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Susan Quotes

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Susan Quotes: "Dignity is a gracious pride without narcissistic projection. It portrays a calm confidence and awareness regardless of the environment or circumstances."

Dignity is a gracious pride without narcissistic projection. It portrays a calm confidence and awareness regardless of the environment or circumstances.

Susan Quotes: "Gracious pride is a wonderful quality when it is used for good"

Gracious pride is a wonderful quality when it is used for good

Susan Quotes: "With awareness and practice, even the most awkward people can learn how to be both fluid and purposeful in their bearing."

With awareness and practice, even the most awkward people can learn how to be both fluid and purposeful in their bearing.

Susan Quotes: "A wonderful place to start is to seek role models who exemplify this way of being and try their style on for size."

A wonderful place to start is to seek role models who exemplify this way of being and try their style on for size.

Susan Quotes: "Dignity impacts everything in your life. It affects the quality of your internal world for how you see, feel, and think about yourself."

Dignity impacts everything in your life. It affects the quality of your internal world for how you see, feel, and think about yourself.

Susan Quotes: "Dignity impacts the quality of your external world in your relationships, communications, and interactions."

Dignity impacts the quality of your external world in your relationships, communications, and interactions.

Susan Quotes: "Dignity impacts how you are perceived and received when making a first impression."

Dignity impacts how you are perceived and received when making a first impression.

Susan Quotes: "Sparks are warm while they last."

Sparks are warm while they last.

Susan Quotes: "Scores of studies have shown that venting doesn't soothe anger"

Scores of studies have shown that venting doesn't soothe anger

Susan Quotes: "To be heartbroken means to have a story"

To be heartbroken means to have a story

Susan Quotes: "The right thing is a luxury for rich and sheltered people. For the rest of us, the only right thing is staying out of trouble and surviving as best we can."

The right thing is a luxury for rich and sheltered people. For the rest of us, the only right thing is staying out of trouble and surviving as best we can.

Susan Quotes: "Identify confident people whom you admire and respect and notice what they do differently to project such confidence. Learn by observing role models."

Identify confident people whom you admire and respect and notice what they do differently to project such confidence. Learn by observing role models.

Susan Quotes: "Walk the talk and project confidence. If at first you don’t feel confident, fake it until you make it."

Walk the talk and project confidence. If at first you don’t feel confident, fake it until you make it.

Susan Quotes: "Yes, learning curves can be painful, exhausting, trying, scary, and intimidating. How did you learn to ride a bike? One pedal, one balance, one turn, and one step at a time."

Yes, learning curves can be painful, exhausting, trying, scary, and intimidating. How did you learn to ride a bike? One pedal, one balance, one turn, and one step at a time.

Susan Quotes: "You will build confidence by continuing to put yourself into new and innovative situations where you can learn new skills, grow your education, test your strengths, and improve your abilities."

You will build confidence by continuing to put yourself into new and innovative situations where you can learn new skills, grow your education, test your strengths, and improve your abilities.

Susan Quotes: "Steer clear of negativity and set boundaries so that when people bring it on, you can engage your force-field to deflect their distracting energy."

Steer clear of negativity and set boundaries so that when people bring it on, you can engage your force-field to deflect their distracting energy.

Susan Quotes: "As you jump new hurdles, you gain greater confidence. Confidence can be achieved like any other practiced skill."

As you jump new hurdles, you gain greater confidence. Confidence can be achieved like any other practiced skill.

Susan Quotes: "Just because you may not feel confident about doing something now does not mean you will not master it later with ease."

Just because you may not feel confident about doing something now does not mean you will not master it later with ease.

Susan Quotes: "Building confidence is an ongoing process and something that can be accomplished over time."

Building confidence is an ongoing process and something that can be accomplished over time.

Susan Quotes: "“Self-confident people are mindful about spending their time, energy, and interests on things that truly matter."

“Self-confident people are mindful about spending their time, energy, and interests on things that truly matter.

Susan Quotes: "Just because you don't know how to do something now does not mean you can't learn how to do it later."

Just because you don't know how to do something now does not mean you can't learn how to do it later.

Susan Quotes: "If you are lacking confidence in something, just keep trying and don’t give up."

If you are lacking confidence in something, just keep trying and don’t give up.

Susan Quotes: "Nurture a balanced perspective and don’t “sweat the small stuff."

Nurture a balanced perspective and don’t “sweat the small stuff.

Susan Quotes: "Get outside your comfort zone. Stretch beyond your norm and try new things."

Get outside your comfort zone. Stretch beyond your norm and try new things.

Susan Quotes: "Embrace change and practice flexibility. It will make you more agile in adapting to new people and situations."

Embrace change and practice flexibility. It will make you more agile in adapting to new people and situations.

Susan Quotes: "Dress confidently in clothes that make you feel great about yourself. When you look better you feel better."

Dress confidently in clothes that make you feel great about yourself. When you look better you feel better.

Susan Quotes: "Use your body language and posture to project confidence. Shift your physiology into a more powerful pose or position and your mindset will follow."

Use your body language and posture to project confidence. Shift your physiology into a more powerful pose or position and your mindset will follow.

Susan Quotes: "Think and act positively by focusing on the positives in yourself, other people, and situations."

Think and act positively by focusing on the positives in yourself, other people, and situations.

Susan Quotes: "Self-confident people take the initiative to move forward in the direction of their dreams."

Self-confident people take the initiative to move forward in the direction of their dreams.

Susan Quotes: "Self-confident people don’t make their self-esteem, self-image, happiness, or self-confidence dependent on another person’s approval, validation, or acceptance."

Self-confident people don’t make their self-esteem, self-image, happiness, or self-confidence dependent on another person’s approval, validation, or acceptance.

Susan Quotes: "Self-confident people are proud of their accomplishments, but can remain humble without bragging."

Self-confident people are proud of their accomplishments, but can remain humble without bragging.

Susan Quotes: "Self-confident people face their fears head-on and are willing to take risks."

Self-confident people face their fears head-on and are willing to take risks.

Susan Quotes: "Self-confident people Know that obstacles are only temporary setbacks."

Self-confident people Know that obstacles are only temporary setbacks.

Susan Quotes: "Self-confident people tend to be optimistic thinkers and focus on the positives."

Self-confident people tend to be optimistic thinkers and focus on the positives.

Susan Quotes: "Self-confident people are mindful about spending their time, energy, and interests on things that truly matter."

Self-confident people are mindful about spending their time, energy, and interests on things that truly matter.

Susan Quotes: "Charisma and charm are endearing qualities which go hand in hand to make others feel “lighter, happier, and a little in love” when they are around you."

Charisma and charm are endearing qualities which go hand in hand to make others feel “lighter, happier, and a little in love” when they are around you.

Susan Quotes: "People with the gift of charm exude a delightful demeanor—an attractive likability that enwraps you in their warmth."

People with the gift of charm exude a delightful demeanor—an attractive likability that enwraps you in their warmth.

Susan Quotes: "People who exude genuine charm & charisma seem to possess a heightened sensitivity to the feelings of others—delivering gentle manners, gracious compliments, and sincere interest."

People who exude genuine charm & charisma seem to possess a heightened sensitivity to the feelings of others—delivering gentle manners, gracious compliments, and sincere interest.

Susan Quotes: "They emanate an essence of caring, love, and compassion towards the people they know, and generously extend their aura to the new people they encounter."

They emanate an essence of caring, love, and compassion towards the people they know, and generously extend their aura to the new people they encounter.

Susan Quotes: "Charisma (presence, poise, magnetism) and charm (enchantment, attraction, fascination) are behaviors which can be learned and practiced."

Charisma (presence, poise, magnetism) and charm (enchantment, attraction, fascination) are behaviors which can be learned and practiced.

Susan Quotes: "The key is to keep charisma and charm positive and underpinned with sincere and good intentions."

The key is to keep charisma and charm positive and underpinned with sincere and good intentions.

Susan Quotes: "Your charisma and charm can make your moments more memorable for amazing first impressions."

Your charisma and charm can make your moments more memorable for amazing first impressions.

Susan Quotes: "What do confidence and command look like when you see them? Moving one step past a healthy self-esteem, they project an air of authority, respect, and deliberate intention."

What do confidence and command look like when you see them? Moving one step past a healthy self-esteem, they project an air of authority, respect, and deliberate intention.

Susan Quotes: "Developing a commanding presence is essential for leadership and a powerful impact."

Developing a commanding presence is essential for leadership and a powerful impact.

Susan Quotes: "Their confidence gives those they lead the assurance that their words and their actions are reliable."

Their confidence gives those they lead the assurance that their words and their actions are reliable.