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Stuck Quotes

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Stuck Quotes: "As an actor, often you're stuck with these scenes in which a great period of time is in between them - for example, if you do a biopic, it might be a year, it might be a decade, you never know."

As an actor, often you're stuck with these scenes in which a great period of time is in between them - for example, if you do a biopic, it might be a year, it might be a decade, you never know.

Stuck Quotes: "When email and the Internet came along, I never publish an email address. I just stuck with this P.O. Box address."

When email and the Internet came along, I never publish an email address. I just stuck with this P.O. Box address.

Stuck Quotes: "In my case, I was stuck there for quite a while. New York is large enough to be a very abstract city, so nobody cares."

In my case, I was stuck there for quite a while. New York is large enough to be a very abstract city, so nobody cares.

Stuck Quotes: "Left all my Beatle records out in the sun, got a coke bottle stuck on the end of my tongue."

Left all my Beatle records out in the sun, got a coke bottle stuck on the end of my tongue.

Stuck Quotes: "The Americans are stuck in Iraq and have no way out. They are like a wolf whose tail has been caught in a trap."

The Americans are stuck in Iraq and have no way out. They are like a wolf whose tail has been caught in a trap.

Stuck Quotes: "Maybe we're stuck with who we are."

Maybe we're stuck with who we are.

Stuck Quotes: "I tried to become a hawk, it didn't work. I think I got -stuck"

I tried to become a hawk, it didn't work. I think I got -stuck

Stuck Quotes: "If Mitch McConnell were a TV show, he would be ‘Mad Men,’ treating women unfairly, stuck in 1968 and ending this season."

If Mitch McConnell were a TV show, he would be ‘Mad Men,’ treating women unfairly, stuck in 1968 and ending this season.

Stuck Quotes: "And I'm stuck in it with no way out. I love you, and I can't stop, and you don't even care!"

And I'm stuck in it with no way out. I love you, and I can't stop, and you don't even care!

Stuck Quotes: "I felt stuck in the bottom of a wishing well. I was desperate to shout what I wanted, but I didn’t know what that was. I knew only what it wasn’t. The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan"

I felt stuck in the bottom of a wishing well. I was desperate to shout what I wanted, but I didn’t know what that was. I knew only what it wasn’t. The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan

Stuck Quotes: "We are stuck with not knowing what our actions will actually lead to."

We are stuck with not knowing what our actions will actually lead to.

Stuck Quotes: "You're stuck with being yourself, so the important thing is to find people who like that."

You're stuck with being yourself, so the important thing is to find people who like that.

Stuck Quotes: "I've always been pretty unfaithful - I've never stuck to one kind of genre or music."

I've always been pretty unfaithful - I've never stuck to one kind of genre or music.

Stuck Quotes: "When you are reading something and you have people pop up in your head you are just sort of stuck with it."

When you are reading something and you have people pop up in your head you are just sort of stuck with it.

Stuck Quotes: "Now peculiar scraps of knowledge were stuck to him like lint from all his jobs."

Now peculiar scraps of knowledge were stuck to him like lint from all his jobs.

Stuck Quotes: "No one can help you if you're stuck in a work. Only you can figure a way out, because only you can see the work's possibilities."

No one can help you if you're stuck in a work. Only you can figure a way out, because only you can see the work's possibilities.

Stuck Quotes: "Personally, I am stuck with one foot in the past and one foot in the present."

Personally, I am stuck with one foot in the past and one foot in the present.

Stuck Quotes: "I knew what I wanted to do for my entire life, from nursery to university. I've always been geared towards wanting to act. I've stuck with it, dedicated time to it."

I knew what I wanted to do for my entire life, from nursery to university. I've always been geared towards wanting to act. I've stuck with it, dedicated time to it.

Stuck Quotes: "They say change gets more difficult as we get older - each year we're more stuck in our ways, more reluctant to learn something new."

They say change gets more difficult as we get older - each year we're more stuck in our ways, more reluctant to learn something new.

Stuck Quotes: "A lot of positive psychology is stuck in being the psychology of privilege, and I reject that."

A lot of positive psychology is stuck in being the psychology of privilege, and I reject that.

Stuck Quotes: "It's hard to be stuck with people that you love, when nobody trusts"

It's hard to be stuck with people that you love, when nobody trusts

Stuck Quotes: "You kids were all in college, and I suddenly saw that I was stuck alone with a man who, all those years later, was still wanting me to be someone I wasn't."

You kids were all in college, and I suddenly saw that I was stuck alone with a man who, all those years later, was still wanting me to be someone I wasn't.

Stuck Quotes: "When you're stuck sitting in a comfort zone, small problems become magnified. Get out of your comfort zone, touch the edge, and you come back with an appreciation for life."

When you're stuck sitting in a comfort zone, small problems become magnified. Get out of your comfort zone, touch the edge, and you come back with an appreciation for life.

Stuck Quotes: "I was christened Edward. My sister gave me the name Bear when I was a week old and it has stuck."

I was christened Edward. My sister gave me the name Bear when I was a week old and it has stuck.

Stuck Quotes: "You've got food stuck in your teeth," Vee told Marcie. "In the crack between your two front teeth. Looks like chocolate Ex-Lax."

You've got food stuck in your teeth," Vee told Marcie. "In the crack between your two front teeth. Looks like chocolate Ex-Lax.

Stuck Quotes: "Phonographic. It goes around and around. Sometimes it gets stuck. That's why I remember things so well."

Phonographic. It goes around and around. Sometimes it gets stuck. That's why I remember things so well.

Stuck Quotes: "Someone told me once that Lucinda Williams takes six years between albums, and that's what stuck to me; it's like, you really are a factory. You don't do things to make them, on your own time."

Someone told me once that Lucinda Williams takes six years between albums, and that's what stuck to me; it's like, you really are a factory. You don't do things to make them, on your own time.

Stuck Quotes: "When stress and anxiety have your system stuck in a brainstem loop? Reboot. It's I.T. for life!"

When stress and anxiety have your system stuck in a brainstem loop? Reboot. It's I.T. for life!

Stuck Quotes: "When I was growing up, I never heard anyone pray, "Give me this day my daily bread." It was always, "Give us this day our daily bread." That stuck. We're all in this together."

When I was growing up, I never heard anyone pray, "Give me this day my daily bread." It was always, "Give us this day our daily bread." That stuck. We're all in this together.

Stuck Quotes: "I was thinking that work is like fertilizer in that I'm glad it exists; I just don't ever want to get stuck in it."

I was thinking that work is like fertilizer in that I'm glad it exists; I just don't ever want to get stuck in it.

Stuck Quotes: "That hat looks ridiculous.” “Fortunately, I can change hats,” Wayne said, “while you, sir, are stuck with that face."

That hat looks ridiculous.” “Fortunately, I can change hats,” Wayne said, “while you, sir, are stuck with that face.

Stuck Quotes: "I think many of us live in a rut. Stuck in a groove we can't get out of, whether it's our job, family drama or the little frustrations of everyday life."

I think many of us live in a rut. Stuck in a groove we can't get out of, whether it's our job, family drama or the little frustrations of everyday life.

Stuck Quotes: "I feel like im in this river just getting swept along... And if I hold on to anyone, if I'm holding on for dear life, I'm not getting anywhere. I'm stuck. ...I never wanted to get stuck"

I feel like im in this river just getting swept along... And if I hold on to anyone, if I'm holding on for dear life, I'm not getting anywhere. I'm stuck. ...I never wanted to get stuck

Stuck Quotes: "Any stressful thought that you have about the planet, for example, shows you where you are stuck, where your energy is being exhausted in not fully meeting life as it is, without conditions."

Any stressful thought that you have about the planet, for example, shows you where you are stuck, where your energy is being exhausted in not fully meeting life as it is, without conditions.

Stuck Quotes: "I am stuck in the 70's. I can't seem to get away from that era."

I am stuck in the 70's. I can't seem to get away from that era.

Stuck Quotes: "Eventually, everything gets stuck between a pair of parentheses or buried in the bottom of a trunk."

Eventually, everything gets stuck between a pair of parentheses or buried in the bottom of a trunk.

Stuck Quotes: "The game Rock Band has been haunting me like a bad ring tone. It gets stuck in my head and momentarily effaces all that I love about music."

The game Rock Band has been haunting me like a bad ring tone. It gets stuck in my head and momentarily effaces all that I love about music.

Stuck Quotes: "I imagined calling in to my own radio show: Yeah hi, I'm a werewolf, and I'm stuck in a cabin in the woods with another werewolf and a werewolf hunter."

I imagined calling in to my own radio show: Yeah hi, I'm a werewolf, and I'm stuck in a cabin in the woods with another werewolf and a werewolf hunter.

Stuck Quotes: "I started improvisation at age nine, and I loved it so much I stuck with it. As a by-product, acting was just something I was lucky enough to fall into."

I started improvisation at age nine, and I loved it so much I stuck with it. As a by-product, acting was just something I was lucky enough to fall into.

Stuck Quotes: "As it was, I couldn't escape the feeling that I was out of my element. I found myself thinking of a book I'd left half-read at home and wishing I'd stuck it in my purse so I could pull it out now."

As it was, I couldn't escape the feeling that I was out of my element. I found myself thinking of a book I'd left half-read at home and wishing I'd stuck it in my purse so I could pull it out now.

Stuck Quotes: "There are people who live inside their heads and their intellects. It's something one is born with and stuck with. It's not something you make a decision about."

There are people who live inside their heads and their intellects. It's something one is born with and stuck with. It's not something you make a decision about.

Stuck Quotes: "At times, you need to be forceful to get things that are stuck unstuck."

At times, you need to be forceful to get things that are stuck unstuck.

Stuck Quotes: "Having no other recourse, Roran resorted to the unexpected: he stuck his head and neck out and shouted, "BAH!" just as he would if he were trying to scare someone in a dark hallway."

Having no other recourse, Roran resorted to the unexpected: he stuck his head and neck out and shouted, "BAH!" just as he would if he were trying to scare someone in a dark hallway.

Stuck Quotes: "I didn't get my hair styled today. I actually stuck my hand in a socket and this is the way it turned out."

I didn't get my hair styled today. I actually stuck my hand in a socket and this is the way it turned out.

Stuck Quotes: "Everybody in the world is capable of democratic development. Some people in the world are unlucky enough to get stuck with really bad political leadership and with really bad political institutions."

Everybody in the world is capable of democratic development. Some people in the world are unlucky enough to get stuck with really bad political leadership and with really bad political institutions.

Stuck Quotes: "Sometimes I have something stuck in my head and that directs the rhyme that I'm writing with."

Sometimes I have something stuck in my head and that directs the rhyme that I'm writing with.

Stuck Quotes: "If I'm stuck, I'll sit down and read. That's a big thing."

If I'm stuck, I'll sit down and read. That's a big thing.

Stuck Quotes: "Comedy springs from the ludicrous; but the ludicrous is stuck in the muck of reality, resolutely hostile to what is impossible."

Comedy springs from the ludicrous; but the ludicrous is stuck in the muck of reality, resolutely hostile to what is impossible.

Stuck Quotes: "On the other hand when you are someone who records their own songs you are basically stuck writing for one voice and for one style that can stifle you a bit. It's a real trade off."

On the other hand when you are someone who records their own songs you are basically stuck writing for one voice and for one style that can stifle you a bit. It's a real trade off.