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Standards Quotes

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Standards Quotes: "The repudiation of the primacy of understanding means the repudiation of the norms of judgment as well, and hence the abandonment of all ethical standards."

The repudiation of the primacy of understanding means the repudiation of the norms of judgment as well, and hence the abandonment of all ethical standards.

Standards Quotes: "Do not judge others by your own standards, for everyone is making their way home, in the way they know best."

Do not judge others by your own standards, for everyone is making their way home, in the way they know best.

Standards Quotes: "Envy never comes to the ball dressed as envy; it comes dressed as high moral standards or distaste for materialism."

Envy never comes to the ball dressed as envy; it comes dressed as high moral standards or distaste for materialism.

Standards Quotes: "Just as the normative standard for the good and for the true is God, so the ultimate standard of beauty is God."

Just as the normative standard for the good and for the true is God, so the ultimate standard of beauty is God.

Standards Quotes: "When anything goes, everything goes."

When anything goes, everything goes.

Standards Quotes: "Or heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings."

Or heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings.

Standards Quotes: "Who you spend time with is who you become! Change your life by consciously choosing to surround yourself with people with higher standards!"

Who you spend time with is who you become! Change your life by consciously choosing to surround yourself with people with higher standards!

Standards Quotes: "Don't judge yourself by someone else's standards. You will always lose"

Don't judge yourself by someone else's standards. You will always lose

Standards Quotes: "With virtually no knowledge of or interest in history, the masses simply take their unprecedented high living standards under capitalism for granted."

With virtually no knowledge of or interest in history, the masses simply take their unprecedented high living standards under capitalism for granted.

Standards Quotes: "I did what I could to inflate the rumor I was on my way to stardom. What I was on my way to, by any mathematical standards known to man, was oblivion, by way of obscurity."

I did what I could to inflate the rumor I was on my way to stardom. What I was on my way to, by any mathematical standards known to man, was oblivion, by way of obscurity.

Standards Quotes: "The adequacy of performance attainments depends upon the personal standards against which they are judged"

The adequacy of performance attainments depends upon the personal standards against which they are judged

Standards Quotes: "I urge you to hold fast to your standards. I plead with you not to waver."

I urge you to hold fast to your standards. I plead with you not to waver.

Standards Quotes: "Young girls are obsessed with having a thigh gap. I blame the impossible body standards set by Spongebob."

Young girls are obsessed with having a thigh gap. I blame the impossible body standards set by Spongebob.

Standards Quotes: "We have to be careful not to elevate our preferences to moral standards and judge others by them. We only do so to feel superior."

We have to be careful not to elevate our preferences to moral standards and judge others by them. We only do so to feel superior.

Standards Quotes: "I've tried as much as possible to avoid the standard nine-to-five thing. I've tried to organize my life so that I can move around, change the rhythm and the tempo."

I've tried as much as possible to avoid the standard nine-to-five thing. I've tried to organize my life so that I can move around, change the rhythm and the tempo.

Standards Quotes: "Furthermore, America suffers not only from a lack of standards, but also not infrequently from a confusion or an inversion of standards."

Furthermore, America suffers not only from a lack of standards, but also not infrequently from a confusion or an inversion of standards.

Standards Quotes: "The wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims."

The wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims.

Standards Quotes: "Philosophy is an odd thing... There is no particular Socratic or Dimechian or Kantian way to live your life. They don't offer ethical codes and standards by which to live your life."

Philosophy is an odd thing... There is no particular Socratic or Dimechian or Kantian way to live your life. They don't offer ethical codes and standards by which to live your life.

Standards Quotes: "There's a worldwide linking of environmental activists, developmental experts and human rights advocates. And they're using the two frameworks, in particular environmental standards and human rights."

There's a worldwide linking of environmental activists, developmental experts and human rights advocates. And they're using the two frameworks, in particular environmental standards and human rights.

Standards Quotes: "If all human lives depended upon their usefulness - as might be judged by certain standards - there would be a sudden and terrific mortality in the world."

If all human lives depended upon their usefulness - as might be judged by certain standards - there would be a sudden and terrific mortality in the world.

Standards Quotes: "Excellence implies striving for the highest standards in every phase of life."

Excellence implies striving for the highest standards in every phase of life.

Standards Quotes: "Never be satisfied with the world's standard of Christianity!"

Never be satisfied with the world's standard of Christianity!

Standards Quotes: "In business, I've discovered that my purpose is to do my best to my utmost ability every day. That's my standard. I learned early in my life that I had high standards."

In business, I've discovered that my purpose is to do my best to my utmost ability every day. That's my standard. I learned early in my life that I had high standards.

Standards Quotes: "As an alcoholic, you will violate your standards quicker than you can lower them."

As an alcoholic, you will violate your standards quicker than you can lower them.

Standards Quotes: "European standards of beauty are something that plague the entire world - the idea that darker skin is not beautiful, that light skin is the key to success and love. Africa is no exception."

European standards of beauty are something that plague the entire world - the idea that darker skin is not beautiful, that light skin is the key to success and love. Africa is no exception.

Standards Quotes: "Have you ever thought, headmaster, that your standards might perhaps be a little out of date? Of course they're out of date. Standards are always out of date. That is what makes them standards."

Have you ever thought, headmaster, that your standards might perhaps be a little out of date? Of course they're out of date. Standards are always out of date. That is what makes them standards.

Standards Quotes: "Not only do I believe that it is possible to maintain moral standards without the crutch of religion but I would argue that it is the only way to achieve true goodness."

Not only do I believe that it is possible to maintain moral standards without the crutch of religion but I would argue that it is the only way to achieve true goodness.

Standards Quotes: "Labor is the true standard of value."

Labor is the true standard of value.

Standards Quotes: "The problem is when you try to impose today's standards on people living back then. It's the politically correct thing to do, but it was a different era, a different country then."

The problem is when you try to impose today's standards on people living back then. It's the politically correct thing to do, but it was a different era, a different country then.

Standards Quotes: "There are no standards of taste in wine... Each man's own taste is the standard, and a majority vote cannot decide for him or in any slightest degree affect the supremacy of his own standard."

There are no standards of taste in wine... Each man's own taste is the standard, and a majority vote cannot decide for him or in any slightest degree affect the supremacy of his own standard.

Standards Quotes: "I have never seen a good organization where the standards weren't high."

I have never seen a good organization where the standards weren't high.

Standards Quotes: "The cross is where God forgave his children without lowering his standards."

The cross is where God forgave his children without lowering his standards.

Standards Quotes: "Men respect standards- get some!"

Men respect standards- get some!

Standards Quotes: "Keep up the old standards, and day by day raise them higher."

Keep up the old standards, and day by day raise them higher.

Standards Quotes: "Ive been told that if I lose weight Id have more work, but I refuse to submit myself to Hollywood standards. To the rest of the world I am slim and I like the way I am."

Ive been told that if I lose weight Id have more work, but I refuse to submit myself to Hollywood standards. To the rest of the world I am slim and I like the way I am.

Standards Quotes: "It's the same at a rock-and-roll concert. You have an opening number with a strong entrance; then you go through a lot of the old standards, building up to your hit song at the end."

It's the same at a rock-and-roll concert. You have an opening number with a strong entrance; then you go through a lot of the old standards, building up to your hit song at the end.

Standards Quotes: "Don't wait till you get bigger to put in place key items, such as staff surveys, peer interviewing for hiring and clear standards of behavior [developed by staff]."

Don't wait till you get bigger to put in place key items, such as staff surveys, peer interviewing for hiring and clear standards of behavior [developed by staff].

Standards Quotes: "There's a great deal of difference between thinking reflectively about moral issues and achieving higher standards of ethical behavior."

There's a great deal of difference between thinking reflectively about moral issues and achieving higher standards of ethical behavior.

Standards Quotes: "Government is rather ill-suited and poorly equipped to alleviate the plight of the poor. It lacks moral rules or standards, and is devoid of basic principles in economic and social matters."

Government is rather ill-suited and poorly equipped to alleviate the plight of the poor. It lacks moral rules or standards, and is devoid of basic principles in economic and social matters.

Standards Quotes: "The world of shabby gentility is like no other; its sacrifices have less logic, its standards are harsher, its relation to reality is dimmer than comfortable property or plain poverty can understand."

The world of shabby gentility is like no other; its sacrifices have less logic, its standards are harsher, its relation to reality is dimmer than comfortable property or plain poverty can understand.

Standards Quotes: "The industrial revolution has tended to produce everywhere great urban masses that seem to be increasingly careless of ethical standards."

The industrial revolution has tended to produce everywhere great urban masses that seem to be increasingly careless of ethical standards.

Standards Quotes: "Whenever "A" attempts by law to impose his moral standards upon "B," "A" is most likely a scoundrel."

Whenever "A" attempts by law to impose his moral standards upon "B," "A" is most likely a scoundrel.

Standards Quotes: "The standard of beauty is not definite. We define it."

The standard of beauty is not definite. We define it.

Standards Quotes: "To arrive at a just estimate of a renowned man's character one must judge it by the standards of his time, not ours."

To arrive at a just estimate of a renowned man's character one must judge it by the standards of his time, not ours.

Standards Quotes: "The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community"

The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community

Standards Quotes: "Hopefully with a woman President the double standard will slowly begin to wane."

Hopefully with a woman President the double standard will slowly begin to wane.

Standards Quotes: "I go by my own standards, and I will be the voice of the curves for the women that feel like they can't stand up for themselves."

I go by my own standards, and I will be the voice of the curves for the women that feel like they can't stand up for themselves.

Standards Quotes: "When the world becomes standard, I will start caring about standards."

When the world becomes standard, I will start caring about standards.

Standards Quotes: "Some superior minds are unrecognized because there is no standard by which to weigh them."

Some superior minds are unrecognized because there is no standard by which to weigh them.