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The Church Quotes

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The Church Quotes: "The Christians were the first to make the existence of Satan a dogma of the church. What is the use in a Pope if there is no Devil ?"

The Christians were the first to make the existence of Satan a dogma of the church. What is the use in a Pope if there is no Devil ?

The Church Quotes: "Christ and The Church: If he were to apply for a divorce on the grounds of cruelty, adultery and desertion, he would probably get one."

Christ and The Church: If he were to apply for a divorce on the grounds of cruelty, adultery and desertion, he would probably get one.

The Church Quotes: "I have a friend who lives in the South Side of Chicago. I helped out at a church charity there where they try to give a bit of cohesion to a desperate area. Everyone was very welcoming"

I have a friend who lives in the South Side of Chicago. I helped out at a church charity there where they try to give a bit of cohesion to a desperate area. Everyone was very welcoming

The Church Quotes: "I think there is tribalism is a big deal inside of the church, that the church thinks of themselves as a tribe and not a mission."

I think there is tribalism is a big deal inside of the church, that the church thinks of themselves as a tribe and not a mission.

The Church Quotes: "Do not let your deeds belie your words, lest when you speak in church someone may say to himself, "Why do you not practice what you preach?"

Do not let your deeds belie your words, lest when you speak in church someone may say to himself, "Why do you not practice what you preach?

The Church Quotes: "I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."

I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.

The Church Quotes: "People have experiences in art museums today that they used to have in church."

People have experiences in art museums today that they used to have in church.

The Church Quotes: "The faith of the church must be tried by God's word, and not God's word by the church; neither yet my faith."

The faith of the church must be tried by God's word, and not God's word by the church; neither yet my faith.

The Church Quotes: "Revival precedes evangelism. The church must first repent. This is the blind spot in our eye today."

Revival precedes evangelism. The church must first repent. This is the blind spot in our eye today.

The Church Quotes: "God's church is not a stage for us to perform on but a garden for us to grow in."

God's church is not a stage for us to perform on but a garden for us to grow in.

The Church Quotes: "The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men."

The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men.

The Church Quotes: "Even in earliest youth my fondest desire was to understand Nature, and thus to come closer to the truth; a truth that I was unable to discover either at school or in church."

Even in earliest youth my fondest desire was to understand Nature, and thus to come closer to the truth; a truth that I was unable to discover either at school or in church.

The Church Quotes: "Every church needs to grow warmer through fellowship, deeper through discipleship, stronger through through worship, and larger through evangelism."

Every church needs to grow warmer through fellowship, deeper through discipleship, stronger through through worship, and larger through evangelism.

The Church Quotes: "Proclaiming the gospel to a lost world cannot be just another activity to add to the church's crowded agenda. It must be central to who we are. It forms our identity."

Proclaiming the gospel to a lost world cannot be just another activity to add to the church's crowded agenda. It must be central to who we are. It forms our identity.

The Church Quotes: "The church must be reminded that it is not the master, or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state."

The church must be reminded that it is not the master, or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state.

The Church Quotes: "If the church is to be missionary, she must be spiritual; and if the church is to be spiritual, she must be missionary."

If the church is to be missionary, she must be spiritual; and if the church is to be spiritual, she must be missionary.

The Church Quotes: "I don't think God cares if you are rich or poor. God loves you anyway. But if you want to be rich, then choose your church & preacher carefully."

I don't think God cares if you are rich or poor. God loves you anyway. But if you want to be rich, then choose your church & preacher carefully.

The Church Quotes: "Prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the church; it is a goodly Christian weapon."

Prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the church; it is a goodly Christian weapon.

The Church Quotes: "Church hoppers are like wandering dogs. If they are not regularly patted on the head, they will go elsewhere until they are."

Church hoppers are like wandering dogs. If they are not regularly patted on the head, they will go elsewhere until they are.

The Church Quotes: "The election of John F Kennedy will lead to the death of a free church and a free state."

The election of John F Kennedy will lead to the death of a free church and a free state.

The Church Quotes: "And a third thing is the understanding of the Church as a community, a communion which is just a hierarchy but the people of God, whose servants are the priests and bishops."

And a third thing is the understanding of the Church as a community, a communion which is just a hierarchy but the people of God, whose servants are the priests and bishops.

The Church Quotes: "The Church knew what the psalmist knew: Music praises God. Music is well or better able to praise him than the building of the church and all its decoration; it is the Church's greatest ornament."

The Church knew what the psalmist knew: Music praises God. Music is well or better able to praise him than the building of the church and all its decoration; it is the Church's greatest ornament.

The Church Quotes: "A church that likes power likes prayer."

A church that likes power likes prayer.

The Church Quotes: "Church is a place where you get to practice what it means to be human."

Church is a place where you get to practice what it means to be human.

The Church Quotes: "Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state'... is absolutely essential in a free society."

Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state'... is absolutely essential in a free society.

The Church Quotes: "I believe alot of churches in America are not churches."

I believe alot of churches in America are not churches.

The Church Quotes: "The American Indian was an individualist in religion as in war. He had neither a national army nor an organized church."

The American Indian was an individualist in religion as in war. He had neither a national army nor an organized church.

The Church Quotes: "I read all the speeches of the pope, his commentaries, and if the pope continues this way, I will go back to praying and go back to the church, and I'm not joking."

I read all the speeches of the pope, his commentaries, and if the pope continues this way, I will go back to praying and go back to the church, and I'm not joking.

The Church Quotes: "The Christian marginality of women has its roots in the patriarchal beginnings of the church and in the androcentrism of Christian revelation."

The Christian marginality of women has its roots in the patriarchal beginnings of the church and in the androcentrism of Christian revelation.

The Church Quotes: "The church is not here to meet our needs. We are the church here to meet the needs of the world."

The church is not here to meet our needs. We are the church here to meet the needs of the world.

The Church Quotes: "Women should unite upon a platform of opposition to the teaching and aim of that ever most unscrupulous enemy of freedom--the Church."

Women should unite upon a platform of opposition to the teaching and aim of that ever most unscrupulous enemy of freedom--the Church.

The Church Quotes: "The question of souls is old—we demand our bodies, now. We are tired of promises, god is deaf, and his church is our worst enemy."

The question of souls is old—we demand our bodies, now. We are tired of promises, god is deaf, and his church is our worst enemy.

The Church Quotes: "The church has been planted as a paradise in this world."

The church has been planted as a paradise in this world.

The Church Quotes: "Scientists were rated as great heretics by the church, but they were truly religious men because of their faith in the orderliness of the universe."

Scientists were rated as great heretics by the church, but they were truly religious men because of their faith in the orderliness of the universe.

The Church Quotes: "You can sing the blues in church if you use the words right."

You can sing the blues in church if you use the words right.

The Church Quotes: "The Synod of Bishops has existed for forty years. In that long span of time it has been for all of us a good school for introducing us to the universal dimension of the Church."

The Synod of Bishops has existed for forty years. In that long span of time it has been for all of us a good school for introducing us to the universal dimension of the Church.

The Church Quotes: "Maybe you are the key to revival in your church."

Maybe you are the key to revival in your church.

The Church Quotes: "It's time for a new Reformation in the Church--to call the Church back to the authority of the Word of God, beginning in Genesis."

It's time for a new Reformation in the Church--to call the Church back to the authority of the Word of God, beginning in Genesis.

The Church Quotes: "The very word baptizé, however, signifies to immerse; and it is certain that immersion was the practice of the ancient Church."

The very word baptizé, however, signifies to immerse; and it is certain that immersion was the practice of the ancient Church.

The Church Quotes: "Many come to bring their clothes to church rather than themselves."

Many come to bring their clothes to church rather than themselves.

The Church Quotes: "Unless we members of the Church do all we can to preserve the freedoms we have within the bounds of the laws of God, we will be held accountable."

Unless we members of the Church do all we can to preserve the freedoms we have within the bounds of the laws of God, we will be held accountable.

The Church Quotes: "The public school has become the established church of secular society."

The public school has become the established church of secular society.

The Church Quotes: "The church's or Christian group's methods are as important as its message."

The church's or Christian group's methods are as important as its message.

The Church Quotes: "For bells are the voice of the church; They have tones that touch and search The hearts of young and old."

For bells are the voice of the church; They have tones that touch and search The hearts of young and old.

The Church Quotes: "If I believe in anything, it is in the dark night of the soul. Awe is my religion, and mystery is its church."

If I believe in anything, it is in the dark night of the soul. Awe is my religion, and mystery is its church.

The Church Quotes: "The teaching of the church, theoretically astute, is a lie in practice and a compound of vulgar superstitions and sorcery."

The teaching of the church, theoretically astute, is a lie in practice and a compound of vulgar superstitions and sorcery.

The Church Quotes: "The church doesn't seek apologies and we don't give them."

The church doesn't seek apologies and we don't give them.

The Church Quotes: "Most of us come to the church by a means the church does not allow."

Most of us come to the church by a means the church does not allow.

The Church Quotes: "Nothing can ever pass away from the words of Christ, nor can anything be changed in the doctrine which the Catholic Church received from Christ to guard, protect, and preach."

Nothing can ever pass away from the words of Christ, nor can anything be changed in the doctrine which the Catholic Church received from Christ to guard, protect, and preach.