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The Imagination Quotes

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The Imagination Quotes: "When you step further into the story you came to live, not only does the mythic territory open, but the deep self moves and the world of imagination and meaning comes towards you."

When you step further into the story you came to live, not only does the mythic territory open, but the deep self moves and the world of imagination and meaning comes towards you.

The Imagination Quotes: "The scientist needs an artistically creative imagination."

The scientist needs an artistically creative imagination.

The Imagination Quotes: "The imagination is the vehicle of sensibility. Transported by the imagination, we attain life, life itself, which is absolute art."

The imagination is the vehicle of sensibility. Transported by the imagination, we attain life, life itself, which is absolute art.

The Imagination Quotes: "Doubts and mistrust are the mere panic of timid imagination, which the steadfast heart will conquer, and the large mind transcend."

Doubts and mistrust are the mere panic of timid imagination, which the steadfast heart will conquer, and the large mind transcend.

The Imagination Quotes: "Vulgarity begins when imagination succumbs to the explicit"

Vulgarity begins when imagination succumbs to the explicit

The Imagination Quotes: "Imagination is as vital to any advance in science as learning and precision are essential for starting points."

Imagination is as vital to any advance in science as learning and precision are essential for starting points.

The Imagination Quotes: "Ballet's image of perfection is fashioned amid a milieu of wracked bodies, fevered imaginations, Balkan intrigue and sulfurous hatreds where anything is likely, and dancers know it."

Ballet's image of perfection is fashioned amid a milieu of wracked bodies, fevered imaginations, Balkan intrigue and sulfurous hatreds where anything is likely, and dancers know it.

The Imagination Quotes: "The most erotic zone is the imagination."

The most erotic zone is the imagination.

The Imagination Quotes: "Heaven: The Coney Island of the Christian imagination."

Heaven: The Coney Island of the Christian imagination.

The Imagination Quotes: "In all forms of magick, the imagination or image-making faculty is the most important factor"

In all forms of magick, the imagination or image-making faculty is the most important factor

The Imagination Quotes: "The imagination is one of the forces of nature."

The imagination is one of the forces of nature.

The Imagination Quotes: "Certainly I've lived my whole life through my imagination. But the world of imagination is there for all of us--a sense of play, of pretending, of wonder. It's there with us as we live."

Certainly I've lived my whole life through my imagination. But the world of imagination is there for all of us--a sense of play, of pretending, of wonder. It's there with us as we live.

The Imagination Quotes: "Reason is nothing without imagination."

Reason is nothing without imagination.

The Imagination Quotes: "There are a lot of cameramen but not so many photographers. And a lot of cameramen attack from a technical approach without much imagination. They look, but they don't see."

There are a lot of cameramen but not so many photographers. And a lot of cameramen attack from a technical approach without much imagination. They look, but they don't see.

The Imagination Quotes: "Clearly, there has been a lack of imagination about how much can go wrong."

Clearly, there has been a lack of imagination about how much can go wrong.

The Imagination Quotes: "Film recognizes neither time nor space, only the limits of man's imagination"

Film recognizes neither time nor space, only the limits of man's imagination

The Imagination Quotes: "The only limit to your garden is at the boundaries of your imagination."

The only limit to your garden is at the boundaries of your imagination.

The Imagination Quotes: "Architecture is measured against the past, you build in the present, and try to imagine the future."

Architecture is measured against the past, you build in the present, and try to imagine the future.

The Imagination Quotes: "I cannot face with comfort the idea of life without work; work and the free play of the imagination are for me the same thing, I take no pleasure in anything else."

I cannot face with comfort the idea of life without work; work and the free play of the imagination are for me the same thing, I take no pleasure in anything else.

The Imagination Quotes: "Reality leaves a lot to the imagination."

Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.

The Imagination Quotes: "Writing is a job, a talent, but it's also the place to go in your head. It is the imaginary friend you drink your tea with in the afternoon."

Writing is a job, a talent, but it's also the place to go in your head. It is the imaginary friend you drink your tea with in the afternoon.

The Imagination Quotes: "I know it's easy to imagine, But it's easier to just do, See, if you can't do what you imagine, then what is imagination to you?"

I know it's easy to imagine, But it's easier to just do, See, if you can't do what you imagine, then what is imagination to you?

The Imagination Quotes: "Our imagination is struck only by what is great; but the lover of natural philosophy should reflect equally on little things."

Our imagination is struck only by what is great; but the lover of natural philosophy should reflect equally on little things.

The Imagination Quotes: "Having imagination, it takes you an hour to write a paragraph that, if you were unimaginative, would take you only a minute. Or you might not write the paragraph at all."

Having imagination, it takes you an hour to write a paragraph that, if you were unimaginative, would take you only a minute. Or you might not write the paragraph at all.

The Imagination Quotes: "As children, we all live in a world of imagination, of fantasy, and for some of us that world of make-believe continues into adulthood."

As children, we all live in a world of imagination, of fantasy, and for some of us that world of make-believe continues into adulthood.

The Imagination Quotes: "Art is ruled uniquely by the imagination."

Art is ruled uniquely by the imagination.

The Imagination Quotes: "When the imagination and will power are in conflict, are antagonistic, it is always the imagination which wins, without any exception."

When the imagination and will power are in conflict, are antagonistic, it is always the imagination which wins, without any exception.

The Imagination Quotes: "It is clear that the pharmaceutical industry is not, by any stretch of the imagination, doing enough to ensure that the poor have access to adequate medical care."

It is clear that the pharmaceutical industry is not, by any stretch of the imagination, doing enough to ensure that the poor have access to adequate medical care.

The Imagination Quotes: "The world, I think, will wait a long time for Nikola Tesla's equal in achievement and imagination."

The world, I think, will wait a long time for Nikola Tesla's equal in achievement and imagination.

The Imagination Quotes: "The Hobbits are just rustic English people, made small in size because it reflects the generally small reach of their imagination - not the small reach of their courage or latent power."

The Hobbits are just rustic English people, made small in size because it reflects the generally small reach of their imagination - not the small reach of their courage or latent power.

The Imagination Quotes: "We have to devise means of making known the facts in such a way as to touch the imagination of the world"

We have to devise means of making known the facts in such a way as to touch the imagination of the world

The Imagination Quotes: "We suffer more in imagination than in reality."

We suffer more in imagination than in reality.

The Imagination Quotes: "Life can be wonderful if you're not afraid of it. All it takes is courage, imagination ... and a little dough"

Life can be wonderful if you're not afraid of it. All it takes is courage, imagination ... and a little dough

The Imagination Quotes: "Imagination is the most powerful force in the universe."

Imagination is the most powerful force in the universe.

The Imagination Quotes: "No amount of skillful invention can replace the essential element of imagination."

No amount of skillful invention can replace the essential element of imagination.

The Imagination Quotes: "Too many simple green salads suffer from a lack of imagination."

Too many simple green salads suffer from a lack of imagination.

The Imagination Quotes: "Imagination makes you see all sorts of things."

Imagination makes you see all sorts of things.

The Imagination Quotes: "What you contemplate, you touch. What you enter into in imagination, you make yourself one with."

What you contemplate, you touch. What you enter into in imagination, you make yourself one with.

The Imagination Quotes: "It is through the imagination that the formless takes form."

It is through the imagination that the formless takes form.

The Imagination Quotes: "At every level the greatest obstacle to transforming the world is that we lack the clarity and imagination to conceive that it could be different"

At every level the greatest obstacle to transforming the world is that we lack the clarity and imagination to conceive that it could be different

The Imagination Quotes: "Suspense is like a woman. The more left to the imagination, the more the excitement."

Suspense is like a woman. The more left to the imagination, the more the excitement.

The Imagination Quotes: "The great majority of the things we now make ourselves panicked about are self-created 'dangers' that exist almost entirely in our own imaginations."

The great majority of the things we now make ourselves panicked about are self-created 'dangers' that exist almost entirely in our own imaginations.

The Imagination Quotes: "Digital imaging allows both groups to rise above the limitations of mess and clutter and mechanics, and apply our talents to creating images limited only by our imaginations."

Digital imaging allows both groups to rise above the limitations of mess and clutter and mechanics, and apply our talents to creating images limited only by our imaginations.

The Imagination Quotes: "When I was on my own in a hotel room in Romania, I had the imagination to keep myself occupied."

When I was on my own in a hotel room in Romania, I had the imagination to keep myself occupied.

The Imagination Quotes: "Politics has always been the art of the possible. Today it's too often the art of the probable - tinkering around the edges without any greater vision, without a sense of optimism and imagination."

Politics has always been the art of the possible. Today it's too often the art of the probable - tinkering around the edges without any greater vision, without a sense of optimism and imagination.

The Imagination Quotes: "Privilege, you see, is one of the great adversaries of the imagination; it spreads a thick layer of adipose tissue over our sensitivity."

Privilege, you see, is one of the great adversaries of the imagination; it spreads a thick layer of adipose tissue over our sensitivity.

The Imagination Quotes: "To enter a theatre for a performance is to be inducted into a magical space, to be ushered into the sacred arena of the imagination."

To enter a theatre for a performance is to be inducted into a magical space, to be ushered into the sacred arena of the imagination.

The Imagination Quotes: "She always wanted to believe in things."

She always wanted to believe in things.

The Imagination Quotes: "The most potent muse of all is our own inner child."

The most potent muse of all is our own inner child.