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Sparks Quotes

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Sparks Quotes: "I feel again a spark of that ancient flame."

I feel again a spark of that ancient flame.

Sparks Quotes: "Deep in her heart, she wasn't sure she deserved to be happy, nor did she believe that she was worthy of someone who seemed...normal."

Deep in her heart, she wasn't sure she deserved to be happy, nor did she believe that she was worthy of someone who seemed...normal.

Sparks Quotes: "Marriage is a partnership, not a democracy."

Marriage is a partnership, not a democracy.

Sparks Quotes: "It hadn't been so long ago, yet sometimes she felt that she'd been an altogether different person back then."

It hadn't been so long ago, yet sometimes she felt that she'd been an altogether different person back then.

Sparks Quotes: "Now Doon seemed to care for his new friends more than he did for her. Every time she thought about him she felt a thud of pain, like a bruised place inside her."

Now Doon seemed to care for his new friends more than he did for her. Every time she thought about him she felt a thud of pain, like a bruised place inside her.

Sparks Quotes: "Change not only was inevitable, but usually brought its own rewards."

Change not only was inevitable, but usually brought its own rewards.

Sparks Quotes: "Virtue!--to be good and just-- Every heart, when sifted well, Is a clot of warmer dust, Mix'd with cunning sparks of hell."

Virtue!--to be good and just-- Every heart, when sifted well, Is a clot of warmer dust, Mix'd with cunning sparks of hell.

Sparks Quotes: "I'll take you to the deepest, darkest, hottest lover's lane for a little spark in the dark."

I'll take you to the deepest, darkest, hottest lover's lane for a little spark in the dark.

Sparks Quotes: "Love stories always seem to be a spark."

Love stories always seem to be a spark.

Sparks Quotes: "Can you see through the night, woman, that you stare so upon it? Man, what sparks do your eyes follow in the smouldering darkness?"

Can you see through the night, woman, that you stare so upon it? Man, what sparks do your eyes follow in the smouldering darkness?

Sparks Quotes: "Unencountered Language is the court and spark between words we recognize and those we don't."

Unencountered Language is the court and spark between words we recognize and those we don't.

Sparks Quotes: "I come down to the water to cool my eyes. But everywhere I look I see fire; that which isn't flint is tinder, and the whole world sparks and flames."

I come down to the water to cool my eyes. But everywhere I look I see fire; that which isn't flint is tinder, and the whole world sparks and flames.

Sparks Quotes: "But as we do not light up our houses with our brightest lamps for all comers, so neither did she emit from her eyes their brightest sparks till special occasions for such shining had arisen."

But as we do not light up our houses with our brightest lamps for all comers, so neither did she emit from her eyes their brightest sparks till special occasions for such shining had arisen.

Sparks Quotes: "As a businessman, I know President Obama understands what it takes to spark economic growth, because I have seen him in action."

As a businessman, I know President Obama understands what it takes to spark economic growth, because I have seen him in action.

Sparks Quotes: "Let us reach for the world that ought to be -- that spark of the divine that still stirs within each of our souls."

Let us reach for the world that ought to be -- that spark of the divine that still stirs within each of our souls.

Sparks Quotes: "I think the most interesting parts of human experience might be the sparks that come from that sort of chipping flint of cultures rubbing against each other."

I think the most interesting parts of human experience might be the sparks that come from that sort of chipping flint of cultures rubbing against each other.

Sparks Quotes: "Could Congress really do its work if it held its sessions by teleconferencing? Could the Supreme Court? Nothing can replace the spark of intelligence that travels from person to person at meetings."

Could Congress really do its work if it held its sessions by teleconferencing? Could the Supreme Court? Nothing can replace the spark of intelligence that travels from person to person at meetings.

Sparks Quotes: "The Sparks have always been committed to success and making the right moves to build upon their rich tradition in the WNBA."

The Sparks have always been committed to success and making the right moves to build upon their rich tradition in the WNBA.

Sparks Quotes: "Ritual is the way you carry the presence of the sacred. Ritual is the spark that must not go out."

Ritual is the way you carry the presence of the sacred. Ritual is the spark that must not go out.

Sparks Quotes: "The thrill of a fish at the end of the line, that thing that sparks from the dark water to spinal cord, is a vestige of an archetypal joy that has to do with sustenance, material and spiritual."

The thrill of a fish at the end of the line, that thing that sparks from the dark water to spinal cord, is a vestige of an archetypal joy that has to do with sustenance, material and spiritual.

Sparks Quotes: "That night it felt that somehow by flicking them off the roof, the matches would burn down everything, the sparks from the tips of the flames, torching the world and all the heartbroken people in it."

That night it felt that somehow by flicking them off the roof, the matches would burn down everything, the sparks from the tips of the flames, torching the world and all the heartbroken people in it.

Sparks Quotes: "But at the best of times she feels like a character in a Muriel Spark novel — independent, bookish, sharp-minded, secretly romantic."

But at the best of times she feels like a character in a Muriel Spark novel — independent, bookish, sharp-minded, secretly romantic.

Sparks Quotes: "Each part of speech a spark awaiting redemption, each a virtue, a power in abeyance."

Each part of speech a spark awaiting redemption, each a virtue, a power in abeyance.

Sparks Quotes: "Anything that sparks some eight-year-old's interest in music or DJing is great."

Anything that sparks some eight-year-old's interest in music or DJing is great.

Sparks Quotes: "What I'm looking for in my career, you know? You're looking for those lightning bolts of inspiration where someone says something that sparks an idea or suggests something strange."

What I'm looking for in my career, you know? You're looking for those lightning bolts of inspiration where someone says something that sparks an idea or suggests something strange.

Sparks Quotes: "Never forget that you have the spark of the divine in you. Whatever you do or don't do won't change this fact."

Never forget that you have the spark of the divine in you. Whatever you do or don't do won't change this fact.

Sparks Quotes: "Their eyes met with a singular directness of gaze. Between them a spark passed which was not afterwards to be extinguished, though neither of them knew the moment of its kindling."

Their eyes met with a singular directness of gaze. Between them a spark passed which was not afterwards to be extinguished, though neither of them knew the moment of its kindling.

Sparks Quotes: "If there be fuel prepared, it is hard to tell whence the spark shall come that shall set it on fire."

If there be fuel prepared, it is hard to tell whence the spark shall come that shall set it on fire.

Sparks Quotes: "American values are not just about America, but they speak to the human dignity, the God-given spark that resides in each and every person across the world."

American values are not just about America, but they speak to the human dignity, the God-given spark that resides in each and every person across the world.

Sparks Quotes: "They were not half living, or quarter living. They were simply so many bags of bones in which sparks of life fluttered faintly."

They were not half living, or quarter living. They were simply so many bags of bones in which sparks of life fluttered faintly.

Sparks Quotes: "choose now," he spat, his eyes practically shooing sparks. "me or him." gosh,Fang, you romantic fool," i said sarcastically."howw incredibly sexist pig of you."

choose now," he spat, his eyes practically shooing sparks. "me or him." gosh,Fang, you romantic fool," i said sarcastically."howw incredibly sexist pig of you.

Sparks Quotes: "The night crackled ... Everything had turned to static electricity in the heat. I combed my hair to watch the sparks fly from the ends."

The night crackled ... Everything had turned to static electricity in the heat. I combed my hair to watch the sparks fly from the ends.

Sparks Quotes: "When you forget to take the sail at all, then the wind is constantly in your favour both ways. But there! this world is only a probation, and man was born to trouble as the sparks fly upward."

When you forget to take the sail at all, then the wind is constantly in your favour both ways. But there! this world is only a probation, and man was born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.

Sparks Quotes: "Have fun. Especially while you're still young, you gotta keep the spark up. Even when things get boring, just remember to have fun."

Have fun. Especially while you're still young, you gotta keep the spark up. Even when things get boring, just remember to have fun.

Sparks Quotes: "When you find great songs, and somehow you get a spark in a little way, it can become brand new."

When you find great songs, and somehow you get a spark in a little way, it can become brand new.

Sparks Quotes: "The thing that keeps me interested is that I love stories. I love going to movies and I love watching stuff that sparks ideas in my brain."

The thing that keeps me interested is that I love stories. I love going to movies and I love watching stuff that sparks ideas in my brain.

Sparks Quotes: "It's funny. When I saw the script in my inbox and it said 'Sparkle,' I thought, 'For real? It's really called 'Sparkle?'' I was wondering, too, how does 'Jordin Sparks as Sparkle' sound?"

It's funny. When I saw the script in my inbox and it said 'Sparkle,' I thought, 'For real? It's really called 'Sparkle?'' I was wondering, too, how does 'Jordin Sparks as Sparkle' sound?

Sparks Quotes: "There is within each of us a divine spark of greatness. Who knows of what we are capable if we only try?"

There is within each of us a divine spark of greatness. Who knows of what we are capable if we only try?

Sparks Quotes: "The hardest thing [for me] is to 'just' agree, and that is what sparks creativity, the feeling that something can be better, the feeling that something's missing, the feeling that something's needed."

The hardest thing [for me] is to 'just' agree, and that is what sparks creativity, the feeling that something can be better, the feeling that something's missing, the feeling that something's needed.

Sparks Quotes: "That one thing you do give up when you get married is that magic moment of meeting someone, and the sparks and the spontaneity."

That one thing you do give up when you get married is that magic moment of meeting someone, and the sparks and the spontaneity.

Sparks Quotes: "The initial spark usually has something to do with panic -- I'm due to turn in a story to a workshop or an editor. It's a terrible working method."

The initial spark usually has something to do with panic -- I'm due to turn in a story to a workshop or an editor. It's a terrible working method.

Sparks Quotes: "A devious spark lit through Al, making me smile. One way. It costs too much, he said. “There’s no inflation in the ever-after, Al.” Call it a recession then. One way."

A devious spark lit through Al, making me smile. One way. It costs too much, he said. “There’s no inflation in the ever-after, Al.” Call it a recession then. One way.

Sparks Quotes: "I read a lot of 'Spark Notes' in high school."

I read a lot of 'Spark Notes' in high school.

Sparks Quotes: "I'll get into conversations with other people, and all of a sudden they will say something that sparks that... either the titles to me, or just the conversation itself will spark an idea for a song."

I'll get into conversations with other people, and all of a sudden they will say something that sparks that... either the titles to me, or just the conversation itself will spark an idea for a song.

Sparks Quotes: "When you're walking through the darkness, you can't depend on anything or anyone else to light your way. You have to rely on whatever sparks you've got inside you. Or you're going to get lost."

When you're walking through the darkness, you can't depend on anything or anyone else to light your way. You have to rely on whatever sparks you've got inside you. Or you're going to get lost.

Sparks Quotes: "Any time you put too many sparks around a powder keg, the thing is going to explode, and if the things that explodes is still inside the house, then the house will be destroyed."

Any time you put too many sparks around a powder keg, the thing is going to explode, and if the things that explodes is still inside the house, then the house will be destroyed.

Sparks Quotes: "This was an era where I was going out every night seeing Sparks, Berlin, Duran Duran, and Split Enz. Amazing acts doing really weird stuff, and I was very open to music and letting it transform me."

This was an era where I was going out every night seeing Sparks, Berlin, Duran Duran, and Split Enz. Amazing acts doing really weird stuff, and I was very open to music and letting it transform me.

Sparks Quotes: "The big fire has no right to despise the little spark!"

The big fire has no right to despise the little spark!

Sparks Quotes: "As an author you hope your characters have sparks but truly in the end they have minds of their own!"

As an author you hope your characters have sparks but truly in the end they have minds of their own!