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Susan Young Quotes

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Susan Young Quotes: "Meaningful eye contact has the power to transcend time and space to connect us with others and can be one of the most gracious and important ways to demonstrate attention and respect."

Meaningful eye contact has the power to transcend time and space to connect us with others and can be one of the most gracious and important ways to demonstrate attention and respect.

Susan Young Quotes: "What makes one person approachable and another one not? That simple difference alone can make or break your success in your life, in your relationships, and in your career."

What makes one person approachable and another one not? That simple difference alone can make or break your success in your life, in your relationships, and in your career.

Susan Young Quotes: "Approachability is a crucial way of being that empowers you with an extraordinary edge to make a great first impression, invite interaction, build rapport, and win friends."

Approachability is a crucial way of being that empowers you with an extraordinary edge to make a great first impression, invite interaction, build rapport, and win friends.

Susan Young Quotes: "Approachable people are “straight-up.” It is comforting to know exactly what to expect when you see them. What you see is what you get!"

Approachable people are “straight-up.” It is comforting to know exactly what to expect when you see them. What you see is what you get!

Susan Young Quotes: "Being a keen observer, I would think to myself, who is approachable? Who is someone I'd like to know? Who is putting out welcoming vibes?"

Being a keen observer, I would think to myself, who is approachable? Who is someone I'd like to know? Who is putting out welcoming vibes?

Susan Young Quotes: "As humans, we are all insecure to a certain degree, and we don't want to risk looking stupid, being rejected, or feeling awkward."

As humans, we are all insecure to a certain degree, and we don't want to risk looking stupid, being rejected, or feeling awkward.

Susan Young Quotes: "An approachable person intuitively knows how to set new acquaintances at ease and create a safety net for them to be vulnerable and authentic."

An approachable person intuitively knows how to set new acquaintances at ease and create a safety net for them to be vulnerable and authentic.

Susan Young Quotes: "Unfortunately, unapproachable leaders create a tense environment that may prevent their people from bringing their best strengths and talents or challenges and solutions forward."

Unfortunately, unapproachable leaders create a tense environment that may prevent their people from bringing their best strengths and talents or challenges and solutions forward.

Susan Young Quotes: "Since your habits and hygiene will all help you feel great, look great, and improve the quality of your life, isn’t it worth your effort to make them a part of your reality?"

Since your habits and hygiene will all help you feel great, look great, and improve the quality of your life, isn’t it worth your effort to make them a part of your reality?

Susan Young Quotes: "Punctuality has been called a “homely, but solid virtue.” Although it is not fancy, it is a strong reflection of a person’s character."

Punctuality has been called a “homely, but solid virtue.” Although it is not fancy, it is a strong reflection of a person’s character.

Susan Young Quotes: "Be on time! If you have a 15-minute appointment—keep it at fifteen minutes unless there is mutual agreement to continue."

Be on time! If you have a 15-minute appointment—keep it at fifteen minutes unless there is mutual agreement to continue.

Susan Young Quotes: "What steps can you take to prepare before meeting others to ensure that when you do show up, you are bringing your very best to the table?"

What steps can you take to prepare before meeting others to ensure that when you do show up, you are bringing your very best to the table?

Susan Young Quotes: "Wouldn’t you like to arrive to any event or situation with a sense of confidence and ease that things are as they need to be?"

Wouldn’t you like to arrive to any event or situation with a sense of confidence and ease that things are as they need to be?

Susan Young Quotes: "Get ready to take on the world from a position of personal power, strength, and intention!"

Get ready to take on the world from a position of personal power, strength, and intention!

Susan Young Quotes: "Your first impressions will often occur within a limited window of opportunity—and if you blow it— the opportunity may be lost forever."

Your first impressions will often occur within a limited window of opportunity—and if you blow it— the opportunity may be lost forever.

Susan Young Quotes: "Why leave your success up to dumb luck or accident when you can take a stand, make a plan, and be proactive in your pursuits and possibilities?"

Why leave your success up to dumb luck or accident when you can take a stand, make a plan, and be proactive in your pursuits and possibilities?

Susan Young Quotes: "Prime yourself for success and demonstrate to others that you are diligent, reliable, and trustworthy."

Prime yourself for success and demonstrate to others that you are diligent, reliable, and trustworthy.

Susan Young Quotes: "Care enough to take deliberate steps and get ready through thoughtful discipline, research, organization, and effort. It will impress others and give you the winner’s edge to live and give your best."

Care enough to take deliberate steps and get ready through thoughtful discipline, research, organization, and effort. It will impress others and give you the winner’s edge to live and give your best.

Susan Young Quotes: "Are you ready to explore what it takes to move beyond where you are to where you want to be? You came to the right place."

Are you ready to explore what it takes to move beyond where you are to where you want to be? You came to the right place.

Susan Young Quotes: "Begin by asking yourself if you are currently showing up to your life, your business, and your relationships in a way that is cultivating an extraordinary life."

Begin by asking yourself if you are currently showing up to your life, your business, and your relationships in a way that is cultivating an extraordinary life.

Susan Young Quotes: "Rejoicing is grounded in gratitude, with a keen appreciation for yourself, others, your abundance, and the beauty around you."

Rejoicing is grounded in gratitude, with a keen appreciation for yourself, others, your abundance, and the beauty around you.

Susan Young Quotes: "Are you managing your energy well and using it for things that matter? Do you stop to recharge before you push yourself to critically low levels? Unplug to recharge."

Are you managing your energy well and using it for things that matter? Do you stop to recharge before you push yourself to critically low levels? Unplug to recharge.

Susan Young Quotes: "When employees are fully engaged, they produce, contribute, and perform at higher levels. As a result, re-engaged team players bring more value to their companies and empower a positive culture."

When employees are fully engaged, they produce, contribute, and perform at higher levels. As a result, re-engaged team players bring more value to their companies and empower a positive culture.

Susan Young Quotes: "Desire. Enthusiasm. Purpose. Pleasure. Delight. Peace. Power. However you define passion, it is at the heart of your motivation."

Desire. Enthusiasm. Purpose. Pleasure. Delight. Peace. Power. However you define passion, it is at the heart of your motivation.

Susan Young Quotes: "Passion is a catalyst for action and provides you with the emotional stamina to stick with it, regardless of the obstacles."

Passion is a catalyst for action and provides you with the emotional stamina to stick with it, regardless of the obstacles.

Susan Young Quotes: "When passion is lit, the fire permeates your being with the positive expectation that all is well and everything will turn out great."

When passion is lit, the fire permeates your being with the positive expectation that all is well and everything will turn out great.

Susan Young Quotes: "To be truly satisfied that your life is well-lived, the object of your passion is something you feel you must be, do, or have. What lights your fire?"

To be truly satisfied that your life is well-lived, the object of your passion is something you feel you must be, do, or have. What lights your fire?

Susan Young Quotes: "Passion is not just about the object of your focus or desires—it is the compelling emotion, fulfillment, and intense enthusiasm that it engenders."

Passion is not just about the object of your focus or desires—it is the compelling emotion, fulfillment, and intense enthusiasm that it engenders.

Susan Young Quotes: "Are you impressed when you meet people who are filled with passion and conviction? Their energy is contagious and can make us all want “some of what they’re having!"

Are you impressed when you meet people who are filled with passion and conviction? Their energy is contagious and can make us all want “some of what they’re having!

Susan Young Quotes: "When a person exudes passion, it is evident that they love what they are doing. Their passion projects an aura of confidence and decisiveness."

When a person exudes passion, it is evident that they love what they are doing. Their passion projects an aura of confidence and decisiveness.

Susan Young Quotes: "Sharing your passion with others will not only enlighten them to your dedication and commitment, it can enable you to garner their participation, collaboration, cooperation, and endorsement."

Sharing your passion with others will not only enlighten them to your dedication and commitment, it can enable you to garner their participation, collaboration, cooperation, and endorsement.

Susan Young Quotes: "When we are deeply passionate about something, the obstacles or challenges are diminished by sheer will and desire."

When we are deeply passionate about something, the obstacles or challenges are diminished by sheer will and desire.

Susan Young Quotes: "When you want something badly enough, it does not matter whether it is going to be easy. The passion will push you forward."

When you want something badly enough, it does not matter whether it is going to be easy. The passion will push you forward.

Susan Young Quotes: "When people are not passionate about their goals, everything is more of a struggle."

When people are not passionate about their goals, everything is more of a struggle.

Susan Young Quotes: "Passion is the fire that gets us moving and keeps us motivated regardless of what roadblocks impede the way."

Passion is the fire that gets us moving and keeps us motivated regardless of what roadblocks impede the way.

Susan Young Quotes: "When your passion is aligned with your purpose, you are unstoppable! It is in that zone of high octane congruence that you are turned on and "cooking with gas."

When your passion is aligned with your purpose, you are unstoppable! It is in that zone of high octane congruence that you are turned on and "cooking with gas.

Susan Young Quotes: "Think of the people whom you love, like, trust, and admire. Isn’t their integrity the golden thread which elevates them to a higher standard in your eyes and in your heart?"

Think of the people whom you love, like, trust, and admire. Isn’t their integrity the golden thread which elevates them to a higher standard in your eyes and in your heart?

Susan Young Quotes: "1.	“Being able to depend on a person’s integrity lays a solid foundation for a relationship built on trust, both in business and in life."

1. “Being able to depend on a person’s integrity lays a solid foundation for a relationship built on trust, both in business and in life.

Susan Young Quotes: "As with construction, your personal integrity is the firm foundation upon which you can build a strong character, rewarding life, and healthy relationships."

As with construction, your personal integrity is the firm foundation upon which you can build a strong character, rewarding life, and healthy relationships.

Susan Young Quotes: "Through change and challenge, if our personal foundations are built with quality virtues of character and integrity, we are more resilient, healthy, and ultimately more impressive."

Through change and challenge, if our personal foundations are built with quality virtues of character and integrity, we are more resilient, healthy, and ultimately more impressive.

Susan Young Quotes: "Throughout the history of mankind, the virtues embraced by humanity have remained true, unwavering, and consistent."

Throughout the history of mankind, the virtues embraced by humanity have remained true, unwavering, and consistent.

Susan Young Quotes: "While many may claim that these virtues are old-fashioned, they are essential materials for building a solid and worthwhile foundation for your life that will never go out of style."

While many may claim that these virtues are old-fashioned, they are essential materials for building a solid and worthwhile foundation for your life that will never go out of style.

Susan Young Quotes: "While having a strong character foundation may not sell newspapers, increase TV ratings, or make a person famous, it's essential for building a life that is meaningful and matters."

While having a strong character foundation may not sell newspapers, increase TV ratings, or make a person famous, it's essential for building a life that is meaningful and matters.

Susan Young Quotes: "Sometimes we meet folks who appear rather plain, yet when they speak from a heart of service, love, compassion, and wisdom, they instantly become respected favorites."

Sometimes we meet folks who appear rather plain, yet when they speak from a heart of service, love, compassion, and wisdom, they instantly become respected favorites.

Susan Young Quotes: "Authenticity is the litmus test for the honesty, transparency, and trust which are necessary for healthy relationships."

Authenticity is the litmus test for the honesty, transparency, and trust which are necessary for healthy relationships.