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Stuck Quotes

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Stuck Quotes: "I usually have more than one thing I'm working on at once - I've been working on three different novels. When I get stuck on one, I hop back and forth."

I usually have more than one thing I'm working on at once - I've been working on three different novels. When I get stuck on one, I hop back and forth.

Stuck Quotes: "It might not be rational, but I am terrified of getting stuck in an elevator with a bear."

It might not be rational, but I am terrified of getting stuck in an elevator with a bear.

Stuck Quotes: "Someone Should Write Me a Love Poem but I'm Stuck Doing It Myself"

Someone Should Write Me a Love Poem but I'm Stuck Doing It Myself

Stuck Quotes: "Don't get stuck and don't worry."

Don't get stuck and don't worry.

Stuck Quotes: "Dont believe the hype. It tastes like someone scraped off the bottom of a birdcage and stuck it on a piece of toast."

Dont believe the hype. It tastes like someone scraped off the bottom of a birdcage and stuck it on a piece of toast.

Stuck Quotes: "I say my hell is the closet I'm stuck inside."

I say my hell is the closet I'm stuck inside.

Stuck Quotes: "Some people have to move, physically, to "get" something. But if you're stuck in a chair, that's not your limitation - it's simply not an optimal condition for you."

Some people have to move, physically, to "get" something. But if you're stuck in a chair, that's not your limitation - it's simply not an optimal condition for you.

Stuck Quotes: "Over in Afghanistan, Osama stuck his head out of the cave and saw a shadow. So, that means six more weeks of bombing."

Over in Afghanistan, Osama stuck his head out of the cave and saw a shadow. So, that means six more weeks of bombing.

Stuck Quotes: "I usually write on a computer - unless I get stuck, at which point I switch to write by hand. I think that's common among writers if they get cornered on something."

I usually write on a computer - unless I get stuck, at which point I switch to write by hand. I think that's common among writers if they get cornered on something.

Stuck Quotes: "If I'm stuck, I get up from my chair and I wash windows. Or... clean the bathroom. Or vacuum the attic. There's always something to be done."

If I'm stuck, I get up from my chair and I wash windows. Or... clean the bathroom. Or vacuum the attic. There's always something to be done.

Stuck Quotes: "A strong, clear vision holds the power to transcend your current reality, bypassing the day-to-day challenges that might be keeping you stuck where you are. What is your vision?"

A strong, clear vision holds the power to transcend your current reality, bypassing the day-to-day challenges that might be keeping you stuck where you are. What is your vision?

Stuck Quotes: "Her father sagged as relief spread through him. “I thought something awful was happening.” She frowned. “Something awful was happening. It could have got stuck in my hair."

Her father sagged as relief spread through him. “I thought something awful was happening.” She frowned. “Something awful was happening. It could have got stuck in my hair.

Stuck Quotes: "I mean, I've been given a terrific life by the audiences who stuck with me all over the world."

I mean, I've been given a terrific life by the audiences who stuck with me all over the world.

Stuck Quotes: "We have to help African American people that, for the most part, are stuck there, Hispanic American people. We have Hispanic-American people that are in the inner cities and they are living in hell."

We have to help African American people that, for the most part, are stuck there, Hispanic American people. We have Hispanic-American people that are in the inner cities and they are living in hell.

Stuck Quotes: "On my discharge, I had the challenge of putting my life back together but Vietnam stuck in the inner recesses of my mind."

On my discharge, I had the challenge of putting my life back together but Vietnam stuck in the inner recesses of my mind.

Stuck Quotes: "We are stuck with technology when all we really want is just stuff that works. How do you recognize something that is still technology? A good clue is if it comes with a manual."

We are stuck with technology when all we really want is just stuff that works. How do you recognize something that is still technology? A good clue is if it comes with a manual.

Stuck Quotes: "I've stuck by being modest, honest and humble, because I think you'll get more appreciated that way and we all want to be appreciated in this world."

I've stuck by being modest, honest and humble, because I think you'll get more appreciated that way and we all want to be appreciated in this world.

Stuck Quotes: "Language evolves and moves on. It is an organic thing. It is not stuck in an ivory tower, hung with expensive works of art."

Language evolves and moves on. It is an organic thing. It is not stuck in an ivory tower, hung with expensive works of art.

Stuck Quotes: "An efficiency-regime cannot be run without a few heroes stuck about it to carry off the dullness - much as plums have to be put into bad pudding to make it palatable."

An efficiency-regime cannot be run without a few heroes stuck about it to carry off the dullness - much as plums have to be put into bad pudding to make it palatable.

Stuck Quotes: "There're a lot of old religious beliefs that keep us stuck. Because we're afraid of the answers, a lot of us just don't ask the questions of God."

There're a lot of old religious beliefs that keep us stuck. Because we're afraid of the answers, a lot of us just don't ask the questions of God.

Stuck Quotes: "So far for humans it has been the case that ego develops and then humans are stuck with it for the rest of their lives."

So far for humans it has been the case that ego develops and then humans are stuck with it for the rest of their lives.

Stuck Quotes: "It's interesting because I laugh and tell people when I give speeches, ' I know what y'all think, oh we love Ed, but he's kinda stuck up or he's kinda this or he's kinda that.'"

It's interesting because I laugh and tell people when I give speeches, ' I know what y'all think, oh we love Ed, but he's kinda stuck up or he's kinda this or he's kinda that.'

Stuck Quotes: "I'd read about Los Angeles and this fact stuck in my mind: that the city gained 1,000 new people every day. In 1956! A thousand people every day! I felt: 'I want to be part of that."

I'd read about Los Angeles and this fact stuck in my mind: that the city gained 1,000 new people every day. In 1956! A thousand people every day! I felt: 'I want to be part of that.

Stuck Quotes: "I can't walk five steps without someone on a walkie talkie going, 'She's wandering over there.' I'm pretty stuck, but hey, it's been great."

I can't walk five steps without someone on a walkie talkie going, 'She's wandering over there.' I'm pretty stuck, but hey, it's been great.

Stuck Quotes: "It's a false illusion that we wake up thinking of who we are in terms of identity and that we are stuck in the boundaries of who we are nationalistically."

It's a false illusion that we wake up thinking of who we are in terms of identity and that we are stuck in the boundaries of who we are nationalistically.

Stuck Quotes: "A part of me will always be unflyable, stuck in the climb."

A part of me will always be unflyable, stuck in the climb.

Stuck Quotes: "Gabriel Byrne is an extraordinary human being. We have two extraordinary kids and we work at it. We were always friends. He stuck by me through very hard times, and I hope he'd say the same about me."

Gabriel Byrne is an extraordinary human being. We have two extraordinary kids and we work at it. We were always friends. He stuck by me through very hard times, and I hope he'd say the same about me.

Stuck Quotes: "If we don’t want to define ourselves by things as superficial as our appearances, we’re stuck with the revolting alternative of being judged by our actions."

If we don’t want to define ourselves by things as superficial as our appearances, we’re stuck with the revolting alternative of being judged by our actions.

Stuck Quotes: "Quick decision makers are often stuck behind annoying people in line at Starbucks."

Quick decision makers are often stuck behind annoying people in line at Starbucks.

Stuck Quotes: "If you're stuck at piano and you're not a lead guitarist or a lead vocalist, you're kind of at a nine-foot plank then and you should do something about it."

If you're stuck at piano and you're not a lead guitarist or a lead vocalist, you're kind of at a nine-foot plank then and you should do something about it.

Stuck Quotes: "The good thing about being stuck at the airport for an extra hour, is that it gives you a chance to give weary travelers surprise massages."

The good thing about being stuck at the airport for an extra hour, is that it gives you a chance to give weary travelers surprise massages.

Stuck Quotes: "A picture of my existence... would show a useless wooden stake covered in snow... stuck loosely at a slant in the ground in a ploughed field on the edge of a vast open plain on a dark winter night."

A picture of my existence... would show a useless wooden stake covered in snow... stuck loosely at a slant in the ground in a ploughed field on the edge of a vast open plain on a dark winter night.

Stuck Quotes: "You can get stuck in being wise. You can get stuck in having a developed will. It is very hard to get stuck in being happy. It is too lucid a state of mind."

You can get stuck in being wise. You can get stuck in having a developed will. It is very hard to get stuck in being happy. It is too lucid a state of mind.

Stuck Quotes: "If you meditate, you can experience the other worlds, the far-flung eternities and dimensions - and you are not stuck in any one of them."

If you meditate, you can experience the other worlds, the far-flung eternities and dimensions - and you are not stuck in any one of them.

Stuck Quotes: "Whenever we just try to please ourselves, all we do is cover up another window in the little house we're stuck in."

Whenever we just try to please ourselves, all we do is cover up another window in the little house we're stuck in.

Stuck Quotes: "Most persons spend their lives stuck in relatively low states of mind. In these states of mind their views of themselves and the world around them are often severely limited."

Most persons spend their lives stuck in relatively low states of mind. In these states of mind their views of themselves and the world around them are often severely limited.

Stuck Quotes: "The problem is with any practice is that it is a practice. That is why people don't win. The reason why people don't win is they get stuck in ideas, habits, and ways of seeing life."

The problem is with any practice is that it is a practice. That is why people don't win. The reason why people don't win is they get stuck in ideas, habits, and ways of seeing life.

Stuck Quotes: "Be radical! The reason you feel so miserable is because you put spirituality in a form. You boxed it, franchised it. You decided spirituality was a certain way but then you got stuck in the way."

Be radical! The reason you feel so miserable is because you put spirituality in a form. You boxed it, franchised it. You decided spirituality was a certain way but then you got stuck in the way.

Stuck Quotes: "Ideally, you would live in an area that is not necessarily in the middle of the country, out in the woods, because you can isolate yourself there and get stuck in your own thoughts."

Ideally, you would live in an area that is not necessarily in the middle of the country, out in the woods, because you can isolate yourself there and get stuck in your own thoughts.

Stuck Quotes: "Who wants to be stuck in being religious and being spiritual either? That's not freedom. You've just exchanged handcuffs for leg irons - which doesn't mean that you should avoid enlightenment."

Who wants to be stuck in being religious and being spiritual either? That's not freedom. You've just exchanged handcuffs for leg irons - which doesn't mean that you should avoid enlightenment.

Stuck Quotes: "It is my experience that people who don't participate in society, who don't have jobs, who don't have friends, are just very stuck in irresponsibility and cultism and all kinds of nonsense."

It is my experience that people who don't participate in society, who don't have jobs, who don't have friends, are just very stuck in irresponsibility and cultism and all kinds of nonsense.

Stuck Quotes: "Everything is stuck together. People are stuck together. They can't change. Ideas are stuck together - they're irrevocable. We think that the end of the universe is as far as the telescope can see."

Everything is stuck together. People are stuck together. They can't change. Ideas are stuck together - they're irrevocable. We think that the end of the universe is as far as the telescope can see.

Stuck Quotes: "Things don't make you unhappy. People don't make you unhappy. You make yourself unhappy. Because you are in the cycle. You're stuck. You're stuck in time."

Things don't make you unhappy. People don't make you unhappy. You make yourself unhappy. Because you are in the cycle. You're stuck. You're stuck in time.

Stuck Quotes: "Never get so stuck in being responsible and mindful that you can't let it all go and run off chasing your private dream, if it leads to the shiny worlds, the worlds of beauty."

Never get so stuck in being responsible and mindful that you can't let it all go and run off chasing your private dream, if it leads to the shiny worlds, the worlds of beauty.

Stuck Quotes: "You can get stuck in one state of mind or a general area of mind for a thousand lifetimes. Some states of mind afford better views than others."

You can get stuck in one state of mind or a general area of mind for a thousand lifetimes. Some states of mind afford better views than others.

Stuck Quotes: "You need to feel good about your life. Winning is a great idea, but you can get stuck in it too. It's just another way of looking at life, an idea. You need to renew yourself and your spirit."

You need to feel good about your life. Winning is a great idea, but you can get stuck in it too. It's just another way of looking at life, an idea. You need to renew yourself and your spirit.

Stuck Quotes: "For every person who can imagine a possibility there are tens of thousands who are stuck in the greased grooves of history."

For every person who can imagine a possibility there are tens of thousands who are stuck in the greased grooves of history.

Stuck Quotes: "Sometimes a fireman will go to great strenuous lengths to save a raccoon that's stuck in a drainpipe and then go out on the weekend and kill several of them for amusement."

Sometimes a fireman will go to great strenuous lengths to save a raccoon that's stuck in a drainpipe and then go out on the weekend and kill several of them for amusement.

Stuck Quotes: "In terms of coke, the only money I ever thought about was that dollar bill I had stuck up my nose."

In terms of coke, the only money I ever thought about was that dollar bill I had stuck up my nose.