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The Absurd Quotes

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The Absurd Quotes: "Good food is a celebration of life, and it seems absurd to me that in celebrating life we should take life. That is why I don't eat flesh. I see no need for killing."

Good food is a celebration of life, and it seems absurd to me that in celebrating life we should take life. That is why I don't eat flesh. I see no need for killing.

The Absurd Quotes: "If you lust after someone and have an absurd and overwhelming need to protect them, then the best way to deal with the situation is to marry the person."

If you lust after someone and have an absurd and overwhelming need to protect them, then the best way to deal with the situation is to marry the person.

The Absurd Quotes: "Never yet has a God been defined in terms which were not palpably self-contradictory and absurd; never yet has a God been described so that a concept of Him was made possible to human thought."

Never yet has a God been defined in terms which were not palpably self-contradictory and absurd; never yet has a God been described so that a concept of Him was made possible to human thought.

The Absurd Quotes: "The wit, wisdom and insights of a different person are often unpalatable, weird and absurd to the senses of many ordinary people."

The wit, wisdom and insights of a different person are often unpalatable, weird and absurd to the senses of many ordinary people.

The Absurd Quotes: "Our plans are small and somewhat absurd."

Our plans are small and somewhat absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "There is nothing so absurd as knowledge spun too fine."

There is nothing so absurd as knowledge spun too fine.

The Absurd Quotes: "Award shows are fun, but completely arbitrary and absurd. And yet, I will watch every single one of them."

Award shows are fun, but completely arbitrary and absurd. And yet, I will watch every single one of them.

The Absurd Quotes: "It would be absurd for me or any other editor to review the authenticity or accuracy of stories that are nominated for prizes."

It would be absurd for me or any other editor to review the authenticity or accuracy of stories that are nominated for prizes.

The Absurd Quotes: "I think my favourite memory from filming 'Jurassic World' would just be a compilation of me running through the jungle in heels, and just how absurd that really was. That that actually happened."

I think my favourite memory from filming 'Jurassic World' would just be a compilation of me running through the jungle in heels, and just how absurd that really was. That that actually happened.

The Absurd Quotes: "On Being John Malkovich and the cinema of the absurd, I do enjoy it. I wish there were more like it. The very fact that there can't be more like it is one of the reasons it's admirable."

On Being John Malkovich and the cinema of the absurd, I do enjoy it. I wish there were more like it. The very fact that there can't be more like it is one of the reasons it's admirable.

The Absurd Quotes: "It is, after all, absurd that in 2017 women are still at best second-class citizens."

It is, after all, absurd that in 2017 women are still at best second-class citizens.

The Absurd Quotes: "It is absurd to suppose, if this is God's world, that men must always be selfish barbarians."

It is absurd to suppose, if this is God's world, that men must always be selfish barbarians.

The Absurd Quotes: "In particular, it is absurd to hope to banish envy of other people's possessions or fortunes, if only because the spirit of envy can lead to emulation and ambition and have positive consequences."

In particular, it is absurd to hope to banish envy of other people's possessions or fortunes, if only because the spirit of envy can lead to emulation and ambition and have positive consequences.

The Absurd Quotes: "The quality you most admire in a woman? Courage moral and physical: "anima"-the ability to visualize the mind and need of a man. Also a sense of the absurd."

The quality you most admire in a woman? Courage moral and physical: "anima"-the ability to visualize the mind and need of a man. Also a sense of the absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "My dear wife has, I would say, probably never opened a religious book, and seems to be one of those people to whom the whole idea is utterly remote and absurd."

My dear wife has, I would say, probably never opened a religious book, and seems to be one of those people to whom the whole idea is utterly remote and absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "I was a serious kid to an absurd degree. I was overwhelmed with responsibility. You know, trying to play grown up. I overdid it."

I was a serious kid to an absurd degree. I was overwhelmed with responsibility. You know, trying to play grown up. I overdid it.

The Absurd Quotes: "Forks are absurd, he scoffed. They insult your food. They make it think you're killing it twice."

Forks are absurd, he scoffed. They insult your food. They make it think you're killing it twice.

The Absurd Quotes: "We must keep our freedom of mind, ... and must believe that in nature what is absurd, according to our theories, is not always impossible."

We must keep our freedom of mind, ... and must believe that in nature what is absurd, according to our theories, is not always impossible.

The Absurd Quotes: "There's something very sinister about a woman who is predatory but has an absurd voice working as a disservice to her."

There's something very sinister about a woman who is predatory but has an absurd voice working as a disservice to her.

The Absurd Quotes: "Lovemaking seems all too absurd when described."

Lovemaking seems all too absurd when described.

The Absurd Quotes: "I had this idea about terrible things happening to orphans, and I knew it was such a horrible idea that the idea of writing it down and then submitting it professionally was obviously absurd."

I had this idea about terrible things happening to orphans, and I knew it was such a horrible idea that the idea of writing it down and then submitting it professionally was obviously absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "People write a lot of similar material. That's why I try to come up with the most absurd jokes."

People write a lot of similar material. That's why I try to come up with the most absurd jokes.

The Absurd Quotes: "I got to play with ZZ Top and introduce Bryan Adams and George Michael. And to have it all topped off by me winning 'American Idol?!' It's pretty absurd."

I got to play with ZZ Top and introduce Bryan Adams and George Michael. And to have it all topped off by me winning 'American Idol?!' It's pretty absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "I think certain people would be moved to be nostalgic about America's glory days, when the music set the tone for the cultural conversation and popular musicians had this absurd level of authority."

I think certain people would be moved to be nostalgic about America's glory days, when the music set the tone for the cultural conversation and popular musicians had this absurd level of authority.

The Absurd Quotes: "It's absurd that we're so quick to criticize Muslims for being fundamentalist when Christians can be just as extreme and fanatical and frightening."

It's absurd that we're so quick to criticize Muslims for being fundamentalist when Christians can be just as extreme and fanatical and frightening.

The Absurd Quotes: "Science fiction has always had a dark side. There has been a touch of the irrational and absurd in the genre from the very beginning."

Science fiction has always had a dark side. There has been a touch of the irrational and absurd in the genre from the very beginning.

The Absurd Quotes: "I have no clue what a 'hottie' is. To think of myself in those terms is absurd."

I have no clue what a 'hottie' is. To think of myself in those terms is absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "In certain extreme cases, medication may be necessary. But it is given far too often, too easily, and too readily. Millions of children already are on tranquilizers, for example, and that is absurd."

In certain extreme cases, medication may be necessary. But it is given far too often, too easily, and too readily. Millions of children already are on tranquilizers, for example, and that is absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "All his leisure clothes were absurd - jokes, really - as though leisure itself had to be ridiculed."

All his leisure clothes were absurd - jokes, really - as though leisure itself had to be ridiculed.

The Absurd Quotes: "The absurd vanity of metaphysicians who like to imagine that they create the world by thinking about it."

The absurd vanity of metaphysicians who like to imagine that they create the world by thinking about it.

The Absurd Quotes: "When you know to laugh and when to look upon things as too absurd to take seriously, the other person is ashamed to carry through even if he was serious about it."

When you know to laugh and when to look upon things as too absurd to take seriously, the other person is ashamed to carry through even if he was serious about it.

The Absurd Quotes: "How absurd that our students tuck their cell phones, BlackBerrys, iPads, and iPods into their backpacks when they enter a classroom and pull out a tattered textbook."

How absurd that our students tuck their cell phones, BlackBerrys, iPads, and iPods into their backpacks when they enter a classroom and pull out a tattered textbook.

The Absurd Quotes: "[The people that worked on The Simpsons] just had good taste. They knew how to execute absurd jokes."

[The people that worked on The Simpsons] just had good taste. They knew how to execute absurd jokes.

The Absurd Quotes: "Today I suddenly experienced an absurd but quite valid sensation. I realized, in an intimate lightning flash, that I am no one. No one, absolutely no one."

Today I suddenly experienced an absurd but quite valid sensation. I realized, in an intimate lightning flash, that I am no one. No one, absolutely no one.

The Absurd Quotes: "Only sterility is noble and dignified. Only killing what never was is elevated and perverse and absurd."

Only sterility is noble and dignified. Only killing what never was is elevated and perverse and absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "I never was but an isolated bon vivant, which is absurd; or a mystic bon vivant, which is an impossible thing."

I never was but an isolated bon vivant, which is absurd; or a mystic bon vivant, which is an impossible thing.

The Absurd Quotes: "Having members of the Bush administration actually sit down and discuss counter terrorism with the very countries that support terrorists is absurd."

Having members of the Bush administration actually sit down and discuss counter terrorism with the very countries that support terrorists is absurd.

The Absurd Quotes: "I find it ironic to read stories about myself which have never occurred and are simply so absurd that they are comical. At other times, it is very painful to be so misinterpreted and vilified."

I find it ironic to read stories about myself which have never occurred and are simply so absurd that they are comical. At other times, it is very painful to be so misinterpreted and vilified.

The Absurd Quotes: "People think they can tame the earth. How absurd! The vanity of human wishes is endless. It is more fun to dance with life."

People think they can tame the earth. How absurd! The vanity of human wishes is endless. It is more fun to dance with life.

The Absurd Quotes: "A real liberated teacher never asks for a commitment from a student. That's absurd, a person wants to be there and they want to learn everything they can."

A real liberated teacher never asks for a commitment from a student. That's absurd, a person wants to be there and they want to learn everything they can.

The Absurd Quotes: "There's this absurd innate need in most men to feel that they're more powerful than women are, which is ridiculous."

There's this absurd innate need in most men to feel that they're more powerful than women are, which is ridiculous.

The Absurd Quotes: "The absurd is only too necessary on earth. The world stands on absurdities."

The absurd is only too necessary on earth. The world stands on absurdities.

The Absurd Quotes: "One is always willfully absurd.... If one does not say silly things with a purpose, then he is merely an idiot."

One is always willfully absurd.... If one does not say silly things with a purpose, then he is merely an idiot.

The Absurd Quotes: "I know how absurd things can get. I've had years where I've had questionable things going on in my life."

I know how absurd things can get. I've had years where I've had questionable things going on in my life.

The Absurd Quotes: "Absolute honesty is as absurd an abstraction as an absolute temperature or an absolute value."

Absolute honesty is as absurd an abstraction as an absolute temperature or an absolute value.

The Absurd Quotes: "It's absurd to warme one in his armour."

It's absurd to warme one in his armour.

The Absurd Quotes: "In the best farce today we start with some absurd premise as to character or situation, but if the premises be once granted we move logically enough to the ending."

In the best farce today we start with some absurd premise as to character or situation, but if the premises be once granted we move logically enough to the ending.

The Absurd Quotes: "Have a care how you speak to me, Imp. Doubtless he meant to sound threatening, but that absurd wisp of a mustache ruined the effect."

Have a care how you speak to me, Imp. Doubtless he meant to sound threatening, but that absurd wisp of a mustache ruined the effect.

The Absurd Quotes: "The truth is, for some absurd reason, no one is willing to admit that the interests of the producers and the theater owners are not the same."

The truth is, for some absurd reason, no one is willing to admit that the interests of the producers and the theater owners are not the same.