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Talk Quotes

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Talk Quotes: "You're only as good as your next thought of yourself."

You're only as good as your next thought of yourself.

Talk Quotes: "You're only as good as you're next thought of yourself."

You're only as good as you're next thought of yourself.

Talk Quotes: "Of course I want to kill you, " said Skulduggery. "I want to kill most people. But then where would I be? In a field of dead people with no one to talk to."

Of course I want to kill you, " said Skulduggery. "I want to kill most people. But then where would I be? In a field of dead people with no one to talk to.

Talk Quotes: "We call talking about other people’s personal lives ‘gossip’ only if we aren’t or weren’t part of the conversation."

We call talking about other people’s personal lives ‘gossip’ only if we aren’t or weren’t part of the conversation.

Talk Quotes: "Don't mention your move before you make a move."

Don't mention your move before you make a move.

Talk Quotes: "In your anger, zip your lips!"

In your anger, zip your lips!

Talk Quotes: "Don’t be silent on your talent!"

Don’t be silent on your talent!

Talk Quotes: "Live your life in such a way that you'll be remembered for your kindness, compassion, fairness, character, benevolence, and a force for good who had much respect for life, in general."

Live your life in such a way that you'll be remembered for your kindness, compassion, fairness, character, benevolence, and a force for good who had much respect for life, in general.

Talk Quotes: "It is more important to go slow and gain the lessons you need along the journey then to rush the process and arrive at your destination empty."

It is more important to go slow and gain the lessons you need along the journey then to rush the process and arrive at your destination empty.

Talk Quotes: "We spend so much time on the whole world instead of on those who really need us, in a world where rumours are a trend and truth is an afterthought."

We spend so much time on the whole world instead of on those who really need us, in a world where rumours are a trend and truth is an afterthought.

Talk Quotes: "His memory is the last place i want to be. I would give anything to always be in his present."

His memory is the last place i want to be. I would give anything to always be in his present.

Talk Quotes: "Talk to yourself. Tell yourself you are beautiful. Tell yourself you are strong. See all the beauty that you have inside and speak it aloud. Let your mind see yourself in a positive light."

Talk to yourself. Tell yourself you are beautiful. Tell yourself you are strong. See all the beauty that you have inside and speak it aloud. Let your mind see yourself in a positive light.

Talk Quotes: "Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well."

Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.

Talk Quotes: "Blow out all negative attitudes and live true to your dreams. Talks less and act more. Be confident and see yourself wining even before the victory comes."

Blow out all negative attitudes and live true to your dreams. Talks less and act more. Be confident and see yourself wining even before the victory comes.

Talk Quotes: "Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier & healthier life."

Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier & healthier life.

Talk Quotes: "Be the girl you want your daughter to be. Be the girl you want your son to date. Be classy, be smart, be real, but most importantly be nice."

Be the girl you want your daughter to be. Be the girl you want your son to date. Be classy, be smart, be real, but most importantly be nice.

Talk Quotes: "Don't hang out with people who are:UngratefulUnhelpfulUnrulyUnkindlyUnlovingUnambitiousUnmotivatedor make you feel...Uncomfortable"

Don't hang out with people who are:UngratefulUnhelpfulUnrulyUnkindlyUnlovingUnambitiousUnmotivatedor make you feel...Uncomfortable

Talk Quotes: "Speak with caution. Even if someone forgives harsh words you've spoken, they may be too hurt to ever forget them. Don't leave a legacy of pain and regret of things you never should have said."

Speak with caution. Even if someone forgives harsh words you've spoken, they may be too hurt to ever forget them. Don't leave a legacy of pain and regret of things you never should have said.

Talk Quotes: "If it doesn't agree with your spirit let it go."

If it doesn't agree with your spirit let it go.

Talk Quotes: "less small talk and more real talk."

less small talk and more real talk.

Talk Quotes: "You see, this happened a few months ago, but it's still going on right now, and it ought to make us feel ashamed when we talk like we know what we're talking about when we talk about love."

You see, this happened a few months ago, but it's still going on right now, and it ought to make us feel ashamed when we talk like we know what we're talking about when we talk about love.

Talk Quotes: "But there's a juicy artery in your groin, " he said after a pause to regroup, his voice as slithery as a snake on a slide."Don't you talk dirty, " I told him. "I won't listen to that."

But there's a juicy artery in your groin, " he said after a pause to regroup, his voice as slithery as a snake on a slide."Don't you talk dirty, " I told him. "I won't listen to that.

Talk Quotes: "The more we talk about our troubles and our fears, the more life we breathe into them". HS/el"

The more we talk about our troubles and our fears, the more life we breathe into them". HS/el

Talk Quotes: "If only you could see the greatness in yourself, you wouldn't envy the greatness in others."

If only you could see the greatness in yourself, you wouldn't envy the greatness in others.

Talk Quotes: "Speak to me: I will spend my lifetime trying to understand you."

Speak to me: I will spend my lifetime trying to understand you.

Talk Quotes: "Free your life from the fangs of gossips by not associating yourself with them. Anyone who helps you to gossip about someone can also help someone to gossip about you."

Free your life from the fangs of gossips by not associating yourself with them. Anyone who helps you to gossip about someone can also help someone to gossip about you.

Talk Quotes: "People often reveal their innermost selves in the most innocent of situations."

People often reveal their innermost selves in the most innocent of situations.

Talk Quotes: "Each of us should realize the importance of having a talk with our own soul"

Each of us should realize the importance of having a talk with our own soul

Talk Quotes: "Just imagine the silence in the world, if people talked only what they knew"

Just imagine the silence in the world, if people talked only what they knew

Talk Quotes: "My family says they are proud of me. Of course, I would rather hear this than the contrary, but I cannot say that I am proud of myself, so I find that I cannot 'talk about it'."

My family says they are proud of me. Of course, I would rather hear this than the contrary, but I cannot say that I am proud of myself, so I find that I cannot 'talk about it'.

Talk Quotes: "Silence gives you freedom to talk yourself fearlessly"

Silence gives you freedom to talk yourself fearlessly

Talk Quotes: "Talk less. Do more. Fear less. Achieve more."

Talk less. Do more. Fear less. Achieve more.

Talk Quotes: "Beautiful silence is better than ugly speech."

Beautiful silence is better than ugly speech.

Talk Quotes: "Think before you speak. Question before you judge. Examine before you decide."

Think before you speak. Question before you judge. Examine before you decide.

Talk Quotes: "Hypocrite shouts about the change, but never let risk coming on his way."

Hypocrite shouts about the change, but never let risk coming on his way.

Talk Quotes: "Your self-talk is the channel of behavior change"

Your self-talk is the channel of behavior change

Talk Quotes: "I'd trade a hundred pretty faces for one person who's easy to talk to."

I'd trade a hundred pretty faces for one person who's easy to talk to.

Talk Quotes: "Hold fast to the promises of God. And mediate on it day and night."

Hold fast to the promises of God. And mediate on it day and night.

Talk Quotes: "What broke your heart so badThat you had to close every door, That you say you have a dark soulAnd can't utter the word 'love' anymore?"

What broke your heart so badThat you had to close every door, That you say you have a dark soulAnd can't utter the word 'love' anymore?

Talk Quotes: "But just as your body needs sleep, your soul needs time to rest in God. To learn more about Him. To talk to Him. To worship and praise Him. To fellowship with other brothers and sisters."

But just as your body needs sleep, your soul needs time to rest in God. To learn more about Him. To talk to Him. To worship and praise Him. To fellowship with other brothers and sisters.

Talk Quotes: "Your Eyes, they talk to the Soul!"

Your Eyes, they talk to the Soul!

Talk Quotes: "Everything you attract into your life is a reflection of the story you believe and keep telling yourself."

Everything you attract into your life is a reflection of the story you believe and keep telling yourself.

Talk Quotes: "In life, as in art, talking vitiates doing."

In life, as in art, talking vitiates doing.

Talk Quotes: "God gave you the art to talk and you will just ignore it like these?"

God gave you the art to talk and you will just ignore it like these?

Talk Quotes: "We are all born as storytellers. Our inner voice tells the first story we ever hear."

We are all born as storytellers. Our inner voice tells the first story we ever hear.

Talk Quotes: "Read not to contradict and confute"

Read not to contradict and confute

Talk Quotes: "Always ask yourself: "What will happen if I say nothing?"

Always ask yourself: "What will happen if I say nothing?

Talk Quotes: "Don't just talk, act."

Don't just talk, act.