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The Absurd Quotes

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The Absurd Quotes: "To wage a war for a purely moral reason is as absurd as to ravish a woman for a purely moral reason"

To wage a war for a purely moral reason is as absurd as to ravish a woman for a purely moral reason

The Absurd Quotes: "The statements of certain western officials show that contrary to their absurd claims, westerners are disqualified, and impetuous, lacking any cultural background."

The statements of certain western officials show that contrary to their absurd claims, westerners are disqualified, and impetuous, lacking any cultural background.

The Absurd Quotes: "Life might just be an absurd, even crude, chain of events and nothing more."

Life might just be an absurd, even crude, chain of events and nothing more.

The Absurd Quotes: "To know only artificial night is as absurd and evil as to know only artificial day."

To know only artificial night is as absurd and evil as to know only artificial day.

The Absurd Quotes: "Unextinguished laughter shakes the skies."

Unextinguished laughter shakes the skies.

The Absurd Quotes: "What an absurd amount of energy I have been wasting all my life trying to find out how things 'really are', when all the time they weren't."

What an absurd amount of energy I have been wasting all my life trying to find out how things 'really are', when all the time they weren't.

The Absurd Quotes: "The more absurd life is, the more insupportable death is."

The more absurd life is, the more insupportable death is.

The Absurd Quotes: "Absurd, irreducible; nothing--not even a profound and secret delirium of nature--could explain [a tree root]."

Absurd, irreducible; nothing--not even a profound and secret delirium of nature--could explain [a tree root].

The Absurd Quotes: "I like being absurd. Being silly."

I like being absurd. Being silly.

The Absurd Quotes: "English plays, Atrocious in content, Absurd in form, Objectionable in action, Execrable EnglishTheatre."

English plays, Atrocious in content, Absurd in form, Objectionable in action, Execrable EnglishTheatre.

The Absurd Quotes: "The way I portrayed the people is accurate. Because they're human beings and we have a kind of wonderful capacity to be absurd and ridiculous."

The way I portrayed the people is accurate. Because they're human beings and we have a kind of wonderful capacity to be absurd and ridiculous.

The Absurd Quotes: "I have advocated postal reform for many years. The parliament said it was an absurd argument. The people have said it was the right thing."

I have advocated postal reform for many years. The parliament said it was an absurd argument. The people have said it was the right thing.

The Absurd Quotes: "The avarice of the old: it's absurd to increase one's luggage as one nears the journey's end."

The avarice of the old: it's absurd to increase one's luggage as one nears the journey's end.

The Absurd Quotes: "Today's child is growing up absurd, because he lives in two worlds, and neither of them inclines him to grow up. Growing up--thatis our new work, and it is total. Mere instruction will not suffice."

Today's child is growing up absurd, because he lives in two worlds, and neither of them inclines him to grow up. Growing up--thatis our new work, and it is total. Mere instruction will not suffice.

The Absurd Quotes: "Killing for ideas is the most dangerous form of killing at all. Being willing to die for your ideas rather than your country is another concept, but dying for an idea, like in religion, is absurd."

Killing for ideas is the most dangerous form of killing at all. Being willing to die for your ideas rather than your country is another concept, but dying for an idea, like in religion, is absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "The idea that high wages equals low employment, it's absurd."

The idea that high wages equals low employment, it's absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "It's absurd for anybody to look around and hear the acts and artists who cite us as an inspiration, and then tell me that we're not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."

It's absurd for anybody to look around and hear the acts and artists who cite us as an inspiration, and then tell me that we're not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

The Absurd Quotes: "Quality without science and research is absurd. You can't make inferences that something works when you have 60 percent missing data."

Quality without science and research is absurd. You can't make inferences that something works when you have 60 percent missing data.

The Absurd Quotes: "There is nothing so absurd or ridiculous that has not at some time been said by some philosopher."

There is nothing so absurd or ridiculous that has not at some time been said by some philosopher.

The Absurd Quotes: "However absurd it may seem, I do in all seriousness hereby declare that I am animated mainly by philanthropic motives. I desire to do good to my fellow creatures, even to the Cui bonos."

However absurd it may seem, I do in all seriousness hereby declare that I am animated mainly by philanthropic motives. I desire to do good to my fellow creatures, even to the Cui bonos.

The Absurd Quotes: "Human vanity cherishes the absurd notion that our species is the final goal of evolution."

Human vanity cherishes the absurd notion that our species is the final goal of evolution.

The Absurd Quotes: "I felt puny and absurd, a ludicrous midget. Easy enough to talk of soul and spirit and existential worth, but not when you're three feet tall."

I felt puny and absurd, a ludicrous midget. Easy enough to talk of soul and spirit and existential worth, but not when you're three feet tall.

The Absurd Quotes: "And I have written three books on the soul, Proving absurd all written hitherto, And putting us to ignorance again."

And I have written three books on the soul, Proving absurd all written hitherto, And putting us to ignorance again.

The Absurd Quotes: "Twere too absurd to slight For the hereafter the todays delight!"

Twere too absurd to slight For the hereafter the todays delight!

The Absurd Quotes: "My objection to Christianity is that it is infinitely cruel, infinitely selfish, and, I might add, infinitely absurd."

My objection to Christianity is that it is infinitely cruel, infinitely selfish, and, I might add, infinitely absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "It was an absurd theory that by cutting taxes you would increase government revenues, because the growth of the economy would create an overflow of taxes that would fall into the government coffers."

It was an absurd theory that by cutting taxes you would increase government revenues, because the growth of the economy would create an overflow of taxes that would fall into the government coffers.

The Absurd Quotes: "...as absurd and dishonest as claiming that the trouble with computer games is that they stop people watching television."

...as absurd and dishonest as claiming that the trouble with computer games is that they stop people watching television.

The Absurd Quotes: "In my banjo show with the Steep Canyon Rangers, I do do comedy during that show. It'd be absurd just to stand there mute and play 25 banjo songs."

In my banjo show with the Steep Canyon Rangers, I do do comedy during that show. It'd be absurd just to stand there mute and play 25 banjo songs.

The Absurd Quotes: "It is to believed because it is absurd."

It is to believed because it is absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "There is something absurd in supposing a continent to be perpetually governed by an island."

There is something absurd in supposing a continent to be perpetually governed by an island.

The Absurd Quotes: "Ridicule often checks what is absurd, and fully as often smothers that which is noble."

Ridicule often checks what is absurd, and fully as often smothers that which is noble.

The Absurd Quotes: "Should the poor be flattered? No; let the candied tongue lick absurd pomp, and crook the pregnant hinges of the knee where thrift may follow fawning."

Should the poor be flattered? No; let the candied tongue lick absurd pomp, and crook the pregnant hinges of the knee where thrift may follow fawning.

The Absurd Quotes: "If nothing had any meaning, you would be right. But there is something that still has a meaning."

If nothing had any meaning, you would be right. But there is something that still has a meaning.

The Absurd Quotes: "I draw from the Absurd three consequences: my revolt, my liberty, my passion."

I draw from the Absurd three consequences: my revolt, my liberty, my passion.

The Absurd Quotes: "Virtual representation is so absurd as to not deserve an answer. I therefore pass it over with contempt."

Virtual representation is so absurd as to not deserve an answer. I therefore pass it over with contempt.

The Absurd Quotes: "To me the world seems grotesque, absurd, ridiculous, painful."

To me the world seems grotesque, absurd, ridiculous, painful.

The Absurd Quotes: "This idea that people have to love and understand each other is absurd. It's not human nature."

This idea that people have to love and understand each other is absurd. It's not human nature.

The Absurd Quotes: "The theist must present an intelligible description of god. Until he does so, god makes no more sense than unie; both are cognitively empty, and any attempt at proof is logically absurd."

The theist must present an intelligible description of god. Until he does so, god makes no more sense than unie; both are cognitively empty, and any attempt at proof is logically absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "When somebody asks, 'Whats the answer to all of these questions?' that's absurd. There is no answer, there are answers, along the way."

When somebody asks, 'Whats the answer to all of these questions?' that's absurd. There is no answer, there are answers, along the way.

The Absurd Quotes: "What is absurd is not the teachings of the founders of religion, it's what followers subsequently make of it."

What is absurd is not the teachings of the founders of religion, it's what followers subsequently make of it.

The Absurd Quotes: "If it's comedy, you taken an absurd comedic notion and you apply it to reality. If it's horror, if it's a thriller, you do the same thing."

If it's comedy, you taken an absurd comedic notion and you apply it to reality. If it's horror, if it's a thriller, you do the same thing.

The Absurd Quotes: "Anything that is absurd I see as a Coen brothers' influence! The Coen brothers are my favorite people period."

Anything that is absurd I see as a Coen brothers' influence! The Coen brothers are my favorite people period.

The Absurd Quotes: "Privatization of the postal system has long been characterized as absurd, but I have always said it is only logical."

Privatization of the postal system has long been characterized as absurd, but I have always said it is only logical.

The Absurd Quotes: "Positiveness is a most absurd foible. If you are in the right, it lessens your triumph; if in the wrong, it adds shame to your defeat."

Positiveness is a most absurd foible. If you are in the right, it lessens your triumph; if in the wrong, it adds shame to your defeat.

The Absurd Quotes: "Ladies playing cricket? Absurd. Just like a man trying to knit"

Ladies playing cricket? Absurd. Just like a man trying to knit

The Absurd Quotes: "I am an absurd idealist. But I believe that all that must come true. For, unless it comes true, the world will be laid desolate. And I believe that it can come true."

I am an absurd idealist. But I believe that all that must come true. For, unless it comes true, the world will be laid desolate. And I believe that it can come true.

The Absurd Quotes: "Donald Trump has gone from making absurd comments to being downright dangerous with his bombastic rhetoric."

Donald Trump has gone from making absurd comments to being downright dangerous with his bombastic rhetoric.

The Absurd Quotes: "The ingenious slogan that the public debt does not matter because 'we owe it to ourselves' is clearly absurd."

The ingenious slogan that the public debt does not matter because 'we owe it to ourselves' is clearly absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "The kingdom that Jesus preached and lived was all about a glorious, uproarious, absurd generosity."

The kingdom that Jesus preached and lived was all about a glorious, uproarious, absurd generosity.