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The Meaning Of Life Quotes

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The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Some old guy once said that the meaning of life is that it ends."

Some old guy once said that the meaning of life is that it ends.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "The meaning of life has not much to do with good and evil, right and wrong, duty, honor, country, or any of that. It has to do with cutting the right deal."

The meaning of life has not much to do with good and evil, right and wrong, duty, honor, country, or any of that. It has to do with cutting the right deal.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Depression is an illness that robs one of the meaning of life. Heal the illness. As the depression heals, enthusiasm, well-being, and a sense of life's purpose will return."

Depression is an illness that robs one of the meaning of life. Heal the illness. As the depression heals, enthusiasm, well-being, and a sense of life's purpose will return.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Life in itself is so beautiful that to ask the question of the meaning of life is simply nonsense."

Life in itself is so beautiful that to ask the question of the meaning of life is simply nonsense.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "I don't need any more stories. I have enough stories. I need a life."

I don't need any more stories. I have enough stories. I need a life.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "If you knew the meaning of life, would you necessarily like it?"

If you knew the meaning of life, would you necessarily like it?

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "We are likely to feel better when we go to bed tonight if we have an internal sense that we spent our lives meaningfully today."

We are likely to feel better when we go to bed tonight if we have an internal sense that we spent our lives meaningfully today.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "No matter how many times you have failed you must keep going forward. Only when you have become humble will you begin to grasp the meaning of life."

No matter how many times you have failed you must keep going forward. Only when you have become humble will you begin to grasp the meaning of life.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "What is the meaning of life? Life has the meaning that you give it."

What is the meaning of life? Life has the meaning that you give it.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "We are here for no purpose, unless we can invent one."

We are here for no purpose, unless we can invent one.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "You just decide what your values are in life and what you are going to do, and then you feel like you count, and that makes life worth living. It makes my life meaningful."

You just decide what your values are in life and what you are going to do, and then you feel like you count, and that makes life worth living. It makes my life meaningful.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Life belongs to man, but the meaning of life is beyond him."

Life belongs to man, but the meaning of life is beyond him.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "In the Buddhist approach, life and death are seen as one whole, where death is the beginning of another chapter of life. Death is the mirror in which the entire meaning of life is reflected."

In the Buddhist approach, life and death are seen as one whole, where death is the beginning of another chapter of life. Death is the mirror in which the entire meaning of life is reflected.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "The appreciation of the merits of art (of the emotions it conveys) depends upon an understanding of the meaning of life..."

The appreciation of the merits of art (of the emotions it conveys) depends upon an understanding of the meaning of life...

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Religion reveals the meaning of life, and science only applies this meaning to the course of circumstances."

Religion reveals the meaning of life, and science only applies this meaning to the course of circumstances.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "The mind can ask all the questions on the meaning of life. But it cannot answer one of them, for the answers are beyond the mind."

The mind can ask all the questions on the meaning of life. But it cannot answer one of them, for the answers are beyond the mind.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Mother Teresa was asked what was the meaning of life, and she said to help other people, and I thought, 'What a strange thing to say' - but maybe it's the right thing to say."

Mother Teresa was asked what was the meaning of life, and she said to help other people, and I thought, 'What a strange thing to say' - but maybe it's the right thing to say.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "maybe the meaning of life lies in looking for it"

maybe the meaning of life lies in looking for it

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "There's been rumors of war and wars that have been The meaning of life has been lost in the wind And some people thinkin' that the end is close by 'Stead of learnin' to live they are learnin' to die"

There's been rumors of war and wars that have been The meaning of life has been lost in the wind And some people thinkin' that the end is close by 'Stead of learnin' to live they are learnin' to die

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "So when I think of, what is the meaning of life, to me, that's not an eternal unanswerable question. To me it is in arms reach of me every day."

So when I think of, what is the meaning of life, to me, that's not an eternal unanswerable question. To me it is in arms reach of me every day.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "What is the meaning of life?Whatever you want it to be."

What is the meaning of life?Whatever you want it to be.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "The meaning of life cannot be told; it has to happen to a person ... To speak as though it were an objective knowledge, like the date of the war of 1812, misses the point altogether."

The meaning of life cannot be told; it has to happen to a person ... To speak as though it were an objective knowledge, like the date of the war of 1812, misses the point altogether.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "He has no need for faith who knows the uncreated, who has cut off rebirth, who has destroyed any opportunity for good or evil, and cast away all desire. He is indeed the ultimate man."

He has no need for faith who knows the uncreated, who has cut off rebirth, who has destroyed any opportunity for good or evil, and cast away all desire. He is indeed the ultimate man.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "I do not live when I loose belief in the existence of God. I should long ago have killed myself had I not had a dim hope of finding Him. I live really live only when I feel him and seek Him"

I do not live when I loose belief in the existence of God. I should long ago have killed myself had I not had a dim hope of finding Him. I live really live only when I feel him and seek Him

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Energy is what I believe all of us are. We're just conscious awareness dancing for itself for no other reason but to stay amused."

Energy is what I believe all of us are. We're just conscious awareness dancing for itself for no other reason but to stay amused.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Or help one fainting RobinUnto his Nest againI shall not live in vain."

Or help one fainting RobinUnto his Nest againI shall not live in vain.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "That one must either explain life to oneself so that it does not seem to be an evil mockery by some sort of devil, or one must shoot oneself."

That one must either explain life to oneself so that it does not seem to be an evil mockery by some sort of devil, or one must shoot oneself.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Life is less about finding and more about seeking."

Life is less about finding and more about seeking.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "You think, because you have a purpose, Nature must have one. You might as well expect it to have fingers and toes because you do."

You think, because you have a purpose, Nature must have one. You might as well expect it to have fingers and toes because you do.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "The chances of finding out what’s really going on in the universe are so remote, the only thing to do is hang the sense of it and keep yourself occupied."

The chances of finding out what’s really going on in the universe are so remote, the only thing to do is hang the sense of it and keep yourself occupied.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "the meaning of life is to help each other get through. The purpose of life is to live, with all 5 senses, and enjoy the gift"

the meaning of life is to help each other get through. The purpose of life is to live, with all 5 senses, and enjoy the gift

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Don't let them beat down your spirit and the spirit of your ideas go with reality and what seems natural to you ...transpire within this Universe and together we shall have a goal."

Don't let them beat down your spirit and the spirit of your ideas go with reality and what seems natural to you ...transpire within this Universe and together we shall have a goal.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Do you know a cure for me?""Why yes, " he said, "I know a cure for everything. Salt water.""Salt water?" I asked him."Yes, " he said, "in one way or the other. Sweat, or tears, or the salt sea."

Do you know a cure for me?""Why yes, " he said, "I know a cure for everything. Salt water.""Salt water?" I asked him."Yes, " he said, "in one way or the other. Sweat, or tears, or the salt sea.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Conversations flowed like the waters of a water-fall! And every time they met their conversations sparked flames like the forest caught in a wild fire!"

Conversations flowed like the waters of a water-fall! And every time they met their conversations sparked flames like the forest caught in a wild fire!

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? But to act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."

He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? But to act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Our once simple, unified meaning of life is being shattered into many, sometimes competing, concepts."

Our once simple, unified meaning of life is being shattered into many, sometimes competing, concepts.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "What is the meaning of life?Life has the meaning that you give it."

What is the meaning of life?Life has the meaning that you give it.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "How do we become who we are in the world? We ask the world to teach us. But we have to ask with an open heart, with no idea of what the answer will be."

How do we become who we are in the world? We ask the world to teach us. But we have to ask with an open heart, with no idea of what the answer will be.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Life is not a hope, but it is all of this !!"

Life is not a hope, but it is all of this !!

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "What we got is NOW, Huck, and now is forever. Until it ain't. So, you can't worry over nothing except putting off the end a your story as long as you can, and finishing it with a bang."

What we got is NOW, Huck, and now is forever. Until it ain't. So, you can't worry over nothing except putting off the end a your story as long as you can, and finishing it with a bang.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Embrace your struggles. They are making you the person you were meant to be."

Embrace your struggles. They are making you the person you were meant to be.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Life no longer felt meaningless. It felt stressful and terrifying, but it definitely didn't feel meaningless."

Life no longer felt meaningless. It felt stressful and terrifying, but it definitely didn't feel meaningless.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "The history of modern philosophy is the history of losing and regaining the awareness of the fact that there is no third way between the Absolute and the absurd."

The history of modern philosophy is the history of losing and regaining the awareness of the fact that there is no third way between the Absolute and the absurd.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "You see, Adrian, we do many things. We assign meaning to some, and think of others as lacking it. But who's to tell when we're right - and when we're wrong?"

You see, Adrian, we do many things. We assign meaning to some, and think of others as lacking it. But who's to tell when we're right - and when we're wrong?

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Happiness does not exist, nor should it, and if there is any meaning or purpose in life, they are not in our peddling little happiness, but in something reasonable and grand. Do good!"

Happiness does not exist, nor should it, and if there is any meaning or purpose in life, they are not in our peddling little happiness, but in something reasonable and grand. Do good!

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Masturbating the meaning of life since 1987. #lovewithmeneverdies"

Masturbating the meaning of life since 1987. #lovewithmeneverdies

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "Finally, I am coming to the conclusion that my highest ambition is to be what I already am."

Finally, I am coming to the conclusion that my highest ambition is to be what I already am.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "I have coveted everything and taken pleasure in nothing."

I have coveted everything and taken pleasure in nothing.

The Meaning Of Life Quotes: "The only meaning our lives have is the meaning we give them."

The only meaning our lives have is the meaning we give them.