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Starting Quotes: "As many as half of Ethiopias girls become wives before becoming adults. But Ethiopia is also a place where lasting solutions to child marriage are starting to make a difference."

As many as half of Ethiopias girls become wives before becoming adults. But Ethiopia is also a place where lasting solutions to child marriage are starting to make a difference.

Starting Quotes: "Actually, when I was very young, first starting to play, I think I probably listened more to clarinet players than to saxophones."

Actually, when I was very young, first starting to play, I think I probably listened more to clarinet players than to saxophones.

Starting Quotes: "Reality is the only place you can deal from. If you're still worrying about the way things should be, you haven't even approached the starting line."

Reality is the only place you can deal from. If you're still worrying about the way things should be, you haven't even approached the starting line.

Starting Quotes: "It's also much clearer how much damage the occupation of Iraq is doing to America's reputation and prestige around the world; and that's just starting now to hit home in the United States."

It's also much clearer how much damage the occupation of Iraq is doing to America's reputation and prestige around the world; and that's just starting now to hit home in the United States.

Starting Quotes: "I was watching 'Up In The Air' and I thought, 'Jesus, who's the old gray-haired guy?' And it was me. I never wear makeup for movies and now it's starting to show."

I was watching 'Up In The Air' and I thought, 'Jesus, who's the old gray-haired guy?' And it was me. I never wear makeup for movies and now it's starting to show.

Starting Quotes: "Since first starting my career, I've grown accustomed to working with actors older than me. I'm always the youngest."

Since first starting my career, I've grown accustomed to working with actors older than me. I'm always the youngest.

Starting Quotes: "It's good they're holding the Olympics in the East End of London. Means the athletes will have to use extra skill to work out which gunshot is the starting pistol."

It's good they're holding the Olympics in the East End of London. Means the athletes will have to use extra skill to work out which gunshot is the starting pistol.

Starting Quotes: "The race is lost. You can't overtake here and I'm starting from 15th... It's over already."

The race is lost. You can't overtake here and I'm starting from 15th... It's over already.

Starting Quotes: "In the space of three weeks, I met a fair bunch of the guys who were just starting those little programmers' co-ops, and everybody was talking about starting businesses."

In the space of three weeks, I met a fair bunch of the guys who were just starting those little programmers' co-ops, and everybody was talking about starting businesses.

Starting Quotes: "There is just something about starting your day with something luxurious like a bath."

There is just something about starting your day with something luxurious like a bath.

Starting Quotes: "I've kept journals at many times in my life starting from when I was about 13 or 14. But it's boring and contrived to keep a journal every day. Better to write as the mood strikes."

I've kept journals at many times in my life starting from when I was about 13 or 14. But it's boring and contrived to keep a journal every day. Better to write as the mood strikes.

Starting Quotes: "Often with film, I find that you're just really getting to know a person. They're just starting to sink in, and then you wrap the film."

Often with film, I find that you're just really getting to know a person. They're just starting to sink in, and then you wrap the film.

Starting Quotes: "That's like the fourth time I've been called a women in this past hour. It's really starting to boost my self-esteem."

That's like the fourth time I've been called a women in this past hour. It's really starting to boost my self-esteem.

Starting Quotes: "The secret of being more vitally alive is to be more aware. Starting today, from this moment, become aware of awareness!"

The secret of being more vitally alive is to be more aware. Starting today, from this moment, become aware of awareness!

Starting Quotes: "The intellectual takes as a starting point his self and relates the world to his own sensibilities; the scientist accepts an existing field of knowledge and seeks to map out the unexplored terrain."

The intellectual takes as a starting point his self and relates the world to his own sensibilities; the scientist accepts an existing field of knowledge and seeks to map out the unexplored terrain.

Starting Quotes: "I take as my fundamental starting point the fundamental distinction between work and interaction"

I take as my fundamental starting point the fundamental distinction between work and interaction

Starting Quotes: "The Internet was developed in large part by U.S. government research funding to develop new communications networks, starting with a network created by the Department of Defense."

The Internet was developed in large part by U.S. government research funding to develop new communications networks, starting with a network created by the Department of Defense.

Starting Quotes: "I think we are starting to get some information that will allow us to get to the bottom of this, and I hope we continue to work on this until we get to the bottom of it."

I think we are starting to get some information that will allow us to get to the bottom of this, and I hope we continue to work on this until we get to the bottom of it.

Starting Quotes: "Even people on the liberal side are starting to worry about going off a fiscal cliff."

Even people on the liberal side are starting to worry about going off a fiscal cliff.

Starting Quotes: "I design my start-up ventures around my own personal beliefs and values."

I design my start-up ventures around my own personal beliefs and values.

Starting Quotes: "My daughters been picked up so many times she's starting to grow handles"

My daughters been picked up so many times she's starting to grow handles

Starting Quotes: "I just turned 66, and I'm starting to work again."

I just turned 66, and I'm starting to work again.

Starting Quotes: "I went through a divorce right as we were starting the show. My divorce became final right after we started shooting the first year, and during that time I was in such a low place."

I went through a divorce right as we were starting the show. My divorce became final right after we started shooting the first year, and during that time I was in such a low place.

Starting Quotes: "So if there is a government grant offered for anything, like starting a business or going to school, they cannot discriminate because of your age."

So if there is a government grant offered for anything, like starting a business or going to school, they cannot discriminate because of your age.

Starting Quotes: "We don't we agree that litigation reform to lower the cost of healthcare would be a good starting point?"

We don't we agree that litigation reform to lower the cost of healthcare would be a good starting point?

Starting Quotes: "Generally I know that we've hit on a good idea if there's a moment where I'm going "HA HA HA!" because that's usually my starting point, me laughing."

Generally I know that we've hit on a good idea if there's a moment where I'm going "HA HA HA!" because that's usually my starting point, me laughing.

Starting Quotes: "Curiosity is the starting point for great science."

Curiosity is the starting point for great science.

Starting Quotes: "Some people may have noticed the new computer shelf at the anchor desk. Rather than phone calls, we want to take real time e-mails, and we'll be starting that very soon."

Some people may have noticed the new computer shelf at the anchor desk. Rather than phone calls, we want to take real time e-mails, and we'll be starting that very soon.

Starting Quotes: "We've gotten so much as a result of the changes. Part of our responsibility is to give something back to the game and the girls who are just starting to play."

We've gotten so much as a result of the changes. Part of our responsibility is to give something back to the game and the girls who are just starting to play.

Starting Quotes: "The NBA definitely has some trendsetters that stay up on the latest fashion, but I think you're starting to see guys like myself and others get some much-deserved respect in the style department."

The NBA definitely has some trendsetters that stay up on the latest fashion, but I think you're starting to see guys like myself and others get some much-deserved respect in the style department.

Starting Quotes: "I'm really much more like Phil Potter from [the 1979 film] Starting Over. People do think I'm the Bandit [from Smokey and the Bandit ], and I'm a lot more serious than that."

I'm really much more like Phil Potter from [the 1979 film] Starting Over. People do think I'm the Bandit [from Smokey and the Bandit ], and I'm a lot more serious than that.

Starting Quotes: "I'd hate to be a songwriter starting a career today."

I'd hate to be a songwriter starting a career today.

Starting Quotes: "I'm really starting to think everything happens for a reason."

I'm really starting to think everything happens for a reason.

Starting Quotes: "I could always throw stuff, starting with tantrums."

I could always throw stuff, starting with tantrums.

Starting Quotes: "I act the way I talk. It probably comes from starting out in Second City, improvisational theater. I can go from take to take. I'll ask for another take."

I act the way I talk. It probably comes from starting out in Second City, improvisational theater. I can go from take to take. I'll ask for another take.

Starting Quotes: "The starting point for the understanding of war is the understanding of human nature."

The starting point for the understanding of war is the understanding of human nature.

Starting Quotes: "I chewed up a lot of Florida highway when I was starting out. Used to come to Tampa two or three times a year for about 10 years straight."

I chewed up a lot of Florida highway when I was starting out. Used to come to Tampa two or three times a year for about 10 years straight.

Starting Quotes: "The starting line of the New York Marathon is kind of like a giant time bomb behind you about to go off. It is the most spectacular start in sport."

The starting line of the New York Marathon is kind of like a giant time bomb behind you about to go off. It is the most spectacular start in sport.

Starting Quotes: "It's pretty incredible to look back 30 years to when Microsoft was starting and realize how work has been transformed. We're finally getting close to what I call the digital workstyle."

It's pretty incredible to look back 30 years to when Microsoft was starting and realize how work has been transformed. We're finally getting close to what I call the digital workstyle.

Starting Quotes: "The goal of yesterday will be our starting-point to-morrow."

The goal of yesterday will be our starting-point to-morrow.

Starting Quotes: "Dustin Hoffman was the greatest. He had so much information to give and he mesmerized me. He really feels for actors who are just starting out and remembers his early days like they were yesterday."

Dustin Hoffman was the greatest. He had so much information to give and he mesmerized me. He really feels for actors who are just starting out and remembers his early days like they were yesterday.

Starting Quotes: "Man is not to be comprehended as a starting-point, or progress as a goal, without those two great forces , Faith and Love . Prayer is sublime."

Man is not to be comprehended as a starting-point, or progress as a goal, without those two great forces , Faith and Love . Prayer is sublime.

Starting Quotes: "I'm really not vocal and expressive, but I'm starting to get more comfortable to open up."

I'm really not vocal and expressive, but I'm starting to get more comfortable to open up.

Starting Quotes: "God uses our conscience. He knows we can only start over when we are not condemning ourselves anymore."

God uses our conscience. He knows we can only start over when we are not condemning ourselves anymore.

Starting Quotes: "I have some amazing fans! They're just so dedicated and so nice and so sweet. I'm like NO ONE and I'm just starting out and these people appreciate your work and it's nice to hear that."

I have some amazing fans! They're just so dedicated and so nice and so sweet. I'm like NO ONE and I'm just starting out and these people appreciate your work and it's nice to hear that.

Starting Quotes: "Anyone starting to garden... would be wise to look around carefully and see what grows well in other people's yards."

Anyone starting to garden... would be wise to look around carefully and see what grows well in other people's yards.

Starting Quotes: "I love you, Sir Marco!"

I love you, Sir Marco!

Starting Quotes: "I did I Love My Wife on Broadway in 1978, and then went into television land. Now things are starting to come together in the way I thought they might when I was a kid."

I did I Love My Wife on Broadway in 1978, and then went into television land. Now things are starting to come together in the way I thought they might when I was a kid.

Starting Quotes: "I love music and I enjoy creating sounds. I got into making music when I was a child, starting with the spoons and the koto before moving onto the piano."

I love music and I enjoy creating sounds. I got into making music when I was a child, starting with the spoons and the koto before moving onto the piano.