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Supreme Quotes

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Supreme Quotes: "La volupte unique et supre" me de l'amour g|"t dans la certitude de faire le mal. The unique, supreme pleasure of love consists in the certainty of doing evil."

La volupte unique et supre" me de l'amour g|"t dans la certitude de faire le mal. The unique, supreme pleasure of love consists in the certainty of doing evil.

Supreme Quotes: "Any supreme insight is a metaphor."

Any supreme insight is a metaphor.

Supreme Quotes: "If Harriet Miers were not a crony of the president of the United States, her nomination to the Supreme Court would be a joke, as it would have occurred to no one else to nominate her."

If Harriet Miers were not a crony of the president of the United States, her nomination to the Supreme Court would be a joke, as it would have occurred to no one else to nominate her.

Supreme Quotes: "Any idol, regardless of its beauty or usefulness or original purpose, is to be set aside so that Christ might reign supreme, without a single competitor."

Any idol, regardless of its beauty or usefulness or original purpose, is to be set aside so that Christ might reign supreme, without a single competitor.

Supreme Quotes: "The path of the knowledgeable, successful person, which only leads to supreme good fortune and great success is always directly in front of you."

The path of the knowledgeable, successful person, which only leads to supreme good fortune and great success is always directly in front of you.

Supreme Quotes: "But some one will say that this supreme Being, who made all things, and those also who conferred on men particular benefits, are entitled to their respective worship."

But some one will say that this supreme Being, who made all things, and those also who conferred on men particular benefits, are entitled to their respective worship.

Supreme Quotes: "In that moment, there was no place for doubt. I was sitting with the supreme being. I had always sat beside her. She was inside of me."

In that moment, there was no place for doubt. I was sitting with the supreme being. I had always sat beside her. She was inside of me.

Supreme Quotes: "I don't like to see facts twisted, untruths fabricated to give the [Supreme Court] nominee a black eye, even before he comes before Senate committee."

I don't like to see facts twisted, untruths fabricated to give the [Supreme Court] nominee a black eye, even before he comes before Senate committee.

Supreme Quotes: "I agree with the (Supreme Court's) holding that racial discrimination in higher education admissions will be illegal in 25 years. They are illegal now."

I agree with the (Supreme Court's) holding that racial discrimination in higher education admissions will be illegal in 25 years. They are illegal now.

Supreme Quotes: "These facts make the creator of music a being like the gods, and make music itself the supreme mystery of human knowledge."

These facts make the creator of music a being like the gods, and make music itself the supreme mystery of human knowledge.

Supreme Quotes: "I wonder if there's just a sense that we have nothing to learn from any Supreme Court justice, including the great Chief Justice John Marshall."

I wonder if there's just a sense that we have nothing to learn from any Supreme Court justice, including the great Chief Justice John Marshall.

Supreme Quotes: "The moral foundation of the society, the way we interact with each other is more fundamental than the Supreme Court."

The moral foundation of the society, the way we interact with each other is more fundamental than the Supreme Court.

Supreme Quotes: "[On Cantor's work:] The finest product of mathematical genius and one of the supreme achievements of purely intellectual human activity."

[On Cantor's work:] The finest product of mathematical genius and one of the supreme achievements of purely intellectual human activity.

Supreme Quotes: "Scapegrace leaped up. “I am the Killer Supreme! I make murder into an art form!” Skulduggery hit him again and Scapegrace did a little twirl before falling."

Scapegrace leaped up. “I am the Killer Supreme! I make murder into an art form!” Skulduggery hit him again and Scapegrace did a little twirl before falling.

Supreme Quotes: "The new Republican Congress should move full speed ahead to repeal and replace Obamacare. It would be unwise to wait for the Supreme Court to perform this service for the American people."

The new Republican Congress should move full speed ahead to repeal and replace Obamacare. It would be unwise to wait for the Supreme Court to perform this service for the American people.

Supreme Quotes: "The last stop to protect rights and liberties is the Supreme Court."

The last stop to protect rights and liberties is the Supreme Court.

Supreme Quotes: "When I'm president, we'll have executive orders to overcome any wrong thing the Supreme Court does tomorrow or any other day"

When I'm president, we'll have executive orders to overcome any wrong thing the Supreme Court does tomorrow or any other day

Supreme Quotes: "Prayer is the supreme instance of the hidden character of the Christian life."

Prayer is the supreme instance of the hidden character of the Christian life.

Supreme Quotes: "People are my most important asset. Faith in the supreme being, trust, credibility and performance are the things that have brought me to the top."

People are my most important asset. Faith in the supreme being, trust, credibility and performance are the things that have brought me to the top.

Supreme Quotes: "One of the reasons I write about religion is due to my own envy of people who truly feel the presence of god in their lives, good souls who believe devoutly in a supreme being and an afterlife."

One of the reasons I write about religion is due to my own envy of people who truly feel the presence of god in their lives, good souls who believe devoutly in a supreme being and an afterlife.

Supreme Quotes: "Due to a Supreme Court decision, if these violent offenders cannot be sent home, our law enforcement officers have to release them into your communities."

Due to a Supreme Court decision, if these violent offenders cannot be sent home, our law enforcement officers have to release them into your communities.

Supreme Quotes: "It's our last chance [November 8, 2016]. And that includes Supreme Court justices and Second Amendment. Remember that."

It's our last chance [November 8, 2016]. And that includes Supreme Court justices and Second Amendment. Remember that.

Supreme Quotes: "We need a Supreme Court that in my opinion is going to uphold the Second Amendment, and all amendments, but the Second Amendment, which is under absolute siege."

We need a Supreme Court that in my opinion is going to uphold the Second Amendment, and all amendments, but the Second Amendment, which is under absolute siege.

Supreme Quotes: "We're going to appoint great justices to the United States Supreme Court to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States."

We're going to appoint great justices to the United States Supreme Court to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Supreme Quotes: "Hillary Clinton has pledged to keep both of these illegal amnesty programs, including the 2014 amnesty which has been blocked by the United States Supreme Court. Great."

Hillary Clinton has pledged to keep both of these illegal amnesty programs, including the 2014 amnesty which has been blocked by the United States Supreme Court. Great.

Supreme Quotes: "It's going to mean four or five justices, super liberal, placed on the Supreme Court. Our country will never, ever be the same."

It's going to mean four or five justices, super liberal, placed on the Supreme Court. Our country will never, ever be the same.

Supreme Quotes: "Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the most liberal and illumined of the nine Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court."

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the most liberal and illumined of the nine Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Supreme Quotes: "The supreme belief of our society is the dignity and freedom of the individual. To the respect of that dignity, to the defense of that freedom, all effort is pledged."

The supreme belief of our society is the dignity and freedom of the individual. To the respect of that dignity, to the defense of that freedom, all effort is pledged.

Supreme Quotes: "England still waits for the supreme moment of her literature--for the great poet who shall voice her, or, better still, for the thousand little poets whose voices shall pass into our common talk."

England still waits for the supreme moment of her literature--for the great poet who shall voice her, or, better still, for the thousand little poets whose voices shall pass into our common talk.

Supreme Quotes: "We have to respect that any nominee to the Supreme Court would have to defer any comments on any matters which are either before the court or very likely to be before the court."

We have to respect that any nominee to the Supreme Court would have to defer any comments on any matters which are either before the court or very likely to be before the court.

Supreme Quotes: "Will a nominee embrace and uphold the essential meaning of the four words inscribed above the entrance of the Supreme Court building: Equal justice under law?"

Will a nominee embrace and uphold the essential meaning of the four words inscribed above the entrance of the Supreme Court building: Equal justice under law?

Supreme Quotes: "God is an experience of supreme love."

God is an experience of supreme love.

Supreme Quotes: "Guilt is a supreme waste of time and energy."

Guilt is a supreme waste of time and energy.

Supreme Quotes: "So was it a political mistake for Obama to put so many eggs in the health-care-reform basket? Well, a negative decision from the Supreme Court will certainly make it appear so."

So was it a political mistake for Obama to put so many eggs in the health-care-reform basket? Well, a negative decision from the Supreme Court will certainly make it appear so.

Supreme Quotes: "The supreme application of human attention is to be a vessel to carry awe."

The supreme application of human attention is to be a vessel to carry awe.

Supreme Quotes: "One is entitled to say without qualification that the correlation between prior judicial experience and fitness for the Supreme Court is zero."

One is entitled to say without qualification that the correlation between prior judicial experience and fitness for the Supreme Court is zero.

Supreme Quotes: "No matter whether the Constitution follows the flag or not, the Supreme Court follows the election returns."

No matter whether the Constitution follows the flag or not, the Supreme Court follows the election returns.

Supreme Quotes: "The act of saying that things exist that cannot be described in words shakes a universe where words are the supreme belief."

The act of saying that things exist that cannot be described in words shakes a universe where words are the supreme belief.

Supreme Quotes: "I'm convinced that our duty to provide advice and consent for justices of the Supreme Court is our most important constitutional responsibility."

I'm convinced that our duty to provide advice and consent for justices of the Supreme Court is our most important constitutional responsibility.

Supreme Quotes: "We depend on the Supreme Court to uphold the integrity of our government."

We depend on the Supreme Court to uphold the integrity of our government.

Supreme Quotes: "We want a Supreme Court which will do justice under the Constitution - not over it. In our courts we want a government of laws and not of men."

We want a Supreme Court which will do justice under the Constitution - not over it. In our courts we want a government of laws and not of men.

Supreme Quotes: "We must save the Constitution from the [Supreme] Court and the Court from itself."

We must save the Constitution from the [Supreme] Court and the Court from itself.

Supreme Quotes: "What they should really do, if they want supreme power, is develop the tonal to perfection."

What they should really do, if they want supreme power, is develop the tonal to perfection.

Supreme Quotes: "The woman and the genius do not work. Up to now, woman has been mankind's supreme luxury. In all those moments when we do our best, we do not work. Work is merely a means to these moments."

The woman and the genius do not work. Up to now, woman has been mankind's supreme luxury. In all those moments when we do our best, we do not work. Work is merely a means to these moments.

Supreme Quotes: "On the issues of religious liberty, the Supreme Court continues to scrape against the bedrock of the American spirit."

On the issues of religious liberty, the Supreme Court continues to scrape against the bedrock of the American spirit.

Supreme Quotes: "Results like these [state of the earth] do not belong on the resumé of a supreme being."

Results like these [state of the earth] do not belong on the resumé of a supreme being.

Supreme Quotes: "We are all of us born in moral stupidity, taking the world as an udder to feed our supreme selves"

We are all of us born in moral stupidity, taking the world as an udder to feed our supreme selves

Supreme Quotes: "A supreme love, a motive that gives a sublime rhythm to a woman's life, and exalts habit into partnership with the soul's highest needs, is not to be had where and how she wills."

A supreme love, a motive that gives a sublime rhythm to a woman's life, and exalts habit into partnership with the soul's highest needs, is not to be had where and how she wills.

Supreme Quotes: "Sometimes I think your life and mine are under the protection of some supreme being or fate , because, after many years of parallel thought, we find ourselves in the positions we now occupy."

Sometimes I think your life and mine are under the protection of some supreme being or fate , because, after many years of parallel thought, we find ourselves in the positions we now occupy.