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Still Quotes

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Still Quotes: "How do we still believe that human nature is not evil when 60 years old men rape 3 years innocent girls?"

How do we still believe that human nature is not evil when 60 years old men rape 3 years innocent girls?

Still Quotes: "Be still and know you are loved –Feel the arms of the universeRocking you to its steady hum."

Be still and know you are loved –Feel the arms of the universeRocking you to its steady hum.

Still Quotes: "But you are still you I'm still meAnd we are still we"

But you are still you I'm still meAnd we are still we

Still Quotes: "If you want peace in your life, you have to stop declaring war."

If you want peace in your life, you have to stop declaring war.

Still Quotes: "I can promise you this: If you really, sincerely, genuinely want God back, He hasn't moved. He's still there, just like always, ready to bear-hug you again, just like in the old days."

I can promise you this: If you really, sincerely, genuinely want God back, He hasn't moved. He's still there, just like always, ready to bear-hug you again, just like in the old days.

Still Quotes: "Good God, Keith.""Yes, I've talked to Him too and I'm still waiting on his Guidance..."

Good God, Keith.""Yes, I've talked to Him too and I'm still waiting on his Guidance...

Still Quotes: "A scary movie or a book isn't still made. But I'm waiting for that!"

A scary movie or a book isn't still made. But I'm waiting for that!

Still Quotes: "You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."

You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

Still Quotes: "I think that time might be different for young people. The minutes longer, stronger, more vibrant."

I think that time might be different for young people. The minutes longer, stronger, more vibrant.

Still Quotes: "It could have happened lots of ways. But this is the way it happened. This is the path we took. This is our story."

It could have happened lots of ways. But this is the way it happened. This is the path we took. This is our story.

Still Quotes: "I like you so much I don't know what to do with it. My heart beats so fast when I know I'm going to see you again."

I like you so much I don't know what to do with it. My heart beats so fast when I know I'm going to see you again.

Still Quotes: "Still life is boring. Never stand still! Jumping bean life!"

Still life is boring. Never stand still! Jumping bean life!

Still Quotes: "There are seasons when to be still demands immeasurably higher strength than to act."

There are seasons when to be still demands immeasurably higher strength than to act.

Still Quotes: "In the end, what matters is this: I survived."

In the end, what matters is this: I survived.

Still Quotes: "It is amazing how much wisdom has been handed down through the ages, yet we still make the same mistakes."

It is amazing how much wisdom has been handed down through the ages, yet we still make the same mistakes.

Still Quotes: "You can walk and still talk... but still there is a possibility you to die."

You can walk and still talk... but still there is a possibility you to die.

Still Quotes: "I like facts, I like books, I like films... but you still know the few from everything about me."

I like facts, I like books, I like films... but you still know the few from everything about me.

Still Quotes: "In times of sorrow, be still."

In times of sorrow, be still.

Still Quotes: "Still we remain, still we fight. Still we strive, still we survive."

Still we remain, still we fight. Still we strive, still we survive.

Still Quotes: "She who dies with the most toys is, nonetheless, still dead."

She who dies with the most toys is, nonetheless, still dead.

Still Quotes: "I leaned over the sink, closer to my reflection, and stare at myself hard. I don't know what I see. I don't even know what I want to see."

I leaned over the sink, closer to my reflection, and stare at myself hard. I don't know what I see. I don't even know what I want to see.

Still Quotes: "The definition of Ar-Rahman: The fact that we only take from Allah and He only gives"

The definition of Ar-Rahman: The fact that we only take from Allah and He only gives

Still Quotes: "A calm water is like a still soul."

A calm water is like a still soul.

Still Quotes: "I can see that an insufficent, or perhaps even defective, socialization process has led you to believe that four-letter words add power to languauge"

I can see that an insufficent, or perhaps even defective, socialization process has led you to believe that four-letter words add power to languauge

Still Quotes: "Instead, she's as stillas a leaf-littered pond, dark water evaporating, waiting desperately for rain."

Instead, she's as stillas a leaf-littered pond, dark water evaporating, waiting desperately for rain.

Still Quotes: "Ummmm hi" and my broken heart twitches in an attempt to start beating again"

Ummmm hi" and my broken heart twitches in an attempt to start beating again

Still Quotes: "God needs to bless the works of our hands, but you still need to do some work for God to bless it"

God needs to bless the works of our hands, but you still need to do some work for God to bless it

Still Quotes: "In fact, if our kids are successful in every normal way, they can still miss God's main mark."

In fact, if our kids are successful in every normal way, they can still miss God's main mark.

Still Quotes: "Some broken vases can still hold beautiful flowers"

Some broken vases can still hold beautiful flowers

Still Quotes: "Not every ROAD we come across in our daily life is one we have to take. Sometimes just standing still and being, can BE the best move we ever make."

Not every ROAD we come across in our daily life is one we have to take. Sometimes just standing still and being, can BE the best move we ever make.

Still Quotes: "the only drinking problem I've ever had, is figuring out why I'm still stuck in this salad spinner"

the only drinking problem I've ever had, is figuring out why I'm still stuck in this salad spinner

Still Quotes: "I don't know how long I kept at it...I felt reasonably safe, streched out on the floor, and lay quite still.It didn't seem to be summer any more"

I don't know how long I kept at it...I felt reasonably safe, streched out on the floor, and lay quite still.It didn't seem to be summer any more

Still Quotes: "But despite the fact that Reardan is a tiny town, people can still be strangers to each other."

But despite the fact that Reardan is a tiny town, people can still be strangers to each other.

Still Quotes: "Satan is screaming lies over us all day long. And God whispers the truth is a still, small voice. So often the voice we listen to most is the one we hear loudest."

Satan is screaming lies over us all day long. And God whispers the truth is a still, small voice. So often the voice we listen to most is the one we hear loudest.

Still Quotes: "Rest and repose are as much a part of life’s journeys as seeing all we came to see."

Rest and repose are as much a part of life’s journeys as seeing all we came to see.

Still Quotes: "I still have dreams in which someone is coming to the door."

I still have dreams in which someone is coming to the door.

Still Quotes: "We looked up to our father. He still is much greater than us."

We looked up to our father. He still is much greater than us.

Still Quotes: "Be still and cool in thine own mind and spirit."

Be still and cool in thine own mind and spirit.

Still Quotes: "One thing that humans still do better than computers is recognize images."

One thing that humans still do better than computers is recognize images.

Still Quotes: "I didn't know much about computers. I still worked on a manual Olivetti typewriter."

I didn't know much about computers. I still worked on a manual Olivetti typewriter.

Still Quotes: "To destroy is still the strongest instinct in nature."

To destroy is still the strongest instinct in nature.

Still Quotes: "I still have to work on patience."

I still have to work on patience.

Still Quotes: "If death weren't around to 'finalize' the Darwinian process, we'd all still be amoebas."

If death weren't around to 'finalize' the Darwinian process, we'd all still be amoebas.

Still Quotes: "I was a total metal-head as a teen. I still love it, too."

I was a total metal-head as a teen. I still love it, too.

Still Quotes: "I had a pretty steep learning curve in film - as I'm still learning."

I had a pretty steep learning curve in film - as I'm still learning.

Still Quotes: "I still believe that 'No Smoking' is one of my best performances."

I still believe that 'No Smoking' is one of my best performances.