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Starting Quotes

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Starting Quotes: "I suppose my father was more influential in my starting to play the guitar."

I suppose my father was more influential in my starting to play the guitar.

Starting Quotes: "When I was starting to write, the great influence was T.S. Eliot and after that William Butler Yeats."

When I was starting to write, the great influence was T.S. Eliot and after that William Butler Yeats.

Starting Quotes: "The use of lines of code metrics for productivity and quality studies [is] to be regarded as professional malpractice starting in 1995."

The use of lines of code metrics for productivity and quality studies [is] to be regarded as professional malpractice starting in 1995.

Starting Quotes: "If I had to start over, I'd pursue photography - probably to the exclusion of acting."

If I had to start over, I'd pursue photography - probably to the exclusion of acting.

Starting Quotes: "Racing is licking your opponent's plate clean before starting on your own"

Racing is licking your opponent's plate clean before starting on your own

Starting Quotes: "Starting a novel is opening a door on a misty landscape; you can still see very little but you can smell the earth and feel the wind blowing."

Starting a novel is opening a door on a misty landscape; you can still see very little but you can smell the earth and feel the wind blowing.

Starting Quotes: "The social contract is starting to unravel in many countries."

The social contract is starting to unravel in many countries.

Starting Quotes: "And if the Son has set us free Then we must be, free indeed Let the chains fall away, starting today. Everything has changed I'm finally free."

And if the Son has set us free Then we must be, free indeed Let the chains fall away, starting today. Everything has changed I'm finally free.

Starting Quotes: "Women who put on a few pounds after starting lithium sometimes say the cure is worse than the disease. The weight gain shoots them straight into depression."

Women who put on a few pounds after starting lithium sometimes say the cure is worse than the disease. The weight gain shoots them straight into depression.

Starting Quotes: "My technique, starting with a quick outline in pencil, is designed to record first impressions, with no time for second thoughts."

My technique, starting with a quick outline in pencil, is designed to record first impressions, with no time for second thoughts.

Starting Quotes: "From an evolutionary standpoint you can't just wipe everything out and start over, and I don't think you can do it in the school system either."

From an evolutionary standpoint you can't just wipe everything out and start over, and I don't think you can do it in the school system either.

Starting Quotes: "What obsesses a writer starting out on a lifetime's work is the panic-stricken search for a voice of his own."

What obsesses a writer starting out on a lifetime's work is the panic-stricken search for a voice of his own.

Starting Quotes: "Courage is crossing a starting line."

Courage is crossing a starting line.

Starting Quotes: "Keep starting until you finish."

Keep starting until you finish.

Starting Quotes: "I could never have imagined the films I've done and the people I've worked with when I was starting out; I certainly did not have a career path."

I could never have imagined the films I've done and the people I've worked with when I was starting out; I certainly did not have a career path.

Starting Quotes: "When you've burned the bridges behind you, don't go starting a fire on the one in front of you."

When you've burned the bridges behind you, don't go starting a fire on the one in front of you.

Starting Quotes: "Justice is a machine that, when some one has once given it the starting push, rolls on of itself."

Justice is a machine that, when some one has once given it the starting push, rolls on of itself.

Starting Quotes: "We know that Medicare's going broke in seven years, but we need to start over. That's what the American people want us to do."

We know that Medicare's going broke in seven years, but we need to start over. That's what the American people want us to do.

Starting Quotes: "I'm starting to feel like so much of rock music is derivative and boring."

I'm starting to feel like so much of rock music is derivative and boring.

Starting Quotes: "You have to operate from the sense of everything is new and you're starting again."

You have to operate from the sense of everything is new and you're starting again.

Starting Quotes: "Don't see haters as a reason to give up; instead see them as a sign that you are starting to become successful."

Don't see haters as a reason to give up; instead see them as a sign that you are starting to become successful.

Starting Quotes: "Games are starting to creep into every aspect of our day."

Games are starting to creep into every aspect of our day.

Starting Quotes: "That's like the fourth time I've been called a women in this past hour. It's really starting to boost my self-esteem."

That's like the fourth time I've been called a women in this past hour. It's really starting to boost my self-esteem.

Starting Quotes: "I'm so used to hate that I'm starting to embrace it."

I'm so used to hate that I'm starting to embrace it.

Starting Quotes: "Often with film, I find that you're just really getting to know a person. They're just starting to sink in, and then you wrap the film."

Often with film, I find that you're just really getting to know a person. They're just starting to sink in, and then you wrap the film.

Starting Quotes: "Writing the opening lines of a story is a bit like starting to ski at the steepest part of a hill. You must have all your skills under control from the first instant."

Writing the opening lines of a story is a bit like starting to ski at the steepest part of a hill. You must have all your skills under control from the first instant.

Starting Quotes: "Starting a startup is a process of trial and error. What guided the founders through this process was their empathy for the users. They never lost sight of making things that people would want."

Starting a startup is a process of trial and error. What guided the founders through this process was their empathy for the users. They never lost sight of making things that people would want.

Starting Quotes: "If you are motivated by loving kindness and compassion, there are many ways to bring happiness to others right now, starting with kind speech."

If you are motivated by loving kindness and compassion, there are many ways to bring happiness to others right now, starting with kind speech.

Starting Quotes: "Specific music starts feeding my imagination and gives me a landscape that corresponds somehow, in some abstract way, to the world I'm just starting to imagine."

Specific music starts feeding my imagination and gives me a landscape that corresponds somehow, in some abstract way, to the world I'm just starting to imagine.

Starting Quotes: "If something happened, like engineers starting to quit, things would go downhill fast."

If something happened, like engineers starting to quit, things would go downhill fast.

Starting Quotes: "I've kept journals at many times in my life starting from when I was about 13 or 14. But it's boring and contrived to keep a journal every day. Better to write as the mood strikes."

I've kept journals at many times in my life starting from when I was about 13 or 14. But it's boring and contrived to keep a journal every day. Better to write as the mood strikes.

Starting Quotes: "There is just something about starting your day with something luxurious like a bath."

There is just something about starting your day with something luxurious like a bath.

Starting Quotes: "To establish yourself as an actress, you have to become well known. A girl just starting out, I would tell her to concentrate on acting, but she doesn't have to go around wearing blankets."

To establish yourself as an actress, you have to become well known. A girl just starting out, I would tell her to concentrate on acting, but she doesn't have to go around wearing blankets.

Starting Quotes: "In the space of three weeks, I met a fair bunch of the guys who were just starting those little programmers' co-ops, and everybody was talking about starting businesses."

In the space of three weeks, I met a fair bunch of the guys who were just starting those little programmers' co-ops, and everybody was talking about starting businesses.

Starting Quotes: "There can be no peace of mind in love, since the advantage one has secured is never anything but a fresh starting-point for future desires."

There can be no peace of mind in love, since the advantage one has secured is never anything but a fresh starting-point for future desires.

Starting Quotes: "Breaking out is following your bliss pattern, quitting the old place, starting your hero journey, following your bliss. You throw off yesterday as the snake sheds its skin."

Breaking out is following your bliss pattern, quitting the old place, starting your hero journey, following your bliss. You throw off yesterday as the snake sheds its skin.

Starting Quotes: "Reality is the only place you can deal from. If you're still worrying about the way things should be, you haven't even approached the starting line."

Reality is the only place you can deal from. If you're still worrying about the way things should be, you haven't even approached the starting line.

Starting Quotes: "Actually, when I was very young, first starting to play, I think I probably listened more to clarinet players than to saxophones."

Actually, when I was very young, first starting to play, I think I probably listened more to clarinet players than to saxophones.

Starting Quotes: "I've still got a lot left in the tank. I think people are starting to see I've got a lot left in the tank."

I've still got a lot left in the tank. I think people are starting to see I've got a lot left in the tank.

Starting Quotes: "I was watching 'Up In The Air' and I thought, 'Jesus, who's the old gray-haired guy?' And it was me. I never wear makeup for movies and now it's starting to show."

I was watching 'Up In The Air' and I thought, 'Jesus, who's the old gray-haired guy?' And it was me. I never wear makeup for movies and now it's starting to show.

Starting Quotes: "Since first starting my career, I've grown accustomed to working with actors older than me. I'm always the youngest."

Since first starting my career, I've grown accustomed to working with actors older than me. I'm always the youngest.

Starting Quotes: "As many as half of Ethiopias girls become wives before becoming adults. But Ethiopia is also a place where lasting solutions to child marriage are starting to make a difference."

As many as half of Ethiopias girls become wives before becoming adults. But Ethiopia is also a place where lasting solutions to child marriage are starting to make a difference.

Starting Quotes: "Secrecy is best taught by starting with ourselves."

Secrecy is best taught by starting with ourselves.

Starting Quotes: "If we wait until we've satisfied all the uncertainties, it may be too late."

If we wait until we've satisfied all the uncertainties, it may be too late.

Starting Quotes: "Each time you decide to grow again, you realize you're starting at the bottom of another ladder."

Each time you decide to grow again, you realize you're starting at the bottom of another ladder.

Starting Quotes: "I try not to listen to a lot of music when I'm starting the recording process, because it can be so subtly influential."

I try not to listen to a lot of music when I'm starting the recording process, because it can be so subtly influential.

Starting Quotes: "I kind of thought the writers were starting to take Taylor and make her kind of down and dirty."

I kind of thought the writers were starting to take Taylor and make her kind of down and dirty.

Starting Quotes: "I'm starting to realize there's no stopping us now. An idea, a feeling, a movement can't just be squashed. It's impossible now."

I'm starting to realize there's no stopping us now. An idea, a feeling, a movement can't just be squashed. It's impossible now.

Starting Quotes: "The idea of starting a band because of Nirvana and thereby trying to sound like Nirvana is totally not the case."

The idea of starting a band because of Nirvana and thereby trying to sound like Nirvana is totally not the case.