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Teen Quotes

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Teen Quotes: "I wanted to punch him and understand him at the same time."

I wanted to punch him and understand him at the same time.

Teen Quotes: "It's better to swallow pride than blood."

It's better to swallow pride than blood.

Teen Quotes: "Ari is beautiful beyond comparison, and she has my heart and my soul for eternity. I thought I made that abundantly clear last night, but it appears I have further work to do."

Ari is beautiful beyond comparison, and she has my heart and my soul for eternity. I thought I made that abundantly clear last night, but it appears I have further work to do.

Teen Quotes: "I kiss her for way too long at the door, and not for the first time, I wish that I could stay with her, to help chase those dark clouds away."

I kiss her for way too long at the door, and not for the first time, I wish that I could stay with her, to help chase those dark clouds away.

Teen Quotes: "Ari looks fiercely resolute. It’s the same look she has on her face at the start of every race: Dogged determination. My heart and head enter into full-on combat mode."

Ari looks fiercely resolute. It’s the same look she has on her face at the start of every race: Dogged determination. My heart and head enter into full-on combat mode.

Teen Quotes: "She had worried she would break if her heart broke, but she wasn't broken. She had lost everything, but she was not lost. It seemed a worthwhile thing to know."

She had worried she would break if her heart broke, but she wasn't broken. She had lost everything, but she was not lost. It seemed a worthwhile thing to know.

Teen Quotes: "THE 52ND is a unique entry in the YA and Paranormal genres. With a diverse cast of characters, thrilling mythology, and a potential series ahead, Dela knocks it out of the park with THE 52ND."

THE 52ND is a unique entry in the YA and Paranormal genres. With a diverse cast of characters, thrilling mythology, and a potential series ahead, Dela knocks it out of the park with THE 52ND.

Teen Quotes: "I spread my arms. “In the Rainbow Jungles of Ever there lives what I affectionately call, killer ducks."

I spread my arms. “In the Rainbow Jungles of Ever there lives what I affectionately call, killer ducks.

Teen Quotes: "He was gorgeous. Every feature on his face perfect, dark and inviting. The boy could be his own photo shoot." Kasey Reese - Men of the Cave"

He was gorgeous. Every feature on his face perfect, dark and inviting. The boy could be his own photo shoot." Kasey Reese - Men of the Cave

Teen Quotes: "If a fight looks like a lot of fun, you should be suspicious. 'If you ain't scared of standing up for what's right, you ain't standing up for much."

If a fight looks like a lot of fun, you should be suspicious. 'If you ain't scared of standing up for what's right, you ain't standing up for much.

Teen Quotes: "I mean, I really liked him to the point where being around him was sort of wonderful and painful all at the same time, you know?"

I mean, I really liked him to the point where being around him was sort of wonderful and painful all at the same time, you know?

Teen Quotes: "Please your mother: just lie around upstairs and smoke some pot. Be a revolutionary."

Please your mother: just lie around upstairs and smoke some pot. Be a revolutionary.

Teen Quotes: "She kissed me on the cheek, and my mom sang Theresa’s name from the open front door. She loves Theresa. I think she loves me more when I’m with her."

She kissed me on the cheek, and my mom sang Theresa’s name from the open front door. She loves Theresa. I think she loves me more when I’m with her.

Teen Quotes: "I could feel his hand on my waist, his arms around me, feel the rise and fall of his chest next to mine as I held my breath, and wished the sun would drop out of the sky."

I could feel his hand on my waist, his arms around me, feel the rise and fall of his chest next to mine as I held my breath, and wished the sun would drop out of the sky.

Teen Quotes: "Dude, ” he said instead, “I’m flattered as hell.” And then he kicked my foot, lightly, twice. He was smiling.He couldn’t see the chasm that had opened behind my ribs."

Dude, ” he said instead, “I’m flattered as hell.” And then he kicked my foot, lightly, twice. He was smiling.He couldn’t see the chasm that had opened behind my ribs.

Teen Quotes: "I've always wanted to wake up one day in a world where I liked the right people, and they lied me in return. I worry it'll never happen."

I've always wanted to wake up one day in a world where I liked the right people, and they lied me in return. I worry it'll never happen.

Teen Quotes: "I'm still not totally sure I know what's true about me."

I'm still not totally sure I know what's true about me.

Teen Quotes: "I do like the way people behave toward me and Theresa when we’re together-everyone’s voice changes to music, and we get all sorts of smiles."

I do like the way people behave toward me and Theresa when we’re together-everyone’s voice changes to music, and we get all sorts of smiles.

Teen Quotes: "I suppose you'll not let me rest until I admit that I like your company?""You're getting to know me well...""Very well, I'll admit. You're slightly more than tolerable."

I suppose you'll not let me rest until I admit that I like your company?""You're getting to know me well...""Very well, I'll admit. You're slightly more than tolerable.

Teen Quotes: "I’m starting to think that you have a really bad habit of trying to save me.”She turns shy and looks down. “You are worth saving."

I’m starting to think that you have a really bad habit of trying to save me.”She turns shy and looks down. “You are worth saving.

Teen Quotes: "Being a Queen will Always be in Style!"

Being a Queen will Always be in Style!

Teen Quotes: "Believe in gold and thou shalt never settle for silver."

Believe in gold and thou shalt never settle for silver.

Teen Quotes: "You are a blue rose, Letti. It’s almost impossible that you exist amongst the other roses but you do. You bring wonder to those who are lucky enough to find you."

You are a blue rose, Letti. It’s almost impossible that you exist amongst the other roses but you do. You bring wonder to those who are lucky enough to find you.

Teen Quotes: "I'm not that good of an actor to fake something like that."

I'm not that good of an actor to fake something like that.

Teen Quotes: "Your dad and I have been talking.”“You need to stop that. The marriage will last longer."

Your dad and I have been talking.”“You need to stop that. The marriage will last longer.

Teen Quotes: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.- MATTHEW 7:15"

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.- MATTHEW 7:15

Teen Quotes: "Wait, ” Quinn said. “There’s one more thing.” I turned around and raised an eyebrow. His eyes were wary and he lacked his usual confidence.“Go to the Winter Dance with me."

Wait, ” Quinn said. “There’s one more thing.” I turned around and raised an eyebrow. His eyes were wary and he lacked his usual confidence.“Go to the Winter Dance with me.

Teen Quotes: "But Quinn held the fuzzy handcuffs in his hands, looking them over closely, and he smiled. “Oh, hey, did you want to keep these for when your invisible boyfriend returns from his fake vacation?"

But Quinn held the fuzzy handcuffs in his hands, looking them over closely, and he smiled. “Oh, hey, did you want to keep these for when your invisible boyfriend returns from his fake vacation?

Teen Quotes: "Eugene's got a fake ID, and he actually gets away with using it because he looks like he's thirty-six, thanks to his devotion to tasseled shoes and his ridiculous carpet of chest hair."

Eugene's got a fake ID, and he actually gets away with using it because he looks like he's thirty-six, thanks to his devotion to tasseled shoes and his ridiculous carpet of chest hair.

Teen Quotes: "My love life couldn't be more nonexistent if Julius was all all-girls' boarding school with a moat full of alligators around it."

My love life couldn't be more nonexistent if Julius was all all-girls' boarding school with a moat full of alligators around it.

Teen Quotes: "Lesson one: expect to get screwed over for the convenience of others on a regular basis."

Lesson one: expect to get screwed over for the convenience of others on a regular basis.

Teen Quotes: "All this bunch of so-called 'adults' was doing was making enemies of one another when what they really needed to be concentrating on was how to get out alive."

All this bunch of so-called 'adults' was doing was making enemies of one another when what they really needed to be concentrating on was how to get out alive.

Teen Quotes: "Now you're an adult, Katya!" he'd said, picking her up under the armpits like he'd been doing since she'd been born."

Now you're an adult, Katya!" he'd said, picking her up under the armpits like he'd been doing since she'd been born.

Teen Quotes: "A child s a special possession from God."

A child s a special possession from God.

Teen Quotes: "Being a child sucked. Being a teenager was worse. And being an adult seemed so far away that I had a better chance at swimming the length of the ocean than growing up."

Being a child sucked. Being a teenager was worse. And being an adult seemed so far away that I had a better chance at swimming the length of the ocean than growing up.

Teen Quotes: "I'm tired of their plastic pony show."

I'm tired of their plastic pony show.

Teen Quotes: "Roaches should never trust humans. We’re all doomed."

Roaches should never trust humans. We’re all doomed.

Teen Quotes: "Actions have consequences. Kids today don’t think about that. It’s like, ‘Hey, wouldn’t this be awesome?!’ Consequences? What are those?"

Actions have consequences. Kids today don’t think about that. It’s like, ‘Hey, wouldn’t this be awesome?!’ Consequences? What are those?

Teen Quotes: "The lights flickered, the pain went away, and her mother was holding her, singing ‘Sleep sweet sleep’. (The Children of Ankh series) Kim Cormack"

The lights flickered, the pain went away, and her mother was holding her, singing ‘Sleep sweet sleep’. (The Children of Ankh series) Kim Cormack

Teen Quotes: "To Love another unconditionally, is to make the ultimate sacrifice..."

To Love another unconditionally, is to make the ultimate sacrifice...

Teen Quotes: "Why can't a girl just want to know stuff and not do stuff?"

Why can't a girl just want to know stuff and not do stuff?

Teen Quotes: "Do many guys ask you out twice?""Only the ones with balls."

Do many guys ask you out twice?""Only the ones with balls.

Teen Quotes: "I spent the weekend after our date wishing I could stab him with my fluffy-duck pen and staring at the phone hoping he'd call. Dating is a very tricky business."

I spent the weekend after our date wishing I could stab him with my fluffy-duck pen and staring at the phone hoping he'd call. Dating is a very tricky business.

Teen Quotes: "Hormones, it seemed, we're making a much-delayed appearance in her life.Liv was horrified."

Hormones, it seemed, we're making a much-delayed appearance in her life.Liv was horrified.

Teen Quotes: "Adolescence isn't about relationships, its about dating. Its suppose to be relaxed, and fun. Isn't that what being a teenager is all about?"

Adolescence isn't about relationships, its about dating. Its suppose to be relaxed, and fun. Isn't that what being a teenager is all about?

Teen Quotes: "I found I could only glance at him for tiny moments and then I had to look away. He was perfect enough to hurt my feelings for a long time, and I wanted to let him."

I found I could only glance at him for tiny moments and then I had to look away. He was perfect enough to hurt my feelings for a long time, and I wanted to let him.

Teen Quotes: "Then let me be your mercy, ” he said. “I’ll never be able to give you smart answers about why we suffer, but I can come into your world and try to be some kind of help to you."

Then let me be your mercy, ” he said. “I’ll never be able to give you smart answers about why we suffer, but I can come into your world and try to be some kind of help to you.

Teen Quotes: "Next to the first Henry and Meg, Henry had written, “Promise?” Well, that genie’s out of the bottle and there’s no stuffing her back in."

Next to the first Henry and Meg, Henry had written, “Promise?” Well, that genie’s out of the bottle and there’s no stuffing her back in.