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The Church Quotes

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The Church Quotes: "A church is in a bad way when it banishes laughter from the sanctuary and leaves it to the cabaret, the nightclub and the toastmasters."

A church is in a bad way when it banishes laughter from the sanctuary and leaves it to the cabaret, the nightclub and the toastmasters.

The Church Quotes: "Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!"

Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!

The Church Quotes: "I have a group of people, about 40, in a local church in Surrey in England, who pray for me regularly."

I have a group of people, about 40, in a local church in Surrey in England, who pray for me regularly.

The Church Quotes: "Eighteen years ago, the Holy Spirit led me to establish a church in the heart of Times Square."

Eighteen years ago, the Holy Spirit led me to establish a church in the heart of Times Square.

The Church Quotes: "I am fifty-two years of age. I am a bishop in the Anglican Church, and a few people might be constrained to say that I was reasonably responsible. In the land of my birth I cannot vote..."

I am fifty-two years of age. I am a bishop in the Anglican Church, and a few people might be constrained to say that I was reasonably responsible. In the land of my birth I cannot vote...

The Church Quotes: "I like the silent church before the service begins, better than any preaching."

I like the silent church before the service begins, better than any preaching.

The Church Quotes: "What if the church should be less concerned with creating saints than creating a world where we do not need saints? A world where people like Mother Teresa and MLK would have nothing to do."

What if the church should be less concerned with creating saints than creating a world where we do not need saints? A world where people like Mother Teresa and MLK would have nothing to do.

The Church Quotes: "Wherever we see the Word of God purely preached and heard, there a church of God exists, even if it swarms with many faults."

Wherever we see the Word of God purely preached and heard, there a church of God exists, even if it swarms with many faults.

The Church Quotes: "When one remembers how the Catholic Church has been governed, and by whom, one realizes that it must have been divinely inspired to have survived at all."

When one remembers how the Catholic Church has been governed, and by whom, one realizes that it must have been divinely inspired to have survived at all.

The Church Quotes: "The church that does not evangelize will fossilize."

The church that does not evangelize will fossilize.

The Church Quotes: "Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell, I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of Hell."

Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell, I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of Hell.

The Church Quotes: "My eyes are wide open to the conflicts within the Church, but I don't think you can call it schism."

My eyes are wide open to the conflicts within the Church, but I don't think you can call it schism.

The Church Quotes: "The mission of the church is missions."

The mission of the church is missions.

The Church Quotes: "I take the kids to church and Sunday school. They love it. I really think it's important for a child to feel that there are things that are bigger than your life out there."

I take the kids to church and Sunday school. They love it. I really think it's important for a child to feel that there are things that are bigger than your life out there.

The Church Quotes: "I ground my faith upon God's word, and not upon the church."

I ground my faith upon God's word, and not upon the church.

The Church Quotes: "If America is ever going to be saved, it will be through a church flowing both in the message of the cross and the miracle of the resurrection."

If America is ever going to be saved, it will be through a church flowing both in the message of the cross and the miracle of the resurrection.

The Church Quotes: "The Church is not an enforcer of rules, but an outpost of grace"

The Church is not an enforcer of rules, but an outpost of grace

The Church Quotes: "Evangelism and the local church are inseparable. It's like the Good Samaritan seeking an inn for the one he rescued."

Evangelism and the local church are inseparable. It's like the Good Samaritan seeking an inn for the one he rescued.

The Church Quotes: "The church is a place where we make our prejudice sacred."

The church is a place where we make our prejudice sacred.

The Church Quotes: "I looked for the church and I found it in the world; I looked for the world and I found it in the church."

I looked for the church and I found it in the world; I looked for the world and I found it in the church.

The Church Quotes: "The viewers must come to understand the sacredness of painting, so they will remove their hats as if they were in church."

The viewers must come to understand the sacredness of painting, so they will remove their hats as if they were in church.

The Church Quotes: "Do what your momma tells you to do, go to sunday school, go to church, and when you die, you'll go to Statesboro."

Do what your momma tells you to do, go to sunday school, go to church, and when you die, you'll go to Statesboro.

The Church Quotes: "A cold, self-righteous prig who goes regularly to church may be far nearer to Hell than a prostitute."

A cold, self-righteous prig who goes regularly to church may be far nearer to Hell than a prostitute.

The Church Quotes: "It's not enough to attend church and pray every Sunday; you have to act."

It's not enough to attend church and pray every Sunday; you have to act.

The Church Quotes: "You need to be in a church where the pastors are urging you, not so much to listen to what they say as to turn to the Bible from which they teach."

You need to be in a church where the pastors are urging you, not so much to listen to what they say as to turn to the Bible from which they teach.

The Church Quotes: "In some churches today and on some religious television programs, we see the attempt to make Christianity popular and pleasant. We have taken the cross away and substituted cushions."

In some churches today and on some religious television programs, we see the attempt to make Christianity popular and pleasant. We have taken the cross away and substituted cushions.

The Church Quotes: "I would say that social work began in my mind in the Unitarian Church when I was ten or twelve years old, and I started to do things that I thought would help other people."

I would say that social work began in my mind in the Unitarian Church when I was ten or twelve years old, and I started to do things that I thought would help other people.

The Church Quotes: "The history of the Church of Rome is a constant leakage of members into such breakaway cults, which go on splitting."

The history of the Church of Rome is a constant leakage of members into such breakaway cults, which go on splitting.

The Church Quotes: "Friend, the church finds its life as it listens to the Word of God. It finds its purpose as it lives out and displays the Word of God. The church’s job is to listen and then to echo."

Friend, the church finds its life as it listens to the Word of God. It finds its purpose as it lives out and displays the Word of God. The church’s job is to listen and then to echo.

The Church Quotes: "Churches become poor if they become rich and care not for the poor."

Churches become poor if they become rich and care not for the poor.

The Church Quotes: "Satanists are encouraged to indulge in the seven deadly sins, as they need hurt no one; they were only invented by the Christian Church to insure guilt on the part of its followers."

Satanists are encouraged to indulge in the seven deadly sins, as they need hurt no one; they were only invented by the Christian Church to insure guilt on the part of its followers.

The Church Quotes: "I was raised by the Christian Brothers, who believe in that, fortunately. They were, to me, the most rebellious arm of the Catholic Church - and one of the most liberal and forward thinking."

I was raised by the Christian Brothers, who believe in that, fortunately. They were, to me, the most rebellious arm of the Catholic Church - and one of the most liberal and forward thinking.

The Church Quotes: "You may invite the entire 35th Division to your wedding if you want to. I guess it's going to be yours as well as mine. We might as well have the church full while we are at it."

You may invite the entire 35th Division to your wedding if you want to. I guess it's going to be yours as well as mine. We might as well have the church full while we are at it.

The Church Quotes: "Baseball is like church. Many attend few understand."

Baseball is like church. Many attend few understand.

The Church Quotes: "Because we believe that somewhere in the nest of paradigms contained in the phrase "missional church" lies nothing less that the future viability of Western Christianity."

Because we believe that somewhere in the nest of paradigms contained in the phrase "missional church" lies nothing less that the future viability of Western Christianity.

The Church Quotes: "God is present in everything. In the universe in creation, in me and all that happens to me, in my brothers and sisters, in the church - everywhere."

God is present in everything. In the universe in creation, in me and all that happens to me, in my brothers and sisters, in the church - everywhere.

The Church Quotes: "I hate how hard spiritual transformation is and how long it takes. I hate thinking about how many people have gone to church for decades and remain joyless or judgmental or bitter or superior."

I hate how hard spiritual transformation is and how long it takes. I hate thinking about how many people have gone to church for decades and remain joyless or judgmental or bitter or superior.

The Church Quotes: "Humanity is not a church made of stone, in which vault after vault lies open."

Humanity is not a church made of stone, in which vault after vault lies open.

The Church Quotes: "On the ordination of women, the church has spoken and said no. John Paul II, in a definitive formulation said that door is closed."

On the ordination of women, the church has spoken and said no. John Paul II, in a definitive formulation said that door is closed.

The Church Quotes: "The Foxy character and Inga Marchand are two different people. My fiance calls me Inga. No one around me calls me Foxy. I go to church every Sunday. I go to Bible study every Friday night. I'm saved."

The Foxy character and Inga Marchand are two different people. My fiance calls me Inga. No one around me calls me Foxy. I go to church every Sunday. I go to Bible study every Friday night. I'm saved.

The Church Quotes: "The church is not meant to call men and women out of the world into a safe religious enclave but to call them out in order to send them back as agents of God's kingship."

The church is not meant to call men and women out of the world into a safe religious enclave but to call them out in order to send them back as agents of God's kingship.

The Church Quotes: "As for the depiction of the Catholic church, it's not meant to be a prediction"

As for the depiction of the Catholic church, it's not meant to be a prediction

The Church Quotes: "Someone has said that the marks of a strong church are wet eyes, bent knees, and a broken heart. We'll never be powerful until we let God be God and jealously guard His honor."

Someone has said that the marks of a strong church are wet eyes, bent knees, and a broken heart. We'll never be powerful until we let God be God and jealously guard His honor.

The Church Quotes: "The 'wall of separation between church and state' is a metaphor based on bad history, a metaphor which has proved useless as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and explicitly abandoned."

The 'wall of separation between church and state' is a metaphor based on bad history, a metaphor which has proved useless as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and explicitly abandoned.

The Church Quotes: "The 'means of grace' are such as Bible reading, private prayer, and regularly worshiping God in Church, wherein one hears the Word taught and participates in the Lord's Supper."

The 'means of grace' are such as Bible reading, private prayer, and regularly worshiping God in Church, wherein one hears the Word taught and participates in the Lord's Supper.

The Church Quotes: "We as a church need to decide whether we'll seek the Anointing of God or the God of the Anointing"

We as a church need to decide whether we'll seek the Anointing of God or the God of the Anointing

The Church Quotes: "I am a vicar's daughter and still a practising member of the Church of England."

I am a vicar's daughter and still a practising member of the Church of England.

The Church Quotes: "There is nothing like the local church when the local church is working right."

There is nothing like the local church when the local church is working right.

The Church Quotes: "What the church most needs is not heroes of faith, but faithful followers of Jesus."

What the church most needs is not heroes of faith, but faithful followers of Jesus.