will meet ‘your opportunity"

If you are constantly seeking then sooner or later, you will meet ‘your opportunity

Sooner Quotes: "All that is considered truth and undoubted will sooner or later get into the sub consciousness"

All that is considered truth and undoubted will sooner or later get into the sub consciousness

Sooner Quotes: "No sooner met but they looked"

No sooner met but they looked

Sooner Quotes: "Targets are achieved sooner out of need, than out of greed."

Targets are achieved sooner out of need, than out of greed.

Sooner Quotes: "The success gate is far at the end of the long failure corridor. Keep moving no matter how many potholes you step into. You will get there with time!"

The success gate is far at the end of the long failure corridor. Keep moving no matter how many potholes you step into. You will get there with time!

Sooner Quotes: "Sooner or later, we sell out for money."

Sooner or later, we sell out for money.