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Susan Quotes

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Susan Quotes: "Desire. Enthusiasm. Purpose. Pleasure. Delight. Peace. Power. However you define passion, it is at the heart of your motivation."

Desire. Enthusiasm. Purpose. Pleasure. Delight. Peace. Power. However you define passion, it is at the heart of your motivation.

Susan Quotes: "Passion is a catalyst for action and provides you with the emotional stamina to stick with it, regardless of the obstacles."

Passion is a catalyst for action and provides you with the emotional stamina to stick with it, regardless of the obstacles.

Susan Quotes: "When passion is lit, the fire permeates your being with the positive expectation that all is well and everything will turn out great."

When passion is lit, the fire permeates your being with the positive expectation that all is well and everything will turn out great.

Susan Quotes: "To be truly satisfied that your life is well-lived, the object of your passion is something you feel you must be, do, or have. What lights your fire?"

To be truly satisfied that your life is well-lived, the object of your passion is something you feel you must be, do, or have. What lights your fire?

Susan Quotes: "Passion is not just about the object of your focus or desires—it is the compelling emotion, fulfillment, and intense enthusiasm that it engenders."

Passion is not just about the object of your focus or desires—it is the compelling emotion, fulfillment, and intense enthusiasm that it engenders.

Susan Quotes: "Are you impressed when you meet people who are filled with passion and conviction? Their energy is contagious and can make us all want “some of what they’re having!"

Are you impressed when you meet people who are filled with passion and conviction? Their energy is contagious and can make us all want “some of what they’re having!

Susan Quotes: "When a person exudes passion, it is evident that they love what they are doing. Their passion projects an aura of confidence and decisiveness."

When a person exudes passion, it is evident that they love what they are doing. Their passion projects an aura of confidence and decisiveness.

Susan Quotes: "Sharing your passion with others will not only enlighten them to your dedication and commitment, it can enable you to garner their participation, collaboration, cooperation, and endorsement."

Sharing your passion with others will not only enlighten them to your dedication and commitment, it can enable you to garner their participation, collaboration, cooperation, and endorsement.

Susan Quotes: "When we are deeply passionate about something, the obstacles or challenges are diminished by sheer will and desire."

When we are deeply passionate about something, the obstacles or challenges are diminished by sheer will and desire.

Susan Quotes: "When you want something badly enough, it does not matter whether it is going to be easy. The passion will push you forward."

When you want something badly enough, it does not matter whether it is going to be easy. The passion will push you forward.

Susan Quotes: "When people are not passionate about their goals, everything is more of a struggle."

When people are not passionate about their goals, everything is more of a struggle.

Susan Quotes: "Passion is the fire that gets us moving and keeps us motivated regardless of what roadblocks impede the way."

Passion is the fire that gets us moving and keeps us motivated regardless of what roadblocks impede the way.

Susan Quotes: "When your passion is aligned with your purpose, you are unstoppable! It is in that zone of high octane congruence that you are turned on and "cooking with gas."

When your passion is aligned with your purpose, you are unstoppable! It is in that zone of high octane congruence that you are turned on and "cooking with gas.

Susan Quotes: "If you feel joy when you do something unselfish for him, and would just as soon do it in secret as openly, then that rings of the true metal"

If you feel joy when you do something unselfish for him, and would just as soon do it in secret as openly, then that rings of the true metal

Susan Quotes: "Needing to have reality confirmed and experience enhanced by photographs is an aesthetic consumerism to which everyone is now addicted. Industrial societies turn their citizens into image-junkies"

Needing to have reality confirmed and experience enhanced by photographs is an aesthetic consumerism to which everyone is now addicted. Industrial societies turn their citizens into image-junkies

Susan Quotes: "Think of the people whom you love, like, trust, and admire. Isn’t their integrity the golden thread which elevates them to a higher standard in your eyes and in your heart?"

Think of the people whom you love, like, trust, and admire. Isn’t their integrity the golden thread which elevates them to a higher standard in your eyes and in your heart?

Susan Quotes: "1.	“Being able to depend on a person’s integrity lays a solid foundation for a relationship built on trust, both in business and in life."

1. “Being able to depend on a person’s integrity lays a solid foundation for a relationship built on trust, both in business and in life.

Susan Quotes: "As with construction, your personal integrity is the firm foundation upon which you can build a strong character, rewarding life, and healthy relationships."

As with construction, your personal integrity is the firm foundation upon which you can build a strong character, rewarding life, and healthy relationships.

Susan Quotes: "Through change and challenge, if our personal foundations are built with quality virtues of character and integrity, we are more resilient, healthy, and ultimately more impressive."

Through change and challenge, if our personal foundations are built with quality virtues of character and integrity, we are more resilient, healthy, and ultimately more impressive.

Susan Quotes: "Throughout the history of mankind, the virtues embraced by humanity have remained true, unwavering, and consistent."

Throughout the history of mankind, the virtues embraced by humanity have remained true, unwavering, and consistent.

Susan Quotes: "While many may claim that these virtues are old-fashioned, they are essential materials for building a solid and worthwhile foundation for your life that will never go out of style."

While many may claim that these virtues are old-fashioned, they are essential materials for building a solid and worthwhile foundation for your life that will never go out of style.

Susan Quotes: "While having a strong character foundation may not sell newspapers, increase TV ratings, or make a person famous, it's essential for building a life that is meaningful and matters."

While having a strong character foundation may not sell newspapers, increase TV ratings, or make a person famous, it's essential for building a life that is meaningful and matters.

Susan Quotes: "Sometimes we meet folks who appear rather plain, yet when they speak from a heart of service, love, compassion, and wisdom, they instantly become respected favorites."

Sometimes we meet folks who appear rather plain, yet when they speak from a heart of service, love, compassion, and wisdom, they instantly become respected favorites.

Susan Quotes: "Authenticity is the litmus test for the honesty, transparency, and trust which are necessary for healthy relationships."

Authenticity is the litmus test for the honesty, transparency, and trust which are necessary for healthy relationships.

Susan Quotes: "By authentically sharing when things aren’t right you allow the people you care about to offer the support you may need."

By authentically sharing when things aren’t right you allow the people you care about to offer the support you may need.

Susan Quotes: "Living in alignment with your true self enables you to cultivate transparency and unshakable authenticity."

Living in alignment with your true self enables you to cultivate transparency and unshakable authenticity.

Susan Quotes: "Admittedly, there will be times when you must interact on a superficial level and adjust your behavior to fit in, go along and get along."

Admittedly, there will be times when you must interact on a superficial level and adjust your behavior to fit in, go along and get along.

Susan Quotes: "Not everyone is always going to like you. What impresses one person may turn another away. To thine own self be true."

Not everyone is always going to like you. What impresses one person may turn another away. To thine own self be true.

Susan Quotes: "Interestingly, being yourself allows others to be themselves. Even with crazy imperfections, being a bona fide genuine person is the best any of us can be—messy flaws and all!"

Interestingly, being yourself allows others to be themselves. Even with crazy imperfections, being a bona fide genuine person is the best any of us can be—messy flaws and all!

Susan Quotes: "Authentic people are so comfortable in their own skins they make us more comfortable in our own."

Authentic people are so comfortable in their own skins they make us more comfortable in our own.

Susan Quotes: "She is so secure in her beautifully imperfect self that she would welcome you with open arms, no judgment, and complete acceptance."

She is so secure in her beautifully imperfect self that she would welcome you with open arms, no judgment, and complete acceptance.

Susan Quotes: "I am a recovering perfectionist, and like all in recovery, I do better some days than others!"

I am a recovering perfectionist, and like all in recovery, I do better some days than others!

Susan Quotes: "Why did I think that the mask was a better portrayal than my authentic self? We can get hidden under layers of illusion, can’t we?"

Why did I think that the mask was a better portrayal than my authentic self? We can get hidden under layers of illusion, can’t we?

Susan Quotes: "As a young girl, I allowed my self-esteem to be determined by others’ opinions, and I devoted incredible energy tuning into how everyone else felt."

As a young girl, I allowed my self-esteem to be determined by others’ opinions, and I devoted incredible energy tuning into how everyone else felt.

Susan Quotes: "As a lifetime people pleaser, I remember trying to mold myself into the person I thought other people wanted me to be—all for the sake of being liked and accepted. It caused more pain than gain."

As a lifetime people pleaser, I remember trying to mold myself into the person I thought other people wanted me to be—all for the sake of being liked and accepted. It caused more pain than gain.

Susan Quotes: "Do you really want people to like you for something that you’re not? It takes a lot of energy to pretend to be someone else for the sake of pleasing others."

Do you really want people to like you for something that you’re not? It takes a lot of energy to pretend to be someone else for the sake of pleasing others.

Susan Quotes: "Your integrity is your personal code of honor and has the power to build your reputation or destroy it, establish credibility or crumble it—in one swift move."

Your integrity is your personal code of honor and has the power to build your reputation or destroy it, establish credibility or crumble it—in one swift move.

Susan Quotes: "Your personal integrity, defined as being honest and having strong moral principles, communicates whether (or not) you can be trusted."

Your personal integrity, defined as being honest and having strong moral principles, communicates whether (or not) you can be trusted.

Susan Quotes: "Once you laugh with a person? That person is your friend."

Once you laugh with a person? That person is your friend.

Susan Quotes: "Healthy self-esteem rests upon a strong foundation of core values and an inclination to act and speak in alignment with those values."

Healthy self-esteem rests upon a strong foundation of core values and an inclination to act and speak in alignment with those values.

Susan Quotes: "Take deliberate steps to retrain your brain and turn your inner critic into an enthusiastic, devoted fan."

Take deliberate steps to retrain your brain and turn your inner critic into an enthusiastic, devoted fan.

Susan Quotes: "It is hard to earn the respect of others when you do not respect yourself. Others may find it difficult to enjoy your company if you do not enjoy your own."

It is hard to earn the respect of others when you do not respect yourself. Others may find it difficult to enjoy your company if you do not enjoy your own.

Susan Quotes: "Popularity does not equal respect. It is not only kids who will do what they think they must to fit in and be popular—adults do it too."

Popularity does not equal respect. It is not only kids who will do what they think they must to fit in and be popular—adults do it too.

Susan Quotes: "Become your own best friend—smile and say “I love you” to yourself occasionally."

Become your own best friend—smile and say “I love you” to yourself occasionally.