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The Absurd Quotes

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The Absurd Quotes: "Another cause of confusion, and the resulting feelings of nervousness, hurry, and anxiety, is the absurd habit of trying to do many things at one time."

Another cause of confusion, and the resulting feelings of nervousness, hurry, and anxiety, is the absurd habit of trying to do many things at one time.

The Absurd Quotes: "Do not boast because you have beliefs; don't forget that hundreds of absurd beliefs in the history are totally disappeared!"

Do not boast because you have beliefs; don't forget that hundreds of absurd beliefs in the history are totally disappeared!

The Absurd Quotes: "How can a living man be a person who has nothing to lose? This is very absurd! Even a dead man has something to lose: His coffin!"

How can a living man be a person who has nothing to lose? This is very absurd! Even a dead man has something to lose: His coffin!

The Absurd Quotes: "Absurdity isn't quite so absurd as it once was."

Absurdity isn't quite so absurd as it once was.

The Absurd Quotes: "What could be more absurd than the idea that genuine anti-Christian prejudice is a major force in American politics."

What could be more absurd than the idea that genuine anti-Christian prejudice is a major force in American politics.

The Absurd Quotes: "In any case, the idea of giving "all" of reality is overly simple and absurd."

In any case, the idea of giving "all" of reality is overly simple and absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "The demand that poetry be immediately understandable to everyone is truly absurd."

The demand that poetry be immediately understandable to everyone is truly absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "I always feel kind of absurd and presumptuous presenting a speech."

I always feel kind of absurd and presumptuous presenting a speech.

The Absurd Quotes: "So the actual privilege is that you can then take time off - and if you don't, you're a fool. You're earning all this money to support children whom you then don't see, which is absurd."

So the actual privilege is that you can then take time off - and if you don't, you're a fool. You're earning all this money to support children whom you then don't see, which is absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "I think good comedy is a commitment to the absurd in that the situation for the actors should be virtually played like a drama."

I think good comedy is a commitment to the absurd in that the situation for the actors should be virtually played like a drama.

The Absurd Quotes: "Life is much weirder than fiction; nothing's more absurd."

Life is much weirder than fiction; nothing's more absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "I find the world more absurd now than I did when I was a kid."

I find the world more absurd now than I did when I was a kid.

The Absurd Quotes: "There's this absurd situation on a movie set where your trailer's here and the set is here and the lunch tent is here, and you're not allowed to get yourself from these three places."

There's this absurd situation on a movie set where your trailer's here and the set is here and the lunch tent is here, and you're not allowed to get yourself from these three places.

The Absurd Quotes: "It is absurd to say that the age of miracles is past. It has not yet begun."

It is absurd to say that the age of miracles is past. It has not yet begun.

The Absurd Quotes: "It is absurd to say that there are neither ruins nor curiosities in America when they have their mothers and their manners."

It is absurd to say that there are neither ruins nor curiosities in America when they have their mothers and their manners.

The Absurd Quotes: "I'm a national security liberal, which I tell people because it's meant to sound absurd."

I'm a national security liberal, which I tell people because it's meant to sound absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "Sometimes the cultures phobia of religion borders on the absurd."

Sometimes the cultures phobia of religion borders on the absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "There's absolutely no reason for NATO to be sticking its fingers up the nostrils of Russia at every orifice. I mean, it's absurd. It's absolutely absurd."

There's absolutely no reason for NATO to be sticking its fingers up the nostrils of Russia at every orifice. I mean, it's absurd. It's absolutely absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "Life itself is pretty funny when you realize how absurd it can be."

Life itself is pretty funny when you realize how absurd it can be.

The Absurd Quotes: "It's an absurd error to put modern English literature in the curriculum. You should read contemporary literature for pleasure or not at all. You shouldn't be taught to monkey with it."

It's an absurd error to put modern English literature in the curriculum. You should read contemporary literature for pleasure or not at all. You shouldn't be taught to monkey with it.

The Absurd Quotes: "I like to ride the line between absurd and sincere."

I like to ride the line between absurd and sincere.

The Absurd Quotes: "If I can learn a couple of phrases in Italian but do mostly weird, absurd music things, people will like it."

If I can learn a couple of phrases in Italian but do mostly weird, absurd music things, people will like it.

The Absurd Quotes: "When I'm at the piano, and I'm improvising some song about something, it usually oscillates between factual, absurd, and sincere."

When I'm at the piano, and I'm improvising some song about something, it usually oscillates between factual, absurd, and sincere.

The Absurd Quotes: "Nothing can be proposed so wild or so absurd as not to find a party, and often a very large party to espouse it."

Nothing can be proposed so wild or so absurd as not to find a party, and often a very large party to espouse it.

The Absurd Quotes: "America has never paid any attention to other people, so it's absurd for Bush to say that it's all in the best interests of the Iraqi people."

America has never paid any attention to other people, so it's absurd for Bush to say that it's all in the best interests of the Iraqi people.

The Absurd Quotes: "'Tis well averred, A scientific faith's absurd."

'Tis well averred, A scientific faith's absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "My sense of humor tends toward both the dark and the absurd - two great tastes that, in my opinion, taste great together."

My sense of humor tends toward both the dark and the absurd - two great tastes that, in my opinion, taste great together.

The Absurd Quotes: "I love the absurd - kind of absurdist comedy, absurd things in life."

I love the absurd - kind of absurdist comedy, absurd things in life.

The Absurd Quotes: "I know it's absurd, but they're out saying so, and Hillary [Clinton] makes a big, big deal about climate change."

I know it's absurd, but they're out saying so, and Hillary [Clinton] makes a big, big deal about climate change.

The Absurd Quotes: "It is preposterous to believe that the Russians had any effect on the outcome of voting in America. It's absurd. There is no evidence."

It is preposterous to believe that the Russians had any effect on the outcome of voting in America. It's absurd. There is no evidence.

The Absurd Quotes: "It is sweet to surve one country by deeds, and it is not absurd to surve her by words."

It is sweet to surve one country by deeds, and it is not absurd to surve her by words.

The Absurd Quotes: "When I write, I create really absurd situations which become false because I am after the joke."

When I write, I create really absurd situations which become false because I am after the joke.

The Absurd Quotes: "To live the practical aspect of life as part of our schooling is formidable, but to adopt living it as our ultimate goal is absurd."

To live the practical aspect of life as part of our schooling is formidable, but to adopt living it as our ultimate goal is absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "It is absurd to go away from the world while searching the Truth because it is in the world and inside the man here and now."

It is absurd to go away from the world while searching the Truth because it is in the world and inside the man here and now.

The Absurd Quotes: "The present system of taking oaths is horrible. It is awfully absurd to make a man invoke God's wrath upon himself, if he speaks false; it is, in my judgment, a sin to do so."

The present system of taking oaths is horrible. It is awfully absurd to make a man invoke God's wrath upon himself, if he speaks false; it is, in my judgment, a sin to do so.

The Absurd Quotes: "No veep character is as absurd as Donald Trump."

No veep character is as absurd as Donald Trump.

The Absurd Quotes: "If a song is funny and absurd, and it sounds great, it's just going to be that much funnier. And there's no better example of that than 'Monty Python.'"

If a song is funny and absurd, and it sounds great, it's just going to be that much funnier. And there's no better example of that than 'Monty Python.'

The Absurd Quotes: "I had/have a habit of sending books out before they're ready. And then I edit with almost absurd intensity. But I've done about a book a year."

I had/have a habit of sending books out before they're ready. And then I edit with almost absurd intensity. But I've done about a book a year.

The Absurd Quotes: "In some ways it is absurd for me to assert, counter to evidence, that I have not been writing."

In some ways it is absurd for me to assert, counter to evidence, that I have not been writing.

The Absurd Quotes: "I like things to be a little bit absurd. But I don't really like playing covers."

I like things to be a little bit absurd. But I don't really like playing covers.

The Absurd Quotes: "Then she made up her mind.It was absurd to pretend that he did not exist.It no longer hurt her to see him. She opened the door wide and let him into her life again."

Then she made up her mind.It was absurd to pretend that he did not exist.It no longer hurt her to see him. She opened the door wide and let him into her life again.

The Absurd Quotes: "There is such an overvaluation of technology stocks that it is absurd. I would include our stock in that category. It is bad for the long-term worth of the economy."

There is such an overvaluation of technology stocks that it is absurd. I would include our stock in that category. It is bad for the long-term worth of the economy.

The Absurd Quotes: "Madonna reinforces everything absurd and offensive. Desperate womanhood. Madonna is closer to organized prostitution than anything else."

Madonna reinforces everything absurd and offensive. Desperate womanhood. Madonna is closer to organized prostitution than anything else.

The Absurd Quotes: "How absurd to take the credit of doing the good act on oneself and lay the blame for the evil act on the Lord!"

How absurd to take the credit of doing the good act on oneself and lay the blame for the evil act on the Lord!

The Absurd Quotes: "It is false to believe that the sun revolves around the earth, but it is not absurd."

It is false to believe that the sun revolves around the earth, but it is not absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "There are countries in which it would be as absurd to establish popular governments as to abolish all the restraints in a school or to unite all the strait-waistcoats in a madhouse."

There are countries in which it would be as absurd to establish popular governments as to abolish all the restraints in a school or to unite all the strait-waistcoats in a madhouse.

The Absurd Quotes: "And when you cannot prove that people are wrong, but only that they are absurd, the best course is to let them alone."

And when you cannot prove that people are wrong, but only that they are absurd, the best course is to let them alone.

The Absurd Quotes: "In the world of 'Tim and Eric,' everything is big and ridiculous and absurd."

In the world of 'Tim and Eric,' everything is big and ridiculous and absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "It is absurd to say in respect of any intelligence that it is infallible, but if you ask me what I believe, I believe the intelligence was correct, and I think in the end we will have an explanation."

It is absurd to say in respect of any intelligence that it is infallible, but if you ask me what I believe, I believe the intelligence was correct, and I think in the end we will have an explanation.