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Starting Quotes

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Starting Quotes: "The starting point for creativity is silence... the creative soil of silence, where can be found the seed-states of all things."

The starting point for creativity is silence... the creative soil of silence, where can be found the seed-states of all things.

Starting Quotes: "This is a sensible response to employer concerns that the minimum wage is starting to have a damaging impact on competitiveness."

This is a sensible response to employer concerns that the minimum wage is starting to have a damaging impact on competitiveness.

Starting Quotes: "Things are finally starting to calm down and be the way they're supposed to be. I think things happen for a reason."

Things are finally starting to calm down and be the way they're supposed to be. I think things happen for a reason.

Starting Quotes: "I don't place much faith in my intuitions, except as a starting place for designing experiments."

I don't place much faith in my intuitions, except as a starting place for designing experiments.

Starting Quotes: "Sometimes when you're starting out with acting, you have to take what you can get to get experience and meet people."

Sometimes when you're starting out with acting, you have to take what you can get to get experience and meet people.

Starting Quotes: "Definitely, starting my own brand would be really exciting."

Definitely, starting my own brand would be really exciting.

Starting Quotes: "The worse I am, the more I need God. I can't shut myself out from His mercy. That is what it would mean; starting a life with you, without Him. Julia to Charles"

The worse I am, the more I need God. I can't shut myself out from His mercy. That is what it would mean; starting a life with you, without Him. Julia to Charles

Starting Quotes: "Start with short stories. After all, if you were taking up rock climbing, you wouldn't start with Mount Everest. So if you're starting fantasy, don't start with a nine-book series."

Start with short stories. After all, if you were taking up rock climbing, you wouldn't start with Mount Everest. So if you're starting fantasy, don't start with a nine-book series.

Starting Quotes: "I was always a great believer in starting at the top. I really think that focusing on a career and working your way up is way way way overestimated."

I was always a great believer in starting at the top. I really think that focusing on a career and working your way up is way way way overestimated.

Starting Quotes: "I'm kinda stuck in that awkward in-between stage where my hair is just starting to fall out, but I'm still maintaining my youthful acne."

I'm kinda stuck in that awkward in-between stage where my hair is just starting to fall out, but I'm still maintaining my youthful acne.

Starting Quotes: "People have been predicting the death of television for 20 years now, and so far it's been entirely wrong. But it does seem viewership habits are starting to change."

People have been predicting the death of television for 20 years now, and so far it's been entirely wrong. But it does seem viewership habits are starting to change.

Starting Quotes: "I seem to have run in a great circle, and met myself again on the starting line."

I seem to have run in a great circle, and met myself again on the starting line.

Starting Quotes: "Help each user personally. Sure that won't scale to a very large size, but when a startup is just starting out, it really helps you have an advantage as a small and nimble company."

Help each user personally. Sure that won't scale to a very large size, but when a startup is just starting out, it really helps you have an advantage as a small and nimble company.

Starting Quotes: "Don't mourn over your bad decisions. Just start overcoming them with good ones."

Don't mourn over your bad decisions. Just start overcoming them with good ones.

Starting Quotes: "Bitcoin actually has the balance and incentives right, and that is why it is starting to take off."

Bitcoin actually has the balance and incentives right, and that is why it is starting to take off.

Starting Quotes: "People are generally badly advised when they're starting out in the creative field."

People are generally badly advised when they're starting out in the creative field.

Starting Quotes: "The Yankees have better starting pitchers than Arizona. Arizona just has two... the Yanks have four."

The Yankees have better starting pitchers than Arizona. Arizona just has two... the Yanks have four.

Starting Quotes: "20 years ago, when Bob Bly starting teaching copywriting, the field was deeply shrouded in mystery. Now, thanks to Bob, learning copywriting, though still a tricky proposition, is much easier."

20 years ago, when Bob Bly starting teaching copywriting, the field was deeply shrouded in mystery. Now, thanks to Bob, learning copywriting, though still a tricky proposition, is much easier.

Starting Quotes: "There is no such thing as starting where Cezanne left off. You have to start where he started... at the beginning."

There is no such thing as starting where Cezanne left off. You have to start where he started... at the beginning.

Starting Quotes: "We'd all do well to start over again, preferably with kindergarten."

We'd all do well to start over again, preferably with kindergarten.

Starting Quotes: "As far as I'm concerned, my life is just beginning. It's never too late to start over, so this is what I've been doing."

As far as I'm concerned, my life is just beginning. It's never too late to start over, so this is what I've been doing.

Starting Quotes: "I'm starting to mistrust my judgment."

I'm starting to mistrust my judgment.

Starting Quotes: "There are exceptional people out there who are capable of starting epidemics. All you have to do is find them."

There are exceptional people out there who are capable of starting epidemics. All you have to do is find them.

Starting Quotes: "I remember thinking, "Far out, I can't believe this," when I started riding waves. Then I was starting to imagine where it could take me."

I remember thinking, "Far out, I can't believe this," when I started riding waves. Then I was starting to imagine where it could take me.

Starting Quotes: "Empathy is the starting point for creating a community and taking action. It’s the impetus for creating change."

Empathy is the starting point for creating a community and taking action. It’s the impetus for creating change.

Starting Quotes: "If you were starting from scratch to invent an instrument that could impose fiscal discipline, the last one on earth you would come up with is the United States government."

If you were starting from scratch to invent an instrument that could impose fiscal discipline, the last one on earth you would come up with is the United States government.

Starting Quotes: "I believe that teachers committed to the community are the ones who deserve to earn the top dollar, a starting salary of a quarter million dollars a year."

I believe that teachers committed to the community are the ones who deserve to earn the top dollar, a starting salary of a quarter million dollars a year.

Starting Quotes: "I was drinking a lot of bourbon. I was miserable. I was starting to get work, but it wasn't remotely satisfying. It was garbage compared to the theater I was doing."

I was drinking a lot of bourbon. I was miserable. I was starting to get work, but it wasn't remotely satisfying. It was garbage compared to the theater I was doing.

Starting Quotes: "I'm starting to like muggers more than congressmen. At least the muggers don't claim they're doing you a favor."

I'm starting to like muggers more than congressmen. At least the muggers don't claim they're doing you a favor.

Starting Quotes: "Now I'm starting, relatively, to think straight again. I live one day at a time, one hour at a time. What makes it all worthwhile is my children."

Now I'm starting, relatively, to think straight again. I live one day at a time, one hour at a time. What makes it all worthwhile is my children.

Starting Quotes: "I'm absolutely happy with where Louis Litt is. The writers, starting with Aaron [Korsh], have just made him into a human being."

I'm absolutely happy with where Louis Litt is. The writers, starting with Aaron [Korsh], have just made him into a human being.

Starting Quotes: "Before starting a fitness program or diet, know why you're doing it. Have specific goals with deadlines and visualize the end result each night before going to bed."

Before starting a fitness program or diet, know why you're doing it. Have specific goals with deadlines and visualize the end result each night before going to bed.

Starting Quotes: "You start a question, and it's like starting a stone. You sit quietly on the top of a hill; and away the stone goes, starting others."

You start a question, and it's like starting a stone. You sit quietly on the top of a hill; and away the stone goes, starting others.

Starting Quotes: "Today's a great day to change a life. Starting with yours."

Today's a great day to change a life. Starting with yours.

Starting Quotes: "You know, I'm really starting to think the whole world is just a patchwork quilt of crazy little cults, all with their own secret spaces, their own records, their own rules."

You know, I'm really starting to think the whole world is just a patchwork quilt of crazy little cults, all with their own secret spaces, their own records, their own rules.

Starting Quotes: "Not using social media in the workplace, in fact, is starting to make about as much sense as not using the phone or email."

Not using social media in the workplace, in fact, is starting to make about as much sense as not using the phone or email.

Starting Quotes: "When I'm starting to feel, "How many more people are there?" I go slower. I ask questions, and that person engaging with me gives me energy."

When I'm starting to feel, "How many more people are there?" I go slower. I ask questions, and that person engaging with me gives me energy.

Starting Quotes: "I was starting to feel really suffocated, using the sequencer."

I was starting to feel really suffocated, using the sequencer.

Starting Quotes: "I am for everything starting into full-blown perfection at once."

I am for everything starting into full-blown perfection at once.

Starting Quotes: "Dickens, as you know, never got round to starting his home page."

Dickens, as you know, never got round to starting his home page.

Starting Quotes: "Success is getting to a point where you'd be truly OK with losing everything you have and starting over."

Success is getting to a point where you'd be truly OK with losing everything you have and starting over.

Starting Quotes: "Despite a few really bad days we had quite a lot of fun making Low, especially when all the radical ideas were making sense and things were starting to click."

Despite a few really bad days we had quite a lot of fun making Low, especially when all the radical ideas were making sense and things were starting to click.

Starting Quotes: "Every season, for me, it's like starting from scratch again."

Every season, for me, it's like starting from scratch again.

Starting Quotes: "We're starting to look at a new way of being, and I know ultimately that it will triumph. I think it's coming soon, too."

We're starting to look at a new way of being, and I know ultimately that it will triumph. I think it's coming soon, too.

Starting Quotes: "It's okay to start over again."

It's okay to start over again.

Starting Quotes: "I dream of starting a three-man country trio called the Chixie Dicks."

I dream of starting a three-man country trio called the Chixie Dicks.

Starting Quotes: "It's painful and it's messy. But sometimes you just have to make the break and start again."

It's painful and it's messy. But sometimes you just have to make the break and start again.

Starting Quotes: "The health industry, the fitness industry, was really starting to pick up. This was around the mid 80's."

The health industry, the fitness industry, was really starting to pick up. This was around the mid 80's.

Starting Quotes: "I am starting to look like and perform like the Lou that I used to be."

I am starting to look like and perform like the Lou that I used to be.