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Still Quotes

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Still Quotes: "If I'm right, the only reason our species is still around is because of our friendship with the canines."

If I'm right, the only reason our species is still around is because of our friendship with the canines.

Still Quotes: "It makes me sad there is still some intellectual snobbery out there."

It makes me sad there is still some intellectual snobbery out there.

Still Quotes: "Biology - DNA - is technology. It is coding. It is physical coding, but still code."

Biology - DNA - is technology. It is coding. It is physical coding, but still code.

Still Quotes: "The most efficient labor-saving device is still money."

The most efficient labor-saving device is still money.

Still Quotes: "When life doesn't make sense, we can still have peace."

When life doesn't make sense, we can still have peace.

Still Quotes: "I would pretend to be the French lieutenant's woman. I was always a romantic. I still am, actually."

I would pretend to be the French lieutenant's woman. I was always a romantic. I still am, actually.

Still Quotes: "I am still a hard-core romantic."

I am still a hard-core romantic.

Still Quotes: "I still read Donne, particularly his love poems."

I still read Donne, particularly his love poems.

Still Quotes: "Well, I still write poetry, but I wouldn't call myself a poet."

Well, I still write poetry, but I wouldn't call myself a poet.

Still Quotes: "Yes, the upper reaches of society are still dominated by men."

Yes, the upper reaches of society are still dominated by men.

Still Quotes: "My five best friends, who were my bridesmaids in my wedding, are still my best friends."

My five best friends, who were my bridesmaids in my wedding, are still my best friends.